


from yolov4.utils.google_utils import *
from yolov4.utils.layers import *
from yolov4.utils.parse_config import *


def create_modules(module_defs, img_size, cfg):
    # Constructs module list of layer blocks from module configuration in module_defs

    img_size = [img_size] * 2 if isinstance(img_size, int) else img_size  # expand if necessary
    _ = module_defs.pop(0)  # cfg training hyperparams (unused)
    output_filters = [3]  # input channels
    module_list = nn.ModuleList()
    routs = []  # list of layers which rout to deeper layers
    yolo_index = -1

    for i, mdef in enumerate(module_defs):
        modules = nn.Sequential()

        if mdef['type'] == 'convolutional':
            bn = mdef['batch_normalize']
            filters = mdef['filters']
            k = mdef['size']  # kernel size
            stride = mdef['stride'] if 'stride' in mdef else (mdef['stride_y'], mdef['stride_x'])
            if isinstance(k, int):  # single-size conv
                modules.add_module('Conv2d', nn.Conv2d(in_channels=output_filters[-1],
                                                       padding=k // 2 if mdef['pad'] else 0,
                                                       groups=mdef['groups'] if 'groups' in mdef else 1,
                                                       bias=not bn))
            else:  # multiple-size conv
                modules.add_module('MixConv2d', MixConv2d(in_ch=output_filters[-1],
                                                          bias=not bn))

            if bn:
                modules.add_module('BatchNorm2d', nn.BatchNorm2d(filters, momentum=0.03, eps=1E-4))
                routs.append(i)  # detection output (goes into yolo layer)

            if mdef['activation'] == 'leaky':  # activation study https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/issues/441
                modules.add_module('activation', nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True))
            elif mdef['activation'] == 'swish':
                modules.add_module('activation', Swish())
            elif mdef['activation'] == 'mish':
                modules.add_module('activation', Mish())

        elif mdef['type'] == 'BatchNorm2d':
            filters = output_filters[-1]
            modules = nn.BatchNorm2d(filters, momentum=0.03, eps=1E-4)
            if i == 0 and filters == 3:  # normalize RGB image
                # imagenet mean and var https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/models.html#classification
                modules.running_mean = torch.tensor([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
                modules.running_var = torch.tensor([0.0524, 0.0502, 0.0506])

        elif mdef['type'] == 'maxpool':
            k = mdef['size']  # kernel size
            stride = mdef['stride']
            maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=k, stride=stride, padding=(k - 1) // 2)
            if k == 2 and stride == 1:  # yolov3-tiny
                modules.add_module('ZeroPad2d', nn.ZeroPad2d((0, 1, 0, 1)))
                modules.add_module('MaxPool2d', maxpool)
                modules = maxpool

        elif mdef['type'] == 'upsample':
            if ONNX_EXPORT:  # explicitly state size, avoid scale_factor
                g = (yolo_index + 1) * 2 / 32  # gain
                modules = nn.Upsample(size=tuple(int(x * g) for x in img_size))  # img_size = (320, 192)
                modules = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=mdef['stride'])

        elif mdef['type'] == 'route':  # nn.Sequential() placeholder for 'route' layer
            layers = mdef['layers']
            filters = sum([output_filters[l + 1 if l > 0 else l] for l in layers])
            routs.extend([i + l if l < 0 else l for l in layers])
            modules = FeatureConcat(layers=layers)

        elif mdef['type'] == 'route_lhalf':  # nn.Sequential() placeholder for 'route' layer
            layers = mdef['layers']
            filters = sum([output_filters[l + 1 if l > 0 else l] for l in layers])//2
            routs.extend([i + l if l < 0 else l for l in layers])
            modules = FeatureConcat_l(layers=layers)

        elif mdef['type'] == 'shortcut':  # nn.Sequential() placeholder for 'shortcut' layer
            layers = mdef['from']
            filters = output_filters[-1]
            routs.extend([i + l if l < 0 else l for l in layers])
            modules = WeightedFeatureFusion(layers=layers, weight='weights_type' in mdef)

        elif mdef['type'] == 'reorg3d':  # yolov3-spp-pan-scale

        elif mdef['type'] == 'yolo':
            yolo_index += 1
            stride = [8, 16, 32]  # P5, P4, P3 strides
            if any(x in cfg for x in ['yolov4-tiny']):  # stride order reversed
                stride = [32, 16, 8]
            layers = mdef['from'] if 'from' in mdef else []
            modules = YOLOLayer(anchors=mdef['anchors'][mdef['mask']],  # anchor list
                                nc=mdef['classes'],  # number of classes
                                img_size=img_size,  # (416, 416)
                                yolo_index=yolo_index,  # 0, 1, 2...
                                layers=layers,  # output layers

            # Initialize preceding Conv2d() bias (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf section 3.3)
                j = layers[yolo_index] if 'from' in mdef else -1
                bias_ = module_list[j][0].bias  # shape(255,)
                bias = bias_[:modules.no * modules.na].view(modules.na, -1)  # shape(3,85)
                bias[:, 4] += -4.5  # obj
                bias[:, 5:] += math.log(0.6 / (modules.nc - 0.99))  # cls (sigmoid(p) = 1/nc)
                module_list[j][0].bias = torch.nn.Parameter(bias_, requires_grad=bias_.requires_grad)
                print('WARNING: smart bias initialization failure.')

            print('Warning: Unrecognized Layer Type: ' + mdef['type'])

        # Register module list and number of output filters

    routs_binary = [False] * (i + 1)
    for i in routs:
        routs_binary[i] = True
    return module_list, routs_binary

class YOLOLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, anchors, nc, img_size, yolo_index, layers, stride):
        super(YOLOLayer, self).__init__()
        self.anchors = torch.Tensor(anchors)
        self.index = yolo_index  # index of this layer in layers
        self.layers = layers  # model output layer indices
        self.stride = stride  # layer stride
        self.nl = len(layers)  # number of output layers (3)
        self.na = len(anchors)  # number of anchors (3)
        self.nc = nc  # number of classes (80)
        self.no = nc + 5  # number of outputs (85)
        self.nx, self.ny, self.ng = 0, 0, 0  # initialize number of x, y gridpoints
        self.anchor_vec = self.anchors / self.stride
        self.anchor_wh = self.anchor_vec.view(1, self.na, 1, 1, 2)

        if ONNX_EXPORT:
            self.training = False
            self.create_grids((img_size[1] // stride, img_size[0] // stride))  # number x, y grid points

    def create_grids(self, ng=(13, 13), device='cpu'):
        self.nx, self.ny = ng  # x and y grid size
        self.ng = torch.tensor(ng, dtype=torch.float)

        # build xy offsets
        if not self.training:
            yv, xv = torch.meshgrid([torch.arange(self.ny, device=device), torch.arange(self.nx, device=device)])
            self.grid = torch.stack((xv, yv), 2).view((1, 1, self.ny, self.nx, 2)).float()

        if self.anchor_vec.device != device:
            self.anchor_vec = self.anchor_vec.to(device)
            self.anchor_wh = self.anchor_wh.to(device)

    def forward(self, p, out):
        ASFF = False  # https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.09516
        if ASFF:
            i, n = self.index, self.nl  # index in layers, number of layers
            p = out[self.layers[i]]
            bs, _, ny, nx = p.shape  # bs, 255, 13, 13
            if (self.nx, self.ny) != (nx, ny):
                self.create_grids((nx, ny), p.device)

            # outputs and weights
            # w = F.softmax(p[:, -n:], 1)  # normalized weights
            w = torch.sigmoid(p[:, -n:]) * (2 / n)  # sigmoid weights (faster)
            # w = w / w.sum(1).unsqueeze(1)  # normalize across layer dimension

            # weighted ASFF sum
            p = out[self.layers[i]][:, :-n] * w[:, i:i + 1]
            for j in range(n):
                if j != i:
                    p += w[:, j:j + 1] * \
                         F.interpolate(out[self.layers[j]][:, :-n], size=[ny, nx], mode='bilinear', align_corners=False)

        elif ONNX_EXPORT:
            bs = 1  # batch size
            bs, _, ny, nx = p.shape  # bs, 255, 13, 13
            if (self.nx, self.ny) != (nx, ny):
                self.create_grids((nx, ny), p.device)

        # p.view(bs, 255, 13, 13) -- > (bs, 3, 13, 13, 85)  # (bs, anchors, grid, grid, classes + xywh)
        p = p.view(bs, self.na, self.no, self.ny, self.nx).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2).contiguous()  # prediction

        if self.training:
            return p

        elif ONNX_EXPORT:
            # Avoid broadcasting for ANE operations
            m = self.na * self.nx * self.ny
            ng = 1. / self.ng.repeat(m, 1)
            grid = self.grid.repeat(1, self.na, 1, 1, 1).view(m, 2)
            anchor_wh = self.anchor_wh.repeat(1, 1, self.nx, self.ny, 1).view(m, 2) * ng

            p = p.view(m, self.no)
            xy = torch.sigmoid(p[:, 0:2]) + grid  # x, y
            wh = torch.exp(p[:, 2:4]) * anchor_wh  # width, height
            p_cls = torch.sigmoid(p[:, 4:5]) if self.nc == 1 else \
                torch.sigmoid(p[:, 5:self.no]) * torch.sigmoid(p[:, 4:5])  # conf
            return p_cls, xy * ng, wh

        else:  # inference
            io = p.clone()  # inference output
            io[..., :2] = torch.sigmoid(io[..., :2]) + self.grid  # xy
            io[..., 2:4] = torch.exp(io[..., 2:4]) * self.anchor_wh  # wh yolo method
            io[..., :4] *= self.stride
            torch.sigmoid_(io[..., 4:])
            return io.view(bs, -1, self.no), p  # view [1, 3, 13, 13, 85] as [1, 507, 85]

class Darknet(nn.Module):
    # YOLOv3 object detection model

    def __init__(self, cfg, img_size=(416, 416), verbose=False):
        super(Darknet, self).__init__()

        self.module_defs = parse_model_cfg(cfg)
        self.module_list, self.routs = create_modules(self.module_defs, img_size, cfg)
        self.yolo_layers = get_yolo_layers(self)
        # torch_utils.initialize_weights(self)

        # Darknet Header https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/issues/2914#issuecomment-496675346
        self.version = np.array([0, 2, 5], dtype=np.int32)  # (int32) version info: major, minor, revision
        self.seen = np.array([0], dtype=np.int64)  # (int64) number of images seen during training
        self.info(verbose) if not ONNX_EXPORT else None  # print model description

    def forward(self, x, augment=False, verbose=False):

        if not augment:
            return self.forward_once(x)
        else:  # Augment images (inference and test only) https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/issues/931
            img_size = x.shape[-2:]  # height, width
            s = [0.83, 0.67]  # scales
            y = []
            for i, xi in enumerate((x,
                                    torch_utils.scale_img(x.flip(3), s[0], same_shape=False),  # flip-lr and scale
                                    torch_utils.scale_img(x, s[1], same_shape=False),  # scale
                # cv2.imwrite('img%g.jpg' % i, 255 * xi[0].numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))[:, :, ::-1])

            y[1][..., :4] /= s[0]  # scale
            y[1][..., 0] = img_size[1] - y[1][..., 0]  # flip lr
            y[2][..., :4] /= s[1]  # scale

            # for i, yi in enumerate(y):  # coco small, medium, large = < 32**2 < 96**2 <
            #     area = yi[..., 2:4].prod(2)[:, :, None]
            #     if i == 1:
            #         yi *= (area < 96. ** 2).float()
            #     elif i == 2:
            #         yi *= (area > 32. ** 2).float()
            #     y[i] = yi

            y = torch.cat(y, 1)
            return y, None

    def forward_once(self, x, augment=False, verbose=False):
        img_size = x.shape[-2:]  # height, width
        yolo_out, out = [], []
        if verbose:
            print('0', x.shape)
            str = ''

        # Augment images (inference and test only)
        if augment:  # https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov3/issues/931
            nb = x.shape[0]  # batch size
            s = [0.83, 0.67]  # scales
            x = torch.cat((x,
                           torch_utils.scale_img(x.flip(3), s[0]),  # flip-lr and scale
                           torch_utils.scale_img(x, s[1]),  # scale
                           ), 0)

        for i, module in enumerate(self.module_list):
            name = module.__class__.__name__
            if name in ['WeightedFeatureFusion', 'FeatureConcat', 'FeatureConcat_l']:  # sum, concat
                if verbose:
                    l = [i - 1] + module.layers  # layers
                    sh = [list(x.shape)] + [list(out[i].shape) for i in module.layers]  # shapes
                    str = ' >> ' + ' + '.join(['layer %g %s' % x for x in zip(l, sh)])
                x = module(x, out)  # WeightedFeatureFusion(), FeatureConcat()
            elif name == 'YOLOLayer':
                yolo_out.append(module(x, out))
            else:  # run module directly, i.e. mtype = 'convolutional', 'upsample', 'maxpool', 'batchnorm2d' etc.
                x = module(x)

            out.append(x if self.routs[i] else [])
            if verbose:
                print('%g/%g %s -' % (i, len(self.module_list), name), list(x.shape), str)
                str = ''

        if self.training:  # train
            return yolo_out
        elif ONNX_EXPORT:  # export
            x = [torch.cat(x, 0) for x in zip(*yolo_out)]
            return x[0], torch.cat(x[1:3], 1)  # scores, boxes: 3780x80, 3780x4
        else:  # inference or test
            x, p = zip(*yolo_out)  # inference output, training output
            x = torch.cat(x, 1)  # cat yolo outputs
            if augment:  # de-augment results
                x = torch.split(x, nb, dim=0)
                x[1][..., :4] /= s[0]  # scale
                x[1][..., 0] = img_size[1] - x[1][..., 0]  # flip lr
                x[2][..., :4] /= s[1]  # scale
                x = torch.cat(x, 1)
            return x, p

    def fuse(self):
        # Fuse Conv2d + BatchNorm2d layers throughout model
        print('Fusing layers...')
        fused_list = nn.ModuleList()
        for a in list(self.children())[0]:
            if isinstance(a, nn.Sequential):
                for i, b in enumerate(a):
                    if isinstance(b, nn.modules.batchnorm.BatchNorm2d):
                        # fuse this bn layer with the previous conv2d layer
                        conv = a[i - 1]
                        fused = torch_utils.fuse_conv_and_bn(conv, b)
                        a = nn.Sequential(fused, *list(a.children())[i + 1:])
        self.module_list = fused_list
        self.info() if not ONNX_EXPORT else None  # yolov3-spp reduced from 225 to 152 layers

    def info(self, verbose=False):
        torch_utils.model_info(self, verbose)

def get_yolo_layers(model):
    return [i for i, m in enumerate(model.module_list) if m.__class__.__name__ == 'YOLOLayer']  # [89, 101, 113]

def load_darknet_weights(self, weights, cutoff=-1):
    # Parses and loads the weights stored in 'weights'

    # Establish cutoffs (load layers between 0 and cutoff. if cutoff = -1 all are loaded)
    file = Path(weights).name
    if file == 'darknet53.conv.74':
        cutoff = 75
    elif file == 'yolov3-tiny.conv.15':
        cutoff = 15

    # Read weights file
    with open(weights, 'rb') as f:
        # Read Header https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/issues/2914#issuecomment-496675346
        self.version = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=3)  # (int32) version info: major, minor, revision
        self.seen = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int64, count=1)  # (int64) number of images seen during training

        weights = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32)  # the rest are weights

    ptr = 0
    for i, (mdef, module) in enumerate(zip(self.module_defs[:cutoff], self.module_list[:cutoff])):
        if mdef['type'] == 'convolutional':
            conv = module[0]
            if mdef['batch_normalize']:
                # Load BN bias, weights, running mean and running variance
                bn = module[1]
                nb = bn.bias.numel()  # number of biases
                # Bias
                bn.bias.data.copy_(torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nb]).view_as(bn.bias))
                ptr += nb
                # Weight
                bn.weight.data.copy_(torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nb]).view_as(bn.weight))
                ptr += nb
                # Running Mean
                bn.running_mean.data.copy_(torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nb]).view_as(bn.running_mean))
                ptr += nb
                # Running Var
                bn.running_var.data.copy_(torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nb]).view_as(bn.running_var))
                ptr += nb
                # Load conv. bias
                nb = conv.bias.numel()
                conv_b = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nb]).view_as(conv.bias)
                ptr += nb
            # Load conv. weights
            nw = conv.weight.numel()  # number of weights
            conv.weight.data.copy_(torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr:ptr + nw]).view_as(conv.weight))
            ptr += nw

def save_weights(self, path='model.weights', cutoff=-1):
    # Converts a PyTorch model to Darket format (*.pt to *.weights)
    # Note: Does not work if model.fuse() is applied
    with open(path, 'wb') as f:
        # Write Header https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet/issues/2914#issuecomment-496675346
        self.version.tofile(f)  # (int32) version info: major, minor, revision
        self.seen.tofile(f)  # (int64) number of images seen during training

        # Iterate through layers
        for i, (mdef, module) in enumerate(zip(self.module_defs[:cutoff], self.module_list[:cutoff])):
            if mdef['type'] == 'convolutional':
                conv_layer = module[0]
                # If batch norm, load bn first
                if mdef['batch_normalize']:
                    bn_layer = module[1]
                # Load conv bias
                # Load conv weights

def convert(cfg='cfg/yolov4-pacsp.cfg', weights='weights/yolov4-pacsp.weights'):
    # Converts between PyTorch and Darknet format per extension (i.e. *.weights convert to *.pt and vice versa)
    # from models import *; convert('cfg/yolov3-spp.cfg', 'weights/yolov3-spp.weights')

    # Initialize model
    model = Darknet(cfg)

    # Load weights and save
    if weights.endswith('.pt'):  # if PyTorch format
        model.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights, map_location='cpu')['model'])
        save_weights(model, path='converted.weights', cutoff=-1)
        print("Success: converted '%s' to 'converted.weights'" % weights)

    elif weights.endswith('.weights'):  # darknet format
        _ = load_darknet_weights(model, weights)

        chkpt = {'epoch': -1,
                 'best_fitness': None,
                 'training_results': None,
                 'model': model.state_dict(),
                 'optimizer': None}

        torch.save(chkpt, 'converted.pt')
        print("Success: converted '%s' to 'converted.pt'" % weights)

        print('Error: extension not supported.')

def attempt_download(weights):
    # Attempt to download pretrained weights if not found locally
    weights = weights.strip()
    msg = weights + ' missing, try downloading from https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LezFG5g3BCW6iYaV89B2i64cqEUZD7e0'

    if len(weights) > 0 and not os.path.isfile(weights):
        d = {'': ''}

        file = Path(weights).name
        if file in d:
            r = gdrive_download(id=d[file], name=weights)
        else:  # download from pjreddie.com
            url = 'https://pjreddie.com/media/files/' + file
            print('Downloading ' + url)
            r = os.system('curl -f ' + url + ' -o ' + weights)

        # Error check
        if not (r == 0 and os.path.exists(weights) and os.path.getsize(weights) > 1E6):  # weights exist and > 1MB
            os.system('rm ' + weights)  # remove partial downloads
            raise Exception(msg)


from yolov4.models import Darknet    # YOLOv4网络结构的实现
from yolov4.utils.datasets import *  # 引入所有数据集处理函数
from yolov4.utils.utils import *     # 引入yolo的计算函数:比如iou计算

import torch     # pytorch的包
import os        # 数据文件的管理:.pt, .cfg, .names
import numpy

class FaceDetector:

    def __init__(self):
        super(FaceDetector ,self).__init__()
        # 条件1:文件准备
        current_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.cfg_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data/yolov4-tiny.cfg")
        self.mod_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data/faces.pt")
        self.names_file = os.path.join(current_dir, "data/faces.names")

        self.img_size = 640   # 设置预测的图像大小
        # 条件2:网络结构
        self.net = Darknet(cfg=self.cfg_file, img_size=self.img_size)
        # 条件3:加载模型
        state_dict = torch.load(self.mod_file)["model"]
        # 条件4:GPU操作
        self.CUDA = torch.cuda.is_available()
        if self.CUDA:
            self.net = self.net.cuda()
        # 条件5:加载names文件
        self.names = load_classes(self.names_file)
        # print(self.names)
        # 条件6
        self.net.eval()   # train(开启)/eval(关闭): BatchNorm / Dropout

    def detect(self, img):
        self.src_shape = img.shape 
        # 1. 图像格式你预处理
        img = self.pre_image(img)
        # 2. 完成侦测
        return self.yolov4_det(img)
    def pre_image(self, img):
        # 图像的预处理
        # 1. 按照self.img_size缩小图像
        # print(img.shape)
        img = letterbox(img, new_shape=self.img_size)[0]
        # print(img.shape)
        # 2. 颜色通道进行转换[HWC]->[CHW],并且BGR->RGB
        # img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) : BGR->RGB
        # img = img[:,:, ::-1]  # BGR -> RGB
        # img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
        img = img[:,:, ::-1].transpose(2, 0, 1)
        # print(img.shape)
        # 3. 数组转换为连续空间(可选)
        img = numpy.ascontiguousarray(img)
        # 4. 转换为Tensor
        img = torch.from_numpy(img)
        # 5. 转换为FloatTensor
        img = img.float()
        # 6. 图像归一化
        img /= 255.0
        # 7. 确认图像是[NCHW]的四维图像
        if img.ndimension() == 3:
            img = img.unsqueeze(0)   # 扩展一个维度
            # print(img.shape)
        return img

    def yolov4_det(self, img):
        # 侦测过程
        # 1. GPU
        if self.CUDA:
            img = img.cuda()
        # 2. 预测
        pred = self.net(img)[0]   # 返回的元组第一个是预测结果,第二个是cfg的其他参数
            pred[0] : 预测的所有目标
            pred[1] : 存放模型的数据
        # print(type(pred), len(pred))
        # print(pred.shape)
        # torch.Size([1,            4800,               9])
        #            图像的编号      侦测的目标个数     5(id, cx, cy, w, h) + 4(p1, p2, p3, p4)
        # 3. 去重(非最大化抑制)
        pred = non_max_suppression(pred, 0.3, 0.2, merge=False, classes=None, agnostic=False)
        # print(pred)
          返回:x1, y1, x2, y2, p, id
        # 4. 放大还原   
        for det in pred:   # 循环所有图像中的目标
            if det is not None and len(det):  # 一张图像中的所有目标
                det[:, 0:4] = scale_coords(
                    img.shape[2:],             # 缩小后的图像大小
                    det[:, 0:4],              # 预测的目标的坐标
                    self.src_shape             # 原始图像大小
                ).round()  # 四舍五入
        return pred[0].cpu().detach().numpy()

    def get_name(self, cls_id):
        return self.names[cls_id]

    def detect_mark(self, img):

        pred = self.detect(img)
        # 标注
        for x1, y1, x2, y2, p, cls_id in pred:
            # 类型转换
            x1 = int(x1)
            y1 = int(y1)
            x2 = int(x2)
            y2 = int(y2)
            cls_id = int(cls_id)
            name = self.get_name(cls_id)
            cv2.rectangle(img, pt1=(x1, y1), pt2=(x2, y2), color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=4)
                org=(x1, y1 - 50 ), 
                color=(0, 0, 255),
        return img


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基于YOLO人脸识别模型是一种基于深度学习的目标检测算法,它可以实现实时的人脸检测和识别。YOLO(You Only Look Once)是一种单阶段的目标检测算法,相比于传统的两阶段方法,它具有更快的检测速度和更高的准确率。 训练一个基于YOLO人脸识别模型需要以下步骤: 1. 数据收集:首先需要收集包含人脸的图像数据集。这些图像可以来自于公开的数据集,也可以通过自己采集。确保数据集中包含各种不同角度、光照条件和表情的人脸图像。 2. 标注数据:对收集到的图像进行标注,即给每个图像中的人脸框出一个矩形框,并标注其类别为人脸。可以使用标注工具如LabelImg来完成这个过程。 3. 数据预处理:对标注好的数据进行预处理,包括图像尺寸调整、数据增强等操作。数据增强可以通过随机裁剪、旋转、翻转等方式增加数据样本的多样性。 4. 构建模型:选择合适的YOLO模型架构,如YOLOv3或YOLOv4,并根据数据集的特点进行调整。可以使用深度学习框架如TensorFlow或PyTorch来构建模型。 5. 模型训练:使用标注好的数据集对模型进行训练。训练过程中需要定义损失函数,常用的是YOLO的损失函数YOLO Loss。通过反向传播算法不断优化模型参数,直到模型收敛。 6. 模型评估:使用测试集对训练好的模型进行评估,计算模型在人脸检测和识别任务上的准确率、召回率等指标。 7. 模型应用:将训练好的模型应用于实际场景中,进行人脸检测和识别任务。


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