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原创 HDU 4445(计算几何+暴力)

问题描述:Crazy Tank was a famous game about ten years ago. Every child liked it. Time flies, children grow up, but the memory of happy childhood will never go. Now you’re controlling the tank Laotu on

2017-09-30 09:21:56 357

原创 HDU 1875(图论基础prim算法)


2017-09-29 09:22:49 369

原创 HDU 1863 (图论基础prim算法)

问题描述:省政府“畅通工程”的目标是使全省任何两个村庄间都可以实现公路交通(但不一定有直接的公路相连,只要能间接通过公路可达即可)。经过调查评估,得到的统计表中列出了有可能建设公路的若干条道路的成本。现请你编写程序,计算出全省畅通需要的最低成本Input测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出评估的道路条数 N、村庄数目M ( 行对应村庄间道路的成本,每行给出一对

2017-09-28 22:11:17 206

原创 HDU 1062(优先队列+BFS)

问题描述:The Princess has been abducted by the BEelzebub feng5166, our hero Ignatius has to rescue our pretty Princess. Now he gets into feng5166's castle. The castle is a large labyrinth. To make the pro...

2017-09-28 20:48:08 272

原创 HDU 1728(BFS)

问题描述:给定一个m × n (m行, n列)的迷宫,迷宫中有两个位置,gloria想从迷宫的一个位置走到另外一个位置,当然迷宫中有些地方是空地,gloria可以穿越,有些地方是障碍,她必须绕行,从迷宫的一个位置,只能走到与它相邻的4个位置中,当然在行走过程中,gloria不能走到迷宫外面去。令人头痛的是,gloria是个没什么方向感的人,因此,她在行走过程中,不能转太多弯了,否则她会晕倒的。我们...

2017-09-25 18:22:08 332

原创 HDU 1241(DFS)

问题描述:The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil deposits. GeoSurvComp works with one large rectangular region of land at a time, and creates a grid that divid...

2017-09-25 11:05:21 216

原创 POJ 3528(计算几何+三维凸包表面积)

问题描述:In year 2008 of the Cosmic Calendar, the Aliens send a huge armada towards the Earth seeking after conquest. The humans now depend on their ultimate weapon to retain their last hope of surviv

2017-09-24 23:37:56 374

原创 POJ 3348(计算几何+二维凸包+多边形面积)

问题描述:Your friend to the south is interested in building fences and turning plowshares into swords. In order to help with his overseas adventure, they are forced to save money on buying fence posts

2017-09-24 23:31:08 337

原创 POJ 2187(计算几何+旋转卡壳法或暴力)

问题描述:Bessie, Farmer John's prize cow, has just won first place in a bovine beauty contest, earning the title 'Miss Cow World'. As a result, Bessie will make a tour of N (2 <= N <= 50,000) farms arou

2017-09-24 10:43:38 251

原创 POJ 2079(计算几何+凸包+旋转卡壳法)

问题描述:Given n distinct points on a plane, your task is to find the triangle that have the maximum area, whose vertices are from the given points.InputThe input consists of several test cases.

2017-09-23 23:22:31 665

原创 bzoj 2823(计算几何+最小覆盖圆)


2017-09-22 22:53:20 291

原创 HDU 5533(计算几何+暴力)

问题描述:The sky was brushed clean by the wind and the stars were cold in a black sky. What a wonderful night. You observed that, sometimes the stars can form a regular polygon in the sky if we connect

2017-09-22 22:18:15 419

原创 HDU 4273(计算几何+凸包重心)

问题描述:I work at NASA outer space rescue team which needs much courage and patient. In daily life, I always receive a lot of mission, and I must complete it right now. Today, team leader announced m

2017-09-21 21:26:43 529

原创 poj 1125(最短路算法)

问题描述:Stockbrokers are known to overreact to rumours. You have been contracted to develop a method of spreading disinformation amongst the stockbrokers to give your employer the tactical edge in the

2017-09-20 22:59:55 463

原创 hdu 5546(DFS或BFS)

问题描述:Yu Zhou likes to play Go with Su Lu. From the historical research, we found that there are much difference on the rules between ancient go and modern go. Here is the rules for ancient go they wer...

2017-09-19 22:57:54 1084

原创 HDU 1754(线段树入门)

问题描述:很多学校流行一种比较的习惯。老师们很喜欢询问,从某某到某某当中,分数最高的是多少。 这让很多学生很反感。 不管你喜不喜欢,现在需要你做的是,就是按照老师的要求,写一个程序,模拟老师的询问。当然,老师有时候需要更新某位同学的成绩。Input本题目包含多组测试,请处理到文件结束。 在每个测试的第一行,有两个正整数 N 和 M ( 0&lt;N&lt;=200000,0&lt;M&lt;500...

2017-09-17 23:00:44 235

原创 bzoj 2618(计算几何+半平面交)

问题描述:逆时针给出 n 个凸多边形的顶点坐标,求它们交的面积。例如 n=2 时,两个凸多边形如下图:则相交部分的面积为5.233。Input第一行有一个整数n,表示凸多边形的个数,以下依次描述各个多边形。第i个多边形的第一行包含一个整数mi,表示多边形的边数,以下mi行每行两个整数,逆时针给出各个顶点的坐标。Output 输出文件仅

2017-09-16 19:15:32 300

原创 2017 ACM-ICPC(西安赛区) B-Coin

问题描述: Bob has a not even coin, every time he tosses the coin, the probability that the coin's front face up is \frac{q}{p}(\frac{q}{p} \le \frac{1}{2})pq(pq≤21).The question is, when Bob tosses 

2017-09-16 18:27:25 725

原创 2017 ACM-ICPC (西安赛区) C-Sum

问题描述: Define the function S(x)S(x) for xx is a positive integer. S(x)S(x) equals to the sum of all digit of the decimal expression of xx. Please find a positive integer kk that S(k*x)\%233=0S(k∗x)

2017-09-16 17:02:20 1026 2

原创 2017 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Shenyang Online(1005)

问题描述:We define a sequence  F⋅ F0=0,F1=1;⋅ Fn=Fn−1+Fn−2 (n≥2).Give you an integer k, if a positive number n can be expressed byn=Fa1+Fa2+...+Fak where 0≤a1≤a2≤⋯≤ak this positive numbe

2017-09-11 08:22:10 368

原创 POJ 3525(计算几何+凸多边形最大内切圆)

问题描述:The main land of Japan called Honshu is an island surrounded by the sea. In such an island, it is natural to ask a question: “Where is the most distant point from the sea?” The answer to this

2017-09-08 10:00:39 3021 1

原创 POJ 2318(计算几何 )

问题描述:Calculate the number of toys that land in each bin of a partitioned toy box. Mom and dad have a problem - their child John never puts his toys away when he is finished playing with them. They

2017-09-07 11:01:26 243

原创 POJ 1269(计算几何+直线相交)

问题描述:We all know that a pair of distinct points on a plane defines a line and that a pair of lines on a plane will intersect in one of three ways: 1) no intersection because they are parallel, 2) in

2017-09-06 10:41:52 401

原创 HDU 5130(计算几何+圆与多边形相交)

问题描述:Two countries A-Land and B-Land are at war. The territory of A-Land is a simple polygon with no more than 500 vertices. For military use, A-Land constructed a radio tower (also written as A), a

2017-09-05 20:08:38 823

原创 HDU 4720(计算几何+最小圆覆盖)

问题描述:Three wizards are doing a experiment. To avoid from bothering, a special magic is set around them. The magic forms a circle, which covers those three wizards, in other words, all of them are in

2017-09-05 16:58:24 265

原创 HDU 4386(计算几何+婆罗摩笈多公式一般形式)

问题描述: One day the little Jack is playing a game with four crabsticks. The game is simple, he want to make all the four crabsticks to be a quadrilateral, which has the biggest area in all the possibl

2017-09-05 08:28:08 1572

原创 HDU 4082(计算几何+相似三角形)

问题描述:Long long ago, in the time of Chinese emperor Yao, ten suns rose into the sky. They burned the crops and scorched the bushes and trees, leaving the people with nothing to eat. 

2017-09-04 19:58:58 417

原创 HDU 3952(计算几何)

问题描述:Fruit Ninja is a popular classic game. During the game, fruits will up to the air, and your aim is cut as more fruits as possible with a line. Even if the line tou

2017-09-04 16:18:45 348

原创 HDU 3932(计算几何+最小圆覆盖)

问题描述:Groundhogs are good at digging holes, their home is a hole, usually a group of groundhogs will find a more suitable area for their activities and build their home at this area .xiaomi has grown

2017-09-04 10:56:05 553

原创 HDU-3264 (计算几何+二分)

问题描述:The city of M is a famous shopping city and its open-air shopping malls are extremely attractive. During the tourist seasons, thousands of people crowded into these shopping malls and enjoy the

2017-09-03 15:24:49 299

原创 HDU - 3174(计算几何)

问题描述:Logo is a programming language built around a turtle. Commands in the language cause the turtle to move. The turtle has a pen attached to it. As the turtle moves, it draw lines on the page. The

2017-09-03 14:06:10 282

原创 hdu-3007(计算几何+最小覆盖圆)

问题描述:Each person had do something foolish along with his or her growth.But,when he or she did this that time,they could not predict that this thing is a mistake and they will want this thing would r

2017-09-03 10:09:24 967

原创 HDU - 2671(计算几何)

问题描述: I'm sure this problem will fit you as long as you didn't sleep in your High School Math classes. Yes,it just need a little math knowledge and I know girls are always smarter than we expeted.

2017-09-02 20:17:02 681

原创 HDU - 1174(计算几何)

问题描述:gameboy是一个CS高手,他最喜欢的就是扮演警察,手持M4爆土匪的头。也许这里有人没玩过CS,有必要介绍一下“爆头”这个术语:所谓爆头,就是子弹直接命中对方的头部,以秒杀敌人。 现在用一个三维的直角坐标系来描述游戏中的三维空间(水平面为xoy平面,z轴正方向是上方)。假设游戏中角色的头是一个标准的球。告诉你土匪的身高,头部半径,所站位置的坐标;gameboy所控警察的身高

2017-09-02 13:15:34 635

原创 CodeForces-77E(计算几何+笛卡尔定理)

问题描述:Have you ever tasted Martian food? Well, you should.Their signature dish is served on a completely black plate with the radius of R, flat as a pancake.First, they put a perfectly circular

2017-09-01 15:08:37 1935



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