USB3014 usb键盘







支持突发大小大于 1 的中断端点,允许的最大的数据包负载大小为 1024 字节;对于突发大小等于 1 的中断端点,最大的数据包负载大小可以在 1 到 1024 之间任意大小。中断端点的最大突发大小是 3。





同步传输是四大传输中唯一不可靠的传输方式,但是可以保证带宽,并且没有延迟,而且因为是不可靠的传输,所以没有握手包,也不支持 PID 翻转,主机在安排这些传输事务时,同步传输拥有最高的优先级。在现实中,这种传输用于USB摄像头、USB音响等,因为它们对实时性要求比较高,但是可以容忍错误。



设备 (Device) :就是一个实实在在的USB设备,比如USB鼠标,U盘。

配置 (Configuration):一个USB设备可以有多种配置。比如4G上网卡就有2种配置:U盘、上网卡。第1次把4G上网卡插入电脑时,它是一个U盘,可以安装里面的程序。装好程序后,把它再次插入电脑,它就是一个上网卡。驱动程序可以选择让它工作于哪种配置,同一时间只能有一种配置有效。大多数的USB设备只有一种配置。

接口 (Interface) :每个配置下可以有多个接口,这个接口不是硬件上的接口,可以把这个接口理解为功能,一个接口就代表该设备当前支持的一种功能,多用于usb复合设备。

端点 (Endpoint) :每个接口可以有多个端点。USB主机和设备就是通过端点进行数据交互的。每个端点地址对应一个方向,有IN和OUT两种。




















 ## Cypress FX3 Example Source File (cyhid_dscr.c)
 ## ===========================
 ##  Copyright Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2010-2018,
 ##  All Rights Reserved
 ##  Use of this file is governed
 ##  by the license agreement included in the file
 ##     <install>/license/license.txt
 ##  where <install> is the Cypress software
 ##  installation root directory path.
 ## ===========================

/* This file contains the USB descriptors for the HID application example */
#include "cyfx3_hid.h"

#ifdef REPORT_65

//		bit7-4	3:2		1:0
//		Tag		Type	Szie
//example 0x05,0x01, Tag=0,Type=1,size=1,data=0x01

/* HID Report Descriptor 65 = 0x41 */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBReportDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
	0x05, 0x01,             //Usage Page (Generic Desktop),			global
	0x09, 0x06,             //Usage (Keyboard),						local
	0xA1, 0x01,             //Collection (Application),				mian
	0x05, 0x07,             //Usage Page (Keyboard),				global
	0x19, 0xE0,             //Usage Minimum (224),			local item
	0x29, 0xE7,             //Usage Maximum (231),			local item
	0x15, 0x00,             //Logical Minimum (0),			global item
	0x25, 0x01,             //Logical Maximum (1),			global item
	0x75, 0x01,             //Report Size (1),				global item
	0x95, 0x08,             //Report Count (8),				gloabl
	0x81, 0x02,             //Input (Data, Variable, Absolute),		input
	0x75, 0x08,             //Report Size (8),						gloabl
	0x95, 0x01,             //Report Count (1),						global
	0x81, 0x01,             //Input (Constant),						input
	0x19, 0x00,             //Usage Minimum (0),					local
	0x29, 0x65,             //Usage Maximum (101),					local
	0x15, 0x00,             //Logical Minimum (0),					global
	0x25, 0x65,             //Logical Maximum (101),				global
	0x75, 0x08,             //Report Size (8),
	0x95, 0x06,             //Report Count (6),
	0x81, 0x00,             //Input (Data, Array),
	0x05, 0x08,             //Usage Page (LEDs),
	0x19, 0x01,             //Usage Minimum (1),
	0x29, 0x05,             //Usage Maximum (5),
	0x15, 0x00,             //Logical Minimum (0),
	0x25, 0x01,             //Logical Maximum (1),
	0x75, 0x01,             //Report Size (1),
	0x95, 0x05,             //Report Count (5),
	0x91, 0x02,             //Output (Data, Variable,Absolute),
	0x75, 0x03,             //Report Size (3),
	0x95, 0x01,             //Report Count (1),
	0x91, 0x01,             //Output (Constant),
	0xC0                    //End Collection

/* HID Report Descriptor 63 = 0x3F */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBReportDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
	0x05, 0x01,     //  Usage Page (Generic Desktop)
	0x09, 0x06,     //  Usage (Keyboard)
	0xA1, 0x01,     //  Collection (Application)
	0x05, 0x07,     //  Usage Page (Key codes)
	0x19, 0xE0,     //	Usage minimum (234)
	0x29, 0xE7,     //	Usage maximum (231)
	0x15, 0x00,     //	Logical minimum (0)
	0x25, 0x01,     //	Logical maximum (1)
	0x75, 0x01,     //	Report size (1)
	0x95, 0x08,     //	Report count (8)
	0x81, 0x02,     //	Input (data, variable, absolute)
	0x95, 0x01,     //	Report count (1)
	0x75, 0x08,     //	Report size (8)
	0x81, 0x01,     //	Input (constant)
	0x95, 0x05,     //	Report count (5)
	0x75, 0x01,     //	Report size (1)
	0x05, 0x08,     //	Usage Page (LED)
	0x19, 0x01,     //	Usage minimum (1)
	0x29, 0x05,     //	Usage maximum (5)
	0x91, 0x02,     //	Output (data, variable, absolute)
	0x95, 0x01,     //	Report count (1)
	0x75, 0x03,     //	Report size (3)
	0x91, 0x01,     //	Output (constant)
	0x95, 0x03,     //	Report count (3)
	0x75, 0x08,     //	Report size (8)
	0x15, 0x00,     //	Logical minimum (0)
	0x25, 0x65,     //	Logical maximum (101)
	0x05, 0x07,     //	Usage page (key codes)
	0x19, 0x00,     //	Usage minimum (0)
	0x29, 0x65,     //	Usage maximum (101)
	0x81, 0x00,     //	Input (data, array)
	0xC0            //  End Collection

/* Standard Device Descriptor for 2.0 */
const uint8_t CyFxUSB20DeviceDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x12,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR,        /* Device Descriptor Type */
    0x10,0x02,                      /* USB 2.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Device Class */
    0x00,                           /* Device Sub-class */
    0x00,                           /* Device protocol */
    0x40,                           /* Maxpacket size for EP0 : 64 bytes */
    0xB4,0x04,                      /* Vendor ID */
    0x25,0x60,                      /* Product ID */
    0x00,0x00,                      /* Device release number */
    0x01,                           /* Manufacture string index */
    0x02,                           /* Product string index */
    0x03,                           /* Serial number string index */
    0x01                            /* Number of configurations */

/* Standard Device Descriptor for USB 3.0 */
const uint8_t CyFxUSB30DeviceDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x12,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_DEVICE_DESCR,        /* Device Descriptor Type */
    0x10,0x03,                      /* USB 3.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Device Class */
    0x00,                           /* Device Sub-class */
    0x00,                           /* Device protocol */
    0x09,                           /* Maxpacket size for EP0 : 2^9 */
    0xB4,0x04,                      /* Vendor ID */
    0x25,0x60,                      /* Product ID */
    0x00,0x00,                      /* Device release number */
    0x01,                           /* Manufacture string index */
    0x02,                           /* Product string index */
    0x03,                           /* Serial number string index */
    0x01                            /* Number of configurations */

/* Standard Device Qualifier Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBDeviceQualDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x0A,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_DEVQUAL_DESCR,       /* Device Qualifier Descriptor Type */
    0x01,0x02,                      /* USB 2.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Device Class */
    0x00,                           /* Device Sub-class */
    0x00,                           /* Device protocol */
    0x40,                           /* Maxpacket size for EP0 : 64 bytes */
    0x01,                           /* Number of configurations */
    0x00                            /* Reserved */

/* Binary Device Object Store Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBBOSDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x05,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_FX_BOS_DSCR_TYPE,            /* Device Descriptor Type */
    0x16,0x00,                      /* Length of this descriptor and all sub descriptors */
    0x02,                           /* Number of device capability descriptors */

    /* USB 2.0 Extension */
    0x07,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_FX_DEVICE_CAPB_DSCR_TYPE,    /* Device Capability Type descriptor */
    CY_U3P_USB2_EXTN_CAPB_TYPE,     /* USB 2.0 Extension Capability Type */
    0x1E,0x64,0x00,0x00,            /* Supported device level features: LPM support, BESL supported,
                                       Baseline BESL=400 us, Deep BESL=1000 us. */

    /* SuperSpeed Device Capability */
    0x0A,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_FX_DEVICE_CAPB_DSCR_TYPE,    /* Device Capability Type descriptor */
    CY_U3P_SS_USB_CAPB_TYPE,        /* SuperSpeed Device Capability Type */
    0x00,                           /* Supported device level features  */
    0x0E,0x00,                      /* Speeds Supported by the device : SS, HS and FS */
    0x03,                           /* Functionality support */
    0x00,                           /* U1 Device Exit Latency */
    0x00,0x00                       /* U2 Device Exit Latency */

/* Standard Full Speed Configuration Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBFSConfigDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR,        /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x22,0x00,                      /* Length of this descriptor and all sub descriptors */
    0x01,                           /* Number of interfaces */
    0x01,                           /* Configuration number */
    0x00,                           /* Configuration string index */
    0xC0,                           /* Self powered device. */
    0x32,                           /* Max power consumption of device (in 2mA unit) : 100mA */

    /* Interface Descriptor */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_INTRFC_DESCR,        /* Interface Descriptor type */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_INTF,             /* Interface number */
    0x00,                           /* Alternate setting number */
    0x01,                           /* Number of end points */
    0x03,                           /* Interface class : HID Class */  			//add,must is 0x03
    0x00,                           /* Interface sub class : None */
    //0x02,                           /* Interface protocol code : Mouse */		//add,0x01 is keyboard,0x02 is mouse
    0x01,                           /* Interface protocol code : Keyboard */
    0x00,                           /* Interface descriptor string index */

    /* HID Descriptor (Keyboard) */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_DESC_TYPE,        /* Descriptor Type */						//add, must is 0x21
    0x10,0x11,                      /* HID Class Spec 11.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Target Country */
    0x01,                           /* Total HID Class Descriptors */
    0x22,                           /* Report Descriptor Type */				//add,must is 0x22
#ifdef REPORT_65
    0x41,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */
    0x3F,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */

    /* Endpoint Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x07,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_ENDPNT_DESCR,        /* Endpoint Descriptor Type */
    CY_FX_HID_EP_INTR_IN,           /* Endpoint address and description */
    CY_U3P_USB_EP_INTR,             /* Interrupt Endpoint Type */
    0x40,0x00,                      /* Max packet size = 8 bytes */
    0x0A                            /* Servicing interval for data transfers : 2 msec */

/* Standard High Speed Configuration Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBHSConfigDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR,        /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x22,0x00,                      /* Length of this descriptor and all sub descriptors */
    0x01,                           /* Number of interfaces */
    0x01,                           /* Configuration number */
    0x00,                           /* Configuration string index */
    0xC0,                           /* Self powered device. */
    0x32,                           /* Max power consumption of device (in 2mA unit) : 100mA */

    /* Interface Descriptor */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_INTRFC_DESCR,        /* Interface Descriptor type */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_INTF,             /* Interface number */
    0x00,                           /* Alternate setting number */
    0x01,                           /* Number of end points */
    0x03,                           /* Interface class : HID Class */
    0x00,                           /* Interface sub class : None */
    0x01,                           /* Interface protocol code : Keyboard */
    0x00,                           /* Interface descriptor string index */

    /* HID Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_DESC_TYPE,        /* Descriptor Type */
    0x10,0x11,                      /* HID Class Spec 11.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Target Country */
    0x01,                           /* Total HID Class Descriptors */
    0x22,                           /* Report Descriptor Type */
#ifdef REPORT_65
    0x41,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */
    0x3F,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */

    /* Endpoint Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x07,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_ENDPNT_DESCR,        /* Endpoint Descriptor Type */
    CY_FX_HID_EP_INTR_IN,           /* Endpoint address and description */
    CY_U3P_USB_EP_INTR,             /* Interrupt Endpoint Type */
    0x00,0x02,                      /* Max packet size = 8 Bytes */
    0x0A                            /* Polling interval : 2 ** (5-1) = 16 MicroFrames == 2 msec */

/* Standard Super Speed Configuration Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBSSConfigDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_CONFIG_DESCR,        /* Configuration Descriptor Type */
    0x28,0x00,                      /* Length of this descriptor and all sub descriptors */
    0x01,                           /* Number of interfaces */
    0x01,                           /* Configuration number */
    0x00,                           /* Configuration string index */
    0xC0,                           /* Self powered device. */
    0x0C,                           /* Max power consumption of device (in 8mA unit) : 96 mA */

    /* Interface Descriptor */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_INTRFC_DESCR,        /* Interface Descriptor type */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_INTF,             /* Interface number */
    0x00,                           /* Alternate setting number */
    0x01,                           /* Number of end points */
    0x03,                           /* Interface class */
    0x00,                           /* Interface sub class : None */
    0x01,                           /* Interface protocol code, Keyboard */
    0x00,                           /* Interface descriptor string index */

    /* HID Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x09,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_FX_USB_HID_DESC_TYPE,        /* Descriptor Type */
    0x10,0x11,                      /* HID Class Spec 11.1 */
    0x00,                           /* Target Country */
    0x01,                           /* Total HID Class Descriptors */
    0x22,                           /* Report Descriptor Type */
#ifdef REPORT_65
    0x41,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */
    0x3F,0x00,                      /* Total Length of Report Descriptor */

    /* Endpoint Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x07,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_U3P_USB_ENDPNT_DESCR,        /* Endpoint Descriptor Type */
    CY_FX_HID_EP_INTR_IN,           /* Endpoint address and description */
    CY_U3P_USB_EP_INTR,             /* Bulk End point Type */
    0x00,0x04,                      /* Max packet size = 8 bytes */
    0x0A,                           /* Servicing interval is 2 ** (5 - 1) = 16 Intervals = 2 ms. */

    /* Super Speed Endpoint Companion Descriptor (Mouse) */
    0x06,                           /* Descriptor size */
    CY_FX_SS_EP_COMPN_DSCR_TYPE,    /* SS Endpoint Companion Descriptor Type */
    0x00,                           /* Max no. of packets in a Burst. */
    0x00,                           /* No streaming for Interrupt Endpoints. */
    0x00,0x04                       /* Number of bytes per interval = 2. */

/* Standard Language ID String Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBStringLangIDDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x04,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_STRING_DESCR,        /* String Descriptor Type */
    0x09,0x04                       /* Language ID supported: US English */

/* Standard Manufacturer String Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBManufactureDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x10,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_STRING_DESCR,        /* String Descriptor Type */

/* Standard Product String Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBProductDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x08,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_STRING_DESCR,        /* String Descriptor Type */

/* Product Serial Number String Descriptor */
const uint8_t CyFxUSBSerialNumberDscr[] __attribute__ ((aligned (32))) =
    0x1A,                           /* Descriptor Size */
    CY_U3P_USB_STRING_DESCR,        /* String Descriptor Type */
    0x30, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00, 
    0x32, 0x00, 0x33, 0x00, 
    0x34, 0x00, 0x35, 0x00, 
    0x36, 0x00, 0x37, 0x00, 
    0x38, 0x00, 0x39, 0x00, 
    0x30, 0x00, 0x31, 0x00




//a keyValue : 4		0x04
//w keyValue : 26		0x1A
//s keyValue : 22		0x16
//d keyValue : 7		0x07

//uparrow 		keyValue : 82		0x52
//downarrow 	keyValue : 81		0x51
//leftarrow 	keyValue : 80		0x50
//rightarrow 	keyValue : 79		0x4F
/* Send Reports containing pre-defined patterns to Host through interrupt EP */
CyFxHidSendReport (
        uint8_t *chr)
    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;
    CyU3PDmaBuffer_t    outBuf;

	/* Retrieve Free Buffer */
	status = CyU3PDmaChannelGetBuffer (&glChHandleIntrCPU2U, &outBuf, CYU3P_WAIT_FOREVER);
	if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
		CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyFxHidSendReport CyU3PDmaChannelGetBuffer failed\r\n");

	//CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyFxHidSendReport outBuf.size = %d\r\n", outBuf.size);

	/* Copy Report Data into the output buffer */
	outBuf.buffer[0] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[1] = 0x00;

	if(strcmp((const char *)chr, (const char *)"up") == 0)
		outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x52;

	if(strcmp((const char *)chr, (const char *)"down") == 0)
		outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x51;

	if(strcmp((const char *)chr, (const char *)"left") == 0)
		outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x50;

	if(strcmp((const char *)chr, (const char *)"right") == 0)
		//outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x4F;
		outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x51;

	outBuf.buffer[3] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[4] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[5] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[6] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[7] = 0x00;

	outBuf.count  = 8;

	status = CyU3PDmaChannelCommitBuffer (&glChHandleIntrCPU2U, outBuf.count, 0);
	if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
		CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyFxHidSendReport CyU3PDmaChannelCommitBuffer failed\r\n");


CyFxSendEmptyFrame (
    CyU3PReturnStatus_t status = CY_U3P_SUCCESS;
    CyU3PDmaBuffer_t    outBuf;

	/* Retrieve Free Buffer */
	status = CyU3PDmaChannelGetBuffer (&glChHandleIntrCPU2U, &outBuf, CYU3P_WAIT_FOREVER);
	if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
		CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyFxSendEmptyFrame CyU3PDmaChannelGetBuffer 0 failed\r\n");

	/* Copy Report Data into the output buffer */
	outBuf.buffer[0] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[1] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[2] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[3] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[4] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[5] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[6] = 0x00;
	outBuf.buffer[7] = 0x00;

	outBuf.count  = 8;

	status = CyU3PDmaChannelCommitBuffer (&glChHandleIntrCPU2U, outBuf.count, 0);
	if (status != CY_U3P_SUCCESS)
		CyU3PDebugPrint (4, "CyFxSendEmptyFrame CyU3PDmaChannelCommitBuffer failed\r\n");

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


