, 若为角度模式则进入xPredIntraAng()
void IntraPrediction::predIntraAng( const ComponentID compId, PelBuf &piPred, const PredictionUnit &pu, const bool useFilteredPredSamples )
const ComponentID compID = MAP_CHROMA( compId );
const ChannelType channelType = toChannelType( compID );
const Int iWidth = piPred.width;
const Int iHeight = piPred.height;
const UInt uiDirMode = PU::getFinalIntraMode( pu, channelType );
CHECK( g_aucLog2[iWidth] < 2 && pu.cs->pcv->noChroma2x2, "Size not allowed" );
CHECK( g_aucLog2[iWidth] > 7, "Size not allowed" );
CHECK( iWidth != iHeight && !pu.cs->pcv->rectCUs, "Rectangular block are only allowed with QTBT" );
const Int srcStride = ( iWidth + iHeight + 1 );
const Bool enableEdgeFilters = !(CU::isRDPCMEnabled( * ) &&>transQuantBypass);
Pel *ptrSrc = getPredictorPtr( compID, useFilteredPredSamples );
//************************************************ 判断是否使用PDPC
#if HM_PDPC_AS_IN_JEM //PM: reproducing JEM behavior (however, is boundary condition for QTBT off case really useful?)
bool pdpcCondition = (pu.cs->sps->getSpsNext().isIntraPDPC() &&>pdpc && (pu.cs->pcv->rectCUs || (>lumaPos().x &&>lumaPos().y))) || (pu.cs->sps->getSpsNext().isPlanarPDPC() && (uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX));
bool pdpcCondition = ((pu.cs->sps->getSpsNext().isIntraPDPC()) &&>pdpc) || (pu.cs->sps->getSpsNext().isPlanarPDPC() && (uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX));
//************************************************ 使用PDPC
if( pdpcCondition )
int idxW = std::min( 4, (int)g_aucLog2[iWidth] - 1 );
int idxH = std::min( 4, (int)g_aucLog2[iHeight] - 1 );
if( !pu.cs->pcv->only2Nx2N )
CHECK( idxW != idxH, "Non-square partitions not supported by this config" );
if(>partSize == SIZE_NxN && idxW == 1 ) { idxW = idxH = 0; }
const int *pPdpcParWidth;
const int *pPdpcParHeight;
if( pu.cs->sps->getSpsNext().isPlanarPDPC() )
pPdpcParWidth = g_pdpcParam[idxW];
pPdpcParHeight = g_pdpcParam[idxH];
pPdpcParWidth = g_pdpc_pred_param[idxW][g_intraMode65to33AngMapping[uiDirMode]];
pPdpcParHeight = g_pdpc_pred_param[idxH][g_intraMode65to33AngMapping[uiDirMode]];
const int *pPdpcParMain = (iWidth < iHeight) ? pPdpcParHeight : pPdpcParWidth;
const int srcStride = iWidth + iHeight + 1;
const int doubleSize = iWidth + iHeight;
Pel* piRefVector = m_piTempRef + doubleSize;
Pel* piLowpRefer = m_piFiltRef + doubleSize;
for( int j = 0; j <= doubleSize; j++ ) { piRefVector[ j] = ptrSrc[j]; }
for( int i = 1; i <= doubleSize; i++ ) { piRefVector[-i] = ptrSrc[i*srcStride]; }
if( pPdpcParMain[5] != 0 )
xReferenceFilter( doubleSize, pPdpcParMain[4], pPdpcParMain[5], piRefVector, piLowpRefer );
// copy filtered ref. samples back to ref. buffer
for( int j = 0; j <= doubleSize; j++ ) { ptrSrc[j] = piLowpRefer[ j]; }
for( int i = 1; i <= doubleSize; i++ ) { ptrSrc[i*srcStride] = piLowpRefer[-i]; }
const ClpRng& clpRng(>cs->slice->clpRng(compID) );
switch( uiDirMode )
case( PLANAR_IDX ): xPredIntraPlanar( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, *pu.cs->sps ); break;
// including DCPredFiltering
case( DC_IDX ): xPredIntraDc ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType, false ); break;
default: xPredIntraAng ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType,
uiDirMode, clpRng, enableEdgeFilters, *pu.cs->sps, false ); break;
default: xPredIntraAng ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType,
uiDirMode, clpRng, *pu.cs->sps, false ); break;
//************************************************ PDPC相关步骤
if( pPdpcParMain[5] != 0 )
// copy unfiltered ref. samples back to ref. buffer for weighted prediction
for( int j = 0; j <= doubleSize; j++ ) { ptrSrc[j] = piRefVector[ j]; }
for( int i = 1; i <= doubleSize; i++ ) { ptrSrc[i*srcStride] = piRefVector[-i]; }
int scale = (g_aucLog2[iWidth] + g_aucLog2[iHeight] < 10) ? 0 : 1;
int parShift = 6; //normalization factor
int parScale = 1 << parShift;
int parOffset = 1 << (parShift - 1);
for( int y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ )
int shiftRow = y >> scale;
int coeff_Top = pPdpcParHeight[2] >> shiftRow;
int coeff_offset = pPdpcParHeight[3] >> shiftRow;
for( int x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ )
int shiftCol = x >> scale;
int coeff_Left = pPdpcParWidth[0] >> shiftCol;
int coeff_TopLeft = (pPdpcParWidth[1] >> shiftCol) + coeff_offset;
int coeff_Cur = parScale - coeff_Left - coeff_Top + coeff_TopLeft;
int sampleVal = (coeff_Left* piRefVector[-y - 1] + coeff_Top * piRefVector[x + 1] - coeff_TopLeft * piRefVector[0] + coeff_Cur * x, y ) + parOffset) >> parShift; x, y ) = ClipPel( sampleVal, clpRng );
//************************************************ 不用PDPC
switch( uiDirMode )
case( DC_IDX ): xPredIntraDc ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType ); break; // including DCPredFiltering
case( PLANAR_IDX ): xPredIntraPlanar( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, *pu.cs->sps ); break;
default: xPredIntraAng ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType, uiDirMode,
pu.cs->slice->clpRng( compID ), enableEdgeFilters, *pu.cs->sps ); break;
default: xPredIntraAng ( CPelBuf( ptrSrc, srcStride, srcStride ), piPred, channelType, uiDirMode,
pu.cs->slice->clpRng( compID ), *pu.cs->sps ); break;