


Basically, data flows from the Unity engine into the graphics card, where it’s processed per vertex. Then interpolated data flows from the vertices down to the individual pixels. In this case, we pass position and color data all the way down. The only additional thing we do is convert vertex positions from world space to screen space.
The statements above the CGPROGRAM switch off default lighting and depth buffer writing. Culling is switched off so we can see the triangles from both sides, not just the front. “Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha” is default alpha blending, allowing for transparency.

为什么不使用fixed-function shader?

fixed-function shader已经属于过时的技术了。 CGPROGRAM 在将数据转化成屏幕像素方面拥有更强大的功能。

Shader "Star"{
        Tags{ "Queue"="Transparent" "IgnoreProjector"="True" "RenderType"="Transparent"}
        Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
        Cull Off
        Lighting Off
        ZWrite Off
                #pragma vertex vert
                #pragma fragment frag

                struct data {
                    float4 vertex : POSITION;
                    fixed4 color: COLOR;

                data vert (data v) {
                    v.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
                    return v;

                fixed4 frag(data f) : COLOR {
                    return f.color;

现在我们建立一个新的材质球,命名为Star,将Shader设置为我们刚刚编写的Star,并且将这个材质球赋予My First Star。

game viewinspector





Why check both for null and the length?

When freshly created, our star component won’t have an array yet. It’s also technically possible for scripts to explicitly set our array to null later on. We need to watch out for that, to prevent errors. Only if the array does exists do we go ahead and check its length as well.

using UnityEngine;

[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer))]
public class Star : MonoBehaviour {

    public Vector3[] points;
    public int frequency = 1;

    private Mesh mesh;
    private Vector3[] vertices;
    private int[] triangles;

    void Start () {
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.name = "Star Mesh";

        if(frequency < 1){
            frequency = 1;
        if(points == null || points.Length == 0){
            points = new Vector3[]{ Vector3.up};

        int numberOfPoints = frequency * points.Length;
        vertices = new Vector3[numberOfPoints + 1];
        triangles = new int[numberOfPoints * 3];
        float angle = -360f / numberOfPoints;
        for(int iF = 0, v = 1, t = 1; iF < frequency; iF++){
            for(int iP = 0; iP < points.Length; iP += 1, v += 1, t += 3){
                vertices[v] = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, angle * (v - 1)) * points[iP];
                triangles[t] = v;
                triangles[t + 1] = v + 1;
        triangles[triangles.Length - 1] = 1;

        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;

scene viewinspector





Because Star.Point is so lightweight and its data is always needed all at once, it would make sense to use a struct type and avoid the overhead that objects add. However, Unity does not support serialization of custom struct types. So you’re stuck using classes to bundle data you want to store.
If you’re really concerned about the object overhead and possible null errors, you can always store the offset and color data in two separate arrays. However, then you would need to make sure that these arrays always stay synchronized. While that is definitely doable, the class approach is simpler. That’s why I use it in this tutorial.

using System;
using UnityEngine;

[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer))]
public class Star : MonoBehaviour {

    public class Point {
        public Color color;
        public Vector3 offset;

    public Point[] points;
    public int frequency = 1;

    private Mesh mesh;
    private Vector3[] vertices;
    private Color[] colors;
    private int[] triangles;

    void Start () {
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.name = "Star Mesh";

        if(frequency < 1){
            frequency = 1;
        if(points == null || points.Length == 0){
            points = new Point[]{ new Point()};

        int numberOfPoints = frequency * points.Length;
        vertices = new Vector3[numberOfPoints + 1];
        colors = new Color[numberOfPoints + 1];
        triangles = new int[numberOfPoints * 3];
        float angle = -360f / numberOfPoints;
        for(int iF = 0, v = 1, t = 1; iF < frequency; iF++){
            for(int iP = 0; iP < points.Length; iP += 1, v += 1, t += 3){
                vertices[v] = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, angle * (v - 1)) * points[iP].offset;
                colors[v] = points[iP].color;
                triangles[t] = v;
                triangles[t + 1] = v + 1;
        triangles[triangles.Length - 1] = 1;

        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.colors = colors;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;

game viewinspector



using System;
using UnityEngine;

[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer))]
public class Star : MonoBehaviour {

    public class Point {
        public Color color;
        public Vector3 offset;

    public Point[] points;
    public int frequency = 1;
    public Color centerColor;

    private Mesh mesh;
    private Vector3[] vertices;
    private Color[] colors;
    private int[] triangles;

    void Start () {
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh = new Mesh();
        mesh.name = "Star Mesh";

        if(frequency < 1){
            frequency = 1;
        if(points == null || points.Length == 0){
            points = new Point[]{ new Point()};

        int numberOfPoints = frequency * points.Length;
        vertices = new Vector3[numberOfPoints + 1];
        colors = new Color[numberOfPoints + 1];
        triangles = new int[numberOfPoints * 3];
        float angle = -360f / numberOfPoints;
        //colors[0] = centerColor;(原文直接赋值,无法绘制)
        colors[0] = new Color(centerColor.r, centerColor.g, centerColor.b, centerColor.a); ;
        for(int iF = 0, v = 1, t = 1; iF < frequency; iF++){
            for(int iP = 0; iP < points.Length; iP += 1, v += 1, t += 3){
                vertices[v] = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, angle * (v - 1)) * points[iP].offset;
                //colors[v] = points[iP].color;(原文直接赋值,无法绘制)
                colors[v] = new Color(points[iP].color.r, points[iP].color.g, points[iP].color.b, points[iP].color.a);
                triangles[t] = v;
                triangles[t + 1] = v + 1;
        triangles[triangles.Length - 1] = 1;

        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.colors = colors;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;

game viewscene viewinspector

漂亮的星星,麻烦的编辑器,下篇文章我们来学习下unity editor编辑器的创建,好了,本篇unity3d教程到此结束!
注意:若出现 使用colors[0] = centerColor;colors[v] = points[iP].color;无效的情况,请使用new Color()的方法构造。 转自:http://www.unity.5helpyou.com/3123.html

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### 回答1: #提问者没有完整的问题,无法给出全面的回答,请完善问题# 如果您要问的是如何使用Python和Unity进行Socket通信,那么我可以为您提供一些信息。Socket通信是指通过网络连接在不同的计算机上进行数据传输的过程。Python和Unity可以通过Socket协议实现实时的数据传输和通信。 对于Python和Unity之间的Socket通信,Python负责服务器端,Unity负责客户端。Python服务器将数据发送到Unity客户端,Unity客户端接收并解析数据。最常用的Socket协议是TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)协议,它提供了单一的连接,并将数据包使用特殊的数据结构进行编码和解码。 在开始使用Python和Unity进行Socket通信之前,需要安装Python的Socket模块和Unity的网络功能模块。然后,需要编写Python服务器和Unity客户端的代码,实现数据的发送和接收。 Python Socket模块是Python用于网络编程的核心模块。它提供了内置的套接字对象,可用于创建和操作Socket。在此基础上,可以编写一个Python服务器端程序,并绑定到IP地址和端口上。 Unity客户端使用C#,其自带的网络功能模块可以用于发送和接收数据。在Unity中,需要创建网络Socket连接,并进行连接、发送和接收操作。 总的来说,Python和Unity之间的Socket通信需要使用TCP协议,并需要编写Python服务器和Unity客户端的代码,才能实现数据的实时传输和通信。在实际工程中,还需要考虑数据格式、安全性等问题。 ### 回答2: #Python-Unity-Socket通信:Unity (C#)的实现 Python-Unity-Socket通信可以让Python代码与Unity (C#)代码实现良好的互动。通过Socket通信,Python和Unity都可以发送和接收网络数据,实现各种场景和功能。 实现Python-Unity Socket通信的步骤如下: 1. 在Python中建立Socket服务器(Server),等待Unity连接 2. 在Unity中建立Socket客户端(Client),连接到Python Socket服务器 3. Python和Unity互相发送和接收数据 在Python中,建立Socket服务器的代码如下: ``` import socket host = '' port = 8888 s = socket.socket() s.bind((host, port)) s.listen(1) conn, addr = s.accept() print("连接地址:" + str(addr)) while True: data = conn.recv(1024).decode() if not data: break print("接收数据:" + data) conn.sendall(data.encode()) conn.close() ``` 在Unity中,建立Socket客户端的代码如下: ``` using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; using System; public class SocketClient : MonoBehaviour { public string host = ""; public int port = 8888; private TcpClient client; // Use this for initialization void Start () { try { client = new TcpClient(); client.Connect(host, port); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log(e); } string message = "Hello Python"; byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); data = new byte[1024]; string responseData = string.Empty; int bytes = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); responseData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data, 0, bytes); Debug.Log("收到服务器消息:" + responseData); stream.Close(); client.Close(); } } ``` 以上代码实现了Unity向Python发送一条消息,并接收Python回传的消息。 Python和Unity之间还可以通过Socket发送和接收其他类型的数据,如音频、视频等。需要注意的是,Python和Unity发送和接收数据的格式需要保持一致,可以使用Json、Protobuf等数据格式来统一。 ### 回答3: # 应该题目描述不太准确,这按照理解给出回答 python-unity-socket-communication,是指使用Python语言和Unity游戏引擎之间进行网络Socket通信。 具体实现中,需要在Unity中编写C#代码,通过Socket连接Python服务器,实现网络通信。 在Unity中,首先需要使用Socket创建一个客户端连接到Python服务器,并通过该连接向Python服务器发送请求和接收响应。同时,需要编写代码来解析Python服务器返回的数据,以便Unity游戏引擎正确地使用它们。 在Python服务器中,需要编写Socket服务器程序,以便监听来自Unity客户端的请求,并对其出响应。在响应Unity客户端请求时,需要将Python语言中的数据格式转换为Unity游戏引擎所需的格式。 总之,Python-Unity-Socket通信是一种常用且强大的网络通信方式,可以帮助Unity游戏开发人员高效地与Python服务器进行通信,以实现更为复杂的游戏功能和应用场景。




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