Introduction and Algorithm Analysis

Introduction and Algorithm Analysis

Basic Definitions

  • Type: a collection of values
    Boolean type: collection of true or false value
    Integer type: collection of 1,2,3… value
    Data type: a type and a collection of operations that manipulate the type
    Integer data type: Integer type and + - x ÷ operations

  • Data Item: a piece of information of a record drawn from a data type

  • Atomic Data Type: contain no subparts
    e.g. Integer, Boolean

  • Structure Data Type: contain several pieces of information
    e.g. Array, String

  • Abstract Data Type: a definition for a data type solely in terms of a set of values and a set of operations on that data type. ADT operation is defined by its inputs and outputs Hide implementation details (Encapsulation)

  • Data Structure: the physical implementation of an ADT Operations associated with the ADT are implemented by subroutines (functions)
    Usually refers to an organization for data in main memory

  • File Structure: an organization for data on peripheral storage
    e.g. Disk drive

Logical vs Physical Form

  • Logical Form : Definition of the data item within an ADT
    e.g. Integers in mathematical sense: +, -

  • Physical Form : Implementation of the data item within a data structure
    e.g. 16/32 bit integers: overflow

Problem, Algorithm and Program

  • Problem: A task to be performed
  • Algorithm: a method to solve a problem

No ambiguity
A series of concrete steps
A finite number of steps

  • Program: an instance for an algorithm in some programming languages

Algorithm Evaluation

  • Running Time T(n) : Some function T on input size n

Examples :


T ( n ) = c T(n)=c T(n)=c
c : the running time to assign a value to a variable

for i=1 to n 
	for j=1 to n 

T ( n ) = c + c n 2 T(n)=c+cn^2 T(n)=c+cn2
The c not related to n is not so important


T ( n ) = c T(n)=c T(n)=c

for a=1 ro n/2

T ( n ) = c n / 2 T(n)=cn/2 T(n)=cn/2

for b=1 to n*n

T ( n ) = c n 2 T(n)=cn^2 T(n)=cn2

for i=1 to n
	for j=1 ro log(n)

T ( n ) = c n l o g n T(n)=cnlog n T(n)=cnlogn


for a=1 ro n/2

for b=1 to n*n

for i=1 to n
	for j=1 ro log(n)

T ( n ) = c + c n / 2 + c n 2 + c n l o g n T(n)=c+cn/2 +cn^2 +cnlog n T(n)=c+cn/2+cn2+cnlogn

  • Best, Worst, Average Cases
  • The Change of The Complexity
    • Big-Oh
      • Indicates the upper bound of a growth rate
      • For T(n) a non-negatively valued function, T(n) is in the set O ( f ( n ) ) O(f (n)) O(f(n)) if there exist two positive constants c c c and n 0 n_0 n0such that T ( n ) ≤ c f ( n ) T(n) ≤ cf (n) T(n)cf(n) for all n > n 0 n > n_0 n>n0
        • n 0 n_0 n0 is the smallest value of n for which the claim of an upper bound holds true
        • Actually value of c c c is irrelevant
      • Algorithm Analysis: Big-Oh

      O ( 1 ) : c o n s t a n t O(1): constant O(1):constant
      O ( l o g 2 n ) : l o g a r i t h m i c O(log2^n): logarithmic O(log2n):logarithmic
      O ( O( O( log ⁡ 2 2 n \log_22^n log22n ) : ): ): l o g s q u a r e d log squared logsquared
      O ( n ) : l i n e a r O(n): linear O(n):linear
      O ( n l o g 2 n ) : n l o g n O(nlog_2n): n log n O(nlog2n):nlogn
      O ( n 2 ) : q u a d r a t i c O(n^2): quadratic O(n2):quadratic
      O ( n 3 ) : c u b i c O(n^3): cubic O(n3):cubic
      O ( 2 n ) : e x p o n e n t i a l O(2^n): exponential O(2n):exponential


T ( n ) = 3 n 2 T(n)=3n^2 T(n)=3n2
T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2)

T ( n ) = 3 n 2 + n T(n)=3n^2+n T(n)=3n2+n
T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2)

T ( n ) = c + c n / 2 + c n 2 + c n l o g n T(n)=c+cn/2+cn^2+cnlog n T(n)=c+cn/2+cn2+cnlogn
ps. n > l o g n , a s   n → ∞ n>log n, as\ n\rightarrow \infty n>logn,as n
T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2)

  • Big-Omega
    • Indicates the lower bound of a growth rate
    • For T ( n ) T(n) T(n) a non-negatively valued function, T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in the set Ω ( g ( n ) ) Ω(g(n)) (g(n)) if there exist two positive constants c c c and n 0 n_0 n0 such that T ( n ) ≥ c g ( n ) T(n) ≥ c g(n) T(n)cg(n) for all n > n 0 n > n_0 n>n0
      • n 0 n_0 n0 is the smallest value of n for which the claim of an upper bound holds true
      • The actually value of c is irrelevant


T ( n ) = 3 n 2 T(n)=3n^2 T(n)=3n2
T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in Ω ( n 2 ) Ω(n^2) (n2)

T ( n ) = 3 n 2 + n T(n) = 3n^2 + n T(n)=3n2+n
T ( n ) T(n) T(n) is in Ω ( n 2 ) Ω(n^2) (n2)

  • Big-Theta
    • An algorithm is said to be Θ ( h ( n ) ) Θ(h(n)) Θ(h(n)) if it is in O ( h ( n ) ) O(h(n)) O(h(n)) and Ω ( h ( n ) ) Ω(h(n)) (h(n))


What is the Big-O, Big-Omega and Big-Theta of the following program?

sum1 = 0;
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) //first double loop
for(j=1;j<=n;j++) //do n times
sum2 = 0;
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) //second double loop
for(j=1;j<=i;j++) //do i times

T ( n ) = c 1 + c 2 n 2 + c 1 + c 2 n ( n + 1 ) / 2 T(n) = c_1 + c_2n^2 + c_1 + c_2n(n+1)/2 T(n)=c1+c2n2+c1+c2n(n+1)/2
Ω ( n 2 ) , O ( n 2 ) , Θ ( n 2 ) Ω(n^2), O(n^2), Θ(n^2) (n2),O(n2),Θ(n2)

How many elements are examined in worst case?(二分查找)

// Return position of element in sorted
// array of size n with value K. 
int binary(int array[], int n, int K) {
int l = -1;
int r = n; // l, r are beyond array bounds
while (l+1 != r) { // Stop when l, r meet
int i = (l+r)/2; // Check middle
if (K < array[i]) r = i; // Left half
if (K == array[i]) return i; // Found it
if (K > array[i]) l = i; // Right half
return n; // Search value not in array

T ( n ) = T ( n / 2 ) + 1 , w h e r e   n > 1   a n d   T ( 1 ) = 1 T(n) = T(n/2) + 1,where \ n>1\ and\ T(1) = 1 T(n)=T(n/2)+1where n>1 and T(1)=1 (比少一半多了一次‘二分’过程)
Therefore, T ( n ) = l o g 2 n + 1 T(n) = log_2 n + 1 T(n)=log2n+1
Cost is Θ ( l o g 2 n ) Θ(log_2 n) Θ(log2n)

Other Control Statements

  • While loop : Analyze like a for loop
  • If statement : Take greater complexity of then/else clauses
  • Switch statement : Take complexity of most expensive case
  • Subroutine call : Complexity of the subroutine
  • Reduce time but sacrifice space
    • Encoding or packing information
    • Table lookup




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