
Wavelet Toolbox GUI (Graphical User Interface).
    waveletAnalyzer - Start Wavelet Analyzer graphical user interface tools
  Wavelets: General
    biorfilt        - Biorthogonal wavelet filter set
    centfrq         - Wavelet center frequency
    dyaddown        - Dyadic downsampling
    cwtfilterbank   - CWT filter bank
    dwtfilterbank   - DWT filter bank
    dyadup          - Dyadic upsampling
    intwave         - Integrate wavelet function psi
    orthfilt        - Orthogonal wavelet filter set
    qmf             - Quadrature mirror filter
    scal2frq        - Scale to frequency
    wavefun         - Wavelet and scaling functions
    wavefun2        - Wavelets and scaling functions 2-D
    wavemngr        - Wavelet manager 
    wfilters        - Wavelet filters
    wmaxlev         - Maximum wavelet decomposition level
  Wavelet Families
    biorwavf        - Biorthogonal spline wavelet filters
    cgauwavf        - Complex Gaussian wavelet
    cmorwavf        - Complex Morlet wavelet
    coifwavf        - Coiflet wavelet filter
    dbaux           - Daubechies wavelet filter computation
    dbwavf          - Daubechies wavelet filters
    fbspwavf        - Complex Frequency B-Spline wavelet
    fejerkorovkin   - Fejer-Korovkin wavelet filters
    gauswavf        - Gaussian wavelet
    mexihat         - Mexican Hat wavelet
    meyer           - Meyer wavelet
    meyeraux        - Meyer wavelet auxiliary function
    morlet          - Morlet wavelet
    rbiowavf        - Reverse Biorthogonal spline wavelet filters
    shanwavf        - Complex Shannon wavelet
    symaux          - Symlet wavelet filter computation
    symwavf         - Symlet wavelet filter
  Time-Frequency Analysis/Synthesis
    cqt             - Constant-Q transform using nonstationary Gabor frames
    icqt            - Inverse constant-q transform using nonstationary Gabor frames
    cwtft           - Continuous wavelet transform using DFT
    cwtftinfo       - Information on wavelets for CWTFT
    cwtfreqbounds   - CWT maximum and minimum period or frequency 
    cwt             - Continuous wavelet transform
    icwt            - Inverse continuous wavelet transform
    pat2cwav        - Construction of a wavelet starting from a pattern
    wcoherence      - Wavelet coherence
    wsst            - Wavelet synchrosqueezing transform
    iwsst           - Inverse wavelet synchrosqueezing transform
    wsstridge       - Time-frequency ridges from wavelet synchrosqueezing
    wtmm            - Wavelet transform modulus maxima
    cwtfilterbank   - CWT filter bank
    wscalogram      - Scalogram for continuous wavelet transform
  Continuous Wavelet: Two-Dimensional
    cwtft2      - 2-D Continuous wavelet transform
    cwtftinfo2  - Information on wavelets for CWTFT2
  Discrete Wavelets: One-Dimensional
    appcoef         - Extract 1-D approximation coefficients
    detcoef         - Extract 1-D detail coefficients
    dwt             - Single-level discrete 1-D wavelet transform
    dwtfilterbank   - DWT filter bank
    dwtmode         - Discrete wavelet transform extension mode
    idwt            - Single-level inverse discrete 1-D wavelet transform
    haart           - Haar 1-D transform
    ihaart          - Inverse Haar 1-D transform
    upcoef          - Direct reconstruction from 1-D wavelet coefficients
    upwlev          - Single-level reconstruction of 1-D wavelet decomposition
    wavedec         - Multilevel 1-D wavelet decomposition
    waverec         - Multilevel 1-D wavelet reconstruction
    wenergy         - Energy for 1-D wavelet decomposition
    wrcoef          - Reconstruct single branch from 1-D wavelet coefficients
  Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform
    modwt         - Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform
    imodwt        - Inverse maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform
     modwtmra    - Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform MRA
     modwtcorr    - Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform correlation
     modwtvar    - Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform variance
     modwtxcorr    - Maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform cross-correlation sequences
  Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform
    modwpt          -   Maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform
    imodwpt         -   Inverse maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform
    modwptdetails   -   Maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet details
  Multiscale Local Polynomial Transform: One-Dimensional
    mlpt            -   Multiscale local polynomial transform
    imlpt           -   Inverse multiscale local polynomial transform
    mlptrecon       -   Multiscale 1-D Local Polynomial Transform Reconstruction 
    mlptdenoise     -   Denoising using the Multiscale local 1-D Polynomial Transform
  Discrete Wavelets: Two-Dimensional
    appcoef2    - Extract 2-D approximation coefficients
    detcoef2    - Extract 2-D detail coefficients
    dwt2        - Single-level discrete 2-D wavelet transform
    dwtmode     - Discrete wavelet transform extension mode
     haart2        - Haar 2-D transform
    idwt2       - Single-level inverse discrete 2-D wavelet transform
     ihaart2        - Inverse Haar 2-D transform
    upcoef2     - Direct reconstruction from 2-D wavelet coefficients
    upwlev2     - Single-level reconstruction of 2-D wavelet decomposition
    wavedec2    - Multi-level 2-D wavelet decomposition
    waverec2    - Multi-level 2-D wavelet reconstruction
    wenergy2    - Energy for 2-D wavelet decomposition
    wrcoef2     - Reconstruct single branch from 2-D wavelet coefficients
  Discrete Wavelets: Three-Dimensional
    dwt3        - Single-level discrete 3-D wavelet transform
    dwtmode     - Discrete wavelet transform extension mode
    idwt3       - Single-level inverse discrete 2-D wavelet transform
    wavedec3    - Multi-level 3-D wavelet decomposition
    waverec3    - Multi-level 3-D wavelet reconstruction
  Wavelets Packets Algorithms
    bestlevt    - Best level tree (wavelet packet)
    besttree    - Best tree (wavelet packet)
    entrupd     - Entropy update (wavelet packet)
    wenergy     - Energy for a wavelet packet decomposition
    wentropy    - Entropy (wavelet packet)
    wp2wtree    - Extract wavelet tree from wavelet packet tree
    wpcoef      - Wavelet packet coefficients
    wpcutree    - Cut wavelet packet tree
    wpdec       - Wavelet packet decomposition 1-D
    wpdec2      - Wavelet packet decomposition 2-D
    wpfun       - Wavelet packet functions
    wpjoin      - Recompose wavelet packet
    wprcoef     - Reconstruct wavelet packet coefficients
    wprec       - Wavelet packet reconstruction 1-D 
    wprec2      - Wavelet packet reconstruction 2-D
    wpsplt      - Split (decompose) wavelet packet
  Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform Algorithms

    iswt        - Inverse discrete stationary wavelet transform 1-D
    iswt2       - Inverse discrete stationary wavelet transform 2-D
    swt         - Discrete stationary wavelet transform 1-D
    swt2        - Discrete stationary wavelet transform 2-D
  Multisignal Wavelet Analysis: One-Dimensional
    chgwdeccfs  - Change Multisignal 1-D decomposition coefficients
    mdwtdec     - Multisignal 1-D wavelet decomposition 
    mdwtrec     - Multisignal 1-D wavelet reconstruction 
    mswcmp      - Multisignal 1-D compression using wavelets 
    mswcmpscr   - Multisignal 1-D wavelet compression scores
    mswcmptp    - Multisignal 1-D compression thresholds and performances
    mswden      - Multisignal 1-D denoising using wavelets 
    mswthresh   - Performs Multisignal 1-D thresholding 
    wdecenergy  - Multisignal 1-D decomposition energy repartition 
    wmspca      - Multiscale principal component analysis 
    wmulden     - Wavelet multivariate 1-D denoising 
  Lifting Functions
    addlift     - Adding primal or dual lifting steps
    bswfun      - Biorthogonal scaling and wavelet functions
    displs      - Display lifting scheme
    filt2ls     - Filters to lifting scheme
    ilwt        - Inverse 1-D lifting wavelet transform
    ilwt2       - Inverse 2-D lifting wavelet transform
    liftfilt    - Apply elementary lifting steps on filters
    liftwave    - Lifting scheme for usual wavelets
    lsinfo      - Information about lifting schemes
    lwt         - Lifting wavelet decomposition 1-D
    lwt2        - Lifting wavelet decomposition 2-D
    lwtcoef     - Extract or reconstruct 1-D LWT wavelet coefficients
    lwtcoef2    - Extract or reconstruct 2-D LWT wavelet coefficients
    wave2lp     - Laurent polynomial associated to a wavelet
    wavenames   - Wavelet names information
  Laurent Polynomial [OBJECT in @laurpoly directory]
    laurpoly    - Constructor for the class LAURPOLY (Laurent Polynomial)
  Laurent Matrix [OBJECT in @laurmat directory]
    laurmat     - Constructor for the class LAURMAT (Laurent Matrix)
  Denoising and Compression for Signals and Images
    cmddenoise              - Command line interval dependent denoising
    ddencmp                 - Default values for denoising or compression
    thselect                - Threshold selection for denoising
    wbmpen                  - Penalized threshold for wavelet 1-D or 2-D denoising
    wdcbm                   - Thresholds for wavelet 1-D using Birge-Massart strategy
    wdcbm2                  - Thresholds for wavelet 2-D using Birge-Massart strategy
    wdenoise                - Wavelet signal denoising
    wden                    - Automatic 1-D denoising using wavelets
    wdencmp                 - Denoising or compression using wavelets
    wnoise                  - Generate noisy wavelet test data
    wnoisest                - Estimate noise of 1-D wavelet coefficients
    wpbmpen                 - Penalized threshold for wavelet packet denoising
    wpdencmp                - Denoising or compression using wavelet packets
    wpthcoef                - Wavelet packet coefficients thresholding
    waveletSignalDenoiser   - Wavelet signal denoiser app
    wthcoef                 - Wavelet coefficient thresholding 1-D
    wthcoef2                - Wavelet coefficient thresholding 2-D
    wthresh                 - Perform soft or hard thresholding
    wthrmngr                - Threshold settings manager
  Other Wavelet Applications
    dwtleader    - Multifractal 1-D wavelet leader estimates
    wfbm        - Synthesize fractional Brownian motion
    wfbmesti    - Estimate fractal index
    wfusimg     - Fusion of two images
    wfusmat     - Fusion of two matrices or arrays
  Tree Management Utilities
    allnodes    - Tree nodes
    cfs2wpt     - Wavelet packet tree construction from coefficients
    depo2ind    - Node depth-position to node index
    disp        - Display information of WPTREE object
    drawtree    - Draw wavelet packet decomposition tree (GUI)
    dtree       - Constructor for the class DTREE
    get         - Get tree object field contents
    ind2depo    - Node index to node depth-position
    isnode      - True for existing node
    istnode     - Determine indices of terminal nodes
    leaves      - Determine terminal nodes
    nodeasc     - Node ascendants
    nodedesc    - Node descendants
    nodejoin    - Recompose node
    nodepar     - Node parent
    nodesplt    - Split (decompose) node
    noleaves    - Determine nonterminal nodes
    ntnode      - Number of terminal nodes
    ntree       - Constructor for the class NTREE
    plot        - Plot tree object
    read        - Read values in tree object fields
    readtree    - Read wavelet packet decomposition tree from a figure
    set         - Set tree object field contents
    tnodes      - Determine terminal nodes (obsolete - use LEAVES)
    treedpth    - Tree depth
    treeord     - Tree order
    wptree      - Constructor for the class WPTREE
    wpviewcf    - Plot wavelet packets colored coefficients
    write       - Write values in tree object fields
    wtbo        - Constructor for the class WTBO
    wtreemgr    - NTREE object manager
  General Utilities
    localmax    - Compute local maxima positions   
    wcodemat    - Extended pseudocolor matrix scaling
    wextend     - Extend a Vector or a Matrix
    wkeep       - Keep part of a vector or a matrix
    wrev        - Flip vector
    wtbxmngr    - Wavelet Toolbox manager
    wvarchg     - Find variance change points
  Wavelets Information
    waveinfo        - Information on wavelets
    waveletfamilies - Wavelet families and family members 

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R语言中的变系数penalized B-spline是一种用于非线性回归和平滑的统计方法。它结合了B样条函数和变系数模型,可以用于拟合非线性关系和处理具有非线性趋势的数据。 在R语言中,可以使用`mgcv`包来实现变系数penalized B-spline。该包提供了`gam()`函数,用于拟合广义可加模型(Generalized Additive Models,GAMs),其中可以使用B样条函数作为平滑项。 变系数penalized B-spline的基本思想是通过对B样条函数的系数进行惩罚来实现平滑。这种惩罚可以通过引入一个惩罚项来实现,常用的惩罚项有平方惩罚项和一阶差分惩罚项。通过调整惩罚项的权重,可以控制平滑度和拟合程度。 使用`gam()`函数时,需要指定响应变量和预测变量,并使用`bs()`函数来定义B样条平滑项。可以通过调整`bs()`函数的参数来控制B样条的节点数量和平滑度。同时,可以使用`sp()`函数来指定惩罚项的类型和权重。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何在R语言中使用变系数penalized B-spline进行拟合: ```R # 导入mgcv包 library(mgcv) # 定义响应变量和预测变量 y <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # 使用gam函数进行拟合 model <- gam(y ~ s(x, bs = "cr"), method = "REML") # 查看拟合结果 summary(model) ``` 在上述代码中,使用了`cr`作为B样条函数的类型,`method = "REML"`表示使用REML方法进行模型选择和参数估计。可以通过`summary()`函数查看拟合结果,包括平滑项的系数和显著性检验等信息。
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