
2 篇文章 0 订阅


AI_Helper = {}
AI_Helper.Player  = {}
AI_Helper.ValidNum  = 2
AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = 0


function AI_Helper:Copy(sPlayer)
 if sPlayer == nil then
  return nil

 local sTbl={}
 for k, v in pairs(sPlayer) do
  if type(v) == "table" then
   sTbl[k] = AI_Helper:Copy(v)
   sTbl[k] = v
 local mt = getmetatable(sPlayer)
 setmetatable(sTbl, mt)
    return sTbl

function AI_Helper:Init(idPlayer,idxAI)

function AI_Helper:Start(idPlayer,idxAI)
 if AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] then
 if idxAI < 0 then
  idxAI = math.random(1,AI_Helper.ValidNum)

 if AI_Helper.Player[idxAI] == nil then
  idxAI = 0

 AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] = AI_Helper:Copy(AI_Helper.Player[idxAI])
 AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer].PlayerId = idPlayer

function AI_Helper:Reset(idPlayer)
 if AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] then

function AI_Helper:Tick(idPlayer,dwPeriod)
 if AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] then

function AI_Helper:Stop(idPlayer)
 if AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] then
  AI_Helper.Player[idPlayer] = nil

PlayerState =
 STATE_IDLE   = 0, --空闲
 STATE_HEALHP  = 1, --补血
 STATE_HEALMP  = 2, --补蓝
 STATE_PICKLOOT  = 3, --拾取
 STATE_FIGHTING  = 5, --战斗
 STATE_DEAD   = 6, --死亡
 STATE_ACTION  = 7, --动作
 STATE_PATH   = 8, --寻径

 IsTimeLimitState = function(state)
  if state ~= STATE_FIGHTING then
   return true
  return false

AI_Helper.Player[0] =
 AIIndex    = 0,   --AI索引
 PlayerId   = 0,   --玩家ID
 OptTimer   = nil,   --操作计时
 IsStart    = false,  --是否已经启动
 State    = 0,   --当前状态
 SceneId    = 4,   --场景ID
 IdleTime   = 3000,   --休闲时间
 OnStart = function(this)
  if this.IsStart == false then
   this.IsStart = true
   this.OptTimer = ECTimer:New() 

 OnReset = function(this)
  this.State = 0

 OnTick = function(this,dwPeriod)
  if this.OptTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.OptTimer:IsEnd() then

 OnStop = function(this)
  this.OptTimer = nil
  this.State    = 0
  this.IsStart  = false

AI_Helper.Player[1] =
 AIIndex    = 1,   --AI索引
 PlayerId   = 0,   --玩家ID
 PropTbl    = nil,   --玩家属性表
 OptTimer   = nil,   --操作计时
 IsStart    = false,  --是否已经启动
 State    = 0,   --当前状态
 SearchTime   = 15000,  --寻径时间
 ActionTime   = 4000,   --Pose时间
 IdleTime   = 2000,   --休闲时间
 HpItem    = 3619,   --回血物品
 HpRatio    = 0.4,   --回血阀值
 HpTime    = 2000,   --回血操作时间
 MpItem    = 5217,   --回蓝物品
 MpRatio    = 0.4,   --回蓝阀值
 MpTime    = 2000,   --回蓝操作时间
 SceneId    = 4,   --场景ID(福州城)
 SceneObjPos   = {},   --场景物体位置
 DebugRobot = function(this)
  if GameApi.IsHostPlayerDead() then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")
  --GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2001 3619 200")
  --GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2001 5217 200")

  this.SearchTime = this.SearchTime + math.random(this.SearchTime)
  this.ActionTime = this.ActionTime + math.random(this.ActionTime)

  local sCmd = nil
  while sCmd ==nil do
   local iIdx = math.random(#this.SceneObjPos)
   local bIn  = GameApi.IsPosInPassMap(this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].X,this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Z)
   if bIn then
    sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.SceneId,this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].X,this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Z)


 OnStart = function(this)
  if this.IsStart == false then
   this.IsStart = true
   this.OptTimer = ECTimer:New() 


 OnReset = function(this)
  this.State = 0

 OnTick = function(this,dwPeriod)
  if this.OptTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.OptTimer:IsEnd() then
    if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_PATH then
    elseif this.State == PlayerState.STATE_ACTION then
    elseif this.State == PlayerState.STATE_IDLE then     

  this.PropTbl = GameApi.GetPlayerFullProp(0)

 OnStop = function(this)
  this.OptTimer = nil
  this.State    = 0
  this.IsStart  = false

 InitObjInfo = function(this)
  for k,v in pairs(ObjInfo) do
   if v.SID == this.SceneId then
    local iIdx = #this.SceneObjPos + 1
    this.SceneObjPos[iIdx] = {}
    this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Id = k
    this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].X  = v.x
    this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Y  = v.y
    this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Z  = v.z

 StopAutoMove = function(this)
  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 SearchPath = function(this)
  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_PATH

  local bIn  = false
  local iIdx = 0
  while bIn == false do
   iIdx = math.random(#this.SceneObjPos)
   bIn  = GameApi.IsPosInPassMap(this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].X,this.SceneObjPos[iIdx].Z)

 PlayAction = function(this) 
  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_ACTION

  local iPose = math.random(12) - 1

 HealHp = function(this) 
  local hp_ratio = this.PropTbl["hp"] / this.PropTbl["maxhp"]
  if hp_ratio <= this.HpRatio then   

 HealMp = function(this)
  local mp_ratio = this.PropTbl["mp1"] / this.PropTbl["maxmp1"]
  if mp_ratio <= this.MpRatio then   

AI_Helper.Player[2] =
 AIIndex    = 2,   --AI索引
 PropTbl    = nil,   --玩家属性表
 PlayerId   = 0,   --玩家ID
 OptTimer   = nil,   --操作计时
 IsStart    = false,  --是否已经启动
 HpItem    = 3619,   --回血物品
 HpRatio    = 0.5,   --回血阀值
 MpItem    = 5217,   --回蓝物品
 MpRatio    = 0.5,   --回蓝阀值
 State    = 0,   --当前状态
 SelTarget   = 0,   --当前选中目标ID
 IdleTime   = 5000,   --休闲时间
 MapId    = 4,   --地图ID
 DebugRobot = function(this)
  if GameApi.IsHostPlayerDead() then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")


  local pos_tbl =
   {X=54, Y=216},
   {X=92, Y=163},
   {X=37, Y=91 },
   {X=67, Y=49 },
   {X=149,Y=42 },
   {X=242,Y=63 },
  local map_offset = {X=-128,Y=-128}

  AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = AI_Helper.GlobalFlag + 1
  local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.MapId,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].X+map_offset.X,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].Y+map_offset.Y)
  if AI_Helper.GlobalFlag >= #pos_tbl then
   AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = 0



  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 OnStart = function(this)
  if this.IsStart == false then
   this.IsStart = true
   this.OptTimer = ECTimer:New() 

 OnReset = function(this)
  this.State = 0

 OnTick = function(this,dwPeriod)
  if this.OptTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.OptTimer:IsEnd() then

  this.PropTbl   = GameApi.GetPlayerFullProp(0)
  this.SelTarget = this.PropTbl["sel_target"]

  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then

  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsMonsterValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE
    if GameApi.IsAttacking() == false then

 OnStop = function(this)
  this.OptTimer = nil
  this.State    = 0
  this.IsStart  = false

 Fighting = function(this)
  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_IDLE then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsMonsterValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    if this.SelTarget <= 0 then
     local npc_num,npc_tbl = GameApi.GetAttackMeList()
     if npc_num > 0 then
      local idx = math.random(1,npc_num)
      this.SelTarget = GameApi.AutoClickMonster(npc_tbl[idx])

    if this.SelTarget <= 0 then
     local npc_num,npc_tbl = GameApi.GetCanAttackNpcList()
     if npc_num > 0 then
      local idx = math.random(1,npc_num)
      this.SelTarget = GameApi.AutoClickMonster(npc_tbl[idx])

   if this.SelTarget > 0 then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 HealHp = function(this) 
  local hp_ratio = this.PropTbl["hp"] / this.PropTbl["maxhp"]
  if hp_ratio <= this.HpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.HpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.HpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.HpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealHp Error.\r\n")

 HealMp = function(this)
  local mp_ratio = this.PropTbl["mp1"] / this.PropTbl["maxmp1"]
  if mp_ratio <= this.MpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.MpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.MpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.MpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealMp Error.\r\n")
 Revive = function(this)
  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")
   this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

   this.SelTarget = 0

AI_Helper.Player[3] =
 AIIndex    = 3,   --AI索引
 PropTbl    = nil,   --玩家属性表
 PlayerId   = 0,   --玩家ID
 OptTimer   = nil,   --操作计时
 SkillTimer   = nil,   --释放技能计时
 IsStart    = false,  --是否已经启动
 HpItem    = 3619,   --回血物品
 HpRatio    = 0.5,   --回血阀值
 MpItem    = 5217,   --回蓝物品
 MpRatio    = 0.5,   --回蓝阀值
 State    = 0,   --当前状态
 SelTarget   = 0,   --当前选中目标ID
 IdleTime   = 5000,   --休闲时间
 SkillInterval       = 2000,   --技能释放间隔
 MapId    = 4,   --地图ID
 DebugRobot = function(this)
  if GameApi.IsHostPlayerDead() then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")


  local pos_tbl =
   {X=54, Y=216},
   {X=92, Y=163},
   {X=37, Y=91 },
   {X=67, Y=49 },
   {X=149,Y=42 },
   {X=242,Y=63 },
  local map_offset = {X=-128,Y=-128}

  AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = AI_Helper.GlobalFlag + 1
  local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.MapId,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].X+map_offset.X,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].Y+map_offset.Y)
  if AI_Helper.GlobalFlag >= #pos_tbl then
   AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = 0



  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 OnStart = function(this)
  if this.IsStart == false then
   this.IsStart = true
   this.OptTimer = ECTimer:New() 
   this.SkillTimer = ECTimer:New()

 OnReset = function(this)
  this.State = 0

 OnTick = function(this,dwPeriod)

  if this.SkillTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.SkillTimer:IsEnd() then
    if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING then
  if this.OptTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.OptTimer:IsEnd() then

  this.PropTbl   = GameApi.GetPlayerFullProp(0)
  this.SelTarget = this.PropTbl["sel_target"]

  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then

  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsMonsterValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE
    if GameApi.IsAttacking() == false then

 OnStop = function(this)
  this.OptTimer = nil
  this.State    = 0
  this.IsStart  = false

 Fighting = function(this)
  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_IDLE then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsMonsterValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    if this.SelTarget <= 0 then
     local npc_num,npc_tbl = GameApi.GetAttackMeList()
     if npc_num > 0 then
      local idx = math.random(1,npc_num)
      this.SelTarget = GameApi.AutoClickMonster(npc_tbl[idx])
    if this.SelTarget <= 0 then
     local npc_num,npc_tbl = GameApi.GetCanAttackNpcList()
     if npc_num > 0 then
      local idx = math.random(1,npc_num)
      this.SelTarget = GameApi.AutoClickMonster(npc_tbl[idx])

   if this.SelTarget > 0 then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 HealHp = function(this) 
  local hp_ratio = this.PropTbl["hp"] / this.PropTbl["maxhp"]
  if hp_ratio <= this.HpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.HpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.HpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.HpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealHp Error.\r\n")

 HealMp = function(this)
  local mp_ratio = this.PropTbl["mp1"] / this.PropTbl["maxmp1"]
  if mp_ratio <= this.MpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.MpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.MpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.MpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealMp Error.\r\n")
 Revive = function(this)
  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")
   this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

   this.SelTarget = 0

AI_Helper.Player[4] =
 AIIndex    = 3,   --AI索引
 PropTbl    = nil,   --玩家属性表
 PlayerId   = 0,   --玩家ID
 OptTimer   = nil,   --操作计时
 SkillTimer   = nil,   --释放技能计时
 IsStart    = false,  --是否已经启动
 HpItem    = 3619,   --回血物品
 HpRatio    = 0.5,   --回血阀值
 MpItem    = 5217,   --回蓝物品
 MpRatio    = 0.5,   --回蓝阀值
 State    = 0,   --当前状态
 SelTarget   = 0,   --当前选中目标ID
 IdleTime   = 5000,   --休闲时间
 SkillInterval       = 2000,   --技能释放间隔
 MoveInterval        = 30000,   --自动移动时间
 TargetInterval      = 0,      --攻击玩家切换间隔根,据释放技能次数
 MapId    = 4,   --地图ID

 DebugRobot = function(this)
  if GameApi.IsHostPlayerDead() then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")


  local pos_tbl =
  local map_offset = {X=1,Y=1}

  AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = AI_Helper.GlobalFlag + 1
  local posIndex = math.random(#pos_tbl)
  --local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.MapId,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].X+map_offset.X,pos_tbl[AI_Helper.GlobalFlag].Y+map_offset.Y)
  local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.MapId,pos_tbl[posIndex].X+map_offset.X,pos_tbl[posIndex].Y+map_offset.Y)
  if AI_Helper.GlobalFlag >= #pos_tbl then
   AI_Helper.GlobalFlag = 0



  this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 OnStart = function(this)
  if this.IsStart == false then
   this.IsStart = true
   this.OptTimer = ECTimer:New() 
   this.SkillTimer = ECTimer:New()

 OnReset = function(this)
  this.State = 0

 OnTick = function(this,dwPeriod)

  if this.SkillTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.SkillTimer:IsEnd() then
    if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING then
     this.TargetInterval = this.TargetInterval+1;
  if this.OptTimer:IsValid() then
   if this.OptTimer:IsEnd() then

  this.PropTbl   = GameApi.GetPlayerFullProp(0)
  this.SelTarget = this.PropTbl["sel_target"]

  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then

  if this.TargetInterval > 3 then
   this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE
   this.TargetInterval = 0
   this.SelTarget = 0
   local findpos_tbl =
   local iIdx = math.random(#findpos_tbl)
   local iPose = math.random(12) - 1
   local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2008 %d %d %d",this.MapId,findpos_tbl[iIdx].X,findpos_tbl[iIdx].Y)
  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsObjectValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE
    if GameApi.IsAttacking() == false then

 OnStop = function(this)
  this.OptTimer = nil
  this.State    = 0
  this.IsStart  = false

 Fighting = function(this)
  if this.State == PlayerState.STATE_IDLE then
   if this.SelTarget <= 0 or GameApi.IsObjectValid(this.SelTarget) == false then
    if this.SelTarget <= 0 then
     local player_num,player_tbl = GameApi.GetNearPlayerList()
     if player_num > 0 then
      local idx = math.random(1,player_num)
      this.SelTarget = GameApi.AutoClickPlayer(player_tbl[idx])

   if this.SelTarget > 0 then
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_FIGHTING
    this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

 HealHp = function(this) 
  local hp_ratio = this.PropTbl["hp"] / this.PropTbl["maxhp"]
  if hp_ratio <= this.HpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.HpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.HpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.HpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealHp Error.\r\n")

 HealMp = function(this)
  local mp_ratio = this.PropTbl["mp1"] / this.PropTbl["maxmp1"]
  if mp_ratio <= this.MpRatio and this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == false then   
   if GameApi.UseItemByID(this.MpItem) == false then
    if GameApi.GetItemNumByID(this.MpItem) <= 0 then
     local sCmd = string.format("d_cmd 2001 %d 100",this.MpItem)
     LogPrint("AI::HealMp Error.\r\n")
 Revive = function(this)
  if this.PropTbl["is_dead"] == true then
   GameApi.RunConsoleCmd("d_cmd 2048")
   this.State = PlayerState.STATE_IDLE

   this.SelTarget = 0
ECTimer =
 m_Period = 0,
 m_Time   = 0,

function ECTimer:New(obj)
 obj = obj or {}
 setmetatable(obj, self)
 self.__index = self
 obj.m_Period = 0
 obj.m_Time   = 0
 return obj

function ECTimer:IsValid()
 if self.m_Time and self.m_Period and self.m_Period > 0 then
  return true
 return false

function ECTimer:SetPeriod(period)
 self.m_Period = period

function ECTimer:GetPeriod()
 return self.m_Period

function ECTimer:SetTime(tm)
 self.m_Time = tm

function ECTimer:GetTime()
 return self.m_Time

function ECTimer:Reset()
 self.m_Time   = 0
 self.m_Period = 0

function ECTimer:IncTime(step)
 if self:IsValid() then
  if self.m_Time < self.m_Period then
   self.m_Time = self.m_Time + step
  return self:IsEnd()
 return false

function ECTimer:IsEnd()
 if self:IsValid() then
  if self.m_Time >= self.m_Period then
   return true
 return false

function ECTimer:Finish()
 if self:IsValid() then
  self.m_Time = self.m_Period






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