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原创 quagga开源路由软件安装

<br />[root@localhost1 quagga-0.99.15]# ./configure<br />checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking for a BSD-compatible install...

2010-08-15 18:53:00 1072 1

原创 quagga开源路由软件安装

<br />[root@localhost1 quagga-0.99.15]# ./configure<br />checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu<br />checking for a BSD-compatible install...

2010-08-15 18:52:00 589

转载 bgp 秘籍

1、收到一条BGP路由后,如果路由器发现自己的AS号出现在AS-Path里,将丢弃该路由。2、从EBGP Peers处学来的路由转发给另外的EBGP Peers时,将不会把原来的MED属性通报给EBGP Peers,而会把MED属性设为“0”3、当向IBGP Peers通告路由时,如学到此路由时就没有Loc-Pref,则DUT应把此属性设为“100”之后再发布给IBGP Peers;而当DUT把此

2010-04-20 23:55:00 1158

原创 申请


2010-01-11 15:29:00 118

转载 字节对齐例子

 #include #pragma pack(4)struct tag1{ char a; double b; int c; char d;};struct tag2{ char a; char d; int c; double b;  };struct tag3{ char a; int c;};struct tag4{ char a; char b; //char c;};

2009-11-19 00:13:00 179

原创 c++内存中字节对齐问题详解【转帖】

 一、什么是字节对齐,为什么要对齐?    现代计算机中内存空间都是按照byte划分的,从理论上讲似乎对任何类型的变量的访问可以从任何地址开始,但实际情况是在访问特定类型变量的时候经常在特 定的内存地址访问,这就需要各种类型数据按照一定的规则在空间上排列,而不是顺序的一个接一个的排放,这就是对齐。    对齐的作用和原因:各个硬件平台对存储空间的处理上有很大的不同。一些平台对某些特定类型的

2009-11-18 22:36:00 139

转载 明晰C++内存分配的五种方法的区别

在C++中,内存分成5个区,他们分别是堆、栈、自由存储区、全局/静态存储区和常量存储区。 在C++中,内存分成5个区,他们分别是堆、栈、自由存储区、全局/静态存储区和常量存储区。   栈,就是那些由编译器在需要的时候分配,在不需要的时候自动清除的变量的存储区。里面的变量通常是局部变量、函数参数等。   堆,就是那些由new分配的内存块,他们的释放编译器不去管,由我们的应用程序去控制,一般一个new

2009-11-18 22:17:00 244

转载 C题目3

 1. 用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明1年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR   (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL我在这想看到几件事情:     1). #define 语法的基本知识(例如:不能以分号结束,括号的使用,等等)     2). 懂得预处理器将为你计算常数表达式的值,因此,直接写出你是如何计算

2009-11-17 22:29:00 232

转载 C题目2

 预处理器(Preprocessor)1. 用预处理指令#define 声明一个常数,用以表明1年中有多少秒(忽略闰年问题)#define SECONDS_PER_YEAR (60 * 60 * 24 * 365)UL 我在这想看到几件事情: 1). #define 语法的基本知识(例如:不能以分号结束,括号的使用,等等) 2). 懂得预处理器将为你计算常数表达式的值,因此,直接写出你

2009-11-17 22:26:00 163

转载 C题目

 本文的写作目的并不在于提供C/C++程序员求职面试指导,而旨在从技术上分析面试题的内涵。文中的大多数面试题来自各大论坛,部分试题解答也参考了网友的意见。  许多面试题看似简单,却需要深厚的基本功才能给出完美的解答。企业要求面试者写一个最简单的strcpy函数都可看出面试者在技术上究竟达到了怎样的程度,我们能真正写好一个strcpy函数吗?我们都觉得自己能,可是我们写出的strcpy很可能只能拿到

2009-11-17 22:24:00 271

原创 Qt4工程编译

Qt4开发环境搭建好后,编译如下: 1、qmake -project         /* 生成所在目录名的 *.pro文件,*.pro文件内容请参见qt4帮助  */2、qmake *.pro   /* 根据1命令产生的*.pro文件,生成对应的makefile文件 */3、make               /* 普通的make命令,不加参数默认为release版本 */

2009-06-07 16:26:00 283

原创 RIP选路原则


2009-05-25 21:45:00 691

转载 思科学华为?

2009-05-12 22:47:00 218

原创 [SC 2009-05-08]

  標題 In Moms Words副標題Mothers talk about what they hope to receive this year Mothers DayMothers Day is just around the corner. How will you honor the wonderful women in your life? This year,

2009-05-11 07:11:00 193

原创 [sc20090507]

 Yosemite National Park 优胜美地国家公园Explore the wild beauty of one of America’s finest national parksby Beth Bowyer WeiWawona and Mariposa GroveApproximately 36 miles south of Yosemite Valley, sightseers

2009-05-11 07:10:00 216

原创 [sc090505]

After a while, they came to the edge of a beautiful pond."All right, little ones," the mother duck smiled. "Time for a swim. Everybody in.""Oh, boy!" they quacked."Oh, no!" the chick peeped. "Psst," s

2009-05-11 07:09:00 168

原创 [SC20090506]

 Yosemite National Park 優勝美地國家公園Explore the wild beauty of one of Americas finest national parksA visitor to Yosemite National Park once asked a park ranger what he would do if he only had one day to

2009-05-11 07:09:00 206

原创 [sc20090504]

 The pullet surpriseIt walks like a duck,and it talks like a duck,but is it?The barnyard was quiet as the rain poured down,”It’s raining,so don’t go out,”clucked the hen to her chicks.”And stay nearby

2009-05-11 07:06:00 194

原创 [sc20090502]

Molly, the Brave Little Pony 勇敢的小马茉莉This special little horse shares hope wherever she goesby Pamela OsmentA new lifeFollowing surgery, doctors attached a cast to what remained of Mollys leg, and she

2009-05-11 07:05:00 225

转载 挂接Windows文件共享

挂接Windows文件共享  Windows网络共享的核心是SMB/CIFS,在linux下要挂接(mount)windows的磁盘共享,就必须安装和使用samba 软件包。现在流行的linux发行版绝大多数已经包含了samba软件包,如果安装linux系统时未安装samba请首先安装samba。当然也可以到 www.samba.org网站下载......新的版本是3.0.10版。  当windo

2009-05-05 07:11:00 293

原创 [sc20090430]

 Conversation BBeth: What about people who wrITe offensive content or insert false information?Adam: Actually a study conducted by MIT found that obscenities in articles are usually removed within 1.7

2009-05-03 21:30:00 135

原创 [sc20090501]

 Molly, the Brave Little Pony 勇敢的小马茉莉This special little horse shares hope wherever she goesby Pamela OsmentIn 2005, Hurricane Katrina brought death and destruction to Mississippi and Louisiana. Human

2009-05-03 21:30:00 246

原创 [SC20090428]

Shortcut to FriendshipA bad hair day“I have wool,” cried Lambchop. “We all do,” the others added. Then Fluff stepped out in front. “But my wool is the best.” She tossed her curly head, “it’s cur

2009-05-03 21:29:00 153

原创 [SC20090427]

Animal tales(1)Shortcut to Friendship建立友谊有捷径名叫羊排和蓬毛的小羊学习到有关友谊的人生功课A bad hair dayLittle lambs romped in the grassy fields. "Come play with us," Lambchop called to another lamb. "Were cutting up and ha

2009-05-03 21:27:00 172

原创 [sc20090429]

The World of Wikis Do wiki communities spread fact or fiction?April 29        Have you ever wondered which dog won the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest last year or what the longest word in the English lan

2009-05-03 21:27:00 151

原创 [sc20090424]

Ask the expert(1)The Human Genome Project 人类基因组计划Why unlocking the secrets of human DNA was only the beginningSC: What is the Human Genome Project?KS: The Human Genome Project was an effort by a numbe

2009-04-25 21:32:00 170

原创 [SC20090425]

The Human Genome ProjectWhy unlocking the secrets of human DNA was only the beginningSC: What are the benefits of the project?KS: Many diseases, including certain types of cancers, are the result of m

2009-04-25 21:32:00 151

原创 [SC20090423]

Five False Food Facts Are all the things we hear about food true?Myth #3: Oily foods cause acneSome people believe chocolate causes acne too, but not direct link exists between greasy or sugary foods

2009-04-25 21:31:00 143

原创 [sc20090422]

 Five False Food Facts 五個食物迷思Are all the things we hear about food true?by Lisa Holl ChangFrom a young age, people grow up believing many different things about food. Some of these beliefs are indeed

2009-04-25 21:29:00 164

原创 [SC20090421]

American culture corner(2) 独立自主的下一代Independent children 美国孩子从小就开始学习独立自主Independent children Americans value independence in their children Conversation AJack: Hi, Laura, did you hear that Sam is going

2009-04-25 21:28:00 178

原创 [SC20090420]

American culture corner(1) 独立自主的下一代Independent children 美国孩子从小就开始学习独立自主Independent children Americans value independence in their children At 18, many American young people go off on their own. They g

2009-04-20 21:25:00 206

原创 [sc20090417]

Can Your Favorite Color Determine Your Perfect Job? 从喜欢的颜色看职业性向What colors say about usby Rachel Zupek; Copyright September 25, 2008, CareerExamplesFor example, if youre partial to yellow, youre inf

2009-04-20 21:24:00 167

原创 [SC20090418]

Psychology(3)Can Your Favorite Color Determine Your Perfect Job?从喜欢的颜色来看职业性向What colors say about us你喜欢的颜色会泄露你的内心世界喔complement(v)Your silver necklace complements your black dress very nicely.Something

2009-04-19 18:55:00 169

原创 [sc20090415]

Tips for Saving GasYou can drive and save monry at the same time!Spring weather makes you want to drive to the country for a barbecue. But if youre trying to save money on gasoline, you will probably

2009-04-17 07:29:00 161

原创 [SC20090413]

How Vitamins WorkWhy are vitamins so important?Every day of your tile, chances are, you think about vitamins. You read about vitamin content on the nutritional label of every food you eat. There are a

2009-04-17 07:28:00 165

原创 [SC20090414]

How Vitamins WorkWhy are vitamins so important?14Taking Vitamin D  Vitamin D is another simple molecule that is incredibly important. We actually have the ability to produce vitamin D in our skin. To

2009-04-17 07:28:00 148

原创 [SC20090411]

An Easter Eggstravaganza 復活節「彩蛋狂歡」People make Easter eggs to celebrate the holiday in a beautiful way RussiaFor centuries, Russians have given and received beautifully painted Easter eggs at Easter

2009-04-17 07:27:00 173

原创 [SC20090410]

An Easter Eggstravaganza 復活節「彩蛋狂歡」People make Easter eggs to celebrate the holiday in a beautiful way The majority of people use simple dyes and simple methods to color Easter eggs, but in some area

2009-04-17 07:26:00 142

原创 [SC20090407]

Mike Horn: Adventurer With a Cause 麥克·侯恩:肩負使命感的冒險家Meet the man whos living life to the fullest and sharing his experiencesby Pamela OsmentProfessional adventurer Mike Horn never met a challenge he di

2009-04-17 07:20:00 180

原创 [SC20090406]

Robert Peary and the North Pole 羅伯·培利的北極探險One mans journey to the far northby Jeremiah ClarkOn April 6, 1909, six tired men finally reached the North Pole, having crossed over 700 km of cracking, shi

2009-04-17 07:19:00 187



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