1.输入子系统学习-struct input_dev-2023.02











struct input_dev {
	const char *name;
	const char *phys;
	const char *uniq;
	struct input_id id;

	unsigned long propbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(INPUT_PROP_CNT)];

	unsigned long evbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(EV_CNT)];
	unsigned long keybit[BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT)];
	unsigned long relbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(REL_CNT)];
	unsigned long absbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(ABS_CNT)];
	unsigned long mscbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(MSC_CNT)];
	unsigned long ledbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(LED_CNT)];
	unsigned long sndbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(SND_CNT)];
	unsigned long ffbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(FF_CNT)];
	unsigned long swbit[BITS_TO_LONGS(SW_CNT)];

	unsigned int hint_events_per_packet;

	unsigned int keycodemax;
	unsigned int keycodesize;
	void *keycode;

	int (*setkeycode)(struct input_dev *dev,
			  const struct input_keymap_entry *ke,
			  unsigned int *old_keycode);
	int (*getkeycode)(struct input_dev *dev,
			  struct input_keymap_entry *ke);

	struct ff_device *ff;

	unsigned int repeat_key;
	struct timer_list timer;

	int rep[REP_CNT];

	struct input_mt *mt;

	struct input_absinfo *absinfo;

	unsigned long key[BITS_TO_LONGS(KEY_CNT)];
	unsigned long led[BITS_TO_LONGS(LED_CNT)];
	unsigned long snd[BITS_TO_LONGS(SND_CNT)];
	unsigned long sw[BITS_TO_LONGS(SW_CNT)];

	int (*open)(struct input_dev *dev);
	void (*close)(struct input_dev *dev);
	int (*flush)(struct input_dev *dev, struct file *file);
	int (*event)(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);

	struct input_handle __rcu *grab;

	spinlock_t event_lock;
	struct mutex mutex;

	unsigned int users;
	bool going_away;

	struct device dev;

	struct list_head	h_list;
	struct list_head	node;

	unsigned int num_vals;
	unsigned int max_vals;
	struct input_value *vals;

	bool devres_managed;


 * struct input_dev - represents an input device    //表示输入设备
 * @name: name of the device             //设备的名称
 * @phys: physical path to the device in the system hierarchy    //系统层次结构中设备的物理路径
 * @uniq: unique identification code for the device (if device has it)   //设备的唯一标识码(如果设备有)
 * @id: id of the device (struct input_id)          //设备的id(struct input_id)
 * @propbit: bitmap of device properties and quirks    //设备特性的位图
 * @evbit: bitmap of types of events supported by the device (EV_KEY,       //设备支持的事件类型位图(EV_KEY,EV_REL等)
 *    EV_REL, etc.)
 * @keybit: bitmap of keys/buttons this device has    //此设备具有的键/按钮位图
 * @relbit: bitmap of relative axes for the device          //设备的相对轴位图
 * @absbit: bitmap of absolute axes for the device        //设备的绝对轴位图
 * @mscbit: bitmap of miscellaneous events supported by the device    //设备支持的杂项事件位图
 * @ledbit: bitmap of leds present on the device                //设备上存在的led位图
 * @sndbit: bitmap of sound effects supported by the device        //设备支持的音效位图
 * @ffbit: bitmap of force feedback effects supported by the device    //设备支持的力反馈效果位图
 * @swbit: bitmap of switches present on the device                      //设备上存在的开关位图
 * @hint_events_per_packet: average number of events generated by the     
 *    device in a packet (between EV_SYN/SYN_REPORT events). Used by
 *    event handlers to estimate size of the buffer needed to hold
 *    events.                                                                                //设备在数据包中生成的事件的平均数量(EV_SYN/SYN_REPORT事件之间)。由事件处理程序用于估计保存事件所需的缓冲区大小。
 * @keycodemax: size of keycode table                                //键码表的大小
 * @keycodesize: size of elements in keycode table              //keycode表中元素的大小
 * @keycode: map of scancodes to keycodes for this device      //此设备的扫描码到键码的映射
 * @getkeycode: optional legacy method to retrieve current keymap.    //用于检索当前keymap的可选遗留方法。
 * @setkeycode: optional method to alter current keymap, used to implement
 *    sparse keymaps. If not supplied default mechanism will be used.
 *    The method is being called while holding event_lock and thus must
 *    not sleep                                               //用于更改当前关键点映射的可选方法,用于实现稀疏关键点映射。如果未提供,将使用默认机制。在保持event_lock时调用该方法,因此不能休眠
 * @ff: force feedback structure associated with the device if device
 *    supports force feedback effects              //如果设备支持力反馈效应,则与设备相关的力反馈结构
 * @repeat_key: stores key code of the last key pressed; used to implement
 *    software autorepeat                        //存储最后一个按键的按键代码;用于实现软件自动复制
 * @timer: timer for software autorepeat       //软件自动重复计时器
 * @rep: current values for autorepeat parameters (delay, rate)    //自动重复参数的当前值(延迟、速率)
 * @mt: pointer to multitouch state                   //指向多点触摸状态的指针
 * @absinfo: array of &struct input_absinfo elements holding information
 *    about absolute axes (current value, min, max, flat, fuzz,
 *    resolution)                                           //保存绝对轴信息的&struct input_absinfo元素数组(当前值、最小值、最大值、平坦值、模糊值、分辨率)
 * @key: reflects current state of device's keys/buttons     //反映设备按键/按钮的当前状态
 * @led: reflects current state of device's LEDs               //反映设备led的当前状态
 * @snd: reflects current state of sound effects              //反映当前音效状态
 * @sw: reflects current state of device's switches           //反映设备开关的当前状态
 * @open: this method is called when the very first user calls
 *    input_open_device(). The driver must prepare the device
 *    to start generating events (start polling thread,
 *    request an IRQ, submit URB, etc.)                        //当第一个用户调用input_open_device()时,就会调用此方法。驱动程序必须准备好设备以开始生成事件(启动轮询线程、请求IRQ、提交URB等)
 * @close: this method is called when the very last user calls
 *    input_close_device().                                              //当最后一个用户调用input_close_device()时调用此方法
 * @flush: purges the device. Most commonly used to get rid of force
 *    feedback effects loaded into the device when disconnecting
 *    from it                                                               //清除设备。最常用于消除设备断开连接时加载到设备中的力反馈效应
 * @event: event handler for events sent _to_ the device, like EV_LED
 *    or EV_SND. The device is expected to carry out the requested
 *    action (turn on a LED, play sound, etc.) The call is protected
 *    by @event_lock and must not sleep                //发送到设备的事件的事件处理程序,如EV_LED或EV_SND。设备应执行请求的操作(打开LED、播放声音等)。这个调用受@event_lock保护,不得休眠
 * @grab: input handle that currently has the device grabbed (via
 *    EVIOCGRAB ioctl). When a handle grabs a device it becomes sole
 *    recipient for all input events coming from the device     //当前已抓取设备的输入句柄(通过EVIOCGRAB ioctl)。当手柄抓取设备时,它将成为来自该设备的所有输入事件的唯一接收者
 * @event_lock: this spinlock is is taken when input core receives
 *    and processes a new event for the device (in input_event()).
 *    Code that accesses and/or modifies parameters of a device
 *    (such as keymap or absmin, absmax, absfuzz, etc.) after device
 *    has been registered with input core must take this lock.    //当输入核心接收并处理设备的新事件时(在input_event()中),将使用此自旋锁。在设备注册到输入核心后,访问和/或修改设备参数(如keymap或absmin、absmax、absfuzz等)的代码必须使用此锁。
 * @mutex: serializes calls to open(), close() and flush() methods
 * @users: stores number of users (input handlers) that opened this
 *    device. It is used by input_open_device() and input_close_device()
 *    to make sure that dev->open() is only called when the first
 *    user opens device and dev->close() is called when the very
 *    last user closes the device                                               //存储打开此设备的用户数(输入处理程序)。它由input_open_device()和input_close_device()使用,以确保dev->open()仅在第一个用户打开设备时调用,dev->close()在最后一个用户关闭设备时调用
 * @going_away: marks devices that are in a middle of unregistering and
 *    causes input_open_device*() fail with -ENODEV.        //标记正在注销的设备,并导致input_open_device*()失败,返回-ENODEV。
 * @dev: driver model's view of this device
 * @h_list: list of input handles associated with the device. When
 *    accessing the list dev->mutex must be held        //与设备关联的输入句柄列表。访问列表时,必须持有dev->mutex
 * @node: used to place the device onto input_dev_list    //用于将设备放置到input_dev_list中
 * @num_vals: number of values queued in the current frame    //当前帧中排队的值数
 * @max_vals: maximum number of values queued in a frame   //帧中排队的最大值数
 * @vals: array of values queued in the current frame      //当前帧中排队的值数组
 * @devres_managed: indicates that devices is managed with devres framework
 *    and needs not be explicitly unregistered or freed.     //表示设备是用devres框架管理的,不需要显式注销或释放。


The input protocol uses a map of types and codes to express input device values to userspace. This document describes the types and codes and how and when they may be used.

 A single hardware event generates multiple input events. Each input event contains the new value of a single data item. A special event type, EV_SYN, is used to separate input events into packets of input data changes occurring at the same moment in time. In the following, the term "event" refers to a single input event encompassing a type, code, and value.


 The input protocol is a stateful protocol. Events are emitted only when values of event codes have changed. However, the state is maintained within the Linux input subsystem; drivers do not need to maintain the state and may attempt to emit unchanged values without harm. Userspace may obtain the current state of event code values using the EVIOCG* ioctls defined in linux/input.h. The event reports supported by a device are also provided by sysfs in class/input/event*/device/capabilities/, and the properties of a device are provided in class/input/event*/device/properties.
输入协议是有状态协议。仅当事件代码的值发生更改时才会发出事件。但是,该状态在Linux输入子系统中保持;驱动程序不需要保持状态,并且可以尝试在没有损害的情况下发出不变的值。用户空间可以使用linux/input.h 中定义的EVIOCG*ioctls 获取事件代码值的当前状态。设备支持的事件报告也由class/input/event*/device/capabilities/中的sysfs提供,设备的属性在class/infut/event*/device/属性中提供。

一、Event types: 
 Event types are groupings of codes under a logical input construct. Each type has a set of applicable codes to be used in generating events. See the Codes section for details on valid codes for each type.

 *1. EV_SYN:
  - Used as markers to separate events. Events may be separated in time or in space, such as with the multitouch protocol.
 *2. EV_KEY:
  - Used to describe state changes of keyboards, buttons, or other key-like devices.
 *3. EV_REL:
  - Used to describe relative axis value changes, e.g. moving the mouse 5 units to the left.
 *4. EV_ABS:
  - Used to describe absolute axis value changes, e.g. describing the coordinates of a touch on a touchscreen.
 *5. EV_MSC:
  - Used to describe miscellaneous input data that do not fit into other types.
 *6. EV_SW:
  - Used to describe binary state input switches.
 *7. EV_LED:
  - Used to turn LEDs on devices on and off.
 *8. EV_SND:
  - Used to output sound to devices.
 *9. EV_REP:
  - Used for autorepeating devices.
 *10. EV_FF:
  - Used to send force feedback commands to an input device.
 *11. EV_PWR:
  - A special type for power button and switch input.
  - Used to receive force feedback device status.

 Event codes: 

 Event codes define the precise type of event.
2.1 EV_SYN
 EV_SYN event values are undefined. Their usage is defined only by when they are sent in the evdev event stream.

 2.1.1 SYN_REPORT:
  - Used to synchronize and separate events into packets of input data changes occurring at the same moment in time. For example, motion of a mouse may set the REL_X and REL_Y values for one motion, then emit a SYN_REPORT. The next motion will emit more REL_X and REL_Y values and send another SYN_REPORT.

 2.1.2 SYN_CONFIG:
  - TBD
  - Used to synchronize and separate touch events. See the multi-touch-protocol.txt document for more information.

  - Used to indicate buffer overrun in the evdev client's event queue. Client should ignore all events up to and including next SYN_REPORT event and query the device (using EVIOCG* ioctls) to obtain its current state.

2.2 EV_KEY
 EV_KEY events take the form KEY_<name> or BTN_<name>. For example, KEY_A is used to represent the 'A' key on a keyboard. When a key is depressed, an event with the key's code is emitted with value 1. When the key is released, an event is emitted with value 0. Some hardware send events when a key is repeated. These events have a value of 2. In general, KEY_<name> is used for keyboard keys, and BTN_<name> is used for other types of momentary switch events.

 A few EV_KEY codes have special meanings:
 2.2.1 BTN_TOOL_<name>:
  - These codes are used in conjunction with input trackpads, tablets, and touchscreens. These devices may be used with fingers, pens, or other tools. When an event occurs and a tool is used, the corresponding BTN_TOOL_<name> code should be set to a value of 1. When the tool is no longer interacting with the input device, the BTN_TOOL_<name> code should be reset to 0. All trackpads, tablets, and touchscreens should use at least one BTN_TOOL_<name> code when events are generated.

 2.2.2 BTN_TOUCH: BTN_TOUCH is used for touch contact. While an input tool is determined to be within meaningful physical contact, the value of this property must be set to 1. Meaningful physical contact may mean any contact, or it may mean contact conditioned by an implementation defined property. For example, a touchpad may set the value to 1 only when the touch pressure rises above a certain value. BTN_TOUCH may be combined with BTN_TOOL_<name> codes. For example, a pen tablet may set BTN_TOOL_PEN to 1 and BTN_TOUCH to 0 while the pen is hovering over but not touching the tablet surface.

 Note: For appropriate function of the legacy mousedev emulation driver,BTN_TOUCH must be the first evdev code emitted in a synchronization frame.

 Note: Historically a touch device with BTN_TOOL_FINGER and BTN_TOUCH was interpreted as a touchpad by userspace, while a similar device without BTN_TOOL_FINGER was interpreted as a touchscreen. For backwards compatibility with current userspace it is recommended to follow this distinction. In the future, this distinction will be deprecated and the device properties ioctl EVIOCGPROP, defined in linux/input.h, will be used to convey the device type.

注:历史上,带有BTN_TOOL_FINGER和BTN_TOUCH的触摸设备被用户空间解释为触摸板,而没有BTN_TOOL_FINGER的类似设备被解释为触摸屏。为了与当前用户空间向后兼容,建议遵循此区别。将来,这种区别将被弃用,linux/input.h 中定义的设备属性 ioctl EVIOCGPROP 将用于表示设备类型。

  - These codes denote one, two, three, and four finger interaction on a trackpad or touchscreen. For example, if the user uses two fingers and moves them on the touchpad in an effort to scroll content on screen, BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP should be set to value 1 for the duration of the motion. Note that all BTN_TOOL_<name> codes and the BTN_TOUCH code are orthogonal in purpose. A trackpad event generated by finger touches should generate events for one code from each group. At most only one of these BTN_TOOL_<name> codes should have a value of 1 during any synchronization frame.

 Note: Historically some drivers emitted multiple of the finger count codes with a value of 1 in the same synchronization frame. This usage is deprecated.

 Note: In multitouch drivers, the input_mt_report_finger_count() function should be used to emit these codes. Please see multi-touch-protocol.txt for details.

2.3 EV_REL: ---------- 
 EV_REL events describe relative changes in a property. For example, a mouse may move to the left by a certain number of units, but its absolute position in space is unknown. If the absolute position is known, EV_ABS codes should be used instead of EV_REL codes.
 A few EV_REL codes have special meanings:
  - These codes are used for vertical and horizontal scroll wheels, respectively.
2.4 EV_ABS: ---------- 
 EV_ABS events describe absolute changes in a property. For example, a touchpad may emit coordinates for a touch location.
 A few EV_ABS codes have special meanings:
  - Used to describe the distance of a tool from an interaction surface. This event should only be emitted while the tool is hovering, meaning in close proximity of the device and while the value of the BTN_TOUCH code is 0. If the input device may be used freely in three dimensions, consider ABS_Z instead.

 2.4.2 ABS_MT_<name>:
  - Used to describe multitouch input events. Please see multi-touch-protocol.txt for details.
2.5 EV_SW: ---------- 
 EV_SW events describe stateful binary switches. For example, the SW_LID code is used to denote when a laptop lid is closed.
 Upon binding to a device or resuming from suspend, a driver must report the current switch state. This ensures that the device, kernel, and userspace state is in sync.

 Upon resume, if the switch state is the same as before suspend, then the input subsystem will filter out the duplicate switch state reports. The driver does not need to keep the state of the switch at any time.
2.6 EV_MSC: ---------- 
 EV_MSC events are used for input and output events that do not fall under other categories.

 A few EV_MSC codes have special meaning:
  - Used to report the number of microseconds since the last reset. This event should be coded as an uint32 value, which is allowed to wrap around with no special consequence. It is assumed that the time difference between two consecutive events is reliable on a reasonable time scale (hours). A reset to zero can happen, in which case the time since the last event is unknown.  If the device does not provide this information, the driver must not provide it to user space.

2.7 EV_LED: ---------- 
 EV_LED events are used for input and output to set and query the state of various LEDs on devices.
2.8 EV_REP: ---------- 
 EV_REP events are used for specifying autorepeating events.
2.9 EV_SND: ---------- 
 EV_SND events are used for sending sound commands to simple sound output devices.
2.10 EV_FF: ---------- 
 EV_FF events are used to initialize a force feedback capable device and to cause such device to feedback.
2.11 EV_PWR: ---------- 
 EV_PWR events are a special type of event used specifically for power management. Its usage is not well defined. To be addressed later.

三、Device properties: (设备属性)
 Normally, userspace sets up an input device based on the data it emits, i.e., the event types. In the case of two devices emitting the same event types, additional information can be provided in the form of device properties.
 The INPUT_PROP_DIRECT property indicates that device coordinates should be directly mapped to screen coordinates (not taking into account trivial transformations, such as scaling, flipping and rotating). Non-direct input devices require non-trivial transformation, such as absolute to relative transformation for touchpads. Typical direct input devices: touchscreens, drawing tablets; non-direct devices: touchpads, mice.
3.1.1 INPUT_PROP_DIRECT 属性表示设备坐标应直接映射到屏幕坐标(不考虑缩放、翻转和旋转等细微变换)。非直接输入设备需要一些的转换,例如触摸板的绝对到相对转换。典型的直接输入设备:触摸屏、绘图板;非直接设备:触摸板、鼠标。

 The INPUT_PROP_POINTER property indicates that the device is not transposed on the screen and thus requires use of an on-screen pointer to trace user's movements.  Typical pointer devices: touchpads, tablets, mice; non-pointer device: touchscreen.

 If neither INPUT_PROP_DIRECT or INPUT_PROP_POINTER are set, the property is considered undefined and the device type should be deduced in the traditional way, using emitted event types.

 For touchpads where the button is placed beneath the surface, such that pressing down on the pad causes a button click, this property should be set. Common in clickpad notebooks and macbooks from 2009 and onwards.

 Originally, the buttonpad property was coded into the bcm5974 driver version field under the name integrated button. For backwards compatibility, both methods need to be checked in userspace.
最初,buttonpad属性被编码到名为integrated button的bcm5974 驱动程序版本字段中。 为了向后兼容 ,需要在用户空间中 检查这两种方法。

 Some touchpads, most common between 2008 and 2011, can detect the presence of multiple contacts without resolving the individual positions; only the number of contacts and a rectangular shape is known. For such touchpads, the semi-mt property should be set.
 Depending on the device, the rectangle may enclose all touches, like a bounding box, or just some of them, for instance the two most recent touches. The diversity makes the rectangle of limited use, but some gestures can normally be extracted from it.
 If INPUT_PROP_SEMI_MT is not set, the device is assumed to be a true MT device.

 Some laptops, most notably the Lenovo *40 series provide a trackstick device but do not have physical buttons associated with the trackstick device. Instead, the top area of the touchpad is marked to show visual/haptic areas for left, middle, right buttons intended to be used with the trackstick.

 If INPUT_PROP_TOPBUTTONPAD is set, userspace should emulate buttons accordingly. This property does not affect kernel behavior. The kernel does not provide button emulation for such devices but treats them as any other INPUT_PROP_BUTTONPAD device.

 INPUT_PROP_ACCELEROMETER ------------------------- 
 Directional axes on this device (absolute and/or relative x, y, z) represent accelerometer data. All other axes retain their meaning. A device must not mix regular directional axes and accelerometer axes on the same event node.
此设备上的方向轴(绝对和/或相对x、y、z) 表示加速计数据。 所有其他轴线保留其含义。 设备不得在同一事件节点上混合常规方向轴和加速计轴。

四、Guidelines: (指导意见)
 The guidelines below ensure proper single-touch and multi-finger functionality. For multi-touch functionality, see the multi-touch-protocol.txt document for more information.
4.1 Mice: (鼠标) 
 REL_{X,Y} must be reported when the mouse moves. BTN_LEFT must be used to report the primary button press. BTN_{MIDDLE,RIGHT,4,5,etc.} should be used to report further buttons of the device. REL_WHEEL and REL_HWHEEL should be used to report scroll wheel events where available.

4.2 Touchscreens: (触摸屏)
 ABS_{X,Y} must be reported with the location of the touch. BTN_TOUCH must be used to report when a touch is active on the screen. BTN_{MOUSE,LEFT,MIDDLE,RIGHT} must not be reported as the result of touch contact. BTN_TOOL_<name> events should be reported where possible.
 For new hardware, INPUT_PROP_DIRECT should be set.
4.3 Trackpads: (触摸板)
 Legacy trackpads that only provide relative position information must report events like mice described above.
 Trackpads that provide absolute touch position must report ABS_{X,Y} for the location of the touch. BTN_TOUCH should be used to report when a touch is active on the trackpad. Where multi-finger support is available, BTN_TOOL_<name> should be used to report the number of touches active on the trackpad.
 For new hardware, INPUT_PROP_POINTER should be set.
4.4 Tablets: (画板)
 BTN_TOOL_<name> events must be reported when a stylus or other tool is active on the tablet. ABS_{X,Y} must be reported with the location of the tool. BTN_TOUCH should be used to report when the tool is in contact with the tablet. BTN_{STYLUS,STYLUS2} should be used to report buttons on the tool itself. Any button may be used for buttons on the tablet except BTN_{MOUSE,LEFT}. BTN_{0,1,2,etc} are good generic codes for unlabeled buttons. Do not use meaningful buttons, like BTN_FORWARD, unless the button is labeled for that purpose on the device.
 For new hardware, both INPUT_PROP_DIRECT and INPUT_PROP_POINTER should be set.




              Linux Input drivers v1.0
           (c) 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik <vojtech@ucw.cz>
                 Sponsored by SuSE 
 0. Disclaimer   //免责声明
  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
该程序是免费软件;您可以根据自由软件基金会发布的GNU通用公共许可证条款重新分发和/或修改它; 许可证的版本2或(由您选择)任何更高版本。

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
你应该已经收到了GNU通用公共许可证的副本以及这个程序;如果没有,请写信给自由软件基金会股份有限公司,地址:59 Temple Place,Suite 330,Boston,MA 02111-1307 USA

  Should you need to contact me, the author, you can do so either by e-mail - mail your message to <vojtech@ucw.cz>, or by paper mail: Vojtech Pavlik, Simunkova 1594, Prague 8, 182 00 Czech Republic
如果您需要联系我,作者,您可以通过电子邮件将您的信息发送到<vojtech@ucw.cz>,或通过纸质邮件:Vojtech Pavlik,Simunkova 1594,布拉格8,18200捷克共和国

  For your convenience, the GNU General Public License version 2 is included in the package: See the file COPYING.

 1. Introduction   //1.引言
  This is a collection of drivers that is designed to support all input devices under Linux. While it is currently used only on for USB input devices, future use (say 2.5/2.6) is expected to expand to replace most of the existing input system, which is why it lives in drivers/input/ instead of drivers/usb/.

  The centre of the input drivers is the input module, which must be loaded before any other of the input modules - it serves as a way of communication between two groups of modules:


 1.1 Device drivers   //1.1设备驱动程序
  These modules talk to the hardware (for example via USB), and provide events (keystrokes, mouse movements) to the input module.

 1.2 Event handlers   1.2事件处理程序
  These modules get events from input and pass them where needed via various interfaces - keystrokes to the kernel, mouse movements via a simulated PS/2 interface to GPM and X and so on.

 2. Simple Usage   //2.简单用法
  For the most usual configuration, with one USB mouse and one USB keyboard, you'll have to load the following modules (or have them built in to the kernel):

    input    //输入
    mousedev   //鼠标控制器
    keybdev    //按键按钮
    usbcore    //usb核
    uhci_hcd or ohci_hcd or ehci_hcd   //uhci_hcd、ohci_hcd或ehci_hcd
    usbhid     //usb hid(人机接口设备)

  After this, the USB keyboard will work straight away, and the USB mouse will be available as a character device on major 13, minor 63:

    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  63 Mar 28 22:45 mice

  This device has to be created.   //必须创建此设备。
  The commands to create it by hand are:   //手动创建它的命令有:

    cd /dev
    mkdir input
    mknod input/mice c 13 63

  After that you have to point GPM (the textmode mouse cut&paste tool) and XFree to this device to use it - GPM should be called like:

    gpm -t ps2 -m /dev/input/mice

  And in X:

    Section "Pointer"
        Protocol    "ImPS/2"
        Device      "/dev/input/mice"
        ZAxisMapping 4 5

  When you do all of the above, you can use your USB mouse and keyboard.

 3. Detailed Description   //3.详细说明
 3.1 Device drivers    //3.1设备驱动程序
  Device drivers are the modules that generate events. The events are however not useful without being handled, so you also will need to use some of the modules from section 3.2.

 3.1.1 usbhid 
  usbhid is the largest and most complex driver of the whole suite. It handles all HID devices, and because there is a very wide variety of them, and because the USB HID specification isn't simple, it needs to be this big.

  usbhid是整个套件中最大、最复杂的驱动程序。它处理所有的HID设备,因为它们的种类非常多,而且USB HID规范不简单,所以它需要这么大。

  Currently, it handles USB mice, joysticks, gamepads, steering wheels keyboards, trackballs and digitizers.

 However, USB uses HID also for monitor controls, speaker controls, UPSs, LCDs and many other purposes.

 The monitor and speaker controls should be easy to add to the hid/input interface, but for the UPSs and LCDs it doesn't make much sense. For this, the hiddev interface was designed. See Documentation/hid/hiddev.txt for more information about it.

  The usage of the usbhid module is very simple, it takes no parameters, detects everything automatically and when a HID device is inserted, it detects it appropriately.

  However, because the devices vary wildly, you might happen to have a device that doesn't work well. In that case #define DEBUG at the beginning of hid-core.c and send me the syslog traces.

 3.1.2 usbmouse   //3.1.2 usb鼠标
  For embedded systems, for mice with broken HID descriptors and just any other use when the big usbhid wouldn't be a good choice, there is the usbmouse driver. It handles USB mice only. It uses a simpler HIDBP protocol. This also means the mice must support this simpler protocol. Not all do. If you don't have any strong reason to use this module, use usbhid instead.

 3.1.3 usbkbd  //3.1.3 usb键盘
  Much like usbmouse, this module talks to keyboards with a simplified HIDBP protocol. It's smaller, but doesn't support any extra special keys. Use usbhid instead if there isn't any special reason to use this.

 3.1.4 wacom   //3.1.4 wacom公司
  This is a driver for Wacom Graphire and Intuos tablets. Not for Wacom PenPartner, that one is handled by the HID driver. Although the Intuos and Graphire tablets claim that they are HID tablets as well, they are not and thus need this specific driver.
这是Wacom Graphire和Intuos平板电脑的驱动程序。不适用于Wacom PenPartner,它由HID驱动程序处理。尽管Intuos和Graphire平板电脑声称它们也是HID平板电脑,但它们不是,因此需要这个特定的驱动程序。

 3.1.5 iforce 
  A driver for I-Force joysticks and wheels, both over USB and RS232.  It includes ForceFeedback support now, even though Immersion Corp. considers the protocol a trade secret and won't disclose a word about it. 
I-Force操纵杆和轮子的驱动程序,通过USB和RS232。它现在包括ForceFeedback支持,尽管Immersion Corp.认为该协议是商业秘密,不会透露任何信息。

 3.2 Event handlers   //3.2事件处理程序
  Event handlers distribute the events from the devices to userland and kernel, as needed.

 3.2.1 keybdev   3.2.1键盘设备
  keybdev is currently a rather ugly hack that translates the input events into architecture-specific keyboard raw mode (Xlated AT Set2 on x86), and passes them into the handle_scancode function of the keyboard.c module. This works well enough on all architectures that keybdev can generate rawmode on, other architectures can be added to it.
keybdev目前是一个相当丑陋的黑客,它将输入事件转换为特定于体系结构的键盘原始模式(x86上的Xlated AT Set2),并将它们传递到keyboard.c模块的handle_scancode函数中。这在keybdev可以在其上生成rawmode的所有架构上都非常有效,其他架构也可以添加到其中。

  The right way would be to pass the events to keyboard.c directly, best if keyboard.c would itself be an event handler. This is done in the input patch, available on the webpage mentioned below. 

 3.2.2 mousedev  //3.2.2鼠标设备
  mousedev is also a hack to make programs that use mouse input work. It takes events from either mice or digitizers/tablets and makes a PS/2-style (a la /dev/psaux) mouse device available to the userland. Ideally, the programs could use a more reasonable interface, for example evdev
mousedev也是一种使使用鼠标输入的程序工作的黑客。它从鼠标或数字转换器/平板电脑中获取事件,并为用户提供PS/2风格(la/dev/psaux) 鼠标设备。理想情况下, 程序可以使用更合理的接口,例如evdev

  Mousedev devices in /dev/input (as shown above) are:

    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  32 Mar 28 22:45 mouse0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  33 Mar 29 00:41 mouse1
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  34 Mar 29 00:41 mouse2
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  35 Apr  1 10:50 mouse3
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  62 Apr  1 10:50 mouse30
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  63 Apr  1 10:50 mice
 Each 'mouse' device is assigned to a single mouse or digitizer, except the last one - 'mice'. This single character device is shared by all mice and digitizers, and even if none are connected, the device is present.  This is useful for hotplugging USB mice, so that programs can open the device even when no mice are present.


  CONFIG_INPUT_MOUSEDEV_SCREEN_[XY] in the kernel configuration are the size of your screen (in pixels) in XFree86. This is needed if you want to use your digitizer in X, because its movement is sent to X via a virtual PS/2 mouse and thus needs to be scaled accordingly. These values won't be used if you use a mouse only.


  Mousedev will generate either PS/2, ImPS/2 (Microsoft IntelliMouse) or ExplorerPS/2 (IntelliMouse Explorer) protocols, depending on what the program reading the data wishes. You can set GPM and X to any of these. You'll need ImPS/2 if you want to make use of a wheel on a USB mouse and ExplorerPS/2 if you want to use extra (up to 5) buttons. 
Mousedev将生成PS/2、ImPS/2(Microsoft IntelliMouse)或ExplorerPS/2(IntelliMouse Explorer)协议,具体取决于读取数据的程序的愿望。您可以将GPM和X设置为任何一个。如果您想使用USB鼠标上的滚轮,则需要ImPS/2;如果您想额外使用(最多5个)按钮,则需要ExplorerPS/2。

 3.2.3 joydev   //3.2.3操纵手柄
  Joydev implements v0.x and v1.x Linux joystick api, much like drivers/char/joystick/joystick.c used to in earlier versions. See joystick-api.txt in the Documentation subdirectory for details.  As soon as any joystick is connected, it can be accessed in /dev/input on: 
Joydev实现了v0.x和v1.x Linux操纵杆api,非常类似于早期版本中使用的drivers/car/jonger/jonger.c。有关详细信息,请参阅Documentation子目录中的joystick-api.txt。一旦连接了任何操纵杆,就可以在/dev/input中访问:

    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,   0 Apr  1 10:50 js0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,   1 Apr  1 10:50 js1
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,   2 Apr  1 10:50 js2
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,   3 Apr  1 10:50 js3
 And so on up to js31.
 3.2.4 evdev   //3.2.4电子设备
  evdev is the generic input event interface. It passes the events generated in the kernel straight to the program, with timestamps. The API is still evolving, but should be usable now. It's described in section 5. 
  This should be the way for GPM and X to get keyboard and mouse events. It allows for multihead in X without any specific multihead kernel support. The event codes are the same on all architectures and are hardware independent.
  The devices are in /dev/input:
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  64 Apr  1 10:49 event0
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  65 Apr  1 10:50 event1
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  66 Apr  1 10:50 event2
    crw-r--r--   1 root     root      13,  67 Apr  1 10:50 event3
 And so on up to event31.

 4. Verifying if it works   //4.验证是否有效
  Typing a couple keys on the keyboard should be enough to check that a USB keyboard works and is correctly connected to the kernel keyboard driver. 
  Doing a "cat /dev/input/mouse0" (c, 13, 32) will verify that a mouse is also emulated; characters should appear if you move it.
  You can test the joystick emulation with the 'jstest' utility, available in the joystick package (see Documentation/input/joystick.txt).
  You can test the event devices with the 'evtest' utility available in the LinuxConsole project CVS archive (see the URL below).

 5. Event interface  5.事件接口
  Should you want to add event device support into any application (X, gpm, svgalib ...) I <vojtech@ucw.cz> will be happy to provide you any help I can. Here goes a description of the current state of things, which is going to be extended, but not changed incompatibly as time goes:
  You can use blocking and nonblocking reads, also select() on the /dev/input/eventX devices, and you'll always get a whole number of input events on a read. Their layout is:
 您可以使用阻塞和非阻塞读取,也可以在/dev/input/eventX设备上使用select()函数, 这样每次读取都会得到大量的输入事件。其布局如下:
 struct input_event {
    struct timeval time;
    unsigned short type;
    unsigned short code;
    unsigned int value; 

  'time' is the timestamp, it returns the time at which the event happened. Type is for example EV_REL for relative moment, EV_KEY for a keypress or release. More types are defined in include/linux/input.h.
  'code' is event code, for example REL_X or KEY_BACKSPACE, again a complete list is in include/linux/input.h.
  'value' is the value the event carries. Either a relative change for EV_REL, absolute new value for EV_ABS (joysticks ...), or 0 for EV_KEY for release, 1 for keypress and 2 for autorepeat.




Programming input drivers

1. Creating an input device driver   //创建一个输入设备驱动

1.0 The simplest example   //1.0 一个简单的例子

Here comes a very simple example of an input device driver. The device has just one button and the button is accessible at i/o port BUTTON_PORT. When pressed or released a BUTTON_IRQ happens. The driver could look like:
下面是输入设备驱动程序的一个非常简单的示例。该设备只有一个按钮,可通过i/o端口button_port 访问该按钮。 按下或松开按钮时,BUTTON_IRQ(按键中断)发生。驱动程序可能看起来像:

#include <linux/input.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>

#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/io.h>

static struct input_dev *button_dev;

static irqreturn_t button_interrupt(int irq, void *dummy)
    input_report_key(button_dev, BTN_0, inb(BUTTON_PORT) & 1);  //向内核上报按键值,inb读回一个字节
    input_sync(button_dev);   //发送同步信号
    return IRQ_HANDLED;

static int __init button_init(void)
    int error;
    if (request_irq(BUTTON_IRQ, button_interrupt, 0, "button", NULL)) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "button.c: Can't allocate irq %d\n", button_irq);
                return -EBUSY;

    button_dev = input_allocate_device();  //分配输入设备结构体空间
    if (!button_dev) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "button.c: Not enough memory\n");
        error = -ENOMEM;
        goto err_free_irq;

    button_dev->evbit[0] = BIT_MASK(EV_KEY);
    button_dev->keybit[BIT_WORD(BTN_0)] = BIT_MASK(BTN_0);   //设置上报键值

    error = input_register_device(button_dev);  //注册输入设备
    if (error) {
        printk(KERN_ERR "button.c: Failed to register device\n");
        goto err_free_dev;

    return 0;
    free_irq(BUTTON_IRQ, button_interrupt);
    return error;

static void __exit button_exit(void)
    input_unregister_device(button_dev);   //注销输入设备
    free_irq(BUTTON_IRQ, button_interrupt);  //释放中断


1.1 What the example does    //例子做了什么?

First it has to include the <linux/input.h> file, which interfaces to the input subsystem. This provides all the definitions needed.

 In the _init function, which is called either upon module load or when booting the kernel, it grabs the required resources (it should also check for the presence of the device).

 Then it allocates a new input device structure with input_allocate_device() and sets up input bitfields. This way the device driver tells the other parts of the input systems what it is - what events can be generated or accepted by this input device. Our example device can only generate EV_KEY type events, and from those only BTN_0 event code. Thus we only set these two bits. We could have used

    set_bit(EV_KEY, button_dev.evbit);
    set_bit(BTN_0, button_dev.keybit);

as well, but with more than single bits the first approach tends to be
Then the example driver registers the input device structure by calling


This adds the button_dev structure to linked lists of the input driver and calls device handler modules _connect functions to tell them a new input device has appeared. input_register_device() may sleep and therefore must not be called from an interrupt or with a spinlock held.

While in use, the only used function of the driver is

which upon every interrupt from the button checks its state and reports it
via the

call to the input system. There is no need to check whether the interrupt routine isn't reporting two same value events (press, press for example) to the input system, because the input_report_* functions check that themselves.
Then there is the


call to tell those who receive the events that we've sent a complete report. This doesn't seem important in the one button case, but is quite important for for example mouse movement, where you don't want the X and Y values to be interpreted separately, because that'd result in a different movement.

1.2 dev->open() and dev->close()

In case the driver has to repeatedly poll the device, because it doesn't have an interrupt coming from it and the polling is too expensive to be done all the time, or if the device uses a valuable resource (eg. interrupt), it can use the open and close callback to know when it can stop polling or release the interrupt and when it must resume polling or grab the interrupt again. To do that, we would add this to our example driver:

static int button_open(struct input_dev *dev)
    if (request_irq(BUTTON_IRQ, button_interrupt, 0, "button", NULL)) {
                printk(KERN_ERR "button.c: Can't allocate irq %d\n", button_irq);
                return -EBUSY;

        return 0;

static void button_close(struct input_dev *dev)
        free_irq(IRQ_AMIGA_VERTB, button_interrupt);

static int __init button_init(void)
    button_dev->open = button_open;
    button_dev->close = button_close;

Note that input core keeps track of number of users for the device and makes sure that dev->open() is called only when the first user connects to the device and that dev->close() is called when the very last user disconnects. Calls to both callbacks are serialized.
请注意,input core会跟踪设备的用户数量,并确保只有当第一个用户连接到设备时才调用dev->open(),而当最后一个用户断开连接时,才会调用dev->close()。对两个回调的调用都是序列化的。

The open() callback should return a 0 in case of success or any nonzero value
in case of failure. The close() callback (which is void) must always succeed.

1.3 Basic event types   //基本事件类型

The most simple event type is EV_KEY, which is used for keys and buttons.
It's reported to the input system via:
    input_report_key(struct input_dev *dev, int code, int value)

See linux/input.h for the allowable values of code (from 0 to KEY_MAX). Value is interpreted as a truth value, ie any nonzero value means key pressed, zero value means key released. The input code generates events only in case the value is different from before.

In addition to EV_KEY, there are two more basic event types: EV_REL and EV_ABS. They are used for relative and absolute values supplied by the device. A relative value may be for example a mouse movement in the X axis. The mouse reports it as a relative difference from the last position, because it doesn't have any absolute coordinate system to work in. Absolute events are namely for joysticks and digitizers - devices that do work in an absolute coordinate systems.

Having the device report EV_REL buttons is as simple as with EV_KEY, simply
set the corresponding bits and call the
    input_report_rel(struct input_dev *dev, int code, int value)

function. Events are generated only for nonzero value.
However EV_ABS requires a little special care. Before calling input_register_device, you have to fill additional fields in the input_dev struct for each absolute axis your device has. If our button device had also the ABS_X axis:
    button_dev.absmin[ABS_X] = 0;
    button_dev.absmax[ABS_X] = 255;
    button_dev.absfuzz[ABS_X] = 4;
    button_dev.absflat[ABS_X] = 8;

Or, you can just say:

    input_set_abs_params(button_dev, ABS_X, 0, 255, 4, 8);

This setting would be appropriate for a joystick X axis, with the minimum of 0, maximum of 255 (which the joystick *must* be able to reach, no problem if it sometimes reports more, but it must be able to always reach the min and max values), with noise in the data up to +- 4, and with a center flat position of size 8.


If you don't need absfuzz and absflat, you can set them to zero, which mean that the thing is precise and always returns to exactly the center position (if it has any).


These three macros from bitops.h help some bitfield computations:
    BITS_TO_LONGS(x) - returns the length of a bitfield array in longs for x bits  返回x位的位字段数组的长度(以longs为单位)
    BIT_WORD(x)     - returns the index in the array in longs for bit x  返回数组中位x的索引(以longs为单位)
    BIT_MASK(x)     - returns the index in a long for bit x  返回位x的长整型索引

1.5 The id* and name fields

The dev->name should be set before registering the input device by the input device driver. It's a string like 'Generic button device' containing a user friendly name of the device.

The id* fields contain the bus ID (PCI, USB, ...), vendor ID and device ID of the device. The bus IDs are defined in input.h. The vendor and device ids are defined in pci_ids.h, usb_ids.h and similar include files. These fields should be set by the input device driver before registering it.

The idtype field can be used for specific information for the input device

The id and name fields can be passed to userland via the evdev interface.

1.6 The keycode, keycodemax, keycodesize fields

These three fields should be used by input devices that have dense keymaps. The keycode is an array used to map from scancodes to input system keycodes. The keycode max should contain the size of the array and keycodesize the size of each entry in it (in bytes).

Userspace can query and alter current scancode to keycode mappings using EVIOCGKEYCODE and EVIOCSKEYCODE ioctls on corresponding evdev interface. When a device has all 3 aforementioned fields filled in, the driver may rely on kernel's default implementation of setting and querying keycode mappings.
用户空间可以使用相应evdev接口上的EVIOCGKEYCODE和EVIOCSKEYCODE ioctl查询和更改当前扫描码到键码的映射。当一个设备填写了前面提到的所有3个字段时,驱动程序可能依赖于内核设置和查询键码映射的默认实现。

1.7 dev->getkeycode() and dev->setkeycode()
getkeycode() and setkeycode() callbacks allow drivers to override default keycode/keycodesize/keycodemax mapping mechanism provided by input core and implement sparse keycode maps.

1.8 Key autorepeat

... is simple. It is handled by the input.c module. Hardware autorepeat is not used, because it's not present in many devices and even where it is present, it is broken sometimes (at keyboards: Toshiba notebooks). To enable autorepeat for your device, just set EV_REP in dev->evbit. All will be handled by the input system.

1.9 Other event types, handling output events  其他事件类型,处理输出事件

The other event types up to now are:

EV_LED - used for the keyboard LEDs.   //用于键盘led
EV_SND - used for keyboard beeps.      //用于键盘蜂鸣器

They are very similar to for example key events, but they go in the other direction - from the system to the input device driver. If your input device driver can handle these events, it has to set the respective bits in evbit, *and* also the callback routine:

    button_dev->event = button_event;

int button_event(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type, unsigned int code, int value);
    if (type == EV_SND && code == SND_BELL) {
        outb(value, BUTTON_BELL);
        return 0;
    return -1;

This callback routine can be called from an interrupt or a BH (although that
isn't a rule), and thus must not sleep, and must not take too long to finish.

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这段代码是一个在输入子系统中使用的ADC按键驱动程序的轮询函数。下面是每行代码的功能: 1. `static void adc_keys_poll(struct input_polled_dev *dev)`:声明一个名为 `adc_keys_poll` 的静态函数,它接受一个指向 `input_polled_dev` 结构体的指针作为参数,并且没有返回值。 2. `struct adc_keys_state st = dev->private;`:声明一个名为 `st` 的 `adc_keys_state` 结构体变量,并将其初始化为指向 `input_polled_dev` 结构体的 `private` 成员。 3. `int i, value, ret; u32 diff, closest = 0xffffffff; int keycode = 0;`:声明一些变量,包括整型变量 `i`、`value`、`ret`、`keycode`,无符号整型变量 `diff` 和 `closest`。其中 `closest` 被初始化为最大可能的值。 4. `ret = iio_read_channel_processed(st->channel, &value);`:使用 `iio_read_channel_processed` 函数读取 ADC 通道的值,并将结果存储在 `value` 变量中。读取成功时,返回值为 0,否则为负数。 5. `if (unlikely(ret < 0)) { / Forcibly release key if any was pressed */ value = st->keyup_voltage; }`:如果读取 ADC 通道的值失败,将 `value` 设置为 `st->keyup_voltage`,并且强制释放任何已经按下的键。 6. `else { for (i = 0; i < st->num_keys; i++) { diff = abs(st->map[i].voltage - value); if (diff < closest) { closest = diff; keycode = st->map[i].keycode; } } }`:如果读取 ADC 通道的值成功,那么遍历 `st->map` 数组中的所有键,找到最接近 `value` 值的那个键,并将其对应的键码存储在 `keycode` 变量中。 7. `if (abs(st->keyup_voltage - value) < closest) keycode = 0;`:如果 `st->keyup_voltage` 与 `value` 的差值比最接近的键的差值还小,那么将 `keycode` 设置为 0,表示没有键被按下。 8. `if (st->last_key && st->last_key != keycode) input_report_key(dev->input, st->last_key, 0);`:如果之前有键被按下,且上一次按下的键与当前按下的键不同,那么向输入子系统报告上一次按下的键已经释放。 9. `if (keycode) input_report_key(dev->input, keycode, 1);`:如果当前有键被按下,那么向输入子系统报告该键已经按下。 10. `input_sync(dev->input);`:向输入子系统报告输入事件已经处理完毕。 11. `st->last_key = keycode;`:将 `keycode` 的值存储到 `st->last_key` 变量中,以便在下一次轮询时使用。




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