

(WaveForm Generator)   (Transmitter)               (Transmit Array) 

                                           **== 信道 ==**

(Siganl processing)    Receiver                        (ReceiveArray)




1. 指标参数设定

%% Designing a Basic Monostatic Pulse Radar
% This example shows how to design a monostatic pulse radar to estimate the target range. 

pd = 0.9;            % Probability of detection
pfa = 1e-6;          % Probability of false alarm
max_range = 5000;    % Maximum unambiguous range
range_res = 50;      % Required range resolution
tgt_rcs = 1;         % Required target radar cross section

2. 波形建模

%% Monostatic Radar System Design
% We need to define several characteristics of the radar system such as the
% waveform, the receiver, the transmitter, and the antenna used to radiate
% and collect the signal.
% *Waveform* 
prop_speed = physconst('LightSpeed');   % Propagation speed
pulse_bw = prop_speed/(2*range_res);    % Pulse bandwidth
pulse_width = 1/pulse_bw;               % Pulse width
prf = prop_speed/(2*max_range);         % Pulse repetition frequency
fs = 2*pulse_bw;                        % Sampling rate
waveform = phased.RectangularWaveform(...


% Note that we set the sampling rate as twice the bandwidth.
% *Receiver Noise Characteristics*
% We assume that the only noise present at the receiver is the thermal
% noise, so there is no clutter involved in this simulation. The power of
% the thermal noise is related to the receiver bandwidth. The receiver's
% noise bandwidth is set to be the same as the bandwidth of the waveform.
% This is often the case in real systems. We also assume that the receiver
% has a 20 dB gain and a 0 dB noise figure.

noise_bw = pulse_bw;

receiver = phased.ReceiverPreamp(...

4. 发射机建模

% Note that because we are modeling a monostatic radar, the
% receiver cannot be turned on until the transmitter is off. Therefore, we
% set the EnableInputPort property to true so that a synchronization signal
% can be passed from the transmitter to the receiver.
% *Transmitter*
% The most critical parameter of a transmitter is the peak transmit power.
% The required peak power is related to many factors including the maximum
% unambiguous range, the required SNR at the receiver, and the pulse width
% of the waveform. Among these factors, the required SNR at the receiver is
% determined by the design goal of Pd and Pfa, as well as the detection
% scheme implemented at the receiver.
% The relation between Pd, Pfa and SNR can be best represented by a
% receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. We can generate the curve
% where Pd is a function of Pfa for varying SNRs using the following
% command

snr_db = [-inf, 0, 3, 10, 13];

% The ROC curves show that to satisfy the design goals of Pfa = 1e-6 and Pd
% = 0.9, the received signal's SNR must exceed 13 dB. This is a fairly high
% requirement and is not very practical. To make the radar system more
% feasible, we can use a pulse integration technique to reduce the required
% SNR.  If we choose to integrate 10 pulses, the curve can be generated as

num_pulse_int =10;
rocsnr([0 3 5],'SignalType','NonfluctuatingNoncoherent',...

% We can see that the required power has dropped to around 5 dB. Further
% reduction of SNR can be achieved by integrating more pulses, but the
% number of pulses available for integration is normally limited due to the
% motion of the target or the heterogeneity of the environment.
% The approach above reads out the SNR value from the curve, but it is 
% often desirable to calculate only the required value. For the noncoherent
% detection scheme, the calculation of the required SNR is, in theory,
% quite complex. Fortunately, there are good approximations available, such
% as Albersheim's equation. Using Albersheim's equation, the required SNR
% can be derived as

%% **由发现概率/虚警概率和脉冲积累数求出所需最小信噪比**
snr_min = albersheim(pd, pfa, num_pulse_int)

% Once we obtain the required SNR at the receiver, the peak power at the
% transmitter can be calculated using the radar equation. Here we assume
% that the transmitter has a gain of 20 dB.
% To calculate the peak power using the radar equation, we also need to
% know the wavelength of the propagating signal, which is related to the
% operating frequency of the system. Here we set the operating frequency to
% 10 GHz.

tx_gain = 20;

fc = 10e9;
lambda = prop_speed/fc;

peak_power = radareqpow(lambda,max_range,snr_min,pulse_width,...

%% 求出所需的峰值功率
% Note that the resulting power is about 5 kw, which is very reasonable. In
% comparison, if we had not used the pulse integration technique, the
% resulting peak power would have been 33 kw, which is huge.

%% 由峰值功率对发射机建模
% With all this information, we can configure the transmitter.

transmitter = phased.Transmitter(...

5. 发射和接收天线建模

% Again, since this example models a monostatic radar system, the
% InUseOutputPort is set to true to output the status of the transmitter.
% This status signal can then be used to enable the receiver.
% *Radiator and Collector*
% In a radar system, the signal propagates in the form of an
% electromagnetic wave. Therefore, the signal needs to be radiated and
% collected by the antenna used in the radar system. This is where the
% radiator and the collector come into the picture.
% In a monostatic radar system, the radiator and the collector share the
% same antenna, so we will first define the antenna. To simplify the
% design, we choose an isotropic antenna. Note that the antenna needs to be
% able to work at the operating frequency of the system (10 GHz), so we set
% the antenna's frequency range to 5-15 GHz.
% We assume that the antenna is stationary.

antenna = phased.IsotropicAntennaElement(...
    'FrequencyRange',[5e9 15e9]);

sensormotion = phased.Platform(...
    'InitialPosition',[0; 0; 0],...
    'Velocity',[0; 0; 0]);

% With the antenna and the operating frequency, we define both the radiator
% and the collector.

radiator = phased.Radiator(...

collector = phased.Collector(...

% This completes the configuration of the radar system. In the following
% sections, we will define other entities, such as the target and the
% environment that are needed for the simulation. We will then simulate the
% signal return and perform range detection on the simulated signal.

6. 目标建模

%% System Simulation
% *Targets*
% To test our radar's ability to detect targets, we must define the targets
% first. Let us assume that there are 3 stationary, non-fluctuating targets
% in space. Their positions and radar cross sections are given below.
tgtpos = [[2024.66;0;0],[3518.63;0;0],[3845.04;0;0]];
tgtvel = [[0;0;0],[0;0;0],[0;0;0]];
tgtmotion = phased.Platform('InitialPosition',tgtpos,'Velocity',tgtvel);

tgtrcs = [1.6 2.2 1.05];
target = phased.RadarTarget('MeanRCS',tgtrcs,'OperatingFrequency',fc);

7. 传播信道建模

% *Propagation Environment*
% To simulate the signal, we also need to define the propagation channel
% between the radar system and each target. 
channel = phased.FreeSpace(...
% Because this example uses a monostatic radar system, the channels are set
% to simulate two way propagation delays.

8. 全系统仿真

% *Signal Synthesis*
% We are now ready to simulate the entire system. 
% The synthesized signal is a data matrix with the fast time (time within
% each pulse) along each column and the slow time (time between pulses)
% along each row.  To visualize the signal, it is helpful to define both
% the fast time grid and slow time grid.

fast_time_grid = unigrid(0,1/fs,1/prf,'[)');
slow_time_grid = (0:num_pulse_int-1)/prf;

% The following loop simulates 10 pulses of the receive signal.
% We set the seed for the noise generation in the receiver so that we can
% reproduce the same results.

receiver.SeedSource = 'Property';
receiver.Seed = 2007;

% Pre-allocate array for improved processing speed
rxpulses = zeros(numel(fast_time_grid),num_pulse_int);
%% 以脉冲的积累量为参数进行仿真
for m = 1:num_pulse_int
    % Update sensor and target positions
    [sensorpos,sensorvel] = sensormotion(1/prf);
    [tgtpos,tgtvel] = tgtmotion(1/prf);

    % Calculate the target angles as seen by the sensor
    [tgtrng,tgtang] = rangeangle(tgtpos,sensorpos);
    % Simulate propagation of pulse in direction of targets
    pulse = waveform();
    [txsig,txstatus] = transmitter(pulse);
    txsig = radiator(txsig,tgtang);
    txsig = channel(txsig,sensorpos,tgtpos,sensorvel,tgtvel);
    % Reflect pulse off of targets
    tgtsig = target(txsig);
    % Receive target returns at sensor
    rxsig = collector(tgtsig,tgtang);
    rxpulses(:,m) = receiver(rxsig,~(txstatus>0));

%% Range Detection
% *Detection Threshold*
% The detector compares the signal power to a given threshold. In radar
% applications, the threshold is often chosen so that the Pfa is below a
% certain level.  In this case, we assume the noise is white Gaussian and
% the detection is noncoherent.  Since we are also using 10 pulses to do
% the pulse integration, the signal power threshold is given by

npower = noisepow(noise_bw,receiver.NoiseFigure,...
threshold = npower * db2pow(npwgnthresh(pfa,num_pulse_int,'noncoherent'));

% We plot the first two received pulses with the threshold
num_pulse_plot = 2;

%% 对接收的信号进行处理 
% The threshold in these figures is for display purpose only.  Note that
% the second and third target returns are much weaker than the first return
% because they are farther away from the radar.  Therefore, the received
% signal power is range dependent and the threshold is unfair to targets
% located at different ranges.
% *Matched Filter* 匹配滤波
% The matched filter offers a processing gain which improves the detection
% threshold.  It convolves the received signal with a local, time-reversed,
% and conjugated copy of transmitted waveform. Therefore, we must specify
% the transmitted waveform when creating our matched filter. The received
% pulses are first passed through a matched filter to improve the SNR
% before doing pulse integration, threshold detection, etc.

matchingcoeff = getMatchedFilter(waveform);
matchedfilter = phased.MatchedFilter(...
[rxpulses, mfgain] = matchedfilter(rxpulses);

% The matched filter introduces an intrinsic filter delay so that the
% locations of the peak (the maximum SNR output sample) are no longer
% aligned with the true target locations. To compensate for this delay, in
% this example, we will move the output of the matched filter forward and
% pad the zeros at the end. Note that in real system, because the data gets
% connected continuously, there is really no end of it.

matchingdelay = size(matchingcoeff,1)-1;
rxpulses = buffer(rxpulses(matchingdelay+1:end),size(rxpulses,1));

% The threshold is then increased by the matched filter processing gain.
threshold = threshold * db2pow(mfgain);

% The following plot shows the same two pulses after they pass through the
% matched filter.

% After the matched filter stage, the SNR is improved.  However, because
% the received signal power is dependent on the range, the return of a
% close target is still much stronger than the return of a target farther
% away. Therefore, as the above figure shows, the noise from a close range
% bin also has a significant chance of surpassing the threshold and
% shadowing a target farther away.  To ensure the threshold is fair to all
% the targets within the detectable range, we can use a time varying gain
% to compensate for the range dependent loss in the received echo.
% To compensate for the range dependent loss, we first calculate the range
% gates corresponding to each signal sample and then calculate the free
% space path loss corresponding to each range gate. Once that information
% is obtained, we apply a time varying gain to the received pulse so that
% the returns are as if from the same reference range (the maximum
% detectable range).
%% 时变增益控制
range_gates = prop_speed*fast_time_grid/2; 

tvg = phased.TimeVaryingGain(...

rxpulses = tvg(rxpulses);

% Now let's plot the same two pulses after the range normalization 

% The time varying gain operation results in a ramp in the noise floor.
% However, the target return is now range independent.  A constant
% threshold can now be used for detection across the entire detectable
% range.

% Notice that at this stage, the threshold is above the maximum power level
% contained in each pulse.  Therefore, nothing can be detected at this
% stage yet.  We need to perform pulse integration to ensure the power of
% returned echoes from the targets can surpass the threshold while leaving
% the noise floor below the bar.  This is expected since it is the pulse
% integration which allows us to use the lower power pulse train.
% *Noncoherent Integration*
%% 脉冲非相干积累
% We can further improve the SNR by noncoherently integrating (video
% integration) the received pulses.

rxpulses = pulsint(rxpulses,'noncoherent');


% After the video integration stage, the data is ready for the final
% detection stage.  It can be seen from the figure that all three echoes
% from the targets are above the threshold, and therefore can be detected.
% *Range Detection*
% Finally, the threshold detection is performed on the integrated pulses.
% The detection scheme identifies the peaks and then translates their
% positions into the ranges of the targets.
%% 距离检测
[~,range_detect] = findpeaks(rxpulses,'MinPeakHeight',sqrt(threshold));

% The true ranges and the detected ranges of the targets are shown below:

true_range = round(tgtrng)
range_estimates = round(range_gates(range_detect))

% Note that these range estimates are only accurate up to the range
% resolution (50 m) that can be achieved by the radar system.







The phased.RangeDopplerResponse object generates a response as follows:1)快时间变换用匹配滤波或dechirp/FFT 操作;得到距离
(1)Processes the input signal in the fast-time dimension using either a matched filter or dechirp/FFT operation.2)Processes the input signal in the pulse dimension using an FFT.3)The decimation algorithm uses a 30th order FIR filter generated by fir1(30,1/R), where R is the value of the DecimationFactor property.
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