sinr 代码

function varargout = sinr(txs, varargin)
%sinr   Display or compute signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) ratio
%   sinr(TXS) displays an SINR map in the current Site Viewer given
%   transmitter sites TXS. Each colored contour of the map defines the area
%   of the corresponding SINR in dB for a mobile receiver. The map contours
%   are generated using SINR values computed for receiver site locations on
%   the map. For each location, the signal source is the transmitter site
%   in TXS with the greatest signal strength. The remaining transmitter
%   sites in TXS with the same TransmitterFrequency as the signal source
%   act as sources of interference. If TXS is scalar or there are no
%   sources of interference, the resultant map displays signal-to-noise
%   ratio (SNR).
%   sinr(TXS,PROPMODEL) displays an SINR map with the PropagationModel
%   argument set to PROPMODEL. The default value depends on the coordinate 
%   system in use by the input sites:
%      CoordinateSystem | Default PropagationModel value
%      --------------------------------------------------------------------
%      'geographic'     | 'longley-rice' when terrain is in use or else 
%                       | 'freespace' when terrain is not in use
%      --------------------------------------------------------------------
%      'cartesian'      | 'freespace' when Map is 'none' or else 
%                       | 'raytracing' when Map is an STL file or 
%                       | triangulation object
%   sinr(___,Name,Value) plots SINR on a map with additional options
%   specified by one or more Name-Value pairs.
%   This function only supports plotting antenna sites with
%   CoordinateSystem set to 'geographic'. 
%   PD = sinr(TXS,___) returns computed SINR data in propagation data
%   object PD. No plot is displayed and any graphical-only Name-value pairs
%   are ignored. This syntax is only supported for antenna sites with
%   CoordinateSystem set to 'geographic'.
%   R = sinr(RXS,TXS,___) returns the SINR in dB computed at receiver sites
%   RXS due to transmitter sites TXS.
%   sinr Name-Value pairs:
%   SignalSource - Source of signal of interest, specified as 'strongest'
%      (the default value) or as a txsite scalar. When SignalSource is
%      'strongest', the transmitter site with the greatest signal strength
%      for each location is selected as the signal source for that
%      location. When computing SINR, SignalSource may be a txsite array of
%      equal number of elements as RXS, where each txsite element defines
%      the signal source for the corresponding rxsite.
%   PropagationModel - Propagation model for path loss calculation,
%      specified as an object created with propagationModel or as one of
%      the following options:
%         'freespace'       - Free space propagation model
%         'rain'            - Propagation model for rain
%         'gas'             - Propagation model for gas
%         'fog'             - Propagation model for fog
%         'close-in'        - Close-In propagation model
%         'longley-rice'    - Longley-Rice propagation model
%         'tirem'           - Terrain Integrated Rough Earth Model (TIREM)
%         'raytracing'      - Ray tracing propagation model
%      Terrain propagation models, including the 'longley-rice' and 'tirem'
%      options, are only supported for sites with CoordinateSystem set to
%      'geographic'. The default value is described in the main help above.
%   ReceiverNoisePower - Total noise power of receiver in dBm, specified
%      as a numeric scalar. The default value is -107, which assumes
%      receiver bandwidth of 1 MHz and receiver noise figure of 7 dB.
%   ReceiverGain - Receiver's gain in dB, specified as a numeric scalar.
%      ReceiverGain includes the receiver's antenna gain and system loss.
%      If the function is called with an output argument, the default value
%      is computed using RXS. Otherwise, the default value is 2.1.
%   ReceiverAntennaHeight - Receiver's antenna height above ground 
%      elevation in meters, specified as a numeric scalar. If the function
%      is called with an output argument, the default value is computed
%      using RXS. Otherwise, the default value is 1.
%   Map - Map for visualization and/or surface geometry data. Valid and
%      default values depend on the coordinate system in use by the input 
%      sites:
%      Coordinate
%      system       | Valid Map values              | Default Map value
%      --------------------------------------------------------------------
%      'geographic' | siteviewer object or terrain  | current siteviewer or
%                   | name if called with an output | else new siteviewer 
%                   | ('none', 'gmted2010', or the  | if none is open, or 
%                   | name of custom terrain data   | 'gmted2010' if called
%                   | previously added with         | with an output
%                   | addCustomTerrain)             | 
%      --------------------------------------------------------------------
%      'cartesian'  | 'none', triangulation object, | 'none'
%                   | or the name of an STL file    |
%   sinr Name-Value pairs applicable when plotting SINR:
%   Values - Values of SINR to plot, specified as a numeric vector. Each
%      value is displayed as a different colored, filled contour on a map.
%      The contour colors are derived using Colormap and ColorLimits.
%      The default value is [-5:20].
%   MaxRange - Maximum range of SINR plot from each transmitter site,
%      specified as a positive numeric scalar in meters representing great
%      circle distance. MaxRange defines the region of interest on the map
%      to plot. The default value is automatically computed based on the
%      propagation model model type as shown:
%      Propagation model type   | MaxRange
%      ------------------------------------------------------------
%      Atmospheric or Empirical | 30 km
%      Terrain                  | 30 km or distance to furthest building
%      Ray Tracing              | 500 m
%   Resolution - Resolution of receiver site locations used to compute SINR 
%      values, specified as 'auto' (the default value) or a numeric scalar.
%      The resolution defines the maximum distance between locations. A
%      Resolution of 'auto' computes the value using MaxRange. A numeric
%      Resolution is expressed as a distance in meters. Decreasing the
%      Resolution value increases both the quality of the SINR map and the
%      time required to create it.
%   Colormap - Colormap for coloring filled contours, specified as a
%      predefined colormap name or an M-by-3 array of RGB (red, green,
%      blue) triplets that define M individual colors. The default value is
%      'jet'.
%   ColorLimits - Color limits for colormap, specified as a two-element
%      vector of the form [min max]. The color limits indicate the SINR
%      values that map to the first and last colors in the colormap.
%      The default value is [-5 20].
%   ShowLegend - Show signal strength color legend on map, specified as
%      true or false. The default value is true.
%   Transparency - Transparency of SINR map, specified as a numeric scalar
%      in range 0 to 1, where 0 is completely transparent and 1 is opaque.
%      The default value is 0.4.
%   % Example 1: Plot SINR and compute value at a site
%   % Define names and locations of sites around Boston
%   names = ["Fenway Park","Faneuil Hall","Bunker Hill Monument"];
%   lats = [42.3467,42.3598,42.3763];
%   lons = [-71.0972,-71.0545,-71.0611];
%   % Create transmitter site array
%   txs = txsite("Name", names,...
%      "Latitude",lats,...
%      "Longitude",lons, ...
%      "TransmitterFrequency",2.5e9);
%   show(txs)
%   % Create receiver site in middle of transmitter sites
%   rx = rxsite("Name","Frog Pond", ...
%      "Latitude",42.3562, ...
%      "Longitude",-71.0658);
%   show(rx)
%   % Display SINR map, where signal source for each location is selected
%   % as transmitter site with strongest signal
%   sinr(txs,"close-in","MaxRange", 10000)
%   % Calculate SINR at receiver site
%   r1 = sinr(rx,txs,"close-in","ReceiverGain",2.1)
%   % Calculate SINR with increased total noise power, specified in dBm
%   r2 = sinr(rx,txs,"close-in","ReceiverGain",2.1,"ReceiverNoisePower",-90)
%   % Example 2: Compute SINR at receiver sites due to transmitter sites in
%   % an urban environment using ray tracing
%   % Launch Site Viewer with buildings in Chicago
%   viewer = siteviewer("Basemap","streets-light",...
%       "Buildings","chicago.osm");
%   % Create three transmitter sites on buildings
%   txs = txsite("Latitude",[41.8800 41.8805 41.8803], ...
%        "Longitude",[-87.6295,-87.6300 -87.6271], ...
%        "TransmitterFrequency",2.5e9);
%   show(txs)
%   % Create two receiver sites above ground
%   rxs = rxsite("Latitude", [41.8807 41.8795], ...
%       "Longitude", [-87.6284 -87.6287]);
%   show(rxs); 
%   % Create a ray tracing propagation model using the SBR method with up
%   % to 5 reflections
%   pm = propagationModel("raytracing", ...
%       "Method", "sbr", ...
%       "MaxNumReflections", 5);
%   % Perform ray tracing for each pair of transmitter and receiver sites
%   raytrace(txs, rxs, pm);
%   % Compute SINR at both receiver sites using ray tracing 
%   r = sinr(rxs, txs, pm);
%   See also <a href="matlab:help txsite.coverage">coverage</a>, propagationModel

%   Copyright 2017-2021 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Validate number of output arguments

% Validate site

% Add parameters
p = inputParser;
if mod(numel(varargin),2) % Odd number of inputs
    % Validator function is necessary for inputParser to allow string
    % option instead of treating it like parameter name
    p.addOptional('PropagationModel', [], @(x)ischar(x)||isstring(x)||isa(x,'rfprop.PropagationModel'));
    p.addParameter('PropagationModel', []);
p.addParameter('SignalSource', 'strongest');
p.addParameter('Values', -5:20);
p.addParameter('Resolution', 'auto');
p.addParameter('ReceiverGain', 2.1);
p.addParameter('ReceiverAntennaHeight', 1);
p.addParameter('ReceiverNoisePower', -107);
p.addParameter('Animation', '');
p.addParameter('MaxRange', []);
p.addParameter('Colormap', 'jet');
p.addParameter('ColorLimits', []);
p.addParameter('Transparency', 0.4);
p.addParameter('ShowLegend', true);
p.addParameter('ReceiverLocationsLayout', []);
p.addParameter('MaxImageResolutionFactor', 5);
p.addParameter('RadialResolutionFactor', 2);
p.addParameter('Map', []);

% Validate CoordinateSystem
usingCartesian = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateCoordinateSystem(txs);

% Get Site Viewer and validate web graphics
outputRequested = nargout > 0;
if ~outputRequested
    viewer = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateMap(p, 'sinr', usingCartesian);
    isViewerInitiallyVisible = viewer.Visible;
    isViewerInitiallyVisible = false;

% Create vector array of all txs
sigSource = validateSignalSource(p);
txs = txs(:);
if isa(sigSource,'txsite')
    if ~ismember(sigSource,txs)
        txs = [txs; sigSource];
numTx = numel(txs);

if usingCartesian

% Validate parameters
map = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateMapTerrainSource(p, 'sinr');
terrainSource = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateTerrainSource(map, 'sinr');
animation = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateGraphicsControls(p, isViewerInitiallyVisible, 'sinr');
values = validateValues(p);
clim = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateColorLimits(p, [-5 20], 'sinr');
cmap = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateColorMap(p, 'sinr');
transparency = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateTransparency(p, 'sinr');
showLegend = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateShowLegend(p, 'sinr');
pm = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateGeographicPropagationModel(p, map, 'sinr');
rfprop.internal.Validators.validateMaxNumReflections(pm, 'sinr');
rxGain = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateReceiverGain(p, 'sinr');
rxAntennaHeight = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateReceiverAntennaHeight(p, 'sinr');
noisePower = validateReceiverNoisePower(p);
maxImageResFactor = p.Results.MaxImageResolutionFactor;
radialResFactor = p.Results.RadialResolutionFactor;

% Get site coordinates
txsCoords = rfprop.internal.AntennaSiteCoordinates.createFromAntennaSites(txs, map);
txslatlon = txsCoords.LatitudeLongitude;

% Validate dependent parameters
if ismember('MaxRange', p.UsingDefaults)
    maxrange = rfprop.internal.Validators.defaultMaxRange(txslatlon, pm, map);
    maxrange = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateNumericMaxRange(p.Results.MaxRange, pm, numTx, map, 'sinr');
[res, isAutoRes] = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateResolution(p, maxrange, 'sinr');
datarange = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateDataRange(txslatlon, maxrange, res, ~strcmp(terrainSource,'none'));
rxLocationsLayout = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateReceiverLocationsLayout(p, pm, txslatlon, 'sinr');

if outputRequested
    % Do not show progress dialog
    generatingMapMsg = '';
    computingDataMsg = '';
    % Clear old contour color info for each site. This is because a site can
    % never conflict with itself (since a site will replot it's own contour if
    % coverage is called on a site multiple times)
    % Also mark the contour graphics to be removed
    graphicsToRemove = {};
    for k = 1:numTx
        oldContourID = viewer.getGraphic(txs(k).UID, 'contour');
        if (~isempty(oldContourID))
            graphicsToRemove = [graphicsToRemove; oldContourID]; %#ok<AGROW>
    if ~isempty(viewer.LegendID)
        graphicsToRemove = [graphicsToRemove; viewer.LegendID];
    % Generate a new ID so old IDs don't conflict with new images
    idNum = viewer.getId(1);
    contourID = ['contour' num2str(idNum{1})];
    % Validate image for color conflicts. This must be done before calculations
    % occur to avoid wasting the user's time when color conflict occurs.
    oldColorGraphics = viewer.ColorGraphics;
    colorData = struct('Colormap',cmap,'ColorLimits',clim);
    viewer.checkForGraphicsConflict('sinr', contourID, colorData);
    resetColorGraphics = rfprop.internal.onExit(@()setColorGraphics(viewer,oldColorGraphics));
    % Show txsites. If Site Viewer is already open, keep current camera view.
    if isViewerInitiallyVisible && ~viewer.Visible
        return % Abort if Site Viewer has been closed
    if isViewerInitiallyVisible
        showAnimation = 'none';
        showAnimation = 'zoom';
    show(txs,'Map',viewer,'Animation',showAnimation, ...
        'AntennaSiteCoordinates', txsCoords);
    % Show progress dialog. Use cleanup object to close dialog if a forced
    % exit occurs (error or Ctrl-C). Use three-stage dialog if using ray
    % tracing and single-stage dialog if not a terrain model. If using a
    % terrain model, dialog is launched in radialReceiverLocationsLayoutData.
    resetProgressDialog = rfprop.internal.onExit(@()hideProgressDialog(viewer));
    showWaitbar = pm.isMultipathModel;
    generatingMapMsg = message('shared_channel:rfprop:ProgressDialogGeneratingSINRMap').getString;
    computingDataMsg = message('shared_channel:rfprop:ProgressDialogComputingSINR').getString;
    if ~pm.requiresTerrain || strcmp(rxLocationsLayout,'grid')
        if showWaitbar
            msg = message('shared_channel:rfprop:ProgressDialogPreparingMapData').getString;
            msg = generatingMapMsg;
        viewer.showProgressDialog('Message', msg, ...
            'Indeterminate', true, ...
            'Cancelable', false);

% Generate location grid containing data range from each transmitter site
if isa(map,'siteviewer')
    maxImageSize = map.MaxImageSize;
    maxImageSize = rfprop.Constants.DefaultMaxImageSize;
[latNorth, latSouth, lonEast, lonWest, animation] = ...
    rfprop.internal.MapUtils.geobounds(txslatlon, datarange, animation);
[gridlats, gridlons, res] = rfprop.internal.MapUtils.geogrid(...
    latNorth, latSouth, lonEast, lonWest, res, isAutoRes, maxrange, maxImageSize, 'sinr');
gridSize = size(gridlats);

% Compute and validate image size for SINR map
imageSize = rfprop.internal.Validators.validateImageSize(...
    gridSize, maxImageResFactor, maxImageSize, res, 'sinr');

% Trim grid locations to those which are within data range
[datalats, datalons] = rfprop.internal.MapUtils.georange(...
    txs, gridlats(:), gridlons(:), datarange, terrainSource);

if ~outputRequested && siteViewerWasClosed(viewer)
    return % Abort if Site Viewer has been closed
if isempty(datalats)
    if outputRequested
        varargout = {[]};

% Use try/catch in case cancel error thrown from waitbar dialog
    type = 'power';
    if strcmp(rxLocationsLayout,'grid')
        % Define rxsites at grid locations within data range
        rxs = rxsite(...
            'Name', 'internal.sinrsite', ... % Specify to avoid default site naming
            'Latitude', datalats, ...
            'Longitude', datalons, ...
            'AntennaHeight', rxAntennaHeight);
        % Launch waitbar phase of dialog
        if ~outputRequested && showWaitbar
            viewer.showProgressDialog('Message', computingDataMsg, ...
                'Value', 0, ...
                'ShowPercentage', true, ...
                'Indeterminate', false, ...
                'Cancelable', true);
        % Compute signal strength at each rxsite in the grid
        ss = sigstrength(rxs, txs, pm, ...
            'Type', type, ...
            'ReceiverGain', rxGain, ...
            'Map', map, ...
            'TransmitterAntennaSiteCoordinates', txsCoords);
        % Compute data and corresponding locations using radial layout
        [datalats, datalons, rxs, ss] = radialReceiverLocationsLayoutData(txs, txsCoords, type, ...
            generatingMapMsg, computingDataMsg, pm, map, res, radialResFactor, datarange, ...
            lonWest, lonEast, latSouth, latNorth, rxGain, rxAntennaHeight);
catch e
    if strcmp(e.identifier, "shared_channel:rfprop:ProgressDialogCancelled")

% Launch final phase of status dialog 
if ~outputRequested
    viewer.showProgressDialog('Message', generatingMapMsg, ...
        'Indeterminate', true, ...
        'Cancelable', false);

% Cache signal strength on site coordinates
txsCoords.addCustomData('SignalStrength', ss);

if (numTx > 1) && strcmp(rxLocationsLayout,'radial')
    % Compute SINR at each rxsite in data grid, which is the same size as
    % the image grid. Create a dummy rxsite to call the method, but the
    % data used to compute values is passed as SignalStrength.
    dummyrx = rxsite(...
        'Name', 'internal.sinrsite', ...
        'Latitude', datalats(1), ...
        'Longitude', datalons(1));
    data = sinr(dummyrx, txs, ...
        'SignalSource', sigSource, ...
        'ReceiverNoisePower', noisePower, ...
        'PropagationModel', pm, ...
        'ReceiverGain', rxGain, ...
        'TransmitterAntennaSiteCoordinates', txsCoords, ...
        'Map', map);
    % Compute SINR at each rxsite in the grid
    data = sinr(rxs, txs, ...
        'SignalSource', sigSource, ...
        'ReceiverNoisePower', noisePower, ...
        'PropagationModel', pm, ...
        'ReceiverGain', rxGain, ...
        'TransmitterAntennaSiteCoordinates', txsCoords, ...
        'Map', map);

if ~outputRequested && siteViewerWasClosed(viewer)

% Remove NaN-data
isnn = ~isnan(data);
data = data(isnn);
datalats = datalats(isnn);
datalons = datalons(isnn);

% Create propagation data container
pd = propagationData(datalats, datalons, ...
    'Name', message('shared_channel:rfprop:SINRPropagationDataTitle').getString, ...
    'SINR', data(:));

if outputRequested
    % Return propagationData with contour properties set except for ID,
    % which is not set since there is no plot to associate with
    pd = pd.setContourProperties(txslatlon(:,1),txslatlon(:,2),maxrange,imageSize);
    varargout = {pd};

% It is now safe to remove old contours associated with sites

% Return early if no SINR map data meets minimum SINR value
minvalue = min(values,[],"all");
[mindata, maxdata] = bounds(data,"all");
if maxdata < minvalue
    warning(message("shared_channel:rfprop:NoSINRMapAreaMeetsMinValue", ...

% Create contour map
pd = pd.setContourProperties(txslatlon(:,1),txslatlon(:,2),maxrange,imageSize,contourID);
contour(pd, ...
    'Type','sinr', ...
    'Animation', animation, ...
    'Map', viewer, ...
    'Levels', values, ...
    'ColorLimits', clim, ...
    'Colormap', cmap, ...
    'Transparency', transparency, ...
    'ShowLegend', showLegend, ...
    'ImageSize', imageSize, ...
    'ValidateColorConflicts', false);

% Set the IDs of the appropriate Site Graphics
for i = 1:numel(txs)
    viewer.SiteGraphics.(txs(i).UID).contour = contourID;
    if (showLegend)
        viewer.SiteGraphics.(txs(i).UID).legend = ['legend' contourID];

% Hide progress dialog

% Cancel forced exit cleanup, since normal execution has completed
if ~outputRequested

function wasClosed = siteViewerWasClosed(viewer)

wasClosed = viewer.LaunchWebWindow && ~viewer.Visible;

function sigsource = validateSignalSource(p)

    sigsource = p.Results.SignalSource;
    if ischar(sigsource) || isstring(sigsource)
        sigsource = validatestring(sigsource, {'strongest'}, ...
        validateattributes(sigsource,{'txsite'}, {'scalar'}, ...
catch e

function values = validateValues(p)

    values = p.Results.Values;
    validateattributes(values, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','nonnan','nonsparse','vector','nonempty'}, 'sinr', 'Values');
    if ~iscolumn(values)
        values = values(:);
    values = double(values);
catch e

function noisePower =  validateReceiverNoisePower(p)

    noisePower = p.Results.ReceiverNoisePower;
    validateattributes(noisePower, {'numeric'}, {'real','finite','nonnan','nonsparse','scalar'}, ...
        'sinr', 'ReceiverNoisePower');
catch e

function setColorGraphics(viewer,imageGraphics)

viewer.ColorGraphics = imageGraphics;





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