
(DEC)CSMA/CD                                       载波监听多路访问/冲突检测

(IBM)DNA                                           数字网络体系构

access                                             访问

access control                                     访问控制

access matrix                                      访问矩阵

account                                            帐号

ACL(access control list)                           访问列表

acquisition confirm                                获取确认

acquisition request                                获取请求

across certificate                                 交叉证书

active                                             激活

address size                                       地址

ADSL                                               对称数字用户服务线

ADSL(asymmetric digital subscriber line)           不对称数字用户

AFS(andrew file system)                            分布式文件系统

agent                                              代理

AH(authentication header                           鉴别报头

ANSI                                               美国国家标准协会

ASK(amplitude shift keying)                        幅移键控法

assume                                             担任

asymmetric key cryptography                        不对称加密

ATM( Asynchronous Transfer Mode)                   异步传输模式

attempt limit                                      最大重传次数

AUI                                                连接单元接口

authenticated                                      已认证

authentication                                     鉴别

authentication mechanisms                          路由控制机制

authenticatior                                     身份认证

awareness                                          互相感知

back                                               前一步

back off limit                                     避免算法参数

BIOS(Basic-input-Output System)                    基本输入输出系统

bridge                                             网桥

broadcast storm                                    广播风暴

BtoC(B2C)business to consumer                      企业对消费者

BtoG(business to government                        企业对政府

CA(certificate authority)                          证书权威机构

Cable-modem                                        机顶盒

catalog                                            目录手册

CBX(computerized branch exchange)                  程控交换

CCITT                                              国际电报电话咨询委员会

CDE(common desktop environment)                    通用桌面环境

CD-R                                               光盘刻录机

CD-ROM                                             光盘驱动器(光驱)

cease                                              中止

cell rate decoupling                               信元率去耦

certificate                                        证书

certificate hierarchy                              证书层次结构

certificate verify                                 证书检验报文

CGI(common gateway interface)                      公用网关接口

CHAP(challenge handshake authentication protocol)  请求握手验证协议

chat                                               闲谈

chip                                               芯片

ciphertext                                         脱密

click                                              点击

Client/Server                                      客户机/服务器

cluster                                            群集地址

CMIS/CMIP                                          公共管理信息服务/协议

CMISE                                              公共管理信息服务

code                                               密码

CODEC(Code decoder)                                编码解码器

collaboration                                      协作

collabration/cooperation                           协调和协作方式

collaspsed backone                                 折叠式主干网

co-located                                         同地协作


commerce                                           主题

compatibility                                      兼容性

computer language                                  计算机语言言

configuration                                      配置

content/message                                    内容

cooperation                                        协同

coordination                                       协调

copy                                               复制

CORBA                                              面向对象的分布系统应用

COSE(common open software environment)             普通开放软件环境RPC远程过程调用

COSE(common opensystem environment)                通用开放系统环境

course grained                                     粗粒度访问控制

CPU(Central Processing Unit)                       央处理单元

cruise                                             漫游

CSCL(Computer Supported Cooperative Learning)      计算机支持的合作学习

CSCW(computer supported cooperative work           计算机支持协同工作

cut                                                剪切

data                                               数据

data base                                          数据库

data confidentiality                               保密

data integrity                                     数据完整性

DBMS(Data Base Manage System)                      数据库管理系统

DBS(direct broadcast satellite)                    直播广播卫星

DCE(distributed computing environment)             分布计算环境

DDCS                                               数据库管理和分布数据库连接服务

debug                                              调试

decryption                                         解密

default receive windows)                           预设接收窗口

Demo                                               演示

DES(data encryption standard)                      数据加密标准

description                                        描述

Destination Folder                                 目的文件夹

digital signature mechanisms                       数据完整性

distance education/learning                        远程教育

DNS(domain name service)                           域名服务

double click                                       双击

dummy                                              哑终端

edit                                               编辑

educational groupware system                       教育组件系统

EEI(extenal environment interface)                 扩展环境接口

EGP(exterior gateway protocol)                     扩展网关协议

Email                                              电子邮件

encapsulation                                      封装

enciphermant                                       加密机制

encopulation security payload                      封装安全负载

encryption                                         加密

exception                                          异常

execute                                            执行

exit                                               退出

FCS                                                帧校验序

FDM                                                频分路复用

find file                                          文件查寻

fine grained                                       细粒度访问控制

finish                                             结束

Firewall                                           防火墙

Fixed disk setup program                           硬盘安装程序

Floppy Disk                                        软盘

folder                                             文件夹

font                                               字体

FSK(frequency shift eying)                         移键控法

full screen                                        全屏

function                                           函数

gateway                                            网关

graphics                                           图形

groupware                                          群件

GSM(roup pecial mobile)                            移动通讯

GSS-API                                            通用安全服务

GUI(graphical user interfaces )                    图形用户界面

Hard Disk                                          硬盘

HDSL(high bit rate)                                两对双绞线

Homepage                                           主页

HTML hypertext markup language                     超文本语言

HUB                                                集线器

hyperlink                                          超级链接

hypertext                                          超文本

ICCC                                               国际计算机信会议

ICMP internet                                      控制报文协议

icon                                               图标

ICQ                                                网上寻呼

IDEA(international data encryption algorithm)      国际加密算法

IE(Internet Explorer)                              微软公司的网络浏览器

IGP(inter gateway protocol)                        内部网关连接器协议

IGP(interior gateway rotocol)                      核心网关协议

IIS(Internet Information server)                   internet 信息服务

IKE(Internet key exchange)                         因特网密钥交换

image                                              图像

IMAP(internet message access protocol)             协议

integrated model                                   集成模型

Inter Frame Gap                                   

interactive communication                          交互通信

interenterprise computing                          企业间的计算

interface                                          界面

Internal web                                       内部环球网

Internet                                           互联网

internetworked enterprise                          互联网上的企业

interrupt                                          中断

inverted                                           颠倒

IP(Address)                                        互联网议(地址)

IPSEC(IP security)                                 安全IP

IPSP(IP security protocol)                         IP安全协议

IRC(internet relay chat)                           聊天

ISO                                                国际标准化组织

ISP(internet service provider)                     服务商

Jam size                                           阻塞参数

KDC(key distribuetion center)                      密钥分发中心

keyboard                                           键盘

LAN                                                局域网

LAPB(line access protocol balanced)                链路访问协议平衡

LDAP(light weight directory access protocol)       轻量目录访问协议

license                                            许可()

LIP(serial line)IP                                 串行IP

Lynx Mosaic Netscape Hotjava                       浏览器

mail lists                                         邮件列表

mainboard                                          主板

manual                                             指南

MAU                                                介质连接口

max frame size                                     最大帧

MDI                                                介质相关接口

medium grained                                     中粒度访问控制

message systems                                    信报系统

middleware                                         中间件

MIPS                                               PC的处理能力

Modem(MOdulator-DEModulator)                       调制解调器

monitor                                            监视器

more flag                                          标识

mouse                                              鼠标

MSS(maximum segment size)                          最大分段尺寸

MTU(maximum transmission unit)                     最大传输单位

multi homed                                        多宿主

multicast                                          组播地址

multimedia                                         多媒体

NAT(network address translation)                   网络地址转换

Navigator                                          网景公司的浏览器

NCP(network control protocol)                      网络控制协议

NDIS(network device interface specification)       网络设备接口

network-based distance education                   远程网络教育

newgroups                                          新闻组

next                                               下一步

nonlinear encoding                                 非线性编程

non-reputation                                     防止否认

notarization mechanisms                            公证

NRZ (Non return to zero)                           不归零制

NSP(name service protocol)                         域名服务协议

NTDS(windows NT directory server)                  windows NT目录服务

NWC(newwave computingHP)                           新波形计算

object                                             对象

OCCA(open cooperative computing architecture)      开放合作计算体系结构

ODI                                                开放数据链路接口

OEM                                                原始设备制造商

offset                                             偏移

On semble stackable 10BASE                         可叠加组合型集线器

online                                             在线

OO(Object-Oriented)                                面向对象

option pack                                        功能补丁

OSF                                                开放软件中心

OSF(open software foundation)                      开放软件基金

OSPF                                               开放最短径优先协议

OSPF(open shortest path control protocol)          开放的最短路径优先协议

PABX(private automatic branch exchange)            自动交换机

PAD                                                填充字段

pan                                                漫游

PAP(password authentication protocol)              密码验证协议

paragraph                                          段落

password                                           口令

paste                                              粘贴

PBX(private branch exchange)                       专用换网

PCM(pulse code modulation)                         脉冲代码调制

PCS                                                便携式智能终端

PCT(private communication technology)              专网通信技术

PIN(personal identification number)                个人标识符

plaintext                                          明文

platform                                           平台

PMA                                                物理介质接口

poll                                               轮询

portable                                           便携

P-P(Plug and Play)                                 即插即用

PPP(Point to Point protocol)                       点对点协议

previous                                           前一个

print preview                                      打印预览

private                                            保密

private key                                        私钥

profit                                             利润

program                                            程序

progress                                           进展

protocol                                           协议

proxy server                                       代理服务器

PSK(phase shift keying)                            相移键控法

PtoP(C2C)person to person                          个人对个人

public key                                         公钥

PWS(peer web serviceWEB)                           服务器

RADSL(rate adaptive DSL)                           速率自适应DSL

RAM(random access memory)                          随机存储器(内存)

RAS                                                远程访问服务


redirector                                         重定向器

reference monitor                                  引用监控器

registration                                       登录

release                                            发布

remote                                             远程协作

repeater                                           中继器

Replace                                            替换

reply attack                                       检测重放攻击

restart                                            重新启动

right click                                        右击

RIP(routing information protocol)                  路由信息协议

RIP(Routing Information protocol)                  路由信息协议

rogue programs                                     捣乱程序

ROM(Read Only Memory)                              只读存储器

router                                             路由器


RR(resource record)                                资源记录

ruler                                              标尺

SBS(source route switching)                        源路由交换网桥

scable model                                       可伸缩模型

SDH                                                同步数字复用

SDSL(symmetric DSL)                                单对双绞线

seal                                               封装

search                                             查询

Search Engine                                      搜索引擎

security audit trail                               安全审计跟踪

security domain                                    安全领域

security labels                                    安全标记

security recovery                                  安全恢复

select all                                         全选

service pack                                       服务补丁

session key                                        会话层密钥

SET(secure electrionic transaction)                安全电子传送

settings                                           设置

settop box                                         机顶盒

setup                                              安装

SFD                                                起始定界符

SFT(system fault tolerant)                         系统容错

short cut                                          快捷方式

sign                                               签名

SMI(structer of management information)            管理信息结构

SMT(station management)                            管理站

SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol)                简单邮件传输

SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol)                简单邮件传输协议

SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol)                简单邮件传输协议

SNA                                                系统网络体系结构

SNMP(simple network management protocol)           简单网管协议

SNMP(simple network management protocol)           简单网络管理协议

SNR(signal noise ratio)                            信噪比

solttime                                           时间片

SONENT(synchronous optical network)                同步光纤网络

source routing bridge                              源路径桥

SPF(shortest path first)                           最短路径

spoofing                                           欺骗

SRT                                                源地址选择透明桥

SRT(source route transparent)                      源路由透明网桥

status bar                                         状态条

STDM                                               统计时分多路复用

STLP(secure transport layer protocol)              安全传送层

style                                              风格

symbol                                             符号

symmetric key cryptography                         对称加密


TDM                                                时分多路复用

tele-access                                        远程访问

TELEGP(exterior gateway protocol)                  外部网关连接器协议

telemedicine                                       远程医疗

tele-mentoring                                     远程辅导

tele-sharing                                       远程共享

Telnet                                             远程登录

template                                           模版

text                                               文本

ticket                                             凭证

timestamp                                          时间标记

tool bar                                           工具条

translation bridging                               转换桥接方式

transparent bridge                                 传输桥

trusted function                                   可信

TTL(time to live)                                  留存时间

UDP(user datagram protocol)                        用户数据报协议

uninstall                                          卸载

UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)                  不间断电源

URL(Uniform resource locator)                      同意资源定位符

URL(uniform resource locator)                      统一资源定位

user                                               用户

video conferencing                                 视频会议

view                                               视图

virtual classroom                                  虚拟教室

virtual electronic commerce city                   虚拟电子商城

virtual electronic mall                            虚拟电子商场

virtual publishing                                 虚拟出版

virtual store                                      虚拟商店

virus                                              病毒

VPN(virtual private networks)                      虚拟专网

WAN                                                广域网

WAP(wireless application protocol)                 无线应用协议

WDH                                                波分复用

Webpage                                            网页

website                                            网站

Windows NT                                         微软公司的网络操作系统

workflow                                           工作流

WWW(World Wide Web)                                万维网

WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get)              所见即所得

xDSL(x digital subscriber line)                    数字用户线路

zoom in                                            放大

zoom out                                           缩小






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


