NLM_P-Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising分享

论文名称:Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising

论文下载:IPOL Journal · Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising

        之前分享了一篇是块级别的NLM denoising (NLM_B),这篇基于像素级的NLM denoising(NLM_P),主要有两种NLM_Pa和NLM_P。差别在于计算块间距离时,NLM_Pa使用的是Gaussian Euclidean norm,而NLM_P使用的是Euclidean norm。当然,和NLM_B不同的是,计算权重时,没有减2*sigma^2了,应该是原论文也没减,是《Non-Local Means Denoising》里减的IPOL Journal · Non-Local Means Denoising









        由于参数和噪声强度有关,文章分析了下怎么设置最优的参数。 通过构造了两个数据集,以PSNR为标准,得到最优的参数。

最后分析对比了NLM_P和NLM_B的效果,从PSNR数据上看,NLM基本上是优于NLM-P/NLM-Pa,但主观效果是相当的 (感觉有点耍流氓)。

        论文公开了C代码(IPOL Journal · Parameter-Free Fast Pixelwise Non-Local Means Denoising),只有SIL那种方法,没有仔细研究了,如果实际会使用该算法的话,再来细看,如果只是看效果的话,可以调用OpenCV里的函数即可。

        另外,对于基础算法流程,用Python代码简单写了单通道的(计算权重那一步应该可以提前计算为表,之后查表就行),可以作为参考,根据这个可以扩展为彩色图像的,Python代码会很慢,代码参考了这篇博文非局部均值滤波-A non-local algorithm for image denoising_Nick Blog-CSDN博客1. 简介Non-Local Means顾名思义,这是一种非局部平均算法。何为局部平均滤波算法呢?那是在一个目标像素周围区域平滑取均值的方法,所以非局部均值滤波就意味着它使用图像中的所有像素,这些像素根据某种相似度进行加权平均。滤波后图像清晰度高,而且不丢失细节。2. 原理该算法使用自然图像中普遍存在的冗余信息来去噪声。与双线性滤波、中值滤波等利用图像局部信息来滤波不同,它利用了整幅图像进行去噪。即以图像块为单位在图像中寻找相似区域,再对这些区域进行加权平均平均,较好地滤除图像中的高斯噪声。2.1

def GaussianKernel(d, sigma):
    # Generate array
    ax = np.arange(-d // 2 + 1., d // 2 + 1.)
    # Generate 2D matrices by duplicating ax along two axes
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(ax, ax)
    # kernel will be the gaussian over the 2D arrays
    kernel = np.exp(-(xx**2 + yy**2) / (2. * sigma**2))
    # Normalise the kernel
    final = kernel / kernel.sum()
    return final

def onLocalMeansGray_NLMP(image, h=10, templateWindowSize=7, searchWindow=21):
    height, width = image.shape[0], image.shape[1]
    patchWin = int(templateWindowSize / 2)
    searchWind = int(searchWindow / 2)

    # Padding the image
    padLength = patchWin + searchWind
    img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, padLength, padLength, padLength, padLength, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=255)

    # output image
    outImage = np.zeros((height, width), dtype='float')

    # generate gaussian kernel matrix of 7*7
    kernel = GaussianKernel(templateWindowSize, 1)

    # Run the non-local means for each pixel
    for j in range(height):
        for i in range(width):
            padj = j + padLength
            padi = i + padLength
            centerPatch = img[padj - patchWin: padj + patchWin + 1, padi - patchWin: padi + patchWin + 1]
            sumPixel = 0
            sumWeight = 0
            # Apply Gaussian weighted square distance between patches of 7*7 in a window of 21*21
            for r in range(padj - searchWind, padj + searchWind):
                for c in range(padi - searchWind, padi + searchWind):
                    otherPatch = img[r - patchWin: r + patchWin + 1, c - patchWin: c + patchWin + 1]
                    diff = centerPatch - otherPatch
                    distance_2 = np.multiply(diff, diff)
                    pixelWeight = np.sum(np.multiply(kernel, distance_2))
                    pixelWeight = np.exp(pixelWeight / (h**2))
                    sumWeight = sumWeight + pixelWeight
                    sumPixel = sumPixel + pixelWeight * img[r, c]

            outImage[j, i] = sumPixel / sumWeight
    outImage = np.clip(outImage, 0, 255)
    outImage = outImage.astype(np.uint8)
    return outImage

Image denoising is the process of removing noise from an image while preserving its important features. One popular method for image denoising is non-local means (NLM), which is based on the idea that similar patches in an image have similar signal characteristics. NLM works by averaging the pixel values of similar patches in the image, thus reducing the noise without affecting the image structure. Another popular method for image denoising is wavelet shrinkage, which is based on the concept of wavelet transform. Wavelet transform decomposes an image into multi-resolution subbands, each of which captures different frequency components of the image. Wavelet shrinkage works by thresholding the wavelet coefficients in the high-frequency subbands, thus reducing the noise while preserving the image details. Combining NLM and wavelet shrinkage can improve the performance of image denoising. The NLM method can effectively remove the noise in the low-frequency subbands of the image, while the wavelet shrinkage method can remove the noise in the high-frequency subbands. The combination of these two methods can lead to a significant improvement in image denoising performance, especially for images with complex and heterogeneous noise patterns. In summary, image denoising using non-local means and wavelet shrinkage is a powerful technique for removing noise from images while preserving their important features. This method can be used in a variety of applications, including medical imaging, remote sensing, and image processing.




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