
GroupTable NameDescription
Classification Tables & OthersAUSPCharacteristic Values
Classification Tables & OthersCABNCharacteristics
Classification Tables & OthersCABNTCharacteristic Descriptions
Classification Tables & OthersJCDSChange Documents for System/User Statuses (Table JEST)
Classification Tables & OthersJESTObject status
Classification Tables & OthersJSTOStatus object information
Classification Tables & OthersKLAHClass Header Data
Classification Tables & OthersKSMLCharacteristics of a Class
Classification Tables & OthersKSSKAllocation Table: Object to Class
Classification Tables & OthersONR00General Object Number
Classification Tables & OthersONRORObject Number Index, Order
Classification Tables & OthersSWORClassification System: Catchwords
Classification Tables & OthersTCLAClass Types
Classification Tables & OthersTCLATClass Type Texts
Classification Tables & OthersTCO09CIM order: Text IDs of objects in orders
Classification Tables & OthersTJ02TSystem status texts
Classification Tables & OthersTJ30TUser status texts
FI / CO TablesBPBKBudget revision text
FI / CO TablesBPEGBudget revision header
FI / CO TablesBPEJBudget revision header
FI / CO TablesBPEPLine Item Period Values
FI / CO TablesBPGEOverall/annual budget
FI / CO TablesBPJAOverall/annual budget
FI / CO TablesBNKABank master record
FI / CO TablesBP000Business Partner Master (General Data)
FI / CO TablesBSADAccounting: Secondary index for customers (cleared items)
FI / CO TablesBSAKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors (cleared items)
FI / CO TablesT001Company Codes
FI / CO TablesANARAsset Types
FI / CO TablesANATAsset Types
FI / CO TablesBKDFAsset type text
FI / CO TablesBSASDocument header supplement for recurring entry
FI / CO TablesBSECOne-Time Account Data Document Segment
FI / CO TablesBSEGOne-time account data document segment
FI / CO TablesBSIDAccounting document segment
FI / CO TablesBSIKAccounting: Secondary index for customers
FI / CO TablesBSIMAccounting: Secondary index for vendors
FI / CO TablesBSISSecondary Index, Documents for Material
FI / CO TablesCEPCAccounting: Secondary index for G/L accounts
FI / CO TablesCEPCTProfit center master data table
FI / CO TablesCOBRATexts for Profit Center Master Data
FI / CO TablesCOBRBSettlement rule for orders
FI / CO TablesCOKADistribution settlement rules
FI / CO TablesCOSPCO Object: Cost Element Control Data
FI / CO TablesCOSSExternal actual costs
FI / CO TablesCRCOInternal actual costs
FI / CO TablesCSKAAssignment of Work Center to Cost Center
FI / CO TablesCSKBCost elements (data dependent on chart of accounts)
FI / CO TablesCSLACost elements (data dependent on controlling area)
FI / CO TablesFEBEPActivity master
FI / CO TablesFPLAElectronic Bank Statement Line Items
FI / CO TablesFPLTBilling Plan
FI / CO TablesGLPCTBilling Plan: Dates
FI / CO TablesKNA1EC-PCA: Totals Table
FI / CO TablesKOMKGeneral Data in Customer Master
FI / CO TablesMAHNVPricing communications
FI / CO TablesREGUTManagement records for the dunning program
FI / CO TablesSKA1TemSe - administration data
FI / CO TablesSKATG/L accounts master (chart of accounts)
FI / CO TablesSKB1G/L account master record (chart of accounts: description)
FI / CO TablesT003TG/L account master (company code)
FI / CO TablesT007SDocument type texts
FI / CO TablesT087JTax Code Names
FI / CO TablesTAPRFTText (Investments)
FI / CO TablesTKA01Text tab. for investment profile
FI / CO TablesTKA09Controlling areas
FI / CO TablesTKVSBasic settings for versions
FI / CO TablesTZB0TCO versions
FI / CO TablesTZPATFlow types text table
FI / CO TablesVBSEGSFinancial Assets Management product type texts
FI / CO TablesVTBFHAPreliminary posting doc.segment for G/L accts
FI / CO TablesVTBFHAPOTransaction
FI / CO TablesVTBFHAZUTransaction Flow
FI / CO TablesVTBFINKOTransaction Activity
FI / CO TablesVTIDERITransaction Condition
FI / CO TablesVTIFHAMaster Data Listed Options and Futures
FI / CO TablesVTIFHAPOUnderlying transaction
FI / CO TablesVTIFHAZUUnderlying transaction flows
FI / CO TablesVTIOFUnderlying transaction status table
FI / CO TablesVWPANLAFutures and Options
FI / CO TablesCSKSCost center master
FI / CO TablesCSKTCost Center Texts
Gen TablesT001WPlants
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSCOCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to CO
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSDBCATS: Database for Time Recording Sheet
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSHRCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to HR
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSMMCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to MM
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSPMCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to PM/SM
HR Tables / InfotypesCATSPSCross-Application Time Sheet (CATS): Transfer to PS
HR Tables / InfotypesHRP1000Infotype 1000 DB Table
HR Tables / InfotypesHRP1001Infotype 1001 DB Table
HR Tables / InfotypesHRP1028Infotype 1028 DB Table
HR Tables / InfotypesPaxxxxtransparent tables for infotypes
HR Tables / InfotypesPCL1HR Cluster 1
HR Tables / InfotypesPCL2HR Cluster 2
HR Tables / InfotypesPERNRStandard Selections for HR Master Data Reporting
HR Tables / InfotypesT001PPersonnel Area/Subarea
HR Tables / InfotypesT001TCompany code-dependent texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT500LPersonnel Country Grouping
HR Tables / InfotypesT500PPersonnel Areas
HR Tables / InfotypesT502TMarital Status Designators
HR Tables / InfotypesT503Employee Groups / Subgroups
HR Tables / InfotypesT503TEmployee Subgroup Names
HR Tables / InfotypesT508AWork Schedule Rules
HR Tables / InfotypesT510Pay Scale Groups
HR Tables / InfotypesT510APay Scale Types
HR Tables / InfotypesT510FAssign pay scale --> Currency
HR Tables / InfotypesT510WPay Scale > Period Parameter Assignment
HR Tables / InfotypesT511Wage Types
HR Tables / InfotypesT512TWage type texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT512WWage Type Valuation
HR Tables / InfotypesT512ZPermissibility of Wage Types per Infotype
HR Tables / InfotypesT527XOrganizational Units
HR Tables / InfotypesT528TPosition Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT529TPersonnel Action Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT529UStatus Values
HR Tables / InfotypesT530 Reason for action
HR Tables / InfotypesT530TReason for Action Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT549APayroll Accounting Areas
HR Tables / InfotypesT549QPayroll Periods
HR Tables / InfotypesT550ADaily Work Schedules
HR Tables / InfotypesT550SDaily Work Schedule Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT551SPeriod Work Schedule Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT552AMonthly work schedule
HR Tables / InfotypesT554CAbsence Valuation
HR Tables / InfotypesT554SAbsence and Attendance Types
HR Tables / InfotypesT554TAbsence and Attendance Texts
HR Tables / InfotypesT558BPayroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods
HR Tables / InfotypesT569VPayroll Control Records
HR Tables / InfotypesT5K8CTransfer ext. payroll results into Canadian specific tables
HR Tables / InfotypesT74FABenefits insurance plan
HR Tables / InfotypesT74FCBenefits Calculation Rule for Insurance Coverage Formula
HR Tables / Infotypes0Actions
HR Tables / Infotypes1Org. Assignment
HR Tables / Infotypes2Personal Data
HR Tables / Infotypes3Payroll status
HR Tables / Infotypes6Addresses
HR Tables / Infotypes7Planned Working Time
HR Tables / Infotypes8Basic pay
HR Tables / Infotypes9Bank details
HR Tables / Infotypes11Ext.Bank Transfers
HR Tables / Infotypes14Recurring Benefits/Deductions
HR Tables / Infotypes15Additional Payments
HR Tables / Infotypes19Monitoring of Dates
HR Tables / Infotypes21Family
HR Tables / Infotypes22Education
HR Tables / Infotypes23Previous employment
HR Tables / Infotypes24Qualifications
HR Tables / Infotypes41Date Specifications
HR Tables / Infotypes57Membership Fees
HR Tables / Infotypes167Health Care Plans
HR Tables / Infotypes168Insurance Plans
HR Tables / Infotypes169Savings Plans
HR Tables / Infotypes376Medical Benefits Data
HR Tables / Infotypes377Misc. Plans
HR Tables / Infotypes416Time Quota Compensation
HR Tables / Infotypes2001Absences
HR Tables / Infotypes2002Attendances
HR Tables / Infotypes2003Substitutions
HR Tables / Infotypes2006Absence Quotas
MM TablesBSIKAccounting: Secondary index for vendors
MM TablesEINAPurchasing Info Record: General Data
MM TablesEINEPurchasing Info Record: Purchasing Organization Data
MM TablesMAKTMaterial Descriptions
MM TablesMARAMaterial Master
MM TablesMARCMaterial Master Plant segment
MM TablesMARDMaterial Master: Storage location
MM TablesMASTMaterial to BOM Link
MM TablesMBEWMaterial valuation
MM TablesMKPFMaterial document header
MM TablesMSEGMaterial document segment
MM TablesMVERMaterial Consumption
MM TablesRKPFDocument Header: Reservation
MM TablesT023Material types
MM TablesT024Purchasing Groups
MM TablesT156Movement Type
MM TablesT157HHelp Texts for Movement Types
MM TablesT001LStorage Locations
MM/SD TablesTINCTCustomers: Incoterms: Texts
PM/CS TablesOBJKPlant Maintenance Object List
PM/CS TablesT352RMaintenance revisions
PM/CS TablesT353I_TMaintenance activity type description
PM/CS TablesT356Priorities
PM/CS TablesT357GPermits
PM/CS TablesT357G_TTable 357G texts
PM/CS TablesT370AActivity category for PM lists
PM/CS TablesVIAUFKSTOrder selection view
PM/CS/AM TablesANEKAsset Document header
PM/CS/AM TablesANEPAsset document Items
PM/CS/AM TablesANEVAsset downpymt settlement
PM/CS/AM TablesANKTAsset text
PM/CS/AM TablesANLAAsset master
PM/CS/AM TablesANLBAsset - Depreciation terms
PM/CS/AM TablesANLCAsset values
PM/CS/AM TablesANLHMain asset number
PM/CS/AM TablesAT02TTransaction Activity Category: Description
PM/CS/AM TablesAT02ATransaction Code for Menu TIMN
PM/CS/AM TablesAT10Transaction type
PM/CS/AM TablesAT10TName of Transaction Type
PM/CS/AM TablesBKORMAccounting correspondence requests
PM/CS/AM TablesBKPFAccounting document header
PM/CS/AM TablesBLPKDocument log header
PM/CS/AM TablesBLPPDocument log item
PM/CS/QM TablesQMELQuality notification
PM/CS/QM TablesQMFEQuality notification - items
PM/CS/QM TablesQMIHQuality message - maintenance data excerpt
PM/CS/QM TablesQMMAQuality notification - activities
PM/CS/QM TablesQMSMNotification - Tasks
PM/CS/QM TablesQMURQuality notification - causes
PM/SM/SD TablesAFABNetwork - Relationships
PM/SM/SD TablesAFFHPRT assignment data for the work order
PM/SM/SD TablesAFFLWork order sequence
PM/SM/SD TablesAFFTOrder process instructions
PM/SM/SD TablesAFFVOrder process instruction values
PM/SM/SD TablesAFFWGoods movements with errors from confirmations
PM/SM/SD TablesAFIHMaintenance order header
PM/SM/SD TablesAFKOOrder header data PP orders
PM/SM/SD TablesAFPOOrder item
PM/SM/SD TablesAFRCTable of planned changes to conf.: Automatic goods receipt
PM/SM/SD TablesAFRDDefault values for collective confirmation
PM/SM/SD TablesAFRHHeader information for confirmation pool
PM/SM/SD TablesAFRUOrder completion confirmations
PM/SM/SD TablesAFRVPool of confirmations
PM/SM/SD TablesAFVCOperation within an order
PM/SM/SD TablesAFVUDB structure of the user fields of the operation
PM/SM/SD TablesAFVVDB structure of the quantities/dates/values in the operation
PM/SM/SD TablesAFWISubsequently posted goods movements for confirmations
PM/SM/SD TablesAUFKOrder master data
PM/SM/SD TablesAUFMGoods movement for order
PM/SM/SD TablesBGMKMaster warranty header
PM/SM/SD TablesBGMPMaster warranty item
PM/SM/SD TablesBGMSText item master warranty
PM/SM/SD TablesBGMTMaster warranty text
PM/SM/SD TablesBGMZWarranty counter information
PM/SM/SD TablesCRHDWork Center Header
PM/SM/SD TablesCRTXText for the Work Center or Production Resource/Tool
PM/SM/SD TablesEQKTEquipment short texts
PM/SM/SD TablesEQSTEquipment link to BOM
PM/SM/SD TablesEQUIEquipment master data
PM/SM/SD TablesEQUZEquipment time segment
PM/SM/SD TablesHIKOOrder master data history
PM/SM/SD TablesIFLOFunctional Location (View)
PM/SM/SD TablesIFLOTFunctional location (TABLE)
PM/SM/SD TablesIFLOTXFunctional location: Short texts
PM/SM/SD TablesIHGNSPlant maintenance permit segment
PM/SM/SD TablesIHPAPlant Maintenance: Partners
PM/SM/SD TablesIHSGObject-related permits in Plant Maintenance
PM/SM/SD TablesILOAPM object location and account assignment
PM/SM/SD TablesIMPTTMeasuring point (table)
PM/SM/SD TablesIMRGMeasurement document
PM/SM/SD TablesKAKOCapacity Header Segment
PM/SM/SD TablesAGKOCleared accounts
PP TablesBLPRDocument log index and planned order (backflush)
PP/PM/CS/PS/CO Tables T003OOrder Types
PS TablesAFABNetwork - Relationships
PS TablesIMAKAppropriation requests
PS TablesIMAVAppropriation request variants
PS TablesIMPRCapital Investment Program Positions
PS TablesIMPUTexts for cap. inv. program positions
PS TablesIMTPCapital Investment Programs
PS TablesIMZOCO object assignment
PS TablesPMCOCost structure of maintenance order
PS TablesPRHIWBS Hierarchy
PS TablesPROJProjects
PS TablesPRPSWork Breakdown structures
Purchasing TablesA501Winter Rate- Purch. Org/Material
Purchasing TablesEBANPurchase Requisition
Purchasing TablesEBKNPurchase Requisition Account Assignment
Purchasing TablesEKABRelease Documentation
Purchasing TablesEKBEHistory of Purchasing Document
Purchasing TablesEKETScheduling Agreement Delivery Schedules
Purchasing TablesEKKNAccount Assignment in Purchasing Document
Purchasing TablesEKKOPurchasing document header (PO)
Purchasing TablesEKPOPurchasing document item
Purchasing TablesIKPFHeader: Physical Inventory Document
Purchasing TablesISEGPhysical Inventory Document Items
Purchasing TablesLFA1Vendor master
Purchasing TablesLFB1Vendor master (company code)
Purchasing TablesNRIVNumber range intervals
Purchasing TablesRESBReservation/dependent requirements
Purchasing TablesT161TTexts for Purchasing Document Types
QM/PM/CS TablesQPCTCode texts
QM/PM/CS TablesQPGRInspection catalog code groups
QM/PM/CS TablesQPGTCode group texts
QM/PM/CS TablesTQ15Inspection catalog type index
SD TablesKONPConditions (Item)
SD TablesKONVConditions (Procedure Data)
SD TablesT077DCustomer account groups
SD TablesTVKOOrganizational Unit: Sales Organizations
SD TablesTVKOSOrganizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization
SD TablesTVKOVOrg. Unit: Distribution Channels per Sales Organization
SD TablesTVTAOrganizational Unit: Sales Area(s)
System TablesADCPPerson/Address assignment (central address administration)
System TablesADIRACCESSTable to store keys for TADIR objects
System TablesADR2Telephone numbers (central address admin.)
System TablesADRPPersons (central address administration)
System TablesAPQIQueue info definition
System TablesD010SINFABAP/4: Information about ABAP/4 program source code
System TablesE071WBO + transport: Object entries of requests/tasks
System TablesE07TWBO + transport: Short texts for requests/tasks
System TablesENLFDIRAdditional Attributes for Function Modules
System TablesINDXSystem table INDX
System TablesNASTMessage status
System TablesSTXHSTXD SAPscript text file header
System TablesT005Countries
System TablesT005STaxes: Region (Province) Key
System TablesT005UTaxes: Region Key: Texts
System TablesT006Units of Measurement
System TablesT015MNames of the months
System TablesT247Month name and short text
System TablesT777ABuilding Addresses
System TablesTADIRCatalog of R/3 Repository objects
System TablesTBTCOJob status overview table
System TablesTBTCPBatch job step overview
System TablesTFDIRFunction Modules
System TablesTFTITFunction module short text
System TablesTSP03LSpool: Long device names
System TablesTSTCTransaction codes
System TablesTSTCTTransaction Code Texts
System TablesTUTYPUser types in the R/3 System
System TablesTUZUSSpecial versions
System TablesTVARVTable of variables in selection criteria
System TablesTVDIRView Directory
System TablesUS930Data relevant to measurement for user master record
System TablesUSR01User master record (runtime data)
System TablesUSR02Logon data
System TablesUSR04User master authorizations
System TablesUSR06Additional data per user
System TablesUSR14Surchargeable language versions per user
System TablesUSR21Assign user name address key






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