【kubernetes/k8s源码分析】coredns 源码分析之四 cache 插件


    With cache enabled, all records except zone transfers and metadata records will be cached for up to 3600s. Caching is mostly useful in a scenario when fetching data from the backend (upstream, database, etc.) is expensive.

    This plugin can only be used once per Server Block.



    cache [TTL] [ZONES...]

    TTL 单位为秒,如果不指定 TTL ,则默认为 3600 秒


cache [TTL] [ZONES...] {
    success CAPACITY [TTL] [MINTTL]
    denial CAPACITY [TTL] [MINTTL]

    success:覆盖缓存成功响应的设置。CAPACITY 代表在开始移除前可以缓存最大的数据包数量,TTL 会覆盖最大的 TTL 值,MINTTL 将会覆盖最小的 TTL 值,默认为 5,success 可以用来限制查询到后端

    denial:覆盖缓存拒绝存在响应的设置。CAPACITY 代表了在开始移除前(LRU)可以缓存的最大最大数据包量,

    prefetch:将预取即将从缓存中删除的热门条目。热门意味着数量查询之间没有间隔的 DURATION 或者没有比这更多的。DURATION 默认为 1分钟,当 TTL 低于 PERCENTAGE(默认为10%)或 TTL 过期前的最后一秒时,将发生预取。值范围应在[10%,90%]


    注意: 如果 CAPACITY 未设置,则默认的 cahe 大小为 9984 ,最小的 cache 为 1024,如果设置 CAPACITY,实际的 cache size 四舍五入最接近除以 256,



    Enable caching for all zones, but cap everything to a TTL of 10 seconds:

. {
    cache 10

    Proxy to Google Public DNS and only cache responses for example.org (or below).

. {
    forward .
    cache example.org

     Enable caching for all zones, keep a positive cache size of 5000 and a negative cache size of 2500:

 . {
     cache {
         success 5000
         denial 2500


结构体 Cache

  pcap:Success CAPACITY 值,默认设置为 10000

  ncap:Denial CAPACITY 值,默认设置为 10000

  pttl:默认设置为 3600,最大的 TTL

  minpttl:默认设置为 5,最小的 TTL

  nttl:默认设置为 1800,Denial TTL 最大值

  minnttl:默认为 5,Denial TTL 最小值

type Cache struct {
   Next  plugin.Handler
   Zones []string

   ncache  *cache.Cache
   ncap    int
   nttl    time.Duration
   minnttl time.Duration

   pcache  *cache.Cache
   pcap    int
   pttl    time.Duration
   minpttl time.Duration

   // Prefetch.
   prefetch   int
   duration   time.Duration
   percentage int

   // Testing.
   now func() time.Time


1. init 初始化注册 cahce 服务类型为 dns

func init() {
	caddy.RegisterPlugin("cache", caddy.Plugin{
		ServerType: "dns",
		Action:     setup,


2. setup 函数

    调用 AddPlugin 函数添加插件实现了 plugin Handler 接口

func setup(c *caddy.Controller) error {
	ca, err := cacheParse(c)
	if err != nil {
		return plugin.Error("cache", err)
	dnsserver.GetConfig(c).AddPlugin(func(next plugin.Handler) plugin.Handler {
		ca.Next = next
		return ca

	c.OnStartup(func() error {
			cacheSize, cacheHits, cacheMisses,
			cachePrefetches, cacheDrops)
		return nil

	return nil

cache [TTL] [ZONES...] {
    success CAPACITY [TTL] [MINTTL]
    denial CAPACITY [TTL] [MINTTL]

    2.1 cacheParse 分析提取块数据

      2.1.1 如果后面参数为数值类型的话,比如 cache 30,则设置 pttl (最大的 TTL)和 nttl 值,单位为秒

if len(args) > 0 {
	// first args may be just a number, then it is the ttl, if not it is a zone
	ttl, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
	if err == nil {
		// Reserve 0 (and smaller for future things)
		if ttl <= 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache TTL can not be zero or negative: %d", ttl)
		ca.pttl = time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second
		ca.nttl = time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second
		args = args[1:]
	if len(args) > 0 {
		copy(origins, args)

     如果有包含块 {},如下,则分析 2.1.2 2.1.3 章节

     2.1.2 提取 Success 设置的参数值

     cache [TTL] [ZONES...] {
    success CAPACITY [TTL] [MINTTL]

      提取 CAPACITY 保存 pcap,如果有参数,则设置 pttl 最大的 TTL,设置 minpttl 最小 TTL 

case Success:
	args := c.RemainingArgs()
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return nil, c.ArgErr()
	pcap, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ca.pcap = pcap
	if len(args) > 1 {
		pttl, err := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Reserve 0 (and smaller for future things)
		if pttl <= 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache TTL can not be zero or negative: %d", pttl)
		ca.pttl = time.Duration(pttl) * time.Second
		if len(args) > 2 {
			minpttl, err := strconv.Atoi(args[2])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Reserve < 0
			if minpttl < 0 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache min TTL can not be negative: %d", minpttl)
			ca.minpttl = time.Duration(minpttl) * time.Second

     2.1.3 提取 Denial 值

     ncap 保存 Denial 的 CAPACITY,nttl 设置为最大的 TTL,minnttl 设置为最小的 TTL

case Denial:
	args := c.RemainingArgs()
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return nil, c.ArgErr()
	ncap, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	ca.ncap = ncap
	if len(args) > 1 {
		nttl, err := strconv.Atoi(args[1])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// Reserve 0 (and smaller for future things)
		if nttl <= 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache TTL can not be zero or negative: %d", nttl)
		ca.nttl = time.Duration(nttl) * time.Second
		if len(args) > 2 {
			minnttl, err := strconv.Atoi(args[2])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Reserve < 0
			if minnttl < 0 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("cache min TTL can not be negative: %d", minnttl)
			ca.minnttl = time.Duration(minnttl) * time.Second

     2.1.4 提取 prefetch 参数值,范围为 【10% - 90%】

case "prefetch":
	args := c.RemainingArgs()
	if len(args) == 0 || len(args) > 3 {
		return nil, c.ArgErr()
	amount, err := strconv.Atoi(args[0])
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if amount < 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("prefetch amount should be positive: %d", amount)
	ca.prefetch = amount

	if len(args) > 1 {
		dur, err := time.ParseDuration(args[1])
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		ca.duration = dur
	if len(args) > 2 {
		pct := args[2]
		if x := pct[len(pct)-1]; x != '%' {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("last character of percentage should be `%%`, but is: %q", x)
		pct = pct[:len(pct)-1]

		num, err := strconv.Atoi(pct)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if num < 10 || num > 90 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("percentage should fall in range [10, 90]: %d", num)
		ca.percentage = num

     2.1.5 New Cache 函数

     分为 256个 shard,每个 shard 包括 size 和 items

// New returns a new cache.
func New(size int) *Cache {
	ssize := size / shardSize
	if ssize < 4 {
		ssize = 4

	c := &Cache{}

	// Initialize all the shards
	for i := 0; i < shardSize; i++ {
		c.shards[i] = newShard(ssize)
	return c


3. ServeDNS 函数

    路径 plugin/cache/handler.go

// ServeDNS implements the plugin.Handler interface.
func (c *Cache) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) {
	state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r}

	zone := plugin.Zones(c.Zones).Matches(state.Name())
	if zone == "" {
		return plugin.NextOrFailure(c.Name(), c.Next, ctx, w, r)

    3.1 get 函数

      key 值经过 hash 值,看看落到哪个 shard 中,是根据 key & 255 值

      如果命中则相应的 pcache 或者 ncache 中 hint 值增 1,如果未命中则 misses 值增加 1

func (c *Cache) get(now time.Time, state request.Request, server string) (*item, bool) {
	k := hash(state.Name(), state.QType(), state.Do())

	if i, ok := c.ncache.Get(k); ok && i.(*item).ttl(now) > 0 {
		cacheHits.WithLabelValues(server, Denial).Inc()
		return i.(*item), true

	if i, ok := c.pcache.Get(k); ok && i.(*item).ttl(now) > 0 {
		cacheHits.WithLabelValues(server, Success).Inc()
		return i.(*item), true
	return nil, false

    3.2 拷贝到 Msg 结构中

// toMsg turns i into a message, it tailors the reply to m.
// The Authoritative bit is always set to 0, because the answer is from the cache.
func (i *item) toMsg(m *dns.Msg, now time.Time) *dns.Msg {
	m1 := new(dns.Msg)

	m1.Authoritative = false
	m1.AuthenticatedData = i.AuthenticatedData
	m1.RecursionAvailable = i.RecursionAvailable
	m1.Rcode = i.Rcode

	m1.Answer = make([]dns.RR, len(i.Answer))
	m1.Ns = make([]dns.RR, len(i.Ns))
	m1.Extra = make([]dns.RR, len(i.Extra))

	ttl := uint32(i.ttl(now))
	for j, r := range i.Answer {
		m1.Answer[j] = dns.Copy(r)
		m1.Answer[j].Header().Ttl = ttl
	for j, r := range i.Ns {
		m1.Ns[j] = dns.Copy(r)
		m1.Ns[j].Header().Ttl = ttl
	// newItem skips OPT records, so we can just use i.Extra as is.
	for j, r := range i.Extra {
		m1.Extra[j] = dns.Copy(r)
		m1.Extra[j].Header().Ttl = ttl
	return m1


4. WriteMsg 函数

; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-RedHat-9.9.4-74.el7_6.2 <<>> www.baidu.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 60775
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;www.baidu.com.            IN    A

www.baidu.com.        60    IN    CNAME    www.a.shifen.com.
www.a.shifen.com.    60    IN    A
www.a.shifen.com.    60    IN    A

;; Query time: 16 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Aug 28 11:27:24 UTC 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 149

    ";; opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 63258\n;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0\n\n;; QUESTION SECTION:\n;www.baidu.com.\tIN\t A\n\n;; ANSWER SECTION:\nwww.baidu.com.\t340\tIN\tCNAME\twww.a.shifen.com.\nwww.a.shifen.com.\t45\tIN\tA\t61.135.169.121\nwww.a.shifen.com.\t45\tIN\tA\t61.135.169.125\n

    路径 plugin/cache/cache.go,设置 TTL,具体设置多大,逻辑看代码吧

// WriteMsg implements the dns.ResponseWriter interface.
func (w *ResponseWriter) WriteMsg(res *dns.Msg) error {
	do := false
	mt, opt := response.Typify(res, w.now().UTC())
	if opt != nil {
		do = opt.Do()

	// key returns empty string for anything we don't want to cache.
	hasKey, key := key(w.state.Name(), res, mt, do)

	msgTTL := dnsutil.MinimalTTL(res, mt)
	var duration time.Duration
	if mt == response.NameError || mt == response.NoData {
		duration = computeTTL(msgTTL, w.minnttl, w.nttl)
	} else if mt == response.ServerError {
		// use default ttl which is 5s
		duration = minTTL
	} else {
		duration = computeTTL(msgTTL, w.minpttl, w.pttl)

     4.1 set 函数会更新 cache 

        如果成功的则加入到 pcache 中,失败的则加入到 ncache 中

if hasKey && duration > 0 {
	if w.state.Match(res) {
		w.set(res, key, mt, duration)
		cacheSize.WithLabelValues(w.server, Success).Set(float64(w.pcache.Len()))
		cacheSize.WithLabelValues(w.server, Denial).Set(float64(w.ncache.Len()))
	} else {
		// Don't log it, but increment counter



   cache 分为 shard 256个,如果 CAPACITY 为 10000,则每个 shard 可以缓存 39 个

   域名根据 hash 值确定落入哪个 shard 中,如果查找命中,并且在 TTL 内则算成功

   如果未命中,则通过查询成功,则加入到 cache 的 pcache中,如果失败则加入到 ncache 中






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