Browsing Product contents(3DExperience CATIA)

'Browsing Product Model (Reference/instance Model) Contents
'Mission:   This use case fundamentally illustrates navigation of the Product Structure Model.
'           Use case navigates down the hierarchy of an Product Reference-Instance Model associated with
'           a Product Root Reference loaded in session. And displays the entire hierarchy in a tree format,
'           as viewed in the Specification Tree within CATIA, but with the Representation Instances/References.
'Steps:     1- Searches for a Product in database
'           2- Opens the Product and retrieves its Editor
'           3- Navigates the Product Reference recursively
'              3.1- Retrieves the Root Product Occurrence from the current VPM Editor to navigate
'              3.2- Retrieves the Root Reference from the occurrence model
'              3.3- Navigates the Product Reference
'                   3.3.1- Retrieves the Rep Instances under the Product Reference
'                   3.3.2- Retrieves the list of Instances within the input Reference
'                   3.3.3- Navigates through each child Reference recursively



' Be careful: this piece of code has been written with a specific Product Reference type (VPMReference). If your ENOVIA

' installation does not contain this Product Modele type, use you own Product Reference type.

' You have just to change the contents of the strTheProductReferenceType variable defined just below.



Dim strTheProductReferenceType As String

'Global variable to gather and display at the end the PLM Component Identification Set attributes
Dim strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr As String
' Main Routine
Sub BrowseProductModel()
    'Error handling
    On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    strTheProductReferenceType = "VPMReference"

    '1- Retrieves the Search service from CATIA session
    Dim oSearchService As SearchService
    Set oSearchService = CATIA.GetSessionService("Search")

    '2- Searches for a Product in database
    Dim oDBSearch As DatabaseSearch
    Set oDBSearch = SearchProduct(oSearchService)
    '2- Opens the Product and retrieves its Editor
    Dim oProductEditor As Editor
    Set oProductEditor = OpenProductAndGetEditor(oDBSearch)
    '3- Navigates the Product Structure
    NavigateProductStructure oProductEditor
    'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
' 1- Searches for a Product in database
'    The search criteria is:
'     - The Product reference type
'     - A PLM_ExternalID value entered by the end user
'     - A revision value entered by the end user
'    Output  : the object containing the result of the search
Function SearchProduct(oSearchService) As DatabaseSearch
   'Error handling
    On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    '1- Retrieves the Database attribute from Search service
    Dim oDBSearch As DatabaseSearch
    Set oDBSearch = oSearchService.DatabaseSearch
    'Builds the Query criteria for Search on underlying database
    'Prompts the user to input the PLM_ExternalID for search purpose
    Dim strInputPLMIDName As String
    strInputPLMIDName = InputBox("Please enter the PLM_ExternalID to search", "Enter PLM_ExternalID")
    'Prompts the user to input the revision for search purpose
    Dim strInputRevision As String
    strInputRevision = InputBox("Please enter the revision to search", "Enter revision")
    'Sets the type of objects to search for
    oDBSearch.BaseType = strTheProductReferenceType
    'Updates the PLM Search object created in the above steps with the attribute criteria provided by the user as an input
    oDBSearch.AddEasyCriteria "PLM_ExternalID", strInputPLMIDName
    oDBSearch.AddEasyCriteria "revision", strInputRevision
    'Triggers the Search
    'Valuates the output
    Set SearchProduct = oDBSearch
    'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
' 2- Opens the Product and retrieves its Editor
'    Input  : the object containing the result of the previous search
'    Output : the editor containing the opened Product
Function OpenProductAndGetEditor(oDBSearch) As Editor
   'Error handling
   On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    'Retrieves the list of PLM Entities from the PLM Search object
    Dim oPLMProdRefAsEntities As PLMEntities
    Set oPLMProdRefAsEntities = oDBSearch.Results
    'Ensures the search results retrieves atleast one PLM Entity
    If oPLMProdRefAsEntities.Count > 1 Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a query criteria which outputs a unique PLM Component for further processing"
        GoTo EndSub
    ElseIf oPLMProdRefAsEntities.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No result for the input criteria"
        GoTo EndSub
    End If

    'Retrieves first PLM Entity from the PLMEntities collection object
    Dim oPLMProdRefAsPLMEntity As PLMEntity
    Set oPLMProdRefAsPLMEntity = oPLMProdRefAsEntities.Item(1)
    'Call the Open Service to open the product
    Dim oOpenService As PLMOpenService
    Set oOpenService = CATIA.GetSessionService("PLMOpenService")
    'Opens the PLM Component in the VPM editor
    Dim oProductEditor As Editor
    oOpenService.PLMOpen oPLMProdRefAsPLMEntity, oProductEditor
    'Valuates the output
    Set OpenProductAndGetEditor = oProductEditor
   'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
'  3- Navigates the Product Structure recursively
'     Input : the Product editor
Sub NavigateProductStructure(oProductEditor)
    'Error handling
    On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    'Initializes the global variable
    strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = ""
    'Retrieves the Product Context from the editor
    Dim oProductService As PLMProductService
    Set oProductService = oProductEditor.GetService("PLMProductService")
    '3.1 - Retrieves the Root Product Occurrence from the current VPM Editor to navigate
    Dim oVPMRootOccOnRoot As VPMRootOccurrence
    Set oVPMRootOccOnRoot = oProductService.RootOccurrence
    '3.2- Retrieves the Root Reference from the occurrence model
    Dim oVPMRefOnRoot As VPMReference
    Set oVPMRefOnRoot = oVPMRootOccOnRoot.ReferenceRootOccurrenceOf
    'Displays the Root Product Reference name
    strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + oVPMRefOnRoot.Name + vbCrLf
    '3.3- Navigates the Product Reference
    '(Call for Navigate on the retrieved Reference)
    NavigateProdReference oVPMRefOnRoot, 1
    'Displays the Occurrence Product Model Contents in the Message Box
    MsgBox strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr
    'Clears the display contents
    strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = ""
   'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
'3.3 Navigates the Product Reference
'    Input : the Product Reference
'            depth of the object in hierarchy
Sub NavigateProdReference(oProdRef, depth)
    'Error handling
    On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    '3.3.1- Retrieves the Rep Instances under the Product Reference
    NavigateProdReferenceForRepInst oProdRef, depth
    '3.3.2- Retrieves the list of instances within the input reference
    Dim oListChildrenInstances As VPMInstances
    Set oListChildrenInstances = oProdRef.Instances
    '3.3.3-  Navigates through each child Reference recursively
    'Loop through the List of child instances
    For i = 1 To oListChildrenInstances.Count
        'Retrieves the Child instance from the list
        Dim oVPMInst As VPMInstance
        Set oVPMInst = oListChildrenInstances.Item(i)
        'Indent the PLM entity appropriately
        For spaceCnt = 1 To depth
            strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + vbTab
        Next spaceCnt
         'Retrieves the Reference of the instance
        Dim oVPMRef As VPMReference
        Set oVPMRef = oVPMInst.ReferenceInstanceOf
        'Prepare the string for displaying purpose
        strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + oVPMRef.GetAttributeValue("PLM_ExternalID") + oVPMRef.GetAttributeValue("V_version") + " " + "("
        strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + oVPMInst.GetAttributeValue("PLM_ExternalID") + ")" + vbCrLf
        'Navigate further into this VPM Ref. A recursive call to Navigate follows
        NavigateProdReference oVPMRef, depth + 1
    'Next ref
    Next i
    'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
'3.3.1 'Retrieve the Rep Instances under the root and display them accordingly
'    Input : the Product Reference
'            depth of the object in hierarchy
Sub NavigateProdReferenceForRepInst(oProdRef, depth)
    'Error handling
    On Error GoTo ErrorSub
    '3.3.1.a- Retrieves the list of Rep Instances within the input reference
    Dim oVPMRepInsts As VPMRepInstances
    Set oVPMRepInsts = oProdRef.RepInstances
    '3.3.1.b- Navigates through each child Rep instances
    'Loop through the List of child rep instances
    For k = 1 To oVPMRepInsts.Count
        Dim oVPMRepInst As VPMRepInstance
        Set oVPMRepInst = oVPMRepInsts.Item(k)
        'If the Product reference has Rep Instances, then indent it else not required.
        For spaceCnt = 1 To depth
            strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + vbTab
        Next spaceCnt
        'Retrieve the Rep References of the instances
        Dim oVPMRepRef As VPMRepReference
        Set oVPMRepRef = oVPMRepInst.ReferenceInstanceOf
        'Prepare the string for displaying purpose
        strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + oVPMRepRef.GetAttributeValue("PLM_ExternalID") + oVPMRepRef.GetAttributeValue("V_version") + " " + "("
        strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr = strBrowsedPLMCompIDAttr + oVPMRepInst.GetAttributeValue("PLM_ExternalID") + ")" + vbCrLf
    'Next Rep Inst
    Next k
    'Error handling
    GoTo EndSub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

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