cd /path/to/tensorbox/utils && make appear issue: g++:error stitch_wrapper.cpp: no such file or directory
2.AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'threading'
Can you try installing from pip? tf.train.threading is in the API for me with 0.11rc1 and 0.11rc2.
sudo pip install --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0rc2-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
huang@huang-H81M-CT:~/Documents/tensorflow-code/TensorBox-master$ python train.py --hypes hypes/overfeat_rezoom.json --logdir output
Step: 0, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 1.16, Softmax Test Accuracy: 69.7%, Time/image (ms): 0.0
Step: 50, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 1.56, Softmax Test Accuracy: 80.3%, Time/image (ms): 2045.8
Step: 100, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 1.27, Softmax Test Accuracy: 90.3%, Time/image (ms): 2031.4
Step: 150, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 1.16, Softmax Test Accuracy: 84.3%, Time/image (ms): 2099.9
Step: 200, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 1.30, Softmax Test Accuracy: 99.0%, Time/image (ms): 2053.5
Step: 250, lr: 0.001000, Train Loss: 0.70, Softmax Test Accuracy: 92.0%, Time/image (ms): 2031.4