AAAI2021- Preprint Submission Instruction(latex-pdf要求)(二)

AAAIPressFormattingInstructions forAuthorsUsingL ATEX—AGuide WrittenbyAAAIPressStaff1* AAAIStyleContributionsbyPaterPatelSchneider,SunilIssar, J.ScottPenberthy,GeorgeFerguson,HansGuesgen,FranciscoCruz,MarcPujol-Gonzalez 1Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2275 East Bayshore Road, Suite 160 Palo Alto, California 94303



AAAI creates proceedings, working notes, and technical reportsdirectlyfromelectronicsourcefurnishedbytheauthors. Toensurethatallpapersinthepublicationhaveauniformappearance, authors must adhere to the following instructions.


Congratulations on having a paper selected for inclusion in an AAAI Press proceedings or technical report! This document details the requirements necessary to get your accepted paper published using PDFL ATEX. If you are using MicrosoftWord,instructionsareprovidedinadifferentdocument. AAAI Press does not support any other formatting software. The instructions herein are provided as a general guide for experienced L ATEX users. If you do not know how to use L ATEX, please obtain assistance locally. AAAI cannot provide you with support and the accompanying style files are not guaranteed to work. If the results you obtain are not in accordance with the specifications you received, you must correct your source file to achieve the correct result. These instructions are generic. Consequently, they do not include specific dates, page charges, and so forth. Please consult your specific written conference instructions for details regarding your submission. Please review the entire document for specific instructions that might apply to your particular situation. All authors must comply with the following:


祝贺你有一篇论文被选入AAAI新闻发布会或技术报告中!本文件详细说明了使用PDFL-ATEX发表你的论文所需的要求。如果您使用的是MicrosoftWord,则会在不同的文档中提供说明。AAAI Press不支持任何其他格式化软件。此处的说明作为有经验的L ATEX用户的一般指南。如果您不知道如何使用L ATEX,请在当地获得帮助。AAAI不能为您提供支持,并且附带的样式文件也不能保证有效。如果您获得的结果与您收到的规格不符,您必须更正源文件以获得正确的结果。这些说明是通用的。因此,它们不包括具体日期、页面费用等。有关提交的详细信息,请参考您的具体书面会议说明。请查看整个文档,以了解可能适用于您特定情况的具体说明。所有作者必须遵守以下规定:


• 1 You must use the 2021 AAAI Press L ATEX style file and the aaai21.bst bibliography style files, which are located in the 2021 AAAI Author Kit (aaai21.sty, aaai21.bst).

• 2 You must complete, sign, and return by the deadline the AAAI copyright form (unless directed by AAAI Press to use the AAAI Distribution License instead).???

• 3 You must read and format your paper source and PDF according to the formatting instructions for authors.

• 4 You must submit your electronic files and abstract using our electronic submission formontime.

• 5 You must pay any required page or formatting charges to AAAI Press so that they are received by the deadline.

• 6 You must check your paper before submitting it, ensuring that it compiles without error, and complies with the guidelines found in the AAAI Author Kit.

•1您必须使用2021 AAAI Press L ATEX style文件和aaai21.bst书目样式文件,它们位于2021年AAAI作者工具包(aaai21.sty,aaai21.bst)中。




•5您必须向AAAI Press支付任何所需的页面或格式费用,以便在截止日期前收到。




All papers submitted for publication by AAAI Press must be accompanied by a valid signed copyright form. They must also contain the AAAI copyright notice at the bottom of the first page of the paper. There are no exceptions to these requirements.If you fail to provide us with asigned copy right form or disable the copyright notice, we will be unable to publish your paper. There are no exceptions to this policy. You will find a PDF version of the AAAI copyright form in the AAAI AuthorKit. Please see the specific instructions for your conference for submission details.



Formatting Requirements

in Brief We need source and PDF files that can be used in a variety of ways and can be output on a variety of devices. The design and appearance of the paper is strictly governed by the aaai style file(aaai21.sty).
You must not make any changes to the aaai style file, nor use any commands, packages, style files, or macros within your own paper that alter that design, including, (不可以)
but not limited to spacing, floats, margins,fonts,fontsize,and appearance.(不可以)
AAAI imposes requirements on your source and PDF files that must be followed. Most of these requirements are based on our efforts to standardize conference manuscript properties and layout. All papers submitted to AAAI for publication will be recompiled for standardization purposes. Consequently, every paper submission must comply with the following requirements:



• Your .tex file must compile in PDF L ATEX — (you may not include .ps or .eps figure files.)(不可以)
• All fonts must be embedded in the PDF file — including includes your figures.
• Modifications to the style file,whether directly or via commands in your document may not ever be made, most especially when made in an effort to avoid extra page charges or make your paper fit in a specific number of pages.

•您的.tex文件必须在pdf latex中编译-(不能包含.ps或.eps配置文件。(不可以)




No type 3 fonts may be used (even in illustrations). (不可以)(--------)

• You may not alter the spacing above and below captions, figures, headings, and subheadings.

• You may not alter the font sizes of text elements, footnotes, heading elements, captions, or title information (for references and mathematics, please see the limited exceptions provided herein)

• You may not alter the line spacing of text.
• Your title must follow Title Case capitalization rules (not sentence case).
• Your .tex file must include completed metadata to pass-through to the PDF (see PDF INFO below)
• LATEX documents must use theTimes or Nimbus font package (you may not use Computer Modern for the text of your paper).

•LATEX文档必须使用TimesorNimbus字体包(您的论文文本不能使用Computer Modern)。

No LATEX 209 documents may be used or submitted.(???)
• Your source must not require use of fonts for nonRoman alphabets within the text itself. If your paper includes symbols in other languages (such as, but not limited to, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Thai, Russian and other Cyrillic languages), you must restrict their use to bit-mapped figures. Fonts that require non-English language support (CID and Identity-H) must be converted to outlines or 300 dpi bitmap or removed from the document (even if they are in a graphics file embedded in the document).

• Two-column format in AAAI style is required for all papers.
• The  paper size for final submission must be US letter without exception
• The source file must exactly match the PDF.
• The document margins may not be exceeded (no overfull boxes).
• The number of pages and the file size must be as specified for your event.
• No document may be password protected.
• Neither the PDFs nor the source may contain any embedded links or bookmarks (no hyperref or navigator packages). (不可以)(--------)
• Your source and PDF must not have any page numbers, footers, or headers (no pagestyle commands).
• Your PDF must be compatible with Acrobat 5 or higher.

不得使用或提交LATEX 209文件。(???)
•您的来源不得要求在文本中使用非罗马字母的字体。如果您的论文中包含其他语言的符号(例如但不限于阿拉伯语、汉语、希伯来语、日语、泰语、俄语和其他西里尔语),则必须将它们的使用限制为位图配置。需要非英语语言支持(CID和Identity-H)的字体必须转换为大纲或300 dpi位图,或从文档中删除(即使它们是嵌入在文档中的图形文件中)。
•您的PDF必须与Acrobat 5或更高版本兼容我的是XI

• Your LATEX source file (excluding references) must consist of a single file (use of the “input” command is not allowed.
• Your graphics must be sized appropriately out side of LATEX (do not use the “clip” or “trim” command) . If you do not follow these requirements, your paper will be returned to you to correct the deficiencies.

What Files to Submit

You must submit the following items to ensure that your paper is published:
• A fully-compliant PDF file that includes PDF metadata.
• Your LATEX source file submitted as a single .tex file (do not use the “input” command to include sections of your paper — every section must be in the single source file).
(The only allowable exception is .bib file, which should be included separately).
• The bibliography (.bib) file(s).
• Your source must compile on our system, which includes only standard LATEX 2020 TeXLive support files.
• Only the graphics files used in compiling paper.
• The L ATEX-generated files (e.g. .aux, .bbl file, PDF, etc.).




唯一允许的例外是.bib file,应单独包含)。(--------)


•您的源代码必须在我们的系统上编译,该系统仅包括标准的LaTex2020 TeXLive支持文件(--------)(TexLive上面试一下)



Your LATEX source will be reviewed and recompiled on our system (if it does not compile, your paper will be returned to you.
Do not submit your source in multiple text files.
Your single L ATEX source file must include all your text, your bibliography (formatted using aaai21.bst), and any custom macros.
Your files should work without any supporting files (other than the program itself) on any computer with a standard L ATEX distribution.
Do not send files that are not actually used in the paper.
We don’t want you to send us any files not needed for compiling your paper, including, for example, this instructions file, unused graphics files, style files, additional material sent for the purpose of the paper review, and so forth.
Do not send supporting files that are not actually used in the paper.



您的单个L ATEX源文件必须包含所有文本、书目(使用aaai21.bst格式化)和任何自定义宏。


不要发送没有在 paper 实际使用的文件。



We don’t want you to send us any files not needed for compiling your paper, including, for example, this instructions file, unused graphics files, style files, additional material sent for the purpose of the paper review, and so forth.
Obsolete style files.
The commands for some common packages (such as some used for algorithms), may have changed.
Please be certain that you are not compiling your paper using old or obsolete style files.
Final Archive.
Place your PDF and source files in a single archive which should be compressed 
The final file size may not exceed 10 MB.
Name your source file with the last (family) name of the first author, even if that is not you.







最终文件大小不得超过10 MB。



Using L ATEX to Format Your Paper

The latest version of the AAAI style file is available on AAAI’s website.
Download this file and place it in the TEX search path.
Placing it in the same directory as the paper should also work.
You must download the latest version of the complete AAAI AuthorKit so that you will have the latest instruction set and style file.
Document Preamble In the L ATEX source for your paper, you must place the following lines as shown in the example in this subsection.
This command set-up is for three authors.
Add or subtract author and address lines as necessary, and uncomment the portions
that apply to you.




您必须下载完整的AAAI AuthorKit的最新版本,这样才能获得最新的指令集和样式文件。




In most instances, this is all you need to do to format your paper in the Times font.
The helvet package will cause Helvetica to be used for sansserif.
These files are part of the PSNFSS2 epackage,which is freely available from many Internet sites (and is often part of a standard installation).
Leave the set counter for section number depth commented out and set at 0 unless you want to addsection numbers to your paper.
If you do add section numbers, you must uncomment this line and change the number to 1 (for section numbers), or 2 (for section and subsection numbers).
The style file will not work properly with numbering of subsubsections, so do not use a number higher than 2.



这些文件是PSNFSS2 epackage的一部分,可从许多互联网站点免费获得(通常是标准安装的一部分)。




The Following Must Appear in Your Preamble

Preparing YourPaper

After the preamble above, you should prepare your paper as follows:


You should then continue with the body of your paper. Your paper must conclude with the references, which should be inserted as follows:


Inserting Document Metadata with L ATEX

PDF files contain document summary information that enables us to create an Acrobat index (pdx) file, and also allows search engines to locate and present your paper more accurately.
Document metadata for author and title are REQUIRED.
You may not apply any script or macro to implementation of the title, author, and metadata information in your paper.
Important: Do not include any L ATEX code or nonascii characters (including accented characters) in the metadata. The data in the metadata must be completely plain ascii.
It maynotincludeslashes,accents,linebreaks,unicode,orany L ATEX commands.
Type the title exactly as it appears on the paper (minus all formatting).
Input the author names in the order in which they appear on the paper (minus all accents), separating each author by a comma.
You may also include keywords in the optional Keywords field.




要点:元数据中不要包含任何L ATEX代码或非SCII字符(包括重音字符)。元数据中的数据必须完全是纯ascii。

它可能不包括斜杠、重音符号、换行符、unicode或任何L ATEX命令。





Commands and PackagesThat May Not Be Used

There are a number of packages, commands, scripts, and macros that are incompatable with aaai21.sty.
The common ones are listed in tables 1 and 2. (展示了不能使用的指令和包)
Generally, if a command, package, script, or macro alters floats, margins, fonts, sizing, linespacing, or the presentation of the references and citations, it is unacceptable.

Note that negative vskip and vspace may not be used except in certain rare occurances, and may never be used a round tables, figures,captions,sections, subsections, subsections, or references.




Page Breaks
For your final cameraready copy, you must not use any page break commands.
References must flow directly after the text withoutbreaks. 
Note that some conferences require references to be on a separate page during the review process.
AAAI Press,however,does not require this condition for the final paper.





Paper Size,Margins,and Column Width
Papers must be formatted to print in two-column format on 8.5 x 11 inch US letter-sized paper. The margins must be exactly as follows:
纸张必须格式化为在8.5 x 11英寸美国信纸大小的纸张上以两列格式打印。边距必须完全如下:

•Top margin: .75 inches
• Left margin: .75 inches
• Right margin: .75 inches
• Bottom margin: 1.25 inches





The default paper size in most installations of LATEX is A4.
However, because we require that your electronic paper be formatted in US letter size, the preamble we have provided includes commands that alter the default to US letter size.
Please note that using any other package to alter page size (such as, but not limited to the Geometry package) will result in your final paper being returned to you for correction.




Column Width and Margins.

To ensure maximum readability, your paper must include two columns.
Each column should be 3.3 inches wide (slightly more than 3.25 inches),
witha.375inch(.952cm)gutterofwhitespacebetweenthe two columns.
The aaai21.sty file will automatically create these columns for you.





Overlength  Papers

If your paper is too long and you resort to formatting tricks to make it fit, it is quite likely that it will be returned to you.

The best way to retain readability if the paper is overlength is to cut text, figures, or tables.

There are, a few acceptable ways to reduce paper size that don’t affect readability.

1 First, turn on \frenchspacing, which will reduce the space after periods.

2 Next, move all your figures and tables to the top of the page.

Consider removing less important portions of a figure.

3 If you use \centering instead of \begin{center} in your figure environment, you can also buy some space.

4 For mathematical environments, you may reduce font size but not below 6.5 point.

1 首先,启用\frenchspace,这将减少句点后的空间。(特别注意)(可用办法)(--------)
2 接下来,将所有图和表格移到页面顶部
3 如果您在配置环境中使用\居中而不是\ begin{center},您还可以购买一些空间。


Commands that alter page layout are forbidden.
These include \columnsep, \float, \topmargin, \topskip, \textheight, \textwidth, \oddsidemargin, and \evensizemargin (this list is not exhaustive).
If you alter page layout, you will be required to pay the page fee.
Other commands that are questionable and may cause your paper to be rejected include\parindent, and\parskip.
Commands that alter the space between sections are forbidden.
The title sec package is not allowed. Regardless of the above,
If your paper is obviously “squeezed” it is not going to to be accepted.
Options for reducing the length of a paper include reducing the size of your graphics, cutting text, or paying the extra page charge (if it is offered).


它们包括\columnsep、\float、\topmargin、\topskip、\textheight、\textwidth、\oddsidemargin 和 \evensizemargin(此列表不是详尽的)。(不可以)(--------)


其他有问题并可能导致你的论文被拒绝的命令包括 \parindent 和 \parskip。(不可以)(--------)


不允许使用title sec package 包。
不管上面说什么 如果你的论文明显被“压缩”了,那么它将不会被接受。


Type Font and Size

Your paper must be formatted in Times Roman or Nimbus. We will not accept papers formatted using Computer Modern or Palatino or some other font as the text or heading type face.

Sans serif, when used, should be Courier.
Use Symbol or Lucida or Computer Modern for mathematics only.

Do not use type 3 fonts for any portion of your paper, including graphics.

Type 3 bitmapped fonts are designed for fixed resolution printers.

Most print at 300 dpi even if the printer resolution is 1200 dpi or higher.

They also often cause high resolution imagesetter devices to crash.




只在数学中使用Symbol或Lucida或Computer Modern

不要在论文的任何部分使用 类型3字体 type 3 fonts包括图形(特别注意) (不可以)(--------)


大多数打印速度为300 dpi,即使打印机分辨率为1200 dpi或更高。


Consequently, AAAI will not accept electronic files containing obsolete type 3 fonts.

Files containing those fonts (even in graphics) will be rejected.

(Authors using blackboard symbols must be avoid those packages that use type 3 fonts.)

Fortunately,there are effective workarounds that will prevent your file from embedding type 3 bitmapped fonts.

The easiest workaround is to use the required times, helvet, and courier packages with L ATEX2e.

(Note that papers formatted in this way will still use Computer Modern for the mathematics.

To make the math look good, you’ll either have to use Symbol or Lucida, or you will need to install type 1 Computer Modern fonts — for more on these fonts, see the section “Obtaining Type 1 Computer Modern.”)

要使数学看起来很好,您要么使用Symbol或Lucida,要么需要安装type1 Computer Modern字体-有关这些字体的更多信息,请参阅“获取type1 Computer Modern”一节。)

If you are unsure if your paper contain stype 3 fonts, view the PDF in Acrobat Reader.

The Properties/Fonts window will display the font name, font type, and encoding propertie so fall the fonts in the document.

If you are unsure if your graphics contain type 3 fonts (and they are PostScript or encapsulated PostScript documents), create PDF versions of them,and consult the properties window in Acrobat Reader.

The default size for your type must be ten-point with twelve-point leading (line spacing).

Start all pages (except the first) directly under the top margin.

(See the next section for instructions on formatting the title page.)

Indent ten points when beginning a new paragraph, unless the paragraph begins directly below a heading or subheading.

如果您不确定您的论文是否包含stype 3字体,请在Acrobat Reader中查看PDF。(好的解决办法)(可用办法)(--------)
如果不确定图形是否包含类型3字体(并且它们是PostScript或封装的PostScript文档),请创建这些字体的PDF版本,然后查看Acrobat Reader中的“属性”窗口。(可用办法)


Obtaining Type 1 Computer Modern for L ATEX.

If you use Computer Modern for the mathematics in your paper (you cannot use it for the text) you may need to download type 1 Computer fonts.

They are available without charge from the American Mathematical Society:

为L ATEX获得 1型现代计算机 。





If your paper includes symbols in other languages (such as, but not limited to, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew,Japanese,Thai,RussianandotherCyrilliclanguages), you must restrict their use to bit-mapped figures.


Title and Authors

Your title must appear in mixed case (nouns, pronouns, and verbs are capitalized) near the top of the first page, centered over both columns in sixteen-point bold type (twentyfour point leading).

This style is called “mixed case,” which means that means all verbs (including short verbs like be, is, using, and go), nouns, adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns should be capitalized, (including both words in hyphenated terms), while articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are lower case unless they directly follow a colon or long dash.

Author’s names should appear below the title of the paper, centered in twelve-point type (with fifteen point leading), along with affiliation(s) and complete address(es) (including electronic mail address if available) in nine-point roman type (the twelve point leading).

(If the title is long, or you havemanyauthors,youmayreducethespecifiedpointsizes by up to two points.)

You should begin the two-column format when you come to the abstract.




For authors from different institutions, use \textsuperscript {\rm x} to match authors and affiliations.(值得注意)(--------)

对于来自不同机构的作者,请使用\textsuperscript{\rm x}匹配作者和关联。

Note that you may want to break the author list for better visualization.

You can achieve this using a simple line break (\\).

L ATEX Copyright Notice
The copyright notice automatically appears if you use aaai21.sty.
It has been hardcoded and may not be disabled.

L ATEX版权声明
























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