
12 篇文章 1 订阅
11 篇文章 3 订阅

在我之前发布的《ZYNQ IIC EEPROM读写例程》基础上,借用其IIC读写函数,其余代码参照DK7IH的AVR例子,即可实现SI5351控制。
硬件平台为PYNQ-Z2+ELEKTOR SDR,刚开始读写不成功,用示波器看IIC波形,没有拉低,因为PYNQ-Z2上已经有上拉电阻,把ELEKTOR SDR上的上拉电阻去掉,可正常读写,但是用示波器测频率,偏了9M,检查代码发现,DK7IH的代码中定义了INTERFREQUENCY 9000000,将其改成0,即可。

/***************************** Include Files *********************************/

#include "xparameters.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "xiicps.h"
#include "xscugic.h"
#include "xil_exception.h"
#include "xil_printf.h"

/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/

 * The following constants map to the XPAR parameters created in the
 * xparameters.h file. They are defined here such that a user can easily
 * change all the needed parameters in one place.

#define INTERFREQUENCY 0000000

//Defines for Si5351
#define PLLRATIO 36
#define CFACTOR 1048575

//Set of Si5351A register addresses
#define CLK_ENABLE_CONTROL       3
#define PLLX_SRC				15
#define CLK0_CONTROL            16 
#define CLK1_CONTROL            17
#define CLK2_CONTROL            18
#define SYNTH_PLL_A             26
#define SYNTH_PLL_B             34
#define SYNTH_MS_0              42
#define SYNTH_MS_1              50
#define SYNTH_MS_2              58
#define PLL_RESET              177
#define XTAL_LOAD_CAP          183

int calc_tuningfactor(void);

int tuningcount = 0;
int tuning = 0;
int laststate = 0; //Last state of rotary encoder

//SI5351 Declarations & frequency
void si5351_write(int, int);
void si5351_start(void);
void si5351_set_freq(int, unsigned long);

 * The following constant defines the address of the IIC Slave device on the
 * IIC bus. Note that since the address is only 7 bits, this constant is the
 * address divided by 2.
#define IIC_SLAVE_ADDR		0x60
#define IIC_SCLK_RATE		100000

 * The page size determines how much data should be written at a time.
 * The write function should be called with this as a maximum byte count.
#define PAGE_SIZE		16

 * The Starting address in the IIC EEPROM on which this test is performed.

/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/

 * The AddressType should be u8 as the address pointer in the on-board
 * EEPROM is 1 byte.
typedef u8 AddressType;

/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/

/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/

int IicPsEepromIntrExample(void);
int EepromWriteData(u16 ByteCount);
int MuxInit(void);
int EepromReadData(u8 *BufferPtr, u16 ByteCount);

static int SetupInterruptSystem(XIicPs * IicInstPtr);

static void Handler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event);

/************************** Variable Definitions *****************************/

XIicPs IicInstance;		/* The instance of the IIC device. */
XScuGic InterruptController;	/* The instance of the Interrupt Controller. */

 * Write buffer for writing a page.
u8 WriteBuffer[sizeof(AddressType) + PAGE_SIZE];

u8 ReadBuffer[PAGE_SIZE];	/* Read buffer for reading a page. */

volatile u8 TransmitComplete;	/* Flag to check completion of Transmission */
volatile u8 ReceiveComplete;	/* Flag to check completion of Reception */
volatile u32 TotalErrorCount;

/************************** Function Definitions *****************************/

* Main function to call the Iic EEPROM interrupt example.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int main(void)
	int Status;

    xil_printf("\n\r**     PYNQ  - SI5351 Test                        **");

	 * Run the Iic EEPROM interrupt mode example.
	Status = IicPsEepromIntrExample();
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		xil_printf("IIC EEPROM Interrupt Example Test Failed\r\n");
		return XST_FAILURE;

	xil_printf("Successfully ran IIC EEPROM Interrupt Example Test\r\n");

	//return XST_SUCCESS;

	unsigned long f_vfo = 14212789;

	si5351_set_freq(SYNTH_MS_0, f_vfo);
	si5351_set_freq(SYNTH_MS_1, 10000000);
	si5351_set_freq(SYNTH_MS_2, 3552000);

* This function writes, reads, and verifies the data to the IIC EEPROM. It
* does the write as a single page write, performs a buffered read.
* @param	None.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int IicPsEepromIntrExample(void)

	int Status;

	XIicPs_Config *ConfigPtr;	/* Pointer to configuration data */

	 * Initialize the IIC driver so that it is ready to use.
	ConfigPtr = XIicPs_LookupConfig(IIC_DEVICE_ID);
	if (ConfigPtr == NULL) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XIicPs_CfgInitialize(&IicInstance, ConfigPtr,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup the Interrupt System.
	Status = SetupInterruptSystem(&IicInstance);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Setup the handlers for the IIC that will be called from the
	 * interrupt context when data has been sent and received, specify a
	 * pointer to the IIC driver instance as the callback reference so
	 * the handlers are able to access the instance data.
	XIicPs_SetStatusHandler(&IicInstance, (void *) &IicInstance, Handler);

	 * Set the IIC serial clock rate.
	XIicPs_SetSClk(&IicInstance, IIC_SCLK_RATE);

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function writes a buffer of data to the IIC serial EEPROM.
* @param	ByteCount contains the number of bytes in the buffer to be
*		written.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		The Byte count should not exceed the page size of the EEPROM as
*		noted by the constant PAGE_SIZE.
int EepromWriteData(u16 ByteCount)

	TransmitComplete = FALSE;

	 * Send the Data.
	XIicPs_MasterSend(&IicInstance, WriteBuffer,
			   ByteCount, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR);

	 * Wait for the entire buffer to be sent, letting the interrupt
	 * processing work in the background, this function may get
	 * locked up in this loop if the interrupts are not working
	 * correctly.
	while (TransmitComplete == FALSE) {
		if (0 != TotalErrorCount) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait until bus is idle to start another transfer.
	while (XIicPs_BusIsBusy(&IicInstance));

	 * Wait for a bit of time to allow the programming to complete

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function reads data from the IIC serial EEPROM into a specified buffer.
* @param	BufferPtr contains the address of the data buffer to be filled.
* @param	ByteCount contains the number of bytes in the buffer to be read.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful else XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
int EepromReadData(u8 *BufferPtr, u16 ByteCount)
	int Status;
	AddressType Address = EEPROM_START_ADDRESS;

	if (sizeof(Address) == 1) {
		WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address);
	else {
		WriteBuffer[0] = (u8) (Address >> 8);
		WriteBuffer[1] = (u8) (Address);

	Status = EepromWriteData(sizeof(Address));
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	ReceiveComplete = FALSE;

	 * Receive the Data.
	XIicPs_MasterRecv(&IicInstance, BufferPtr,
			   ByteCount, IIC_SLAVE_ADDR);

	while (ReceiveComplete == FALSE) {
		if (0 != TotalErrorCount) {
			return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Wait until bus is idle to start another transfer.
	while (XIicPs_BusIsBusy(&IicInstance));

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function setups the interrupt system such that interrupts can occur
* for the IIC.
* @param	IicPsPtr contains a pointer to the instance of the Iic
*		which is going to be connected to the interrupt controller.
* @return	XST_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise XST_FAILURE.
* @note		None.
static int SetupInterruptSystem(XIicPs *IicPsPtr)
	int Status;
	XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig; /* Instance of the interrupt controller */


	 * Initialize the interrupt controller driver so that it is ready to
	 * use.
	IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(INTC_DEVICE_ID);
	if (NULL == IntcConfig) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, IntcConfig,
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return XST_FAILURE;

	 * Connect the interrupt controller interrupt handler to the hardware
	 * interrupt handling logic in the processor.

	 * Connect the device driver handler that will be called when an
	 * interrupt for the device occurs, the handler defined above performs
	 * the specific interrupt processing for the device.
	Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, IIC_INTR_ID,
			(void *)IicPsPtr);
	if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
		return Status;

	 * Enable the interrupt for the Iic device.
	XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, IIC_INTR_ID);

	 * Enable interrupts in the Processor.

	return XST_SUCCESS;

* This function is the handler which performs processing to handle data events
* from the IIC.  It is called from an interrupt context such that the amount
* of processing performed should be minimized.
* This handler provides an example of how to handle data for the IIC and
* is application specific.
* @param	CallBackRef contains a callback reference from the driver, in
*		this case it is the instance pointer for the IIC driver.
* @param	Event contains the specific kind of event that has occurred.
* @param	EventData contains the number of bytes sent or received for sent
*		and receive events.
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void Handler(void *CallBackRef, u32 Event)
	 * All of the data transfer has been finished.
	if (0 != (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_COMPLETE_RECV)){
		ReceiveComplete = TRUE;
	} else if (0 != (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_COMPLETE_SEND)) {
		TransmitComplete = TRUE;
	} else if (0 == (Event & XIICPS_EVENT_SLAVE_RDY)){
		 * If it is other interrupt but not slave ready interrupt, it is
		 * an error.
		 * Data was received with an error.

// Si5351A commands
void si5351_write(int reg_addr, int reg_value)
	int Status;

	WriteBuffer[0] = reg_addr;
	WriteBuffer[1] = reg_value;

	Status = EepromWriteData(2);

// Set PLLs (VCOs) to internal clock rate of 900 MHz
// Equation fVCO = fXTAL * (a+b/c) (=> AN619 p. 3
void si5351_start(void)
    unsigned long a, b, c;
    unsigned long p1, p2;//, p3;
    // Init clock chip
    //si5351_write(XTAL_LOAD_CAP, 0xD2);      // Set crystal load capacitor to 10pF (default),
                                          // for bits 5:0 see also AN619 p. 60
    si5351_write(CLK_ENABLE_CONTROL, 0x00); // Enable all outputs
    si5351_write(CLK0_CONTROL, 0x0F);       // Set PLLA to CLK0, 8 mA output
    si5351_write(CLK1_CONTROL, 0x2F);       // Set PLLB to CLK1, 8 mA output
    si5351_write(CLK2_CONTROL, 0x2F);       // Set PLLB to CLK2, 8 mA output
    si5351_write(PLL_RESET, 0xA0);          // Reset PLLA and PLLB

    // Set VCOs of PLLA and PLLB to 650 MHz
    a = PLLRATIO;     // Division factor 650/25 MHz !!!!
    b = 0;            // Numerator, sets b/c=0
    c = CFACTOR;      //Max. resolution, but irrelevant in this case (b=0)

    //Formula for splitting up the numbers to register data, see AN619
    p1 = 128 * a + (unsigned long) (128 * b / c) - 512;
    p2 = 128 * b - c * (unsigned long) (128 * b / c);
    //p3  = c;
    //Write data to registers PLLA and PLLB so that both VCOs are set to 900MHz intermal freq
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A, 0xFF);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 1, 0xFF);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 2, (p1 & 0x00030000) >> 16);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 3, (p1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 4, (p1 & 0x000000FF));
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 5, 0xF0 | ((p2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 6, (p2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_A + 7, (p2 & 0x000000FF));

    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B, 0xFF);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 1, 0xFF);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 2, (p1 & 0x00030000) >> 16);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 3, (p1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 4, (p1 & 0x000000FF));
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 5, 0xF0 | ((p2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 6, (p2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(SYNTH_PLL_B + 7, (p2 & 0x000000FF));


void si5351_set_freq(int synth, unsigned long f)
    unsigned long freq = f + INTERFREQUENCY;	
    unsigned long  a, b, c = CFACTOR; 
    unsigned long f_xtal = 25000000;
    double fdiv = (double) (f_xtal * PLLRATIO) / freq; //division factor fvco/freq (will be integer part of a+b/c)
    double rm; //remainder
    unsigned long p1, p2;
    a = (unsigned long) fdiv;
    rm = fdiv - a;  //(equiv. to fractional part b/c)
    b = rm * c;
    p1  = 128 * a + (unsigned long) (128 * b / c) - 512;
    p2 = 128 * b - c * (unsigned long) (128 * b / c);
    //Write data to multisynth registers of synth n
    si5351_write(synth, 0xFF);      //1048575 MSB
    si5351_write(synth + 1, 0xFF);  //1048575 LSB
    si5351_write(synth + 2, (p1 & 0x00030000) >> 16);
    si5351_write(synth + 3, (p1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(synth + 4, (p1 & 0x000000FF));
    si5351_write(synth + 5, 0xF0 | ((p2 & 0x000F0000) >> 16));
    si5351_write(synth + 6, (p2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
    si5351_write(synth + 7, (p2 & 0x000000FF));

/******************************************** 主控芯片:STM32F405RGT6主频168Mhz 晶体频率:HSE=8Mhz SYSCLK=168Mhz 模块型号:SI5351A 通讯方式: 函数功能:Si5351时钟芯片 作者:苏夏雨 授权:未经作者允许,禁止转载 ********************************************/ #ifndef _si5351a_h #define _si5351a_h #include "system.h" //Si5351寄存器声明 #define SI_CLK0_CONTROL 16 // Register definitions #define SI_CLK1_CONTROL 17 #define SI_CLK2_CONTROL 18 #define SI_SYNTH_PLL_A 26 #define SI_SYNTH_PLL_B 34 #define SI_SYNTH_MS_0 42 #define SI_SYNTH_MS_1 50 #define SI_SYNTH_MS_2 58 #define SI_PLL_RESET 177 #define SI_R_DIV_1 0x00 // R-division ratio definitions #define SI_R_DIV_2 0b00010000 #define SI_R_DIV_4 0b00100000 #define SI_R_DIV_8 0b00110000 #define SI_R_DIV_16 0b01000000 #define SI_R_DIV_32 0b01010000 #define SI_R_DIV_64 0b01100000 #define SI_R_DIV_128 0b01110000 #define SI_CLK_SRC_PLL_A 0x00 #define SI_CLK_SRC_PLL_B 0b00100000 #define XTAL_FREQ 25000000 // Crystal frequency //IIC总线引脚配置 #define SDA(n) {n?HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_10,GPIO_PIN_SET):HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_10,GPIO_PIN_RESET);} #define CLK(n) {n?HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_11,GPIO_PIN_SET):HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOB,GPIO_PIN_11,GPIO_PIN_RESET);} //相关函数声明 void Si5351Init(void);//初始化Si5351的GPIO void SetPLLClk(uint8_t pll, uint8_t mult, uint32_t num, uint32_t denom);//设置PPL时钟 void SetFrequency(uint32_t frequency);//时钟Si5351时钟频率 void SetMultisynth(uint8_t synth,uint32_t divider,uint8_t rDiv);//设置多synth #endif
适用于家庭无线电设备,例如超外差接收机,SDR,HAM QRP收发器或RF发生器。 硬件部件: 面包板(通用) × 1个 Arduino Nano R3 × 1个 带按钮的旋转编码器 × 1个 Adafruit SSD1306 128X64 OLED显示屏× 1个 Adafruit SI5351时钟发电模块× 1个 拨动开关,SPDT × 2个 松下RCA插孔,用于RF输出设置× 2个 电容100 nF × 3 电容器10 µF × 1个 电容10 nF × 2个 电阻1k欧姆 × 1个 电感100 uH × 1个 软件应用程序和在线服务 Arduino IDE 这是VFO(变频振荡器)的项目,可用于自制设备,例如超外差接收器,DCR,SDR或Ham QRP收发器。它还具有用于信号强度(S-Meter)和20 Band预设的条形图指示器。也可以用作RF /时钟发生器。这是新版本(V.2),我更新了以前的项目,它包含新功能。 特征: 工作范围为10kHz至225MHz。 1Hz,10Hz,1kHz,5kHz,10kHz和1MHz的调谐步长。 中频(IF)偏移(+或-)可调。 BCB和HAM频率的20个频段预设(快捷方式)。 发电机功能模式。 RX / TX模式选择器,用于Homebrew QRP收发器。 通过模拟输入(ADC)的信号表的条形图。 用作Homebrew无线电接收器(如超外差,SDR,直接转换和Homebrew QRP收发器)上的本地振荡器。 用作简单的RF /时钟发生器,用于校准参考或时钟生成。 可与Arduino Uno,Nano和Pro Mini一起使用。 使用通用的128x64 I2C OLED SSD1306显示器和Si5351模块。 I2C数据传输,仅需2条线即可连接显示器/ Si5351和arduino。 频率生成的高稳定性和精度。 简单但非常有效且免费。 设置: 原理图/接线: 演示视频: 指示: 在Arduino IDE上打开scketch,安装所有必需的库。 选择首选项(请参阅注释)并编译草图,然后将其加载到Arduino Nano,Uno或Pro Mini。 按照示意图连接Arduino,Display,Si5351模块,旋转编码器等。 打开Arduino的电源。 旋转旋转编码器以调高或调低频率。 按下按钮1更改频率步进调谐。可用的步进为1Hz,10Hz,1kHz,5kHz,10kHz和1MHz。 按下按钮2浏览(选择)20个频段预设或进入发生器模式。 打开/关闭开关SW 2,以从RX模式更改为TX模式。RX模式= SW 2开路,TX模式= SW 2接地。在TX模式下,不会从RF输出中添加/减去IF值。这是在Homebrew QRP收发器中使用的理想选择。 将无线电的S-Meter输出信号连接到X2连接器(S-Meter输入)。该输入具有可调的灵敏度,必须在Sketch中调整增益,以接受500mV至5V(最大)的信号。 关于用户首选项的注意事项: -可以更改原理图上的以下项目: #define IF 455 //输入您的IF频率,例如:455 = 455kHz,10700 = 10.7MHz,0 =直接转换接收器或RF发生器,+将加和-将减去ffset。 #define BAND_INIT 7 //在启动时输入初始频段(1-21),例如:1 =频率发生器,2 = 800kHz(MW),7 = 7.2MHz(40m),11 = 14.1MHz(20m)。 #define XT_CAL_F 33000 // Si5351校准系数,调整为可得10MHz。增加该值将降低频率,反之亦然。 #define S_GAIN 303 //调整信号仪表A / D输入的灵敏度:101 = 500mv;202 = 1v;303 = 1.5v;404 = 2v;505 = 2.5v;1010 = 5v(最大)。 #define tunestep A0 //调谐步骤按钮使用的引脚。 #define band A1 //波段选择器按钮使用的引脚。 #define rx_tx A2 // RX / TX选择器开关使用的引脚,RX =开关断开,TX =开关闭合至GND。在TX中时,不考虑IF。 #define adc A3 //信号表A / D输入所使用的引脚。
Zynq 7010是Xilinx公司推出的一款可编程逻辑器件,它结合了ARM Cortex-A9处理器和FPGA技术,具有很高的可扩展性和灵活性。在使用Zynq 7010开发板进行USB开发时,可以选择使用Xilinx提供的USB例程来实现USB功能。 USB例程是一种预先编写好的代码,可用于快速实现特定功能,降低开发者的开发难度。对于Zynq 7010 USB例程,它可以用于实现USB通信和数据传输。 首先,需要进行板级支持包(BSP)的创建,该BSP包含了针对特定开发板的底层驱动程序和硬件描述符,以便能够正常操作USB接口。接下来,在开发环境中创建一个新的工程,导入USB例程代码,例如使用Xilinx提供的SDK开发工具。 其中,USB例程提供了一系列的API函数,用于初始化USB接口、配置设备和端点、处理中断等操作。通过对这些API函数的调用和配置,可以实现 USB设备的功能,在主机和设备之间进行数据通信。 在进行USB例程开发时,需根据具体的应用需求做出相应的修改和配置。可以根据所需的传输速率、传输方式、传输类型等进行相应的设置,以满足实际的应用需求。 总的来说,使用Zynq 7010 USB例程可以快速实现USB功能,不需要从头开始编写代码。通过合理配置和调用API函数,可以轻松实现 USB设备的功能,使其可以与主机进行通信和数据交换。这样的例程可以极大地节省开发时间和精力,并提高开发效率。




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


