307. Range Sum Query - Mutable

Given an integer array nums, find the sum of the elements between indices i and j (i ≤ j), inclusive.

The  update(i, val)  function modifies  nums  by updating the element at index  i  to  val .


Given nums = [1, 3, 5]

sumRange(0, 2) -> 9
update(1, 2)
sumRange(0, 2) -> 8


  1. The array is only modifiable by the update function.
  2. You may assume the number of calls to update and sumRange function is distributed evenly.
用SegmentTree存储各个区间的sum,mid作为分叉,节点是各个单独的值。SegmentTree好的教程: Segment Tree | Set 1 (Sum of given range)。代码如下:

public class NumArray {
    class SegmentTreeNode {
        int start, end;
        int sum;
        SegmentTreeNode left, right;
        public SegmentTreeNode (int _start, int _end){
            start = _start;
            end = _end;
    SegmentTreeNode root = null;

    public NumArray(int[] nums) {
        root = buildSegmentTree(nums, 0, nums.length - 1);
    private SegmentTreeNode buildSegmentTree(int[] nums, int start, int end) {
        if (start > end) {
            return null;
        } else {
            SegmentTreeNode node = new SegmentTreeNode(start, end);
            if (start == end) {
                node.sum = nums[start];
            } else {
                int mid = (start + end) >> 1;
                node.left = buildSegmentTree(nums, start, mid);
                node.right = buildSegmentTree(nums, mid + 1, end);
                node.sum = node.left.sum + node.right.sum;
            return node;
    public void update(int i, int val) {
        updateSegmentTree(root, i, val);
    private void updateSegmentTree(SegmentTreeNode node, int i, int val) {
        if (node.start == node.end) {
            node.sum = val;
        } else {
            int mid = (node.start + node.end) >> 1;
            if (i <= mid) {
                updateSegmentTree(node.left, i, val);
            } else {
                updateSegmentTree(node.right, i, val);
            node.sum = node.left.sum + node.right.sum;
    public int sumRange(int i, int j) {
        return sumSegmentTree(root, i, j);
    private int sumSegmentTree(SegmentTreeNode node, int s, int e) {
        if (node.start == s && node.end == e) {
            return node.sum;
        } else {
            int mid = (node.start + node.end) >> 1;
            if (e <= mid) {
                return sumSegmentTree(node.left, s, e);
            } else if (s > mid) {
                return sumSegmentTree(node.right, s, e);
            } else {
                return sumSegmentTree(node.left, s, mid) + sumSegmentTree(node.right, mid + 1, e);

 * Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
 * NumArray obj = new NumArray(nums);
 * obj.update(i,val);
 * int param_2 = obj.sumRange(i,j);
还有一种方法叫Binary Indexed Tree,思路如下:

public class NumArray {
	 * Binary Indexed Trees (BIT or Fenwick tree):
	 * https://www.topcoder.com/community/data-science/data-science-
	 * tutorials/binary-indexed-trees/
	 * Example: given an array a[0]...a[7], we use a array BIT[9] to
	 * represent a tree, where index [2] is the parent of [1] and [3], [6]
	 * is the parent of [5] and [7], [4] is the parent of [2] and [6], and
	 * [8] is the parent of [4]. I.e.,
	 * BIT[] as a binary tree:
	 *            ______________*
	 *            ______*
	 *            __*     __*
	 *            *   *   *   *
	 * indices: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
	 * BIT[i] = ([i] is a left child) ? the partial sum from its left most
	 * descendant to itself : the partial sum from its parent (exclusive) to
	 * itself. (check the range of "__").
	 * Eg. BIT[1]=a[0], BIT[2]=a[1]+BIT[1]=a[1]+a[0], BIT[3]=a[2],
	 * BIT[4]=a[3]+BIT[3]+BIT[2]=a[3]+a[2]+a[1]+a[0],
	 * BIT[6]=a[5]+BIT[5]=a[5]+a[4],
	 * BIT[8]=a[7]+BIT[7]+BIT[6]+BIT[4]=a[7]+a[6]+...+a[0], ...
	 * Thus, to update a[1]=BIT[2], we shall update BIT[2], BIT[4], BIT[8],
	 * i.e., for current [i], the next update [j] is j=i+(i&-i) //double the
	 * last 1-bit from [i].
	 * Similarly, to get the partial sum up to a[6]=BIT[7], we shall get the
	 * sum of BIT[7], BIT[6], BIT[4], i.e., for current [i], the next
	 * summand [j] is j=i-(i&-i) // delete the last 1-bit from [i].
	 * To obtain the original value of a[7] (corresponding to index [8] of
	 * BIT), we have to subtract BIT[7], BIT[6], BIT[4] from BIT[8], i.e.,
	 * starting from [idx-1], for current [i], the next subtrahend [j] is
	 * j=i-(i&-i), up to j==idx-(idx&-idx) exclusive. (However, a quicker
	 * way but using extra space is to store the original array.)

	int[] nums;
	int[] BIT;
	int n;

	public NumArray(int[] nums) {
		this.nums = nums;

		n = nums.length;
		BIT = new int[n + 1];
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
			init(i, nums[i]);

	public void init(int i, int val) {
		while (i <= n) {
			BIT[i] += val;
			i += (i & -i);

	void update(int i, int val) {
		int diff = val - nums[i];
		nums[i] = val;
		init(i, diff);

	public int getSum(int i) {
		int sum = 0;
		while (i > 0) {
			sum += BIT[i];
			i -= (i & -i);
		return sum;

	public int sumRange(int i, int j) {
		return getSum(j) - getSum(i - 1);

// Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
// NumArray numArray = new NumArray(nums);
// numArray.sumRange(0, 1);
// numArray.update(1, 10);
// numArray.sumRange(1, 2);





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