The main difference between a script and a function is thata function accepts input from and returns output to its caller, whereasscripts do not. You define MATLAB functions in a file that beginswith a line containing the function keyword. You cannot define a function within a script file or at the MATLAB commandline.
Functions always begin with a function definition line andend either with the first matching end statement,the occurrence of another function definition line, or the end ofthe file, whichever comes first. Using end tomark the end of a function definition is required only when the functionbeing defined contains one or more nested functions.
Functions operate on variables within their own workspace. Thisworkspace is separate from the base workspace; the workspace thatyou access at the MATLAB command prompt and in scripts.
意思是说matlab脚本与函数文件的区别在于函数可以接受输入参数,要顶一个函数,你需要在相应的.m文件中以关键字 function开头的关键字作为定义函数的开始。而脚本文件中是不能定义函数的。
函数的函数体是从function开始,以它匹配到的第一个end或者另一个function关键字或者文件的末尾为终点。这三者先遇到哪一个就以哪一个为函数体结束的标志。 当且仅当函数体中嵌套函数定义时,函数体末尾的end是必须的『非嵌套函数可以不写end』