iceoryx 里的 freeList
在iceoryx中,publisher 获取一块chunk,填充数据,发布;供subscriber 读取。这一系列操作要用到内存管理中的freeList。
void LoFFLi::init(cxx::not_null<Index_t*> freeIndicesMemory, const uint32_t capacity) noexcept
cxx::Expects(capacity > 0 && "A capacity of 0 is not supported!");
cxx::Expects(capacity < (std::numeric_limits<Index_t>::max() - INTERNALLY_RESERVED_INDICES)
&& "Requested capacityexceeds limits!");
cxx::Expects(m_head.is_lock_free() && "std::atomic<LoFFLi::Node> must be lock-free!");
m_nextFreeIndex = freeIndicesMemory;
m_size = capacity;
m_invalidIndex = m_size + 1;
if (m_nextFreeIndex != nullptr)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_size + 1; i++)
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic) upper limit of index is set by m_size
m_nextFreeIndex[i] = i + 1;
init看起来相对简单,拿 [[segment.mempool]] , size = 128 , count = 10000 举例,所做的操作如下:
1、m_invalidIndex = 10001;
2、m_size = 10000;
3、m_nextFreeIndex[10000] 依此填充 1,2,3,4…10001
publisher getChunk()
追踪代码可知,最终调用MemoryManager::getChunk(const ChunkSettings& chunkSettings)
for (auto& memPool : m_memPoolVector)
uint32_t chunkSizeOfMemPool = memPool.getChunkSize();
if (chunkSizeOfMemPool >= requiredChunkSize)
chunk = memPool.getChunk();
memPoolPointer = &memPool;
aquiredChunkSize = chunkSizeOfMemPool;
void* MemPool::getChunk() :
void* MemPool::getChunk() noexcept
uint32_t l_index{0U};
if (!m_freeIndices.pop(l_index))
std::cerr << "Mempool [m_chunkSize = " << m_chunkSize << ", numberOfChunks = " << m_numberOfChunks
<< ", used_chunks = " << m_usedChunks << " ] has no more space left" << std::endl;
return nullptr;
/// @todo: verify that m_usedChunk is not changed during adjustMInFree
/// without changing m_minFree
m_usedChunks.fetch_add(1U, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return m_rawMemory + l_index * m_chunkSize;
关键在 m_freeIndices.pop(l_index) 这里传入的 l_index 。
bool LoFFLi::pop(Index_t& index) noexcept
Node oldHead = m_head.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
Node newHead = oldHead;
// we are empty if next points to an element with index of Size
if (oldHead.indexToNextFreeIndex >= m_size)
return false;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic) upper limit of index set by m_size
newHead.indexToNextFreeIndex = m_nextFreeIndex[oldHead.indexToNextFreeIndex]; //<1>
newHead.abaCounter += 1;
} while (!m_head.compare_exchange_weak(oldHead, newHead, std::memory_order_acq_rel, std::memory_order_acquire)); //<2>
/// comes from outside, is not shared and therefore no synchronization is needed
index = oldHead.indexToNextFreeIndex; //<3>
/// @todo what if interrupted here an another thread guesses the index and
/// calls push
/// @brief murphy case: m_nextFreeIndex does not require any synchronization since it
/// either is used by the same thread in push or it is given to another
/// thread which performs the cleanup and during this process a synchronization
/// is required
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic)
m_nextFreeIndex[index] = m_invalidIndex; //<4>
/// we need to synchronize m_nextFreeIndex with push so that we can perform a validation
/// check right before push to avoid double free's
return true;
先看一下 LoFFLi 类的成员:
class LoFFLi
struct alignas(8) Node
Index_t indexToNextFreeIndex;
uint32_t abaCounter;
std::atomic<Node> m_head{{0U, 1U}};
因此 <1>处 newHead.indexToNextFreeIndex = m_nextFreeIndex[0];
由init()知,m_nextFreeIndex[0] = 1;
<2> 如果 m_head 当前的值 == oldHead ,则将 m_head = newHead,并返回 true;
反之 ,oldHead = m_head ,返回false。
这里主要是担心 执行 do 下面的操作时被打断,考虑以下情况:
此时 index = 0;若此时有一线程抢占CPU并将 index = 0 的chunk取走,则此时 m_head = {1,2};
oldHead = {1,2},newHead.indexToNextFreeIndex = m_nextFreeIndex[1],去get index = 1 的 chunk。
后面操作 index = 0 , m_nextFreeIndex[0] = 10001; 然后将index 返回。
MemPool::freeChunk(const void* chunk)
当需要free该chunk时,调用 m_freeIndices.push(index):
bool LoFFLi::push(const Index_t index) noexcept
/// we synchronize with m_nextFreeIndex in pop to perform the validity check
/// we want to avoid double free's therefore we check if the index was acquired
/// in pop and the push argument "index" is valid
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic) index is limited by capacity
if (index >= m_size || m_nextFreeIndex[index] != m_invalidIndex) //<1>
return false;
Node oldHead = m_head.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
Node newHead = oldHead;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-bounds-pointer-arithmetic) index is limited by capacity
m_nextFreeIndex[index] = oldHead.indexToNextFreeIndex; //<2>
newHead.indexToNextFreeIndex = index; //<3>
newHead.abaCounter += 1;
} while (!m_head.compare_exchange_weak(oldHead, newHead, std::memory_order_acq_rel, std::memory_order_acquire));
return true;
假定index = 0
<1>处判断 传入的 m_nextFreeIndex[0] 是否 = m_invalidIndex,因为pop时已置为 m_invalidIndex;
<2> oldHead.indexToNextFreeIndex = (上面 push 时) 1 ,因此 m_nextFreeIndex[0] = 1;
<3> newHead.indexToNextFreeIndex =0 ,即 m_head ={0,3} ;
这样就把 index = 0 的chunk free了。