Chapter 3(2): Helper Classes(2)

Logging Error Messages记录错误信息

Debugging game code can be very complicated, especially if you don’t get any exceptions, but something in your render loop goes wrong. Just setting a few breakpoints might not be enough and especially if you experience errors after running the game for a while, debugging is not the right option. You want to know what is going on each frame, but you don’t want to step through 500 frames to find it out. For these kinds of problems you can just throw some text to the console, but this will only work inside Visual Studio and you will lose all the console content the next time you start your project.


One of the most important classes in all bigger projects I have done is the Log class, which just writes information, warning, error, or debugging texts to a simple text file. The class itself is very short and simple, but if you use it in the right way it will make your debugging and testing sessions much more enjoyable. There are also more advanced logging classes and frameworks available like Log4Net, which you can find at Logging can be more than just writing a few lines to a text file. Logging data from your application can be used to find out about user errors remotely with a web service, you can fire Windows error events, and you can do a lot more things. This is not covered in this book because it is a very complex topic. For the simple games in this book, using Log class should be sufficient.


Take a look at the Log class (a more complex version can be found in the Breakout game):


public class Log
  #region Variables
  private static StreamWriter writer = null;
  private const string LogFilename = "Log.txt";

The Log class uses the Log.txt file to store all the log messages with the help of the StreamWriter object stored as a static object to have easy access from your static methods. The first time this class is called it gets instantiated through the static constructor:


Static constructor to create log file
FileShare.ReadWrite makes sure you can always read and write the file from outside while the game is running. Other than that the writer is set to the end of the file, auto flush is enabled to make sure writing new data is immediately saved to the log file, and finally you add a little text indicating that this session started. For the time stamp you will use a helper method from the StringHelper class you learn about in a second.

FileShare.ReadWrite使你可以在游戏运行时候对外部文件进行读写操作。除了writer是从文件尾部开始之外,自动缓冲(auto flush)可以让新数据立即保存到日志文件中,最后你添加一小段文本表示这一次操作开始的时间。使用StringHelper类的一个辅助方法得到的时间戳让你知道精确到秒的时间。

And finally, here is the most important method and the only one you will ever call from this class:


Write log entry
First, a simple time stamp is added in front of the message. Then the message is written to your Log.txt file and finally you also add the message to the console if the project is in debug mode. Now you can add a new line to the Log.txt file every time you complete a level in the Breakout game from Chapter 2 by just adding the following line: 


Log.Write("Level " + level + " completed.");

Unit Testing in XNA XNA中的单元测试

Before going into greater detail about the helper classes for the upcoming projects in this book, this section talks a little bit about unit testing. You already learned about static unit tests in the last chapter. Static unit tests are great for quickly checking visual results, testing physics and the controllers, and building your game in a quick manner. But helper classes and components that do not require user input would require you to think about interfacing with them. That makes no sense because unit testing is all about improving the maintainability of your application and making sure everything runs as errorless as possible. For example, to test if the Log class works you could call the following lines of code:


Log.Write("New log entry");


This code can only be executed inside the Log class because Log.LogFilename is private.


Now you could go into the application directory and check if the log file exists and has an entry with the “New log entry” text in it. But checking this file yourself over and over again is a bit of a hassle. Instead of logging every error here you should only put the less important warning messages (e.g. user is not connected to the internet) into the log and throw exceptions when fatal errors occur (e.g. texture not found, no shaders available, etc.). This is especially true if the problems become bigger and the tests are much more complex and involve a very lengthy check process. You can avoid checking for errors yourself by letting these tests check themselves and let them be executed automatically instead of calling them yourself from the Program class like static unit tests.

现在你可以进入到程序目录,看看记录文件是否存在,是否有一个“New log entry”字样的入口点。一遍又一遍的自己检查这个文件是麻烦的。多位替代记录所有的错误,你只需要记录下没错误那么重要的的警告信息(例如永华没有连接到互联网),然后在发生致命错误的时候抛出异常。(例如纹理文件没有找到,没有可用的着色器等等)。当你的问题变得越来越大、测试越来越复杂、包含了一个非常长的检查过程,这么做是很有必要的。你可以避免检查自己检查错误而交由测试程序来自动检查,而不是像在静态单元测试里那样需要你自己从Program类中来调用。

NUnit and TestDriven.Net

To do this you can use the popular NUnit Framework, which you can download at


Alternatively you can also use TestDriven.NET from if you are using Visual Studio 2005 Professional or better. It supports many cool features and you can start tests directly with hotkeys or the popup menu, which is really cool and simple. TestDriven.Net does not work in VC# Express or XNA Studio Express (it did work a year ago, but the developer had to remove the plugin support for Express because Microsoft wants developers to use the Professional Edition for serious programmers). See Chapter 1 on how to get XNA working in Visual Studio 2005; use a dummy project from XNA Studio Express for processing your content, which is not possible in Visual Studio 2005.

作为另一个选择,如果你使用VS2005专业版或更高级的版本,你可以选择使用TestDriven.NET。它支持很多很酷的特性,你可以使用热键或弹出菜单直接开始测试,真是又酷又简单。TestDriven.Net不能工作在VC# Express版或XNA Studio Express版中(一年前曾经支持过,但是开发者不得不将插件移除,因为MS希望真正的开发者们使用专业版本的VS)。看回第一章,如何让XNAVS2005下工作;从XNA Studio Express中使用一个假的项目来处理你的素材,因为VS2005不支持素材处理。

It does not matter which one you install, just add the NUnit.Framework.dll from the installation folder to your project (right-click your project references and add a new reference; use Browse if you can’t find it in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), which is represented in the first tab). Now you can add the following using directive:

你安装那个并不重要,从安装目录中选择NUnit Framework .dll添加到你的项目中(右击你的项目引用然后添加新的引用;如果你不能在Global Assembly Cache (GAC)中找到它,就用浏览器)。现在你可以添加下面的指令了:

using NUnit.Framework;

I usually add this at the very top of the using directives region and the reason why this is used only in debug mode is the fact that you will only use the unit tests in your debug build; for the final game you don’t want the extra NUnit.Framework.dll and all the testing code, because it is not required for your game.


As an example, take a look at the first unit test in the StringHelper class, which checks if the IsInList helper method works as expected:


public   class  StringHelperTests
/// <summary>
/// Test IsInList
/// </summary>

public void TestIsInList()
new string[] "hi""whats""up?" }false));
"no way",
new string[]
"omg""no no""there is no way!" }false));
 // TestIsInList()
Assert is a helper class inside the NUnit framework and it contains methods to check if the return values are as expected. If the value is not as expected an exception will be thrown and you can immediately see which line of your test failed. For example, Assert.IsTrue checks if the return value of IsInList is true. If the return value is false, an exception will be thrown. Luckily the string list contains “whats” and the test should pass. The next test checks for “no way” and that string is not in the second string list and therefore the second test line should return false as it does. Note: “there is no way!” contains “no way,” but you were not checking the Contains method, which also exists in the StringHelper class. IsInList only returns true if the exact string was found in the list.

AssertNUnit framework里的一个辅助类,它包含有检查返回值是否正确的一些方法。如果返回值不是希望的,它就会抛出一个异常,你可以马上看到哪一行的测试失败了。例如,Assert.IsTrue用来检测IsInList的值是否为真。如果返回值是假,一个异常将被抛出。幸运的是字符串列表包含“whats”,这个测试将会通过。下一个测试检查“no way”,而在字符串列表里没有包含,将会返回false。注意:“there is no way!”包含“no way”,但是不用Contains方法检查,这个方法在StringHelper类中。如果整个字符串可以在列表中找到,则IsInList返回真。

Starting Unit Tests 开始单元测试

You can run the test in TestDriven.Net by clicking the right mouse button and selecting “Run Test” (see Figure 3-6) or you can use the NUnit GUI program if you don’t have or cannot use TestDriven.Net. You can also test static unit tests the same way with TestDriven.Net, but the NUnit GUI does not support static unit tests. For this reason I added the unit tests in Program.cs (or the UnitTesting.cs class in later projects) to support all users and XNA Studio Express. TestDriven.Net can be used to start both dynamic and static unit tests, but since version 2.0 you will have to remove the [Test] attribute from static unit tests in order to work properly (you don’t use the [Test] attributes for static unit tests in this book anyway).

你可以右击鼠标并选择“Run Test”来运行TestDriven.Net测试,或者如果不使用TestDriven.Net你可以使用NUnit GUI程序。你可以在TestDriven.Net中使用同样的方法来进行静态测试,但是NUnit GUI不支持静态单元测试。因为这个原因,我在Program.cs(或者之后项目中的UnitTesting.cs类)中添加单元测试来支持所有用户和XNA Studio ExpreeTestDriven.Net可以用来开始动态和静态的单元测试,但是自从2.0版之后你要从静态测试中移除[Test]属性才能正常运行(在本书中你不需要为静态测试使用[Test]属性)。

Figure 3-6

The test will execute without any error, but if you were to change the test by changing “whats” to “whats up” the first Assert test would fail and you would see the following results from TestDriven.Net:

这个测试可以无错运行,但是如果你在第一个Assert测试中把“whats”修改成“whats up”,测试将失败,你会从TestDriven.Net看到下面的结果:

TestCase 'M:XnaBreakout.Helpers.StringHelper.StringHelperTests.TestIsInList' failed:
  at NUnit.Framework.Assert.DoAssert(IAsserter asserter)
  at NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(Boolean condition, String message, Object[] args)
  at NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(Boolean condition)
  C:/code/XnaRacer/Helpers/StringHelper.cs(1387,0): at


0 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped,  took 0,48 seconds.

This tells you exactly where to look (you can even double-click the error and jump to the line 1387) and what you should change. The error becomes even more visible if using the NUnit GUI (see Figure 3-7).

这个结果会精确的告诉你要去看哪里(双击错误,会跳到1387行)和什么你应该修改什么。如果你用NUit GUI则错误会变得更明显。

Figure 3-7

The NUnit GUI is a good tool to run many unit tests at once and quickly see which ones did not work properly and then investigate further in the source code. You can use File Load to select your program or just drag and drop any .NET .exe or .dll file onto the NUnit GUI program. Then you see all the tests in that assembly and can test them by clicking Run. The program is nice, but I usually don’t go outside of my programming environment when coding and testing, and therefore I like TestDriven.Net a lot more and use it all the time. To fix the error you just change the “whats up” line back to “whats” and all your tests will pass and you get a green light.

NUint GUI是一个一次性运行多个单元测试的好工具,可以看到那一些没有正常工作,然后可以在源代码中检查。你可以从File->Load来选择你的程序或直接将.NET.exe.dll文件拖拽到NUint GUI程序中。接着你在【assembly】中看到所有的测试,并且可以右击鼠标来运行。这个程序很好,但是当我编码和测试时候,我是不会离开我的编程环境的,为此我更喜欢TestDriven.Net并总是使用它。要改正错误你只需要将”whats up”行改回”whats”,然后你的所有测试将会通过,得到一个绿灯。

Golden Rules黄金法则

I did not go much into writing unit tests here because Chapter 2 already discussed the basic rules, which of course also apply for dynamic unit tests. Keep these guidelines in mind when you start writing your first unit tests:


§  Think about your problems and divide them into small manageable parts.


§  Write the tests first and do not think about the implementation, just write them down like you think the final code should look or like you want to have your game code.


§  Try to make sure you test as much as possible. For example, the TestIsInList method tests both a successful call to IsInList and a failure from the IsInList call. Spend time with your unit tests, but never more than 50% - you should not have to write 30 checks for a method that has only two lines of code.


§  Start the test constantly from this point on, even when you think it does not make sense. It will force you to see what has to be done and how far you are in the implementation process. At first the test will not even compile because you haven’t implemented anything. Then after implementing empty methods the test should fail because you are not doing anything yet. Later when everything works you will feel much better.


§  Though you will not test your static unit tests very often, dynamic unit tests can be tested every single time you compile your code (if they all run quick enough). Always try to run all unit tests once a day or once a week to make sure your latest code changes did not add new bugs or errors.


RandomHelper Class

Take a look at one of the helper classes. RandomHelper will not be used often in a single project, but almost any game uses some random number generation to make the game content appear less periodic and to add more variation to the game.


In the Breakout game you will write in a little bit, the blocks are generated randomly. For level 1 you use a probability of 10%, level 2 uses a probability of 20%, and so on. This way the level gets more filled and the game gets harder. You could just use the Random class and call the Next method to get a new random number, but in case you want to generate a random normalized vector you would have to write the following lines of code:


Random randomGenerator  =   new  Random(( int )DateTime.Now.Ticks);
Vector3 randomNormalVector 
=   new  Vector3(
float )randomGenerator.NextDouble()  *   2.0f   -   1.0f ,
float )randomGenerator.NextDouble()  *   2.0f   -   1.0f ,
float )randomGenerator.NextDouble()  *   2.0f   -   1.0f );
Instead of repeating this code over and over again, a helper class like RandomHelper might be very useful. Figure 3-8 shows the basic layout of the RandomHelper class.


Figure 3-8

As you can see the methods are very simple and it would only take a couple of minutes to write the whole class. However, the class is still useful and thanks to the internal globalRandomGenerator instance of the Random class, the RandomHelper class is much quicker generating random values than creating a new Random class every time you need a random number.

想你看到的那样,类中的方法都非常简单,写整个类只需要花费你几分钟的时间。这个类很有用,并使用了internal globalRandomGenerator来替代Random类,使用RandomHelper类生成随机值比每一次需要的时候都创建一个Random类更快。

Generate Random Vectors生成随机向量

Here you can see a method from the RandomHelper class:


/// <summary>
/// Get random Vector2
/// 获得随机Vector2
/// </summary>
/// <param name="min">Minimum for each component</param>
/// <param name="max">Maximum for each component</param>
/// <returns>Vector2</returns>

public   static  Vector2 GetRandomVector2( float  min,  float  max)
return new Vector2(
    GetRandomFloat(min, max),
    GetRandomFloat(min, max));
  //  GetRandomVector2(min, max)
It does not make sense to unit test any method in the RandomHelper class because all return values are random and you don’t really have to check if GetRandomVector2 returns a Vector2; it just does that. There is not much that can go wrong.


StringHelper Class

The class is one of the biggest helper classes and I guess it was the first helper class I ever wrote because working with strings involves so many things, it is very easy to think about many ways to improve performance, handle lists of strings easier, output string data easily, and so on.


If you take a look at the StringHelper class (see Figure 3-9) you will immediately notice the many methods and all the method overloads supporting many different parameter types. It also contains quite a lot of unit tests; you just saw a unit test from the StringHelper class a few minutes ago.


Figure 3-9

You might ask yourself why there are only a couple of unit tests, but so very many methods in this class. The reason for this is that I started coding this class many years ago, a long time before I started using unit testing. Some methods don’t make much sense in .NET 2.0 because the framework implements them now, but I got used to my own methods. I just hope you can find some useful methods in this class. It might take a while to get used to the many methods, but when you need a complicated string operation you will thank me (or yourself if you have your own helper class) for a useful method.


Extracting Filenames

Many of the GetDirectory, CutExtension, and so on methods are available in the Path class from the System.IO namespace too, but one of the most useful methods in StringHelper for filenames is the ExtractFilename method, which cuts off both the path and the extension to just get the name of a file, nothing else. Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension does a similar thing, but I like my own method better for some reason. It might also be interesting if you want to implement your own methods and need some working code you can start with. Again: You don’t have to write your own Path methods, but sometimes you don’t know what the framework provides or you just want to investigate yourself.

很多诸如GetDirectory, CutExtension等等之类的方法,在System.IO命名空间中的Path类中已经提供了,但是StringHelper中作用于文件名最有用的一个方法是ExtractFilename,用来去掉路径和扩展名。Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension也提供了这个功能,但是我更喜欢使用我自己的方法。如果你想使用自己的方法这会很有趣。再说一遍:你不需要编写自己的Path方法,除非你不知道framework已经提供了或者仅是出于自己研究。

It’s been a long time since I tested the performance of these methods, but I would still guess that most of the StringHelper methods are faster than some of the Path methods.


/// <summary>
/// Extracts filename from full path+filename, cuts of extension
/// if cutExtension is true. Can be also used to cut of directories
/// from a path (only last one will remain).
/// 从完整的 路径+文件名 形式中分离出文件名,并去掉扩展名(如果cutExtension值为真的话)。
/// 也可以用来从路径中取出目录,仅仅留下最后一个目录名。
/// </summary>

static   public   string  ExtractFilename( string  pathFile,  bool  cutExtension)
if (pathFile == null)
return "";

// Support windows and unix slashes
  string[] fileName = pathFile.Split(new char[] '/''/' });
if (fileName.Length == 0)
if (cutExtension)
return CutExtension(pathFile);
return pathFile;
 // if (fileName.Length)

if (cutExtension)
return CutExtension(fileName[fileName.Length - 1]);
return fileName[fileName.Length - 1];
  //  ExtractFilename(pathFile, cutExtension)
Writing a unit test for a method like this is also very simple. Just check if the expected result is returned:



Writing Lists

A little bit more unique is the WriteArrayData method in the StringHelper class, which writes any type of lists, arrays, or IEnumerable data to a text string, which then can be used for logging. The implementation is again quite simple:

StringHelper中的WriteArrayData方法比较独特,它像一个文本字符串中写入各种lists, arrays, 或者 IEnumerable数据,这些会用来做记录。代码也是很简单:

/// <summary>
/// Returns a string with the array data, ArrayList version.
/// 返回一个ArrayList版本的数组数据字符串
/// </summary>

static   public   string  WriteArrayData(ArrayList array)
  StringBuilder ret 
= new StringBuilder();
if (array != null)
foreach (object obj in array)
== 0 ? "" : ""+
return ret.ToString();
  //  WriteArrayData(array)
Lists, even generic ones, are derived from the ArrayList class and therefore you can call this method with any dynamic list. For arrays a special overload exists, also for special collections and byte or integer arrays, which would work with IEnumerable too, but it is faster to use overloads that don’t use the object class.

List是从ArrayList类派生出来的泛型数组,你可以动态的调用它。数组有特殊的重载,有集合、byte integer数组,都继承了IEnumerable接口,但是使用重载比使用对象类更快。

To test the WriteArrayData method you could write a method like the following one:


/// <summary>
/// Test WriteArrayData
/// </summary>

public   void  TestWriteArrayData()
"3, 5, 10",
new int[] 3510 }));
"one, after, another",
new string[] "one""after""another" }));
<string> genericList = new List<string>();
new string[] "going""on" });
"whats, going, on",
  //  TestWriteArray()
Other Helpers

The Helpers namespace contains a few more helper classes; most of them are simple like the RandomHelper class. It is not very exciting to go through all of them, so please review the ones that are not mentioned in this chapter yourself and test them out with the included unit tests if you want to know more about them.


Before you go into the Breakout game at the end of this chapter, take a quick look at some of the remaining helper classes, which will be used more frequently in the next chapters: SpriteHelper, EnumHelper, and ColorHelper.

在我开始进入本章最后的Breakout游戏之前,来快速看看剩下的辅助类,这些会在下一章中频繁地用到:SpriteHelper, EnumHelper, ColorHelper

SpriteHelper Class

You used a lot of sprite rendering in the previous chapter and because of the unit tests you forced yourself to write an easy way to handle sprites in XNA. This approach and the fact that you should put useful code that is used more than once into reusable classes leads us to the SpriteHelper class (see Figure 3-10). Basically it provides a constructor to create new SpriteHelpers storing the texture and graphic rectangle data and a few Render methods to easily draw the sprites to the screen like you did in the last chapter with a list of SpriteToRender classes.


Figure 3-10

Most methods here don’t do much; the constructor just sets the values, Render just adds a new SpriteToRender instance to the sprites list, RenderCentered renders the sprite centered at the specified location, and DrawSprites finally draws all the sprites on the screen. Take a look at the DrawSprites method, which will look similar to the DrawSprites method from the previous chapter, but with some improvements:


public   static   void  DrawSprites( int  width,  int  height)
// No need to render if we got no sprites this frame
  if (sprites.Count == 0)

// Create sprite batch if we have not done it yet.
// Use device from texture to create the sprite batch.
  if (spriteBatch == null)
= new SpriteBatch(sprites[0].texture.GraphicsDevice);

// Start rendering sprites
    SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, SaveStateMode.None);

// Render all sprites
  foreach (SpriteToRender sprite in sprites)
// Rescale to fit resolution
      new Rectangle(
* width / 1024,
* height / 768,
* width / 1024,
* height / 768),
      sprite.sourceRect, sprite.color);
// We are done, draw everything on screen.

// Kill list of remembered sprites
  //  DrawSprites(width, height)
This method is called with the current width and height of the render window resolution to scale all sprites up and down depending on the resolution, which is important to support all Xbox 360 screen resolutions. In the DrawSprites method you first check if there is something to render. Then you make sure the static sprite batch was created, which will be used for all sprites you draw here. After beginning the sprite batch you go through all sprites for this frame and rescale their rectangles to fit correctly on the screen, and finally you let everything draw on the screen by calling End. The sprites list is also killed to start fresh the next frame. As an example on how this class works see the Breakout game at the end of the chapter.


EnumHelper Class

The EnumHelper class (see Figure 3-11) is useful when you want to enumerate through any enum or quickly find out the number of enum values contained in an enum. For the Pong and Breakout games you are not using any enums, but in the next chapter the Enum class becomes useful when going through the types of blocks for the game there. Please also note that the EnumHelper class uses some methods of the Enum class, which are not implemented in the .NET Compact Framework. To avoid any compilation errors the whole class is usually left out of the Xbox 360 project, but you can still use it on the Windows platform if you like.


Figure 3-11

The unit test for TestGetAllEnumNames looks like this and also explains how GetAllEnumNames works. It goes through each enum value with help of the EnumEnumerator helper class inside of EnumHelper:


public   void  TestGetAllEnumNames()
"Missions, Highscore, Credits, Help, Options, Exit, Back",
  //  TestGetAllEnumNames()
And the GetAllEnumNames just uses the WriteArrayData helper method of the StringHelper class just talked about: 


public   static   string  GetAllEnumNames(Type type)
return StringHelper.WriteArrayData(GetEnumerator(type));
  //  GetAllEnumNames(type)
ColorHelper Class

Initially the ColorHelper class (see Figure 3-12) was a lot longer and had many methods, but because the new Color class in XNA is much more powerful than the Color class from System.Drawings that is used in Managed DirectX, many of the methods were not required anymore. It still contains some useful methods you use for color manipulation.



Figure 3-12

For example, the Color.Empty field is used to initialize shader effect parameters to unused values - 0, 0, 0, 0 is usually not a valid color; it is completely transparent. Even black has 255 for the alpha value.

例如,Color.Empty字段用来初始化着色器效果参数的值为0, 0, 0, 0,这不是一个有效的颜色,这是完全透明的。而alpha值为255代表黑色。

/// <summary>
/// Empty color, used to mark unused color values.
/// </summary>

public   static   readonly  Color Empty  =   new  Color( 0 0 0 0 );




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


