Neural Networks学习笔记

1、神经网络(Neural Networks)
nl 表示网络层数,本例中 nl=3 ,将第 l 层记为Ll,于是 L1 是输入层, Lnl 是输出层。本例神经网络有参数神经网络参数 ,其中参数矩阵1参数矩阵2参数矩阵b参数矩阵b
我们用这里写图片描述表示第 l 层第i单元的激活值(输出值)。当这里写图片描述时,这里写图片描述也就是第 i 个输入值(输入值的第i个特征)。对于给定参数集合 W,b ,我们的神经网络就可以按照函数 hW,b(x) 来计算输出结果。本例神经网络的计算步骤如下:
我们用 z(l)i 表示第 l 层第 i 单元输入加权和(包括偏置单元),比如,z(2)i= nj=1W(1)ijxj+b(1)i ,则 a(l)i=f(z(l)i)
我们将上面的计算步骤叫作前向传播。回想一下,之前我们用 a(1)=x 表示输入层的激活值,那么给定第 l 层的激活值 a(l) 后,第 l+1 层的激活值 a(l+1) 就可以按照下面步骤计算得到:
其中函数 f:RR 被称为“激活函数”。通常是sigmoid函数:
这里写图片描述函数是sigmoid函数的一种变体,它的取值范围为 [1,1] ,而不是sigmoid函数的 [0,1]

2、反向传导算法(Backpropagation Algorithm)
假设我们有一个固定样本集 {(x(1),y(1)) , , (x(m),y(m))} ,它包含 m 个样例。我们可以用批量梯度下降法来求解神经网络。具体来讲,对于单个样例 (x,y) ,其代价函数为:

这是一个(二分之一的)方差代价函数。给定一个包含 m 个样例的数据集,我们可以定义整体代价函数为:
以上公式中的第一项 J(W,b) 是一个均方差项。第二项是一个规则化项(也叫权重衰减项),其目的是减小权重的幅度,防止过度拟合。
我们的目标是针对参数 W b 来求其函数 J(W,b) 的最小值。为了求解神经网络,我们需要将每一个参数 W(l)ij b(l)i 初始化为一个很小的、接近零的随机值(比如说,使用正态分布 Normal(0,ϵ2) 生成的随机值,其中 ϵ 设置为 0.01 ),而不是全部置为 0。如果所有参数都用相同的值作为初始值,那么所有隐藏层单元最终会得到与输入值有关的、相同的函数(也就是说,对于所有 iW(1)ij 都会取相同的值,那么对于任何输入 x 都会有: a(2)1=a(2)2=a(2)3= )。
梯度下降法中每一次迭代都按照如下公式对参数 W b 进行更新:
其中 α 是学习速率。
W(l)ijJ(W,b;x,y) b(l)iJ(W,b;x,y) 这两项是单个样例 (x,y) 的代价函数 J(W,b;x,y) 的偏导数。一旦我们求出该偏导数,就可以推导出整体代价函数 J(W,b) 的偏导数:
反向传播算法的思路如下:给定一个样例 (x,y) ,我们首先进行“前向传导”运算,计算出网络中所有的激活值,包括 hW,b(x) 的输出值。之后,针对第 l 层的每一个节点 i ,我们计算出其“残差” δ(l)i ,该残差表明了该节点对最终输出值的残差产生了多少影响。对于最终的输出节点,我们可以直接算出网络产生的激活值与实际值之间的差距,我们将这个差距定义为 δ(nl)i (第 nl 层表示输出层)。
1、进行前馈传导计算,利用前向传导公式,得到 L2,L3, 直到输出层 Lnl 的激活值。
2、对输出层(第 nl 层),计算:
3、对于 l=nl1,nl2,nl3,,2 的各层,计算:


假设 f(z) 是sigmoid函数,就可以计算得到 f(z(l)i)=a(l)i(1a(l)i)

1、对于所有 l ,令 ΔW(l):=0 , Δb(l) := 0 (设置为全零矩阵或全零向量)
2、对于 i=1 m
使用反向传播算法计算 W(l)J(W,b;x,y) b(l)J(W,b;x,y)
计算 ΔW(l):=ΔW(l)+W(l)J(W,b;x,y)
计算 Δb(l):=Δb(l)+b(l)J(W,b;x,y)
现在,我们可以重复梯度下降法的迭代步骤来减小代价函数 J(W,b) 的值,进而求解我们的神经网络。

代码来源:Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction

function network = backprop(network, X, T, max_iter, noise, lambda)
%BACKPROP Trains a network on a dataset using backpropagation
% The function trains the specified network using backpropagation on
% dataset X with targets T for max_iter iterations. The dataset X is an NxD
% matrix, whereas the targets matrix T has size NxM. The function returns 
% the trained network in network.
%targets T作为正确的输出值,用来构建损失函数
    if ~exist('max_iter', 'var') || isempty(max_iter)
        max_iter = 10;
    if ~exist('noise', 'var') || isempty(noise)
        noise = 0;
    if ~exist('lambda', 'var') || isempty(lambda)
        lambda = 0;

    % Initialize some variables
    n = size(X, 1);%X数据集的样本个数
    no_layers = length(network);%网络层数
    batch_size = max(round(n / 100), 100);%选round(n / 100)和100中的大数作为一批样本的容量

    % Perform the backpropagation
    for iter=1:max_iter
        disp([' - iteration ' num2str(iter) ' of ' num2str(max_iter) '...']);

        % Loop over all batches
        index = randperm(n);
        for batch=1:batch_size:n%使用每批样本更新一次W和bias_upW(批量梯度下降法)

            % Select current batch
            tmpX = X(index(batch:min([batch + batch_size - 1 n])),:);%取一批X样本,最后一批不足batch_size的的样本归为一批
            tmpT = T(index(batch:min([batch + batch_size - 1 n])),:);

            % Randomly black out some of the input data
            if noise > 0
                tmpX(rand(size(tmpX)) < noise) = 0;

            % Convert the weights and store them in the network
            v = [];
            for i=1:length(network)
                v = [v; network{i}.W(:); network{i}.bias_upW(:)];%把所有层的参数W和bias_upW汇总为一个列向量。

            % Conjugate gradient minimization using 3 linesearches
            [v, fX] = minimize(v, 'backprop_gradient', 3, network, tmpX, tmpT, lambda);
            %[C, dC] = backprop_gradient(v, network, X,targets,lambda)
            % minimize函数是共轭梯度下降法(3次线性搜索),解决连续可导多变量函数的最优化问题。初始值是参数v(必须是列向量),得到的v使损失函数值最小,即最优值,fX是三次搜索中每次得到的损失函数值(如果搜索不成功,则fX为空)。

            % Deconvert the weights and store them in the network
            ind = 1;%把列向量v拆分成所有层的参数W和bias_upW。
            for i=1:no_layers
                network{i}.W        = reshape(v(ind:ind - 1 + numel(network{i}.W)),        size(network{i}.W));         ind = ind + numel(network{i}.W);
                network{i}.bias_upW = reshape(v(ind:ind - 1 + numel(network{i}.bias_upW)), size(network{i}.bias_upW));  ind = ind + numel(network{i}.bias_upW);

            % Stop upon convergence
            if isempty(fX)
                reconX = run_data_through_autoenc(network, X);
                C = sum((T(:) - reconX(:)) .^ 2) ./ n;
                disp([' - final noisy MSE: ' num2str(C)]);

        % Estimate the current error
        reconX = run_data_through_autoenc(network, X);
        C = sum((T(:) - reconX(:)) .^ 2) ./ n;%估计误差
        disp([' - current noisy MSE: ' num2str(C)]); %每次循环,显示一次误差
function [X, fX, i] = minimize(X, f, length, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6);

% Minimize a continuous differentialble multivariate function. Starting point
% is given by "X" (D by 1), and the function named in the string "f", must
% return a function value and a vector of partial derivatives. The Polack-
% Ribiere flavour of conjugate gradients is used to compute search directions,
% and a line search using quadratic and cubic polynomial approximations and the
% Wolfe-Powell stopping criteria is used together with the slope ratio method
% for guessing initial step sizes. Additionally a bunch of checks are made to
% make sure that exploration is taking place and that extrapolation will not
% be unboundedly large. The "length" gives the length of the run: if it is
% positive, it gives the maximum number of line searches, if negative its
% absolute gives the maximum allowed number of function evaluations. You can
% (optionally) give "length" a second component, which will indicate the
% reduction in function value to be expected in the first line-search (defaults
% to 1.0). The function returns when either its length is up, or if no further
% progress can be made (ie, we are at a minimum, or so close that due to
% numerical problems, we cannot get any closer). If the function terminates
% within a few iterations, it could be an indication that the function value
% and derivatives are not consistent (ie, there may be a bug in the
% implementation of your "f" function). The function returns the found
% solution "X", a vector of function values "fX" indicating the progress made
% and "i" the number of iterations (line searches or function evaluations,
% depending on the sign of "length") used.
% Usage: [X, fX, i] = minimize(X, f, length, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6)
% See also: checkgrad 
% Copyright (C) 2001 and 2002 by Carl Edward Rasmussen. Date 2002-02-13

% This file is part of the Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction.
% The toolbox can be obtained from
% You are free to use, change, or redistribute this code in any way you
% want for non-commercial purposes. However, it is appreciated if you 
% maintain the name of the original author.
% (C) Laurens van der Maaten, Delft University of Technology

RHO = 0.01;                            % a bunch of constants for line searches
SIG = 0.5;       % RHO and SIG are the constants in the Wolfe-Powell conditions
INT = 0.1;    % don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
EXT = 3.0;                    % extrapolate maximum 3 times the current bracket
MAX = 20;                         % max 20 function evaluations per line search
RATIO = 100;                                      % maximum allowed slope ratio

argstr = [f, '(X'];                      % compose string used to call function
for i = 1:(nargin - 3)
  argstr = [argstr, ',P', int2str(i)];
argstr = [argstr, ')'];                 %构建了语句:backprop_gradient(X,P1,P2,P3,P4)

if max(size(length)) == 2, red=length(2); length=length(1); else red=1; end
if length>0, S=['Linesearch']; else S=['Function evaluation']; end 

i = 0;                                            % zero the run length counter
ls_failed = 0;                             % no previous line search has failed
fX = [];
[f1 df1] = eval(argstr);        %执行之前构建的语句。即,backprop_gradient(X,network, tmpX, tmpT, lambda)
                                                 % get function value and gradient
i = i + (length<0);                                            % count epochs?!
s = -df1;                                        % search direction is steepest
d1 = -s'*s;                                                 % this is the slope
z1 = red/(1-d1);                                  % initial step is red/(|s|+1)

while i < abs(length)                                      % while not finished
  i = i + (length>0);                                      % count iterations?!

  X0 = X; f0 = f1; df0 = df1;                   % make a copy of current values
  X = X + z1*s;                                             % begin line search
  [f2 df2] = eval(argstr);
  i = i + (length<0);                                          % count epochs?!
  d2 = df2'*s;
  f3 = f1; d3 = d1; z3 = -z1;             % initialize point 3 equal to point 1
  if length>0, M = MAX; else M = min(MAX, -length-i); end
  success = 0; limit = -1;                     % initialize quanteties
  while 1
    while ((f2 > f1+z1*RHO*d1) | (d2 > -SIG*d1)) & (M > 0) 
      limit = z1;                                         % tighten the bracket
      if f2 > f1
        z2 = z3 - (0.5*d3*z3*z3)/(d3*z3+f2-f3);                 % quadratic fit
        A = 6*(f2-f3)/z3+3*(d2+d3);                                 % cubic fit
        B = 3*(f3-f2)-z3*(d3+2*d2);
        z2 = (sqrt(B*B-A*d2*z3*z3)-B)/A;       % numerical error possible - ok!
      if isnan(z2) | isinf(z2)
        z2 = z3/2;                  % if we had a numerical problem then bisect
      z2 = max(min(z2, INT*z3),(1-INT)*z3);  % don't accept too close to limits
      z1 = z1 + z2;                                           % update the step
      X = X + z2*s;
      [f2 df2] = eval(argstr);
      M = M - 1; i = i + (length<0);                           % count epochs?!
      d2 = df2'*s;
      z3 = z3-z2;                    % z3 is now relative to the location of z2
    if f2 > f1+z1*RHO*d1 | d2 > -SIG*d1
      break;                                                % this is a failure
    elseif d2 > SIG*d1
      success = 1; break;                                             % success
    elseif M == 0
      break;                                                          % failure
    A = 6*(f2-f3)/z3+3*(d2+d3);                      % make cubic extrapolation
    B = 3*(f3-f2)-z3*(d3+2*d2);
    z2 = -d2*z3*z3/(B+sqrt(B*B-A*d2*z3*z3));        % num. error possible - ok!
    if ~isreal(z2) | isnan(z2) | isinf(z2) | z2 < 0   % num prob or wrong sign?
      if limit < -0.5                               % if we have no upper limit
        z2 = z1 * (EXT-1);                 % the extrapolate the maximum amount
        z2 = (limit-z1)/2;                                   % otherwise bisect
    elseif (limit > -0.5) & (z2+z1 > limit)          % extraplation beyond max?
      z2 = (limit-z1)/2;                                               % bisect
    elseif (limit < -0.5) & (z2+z1 > z1*EXT)       % extrapolation beyond limit
      z2 = z1*(EXT-1.0);                           % set to extrapolation limit
    elseif z2 < -z3*INT
      z2 = -z3*INT;
    elseif (limit > -0.5) & (z2 < (limit-z1)*(1.0-INT))   % too close to limit?
      z2 = (limit-z1)*(1.0-INT);
    f3 = f2; d3 = d2; z3 = -z2;                  % set point 3 equal to point 2
    z1 = z1 + z2; X = X + z2*s;                      % update current estimates
    [f2 df2] = eval(argstr);
    M = M - 1; i = i + (length<0);                             % count epochs?!
    d2 = df2'*s;
  end                                                      % end of line search

  if success                                         % if line search succeeded
    f1 = f2; fX = [fX' f1]';
%     fprintf('%s %6i;  Value %4.6e\r', S, i, f1);
    s = (df2'*df2-df1'*df2)/(df1'*df1)*s - df2;      % Polack-Ribiere direction
    tmp = df1; df1 = df2; df2 = tmp;                         % swap derivatives
    d2 = df1'*s;
    if d2 > 0                                      % new slope must be negative
      s = -df1;                              % otherwise use steepest direction
      d2 = -s'*s;    
    z1 = z1 * min(RATIO, d1/(d2-realmin));          % slope ratio but max RATIO
    d1 = d2;
    ls_failed = 0;                              % this line search did not fail
    X = X0; f1 = f0; df1 = df0;  % restore point from before failed line search
    if ls_failed | i > abs(length)          % line search failed twice in a row
      break;                             % or we ran out of time, so we give up
    tmp = df1; df1 = df2; df2 = tmp;                         % swap derivatives
    s = -df1;                                                    % try steepest
    d1 = -s'*s;
    z1 = 1/(1-d1);                     
    ls_failed = 1;                                    % this line search failed
function [C, dC] = backprop_gradient(v, network, X, targets, lambda)
%BACKPROP Compute the cost gradient for CG optimization of a neural network
    % Initialize some variables
    n = size(X, 1);
    no_layers = length(network);
    middle_layer = ceil(no_layers / 2);

    % Deconvert the weights and store them in the network
    ind = 1;
    for i=1:no_layers
        network{i}.W        = reshape(v(ind:ind - 1 + numel(network{i}.W)),        size(network{i}.W));         ind = ind + numel(network{i}.W);
        network{i}.bias_upW = reshape(v(ind:ind - 1 + numel(network{i}.bias_upW)), size(network{i}.bias_upW));  ind = ind + numel(network{i}.bias_upW);

    % Run the data through the network
    activations = cell(1, no_layers + 1);
    activations{1} = [X ones(n, 1)]; %第一层网络是原始数据X,最后加上一列是bias
    for i=1:no_layers
        if i ~= middle_layer && i ~= no_layers
            activations{i + 1} = [1 ./ (1 + exp(-(activations{i} * [network{i}.W; network{i}.bias_upW]))) ones(n, 1)];%激活函数是sigmiod函数
            activations{i + 1} = [activations{i} * [network{i}.W; network{i}.bias_upW] ones(n, 1)];

    % Compute value of cost function (= MSE)
    C = (1 / (2 * n)) .* sum(sum((activations{end}(:,1:end - 1) - targets) .^ 2)) + lambda .* sum(v .^ 2);
    % Only compute gradient if requested
    if nargout > 1

        % Compute gradients 
        dW = cell(1, no_layers);
        db = cell(1, no_layers);
        Ix = (activations{end}(:,1:end - 1) - targets) ./ n;
        for i=no_layers:-1:1   %从倒数第二层开始,依次计算残差

            % Compute update
            delta = activations{i}' * Ix;%对应上文中的(3),即后一层的残差乘这一层的激活值。(激活值的最后一列为1)
            dW{i} = delta(1:end - 1,:);
            db{i} = delta(end,:);

            % Backpropagate error
            if i > 1
                if i ~= middle_layer + 1
                    Ix = (Ix * [network{i}.W; network{i}.bias_upW]') .* activations{i} .* (1 - activations{i});  %计算各层的残差,对应上文中的(2)
                    Ix = Ix * [network{i}.W; network{i}.bias_upW]';
                Ix = Ix(:,1:end - 1);

        % Convert gradient information
        dC = zeros(numel(v), 1);
        ind = 1;
        for i=1:no_layers
            dC(ind:ind - 1 + numel(dW{i})) = dW{i}(:); ind = ind + numel(dW{i});
            dC(ind:ind - 1 + numel(db{i})) = db{i}(:); ind = ind + numel(db{i});
        dC = dC + 2 .* lambda .* v;

UFLDL Tutorial

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