
Important Concepts

There are some important underlying concepts to developing CEF3-based applications that should be understood before proceeding.


C++ Wrapper

The libcef shared library exports a C API that isolates the user from the CEF runtime and code base. The libcef_dll_wrapper project, which is distributed in source code form as part of the binary release, wraps this exported C API in a C++ API that is then linked into the client application. The code for this C/C++ API translation layer is automatically generated by the translator tool. Direct usage of the C API is described on the UsingTheCAPI page.

libcef 动态链接库导出 C API 使得使用者不用关心CEF运行库和基础代码。libcef_dll_wrapper 工程把 C API 封装成 C++ API同时包含在客户端应用程序工程中,与cefclient一样,源代码作为CEF二进制发布包的一部份共同发布。C/C++ API的转换层代码是由转换工具自动生成。UsingTheCAPI 页面描述了如何使用C API。


CEF3 runs using multiple processes. The main process which handles window creation, painting and network access is called the “browser” process. This is generally the same process as the host application and the majority of the application logic will run in the browser process. Blink rendering and JavaScript execution occur in a separate “render” process. Some application logic, such as JavaScript bindings and DOM access, will also run in the render process. The default process model will spawn a new render process for each unique origin (scheme + domain). Other processes will be spawned as needed, such as “plugin” processes to handle plugins like Flash and “gpu” processes to handle accelerated compositing.

CEF3是多进程架构的。"browser"被定义为主进程,负责窗口管理,界面绘制和网络交互。Blink的渲染和Js的执行被放在一个独立的"render" 进程中;除此之外,render进程还负责Js Binding和对Dom节点的访问。 默认的进程模型中,会为每个标签页创建一个新的"render"进程。其他进程按需创建,象管理插件的进程和处理合成加速的进程。

By default the main application executable will be spawned multiple times to represent separate processes. This is handled via command-line flags that are passed into the CefExecuteProcess function. If the main application executable is large, takes a long time to load, or is otherwise unsuitable for non-browser processes the host can use a separate executable for those other processes. This can be configured via the CefSettings.browser_subprocess_path variable. See the “Application Structure” section for more information.

The separate processes spawned by CEF3 communicate using Inter-Process Communication (IPC). Application logic implemented in the browser and render processes can communicate by sending asynchronous messages back and forth. JavaScriptIntegration in the render process can expose asynchronous APIs that are handled in the browser process. See the “Inter-Process Communication” section for more information. CEF3的进程之间可以通过IPC进行通信。"browser"和"render"进程可以通过发送异步消息进行双向通信。"JavaScriptIntegration"可以向"render"进程注册"browser"进程的异步API。想了解详细信息,请参考"Inter-Process Communication"节。

CEF3 supports a single-process run mode for debugging purposes via the "--single-process" command-line flag. Platform-specific debugging tips are also available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. 通过设置命令行的"--single-process",CEF3就可以支持用于调试目的的单进程运行模型。支持的平台为:Windows,Mac OS X 和Linux。


Each process in CEF3 runs multiple threads. For a complete list of threads see the cef_thread_id_t enumeration. The browser process for example contains the following commonly-referenced threads:


  • TID_UI thread is the main thread in the browser. This will be the same as the main application thread if CefInitialize() is called with a CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop value of false.
  • TID_IO thread is used to process IPC and network messages.
  • TID_FILE thread is used to interact with the file system.

  • TID_UI 线程是浏览器的主线程。如果应用程序在调用调用CefInitialize()时,传递CefSettings.multi_threaded_message_loop=false,这个线程也是应用程序的主线程。

  • TID_IO 线程主要负责处理IPC消息以及网络通信。
  • TID_FILE 线程负责与文件系统交互。

Due to the multi-threaded nature of CEF it’s important to use locking or message passing to protect data members from access on multiple threads. The IMPLEMENT_LOCKING macro provides Lock() and Unlock() methods and an AutoLock scoped object for synchronizing access to blocks of code. The CefPostTask family of functions support easy asynchronous message passing between threads. See the “Posting Tasks” section for more information.

由于CEF采用多线程架构,有必要使用锁和闭包来保证在多不同线程安全的传递数据。IMPLEMENT_LOCKING定义提供了Lock()和Unlock()方法以及AutoLock对象来保证不同代码块同步访问数据。CefPostTask函数组支持简易的线程间异步消息传递。更多信息,请参考"Posting Tasks"章节。

The current thread can be verified using the CefCurrentlyOn() function. The cefclient application uses the following defines to verify that methods are executed on the expected thread:


  1. #define REQUIRE_UI_THREAD() ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_UI));
  2. #define REQUIRE_IO_THREAD() ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_IO));
  3. #define REQUIRE_FILE_THREAD() ASSERT(CefCurrentlyOn(TID_FILE));
Reference Counting

All framework classes implement the CefBase interface and all instance pointers are handled using the CefRefPtr smart pointer implementation that automatically handles reference counting via calls to AddRef() and Release().The easiest way to implement these classes is as follows:


  1. class MyClass : public CefBase {
  2. public:
  3. // Various class methods here...
  5. private:
  6. // Various class members here...
  8. IMPLEMENT_REFCOUNTING(MyClass); // Provides atomic refcounting implementation.
  9. };
  11. // References a MyClass instance
  12. CefRefPtr<MyClass> my_class = new MyClass();

CEF defines its own data structure for representing strings. This is for a few different reasons:


  • The libcef library and the host application may use different runtimes for managing heap memory. All objects, including strings, need to be freed using the same runtime that allocated the memory.
  • The libcef library can be compiled to support different underlying string types (UTF8, UTF16 or wide). The default is UTF16 but it can be changed by modifying the defines in cef_string.h and recompiling CEF. When choosing the wide string type keep in mind that the size will vary depending on the platform.

  • libcef包和宿主程序可能使用不同的运行时,对堆管理的方式也不同。所有的对象,包括字符串,需要确保和申请堆内存使用相同的运行时环境。

  • libcef包可以编译为支持不同的字符串类型(UTF8,UTF16以及WIDE)。默认采用的是UTF16,默认字符集可以通过更改cef_string.h文件中的定义,然后重新编译来修改。当使用宽字节集的时候,切记字符的长度由当前使用的平台决定。

For UTF16 the string structure looks like this:


  1. typedef struct _cef_string_utf16_t {
  2. char16* str; // Pointer to the string
  3. size_t length; // String length
  4. void (*dtor)(char16* str); // Destructor for freeing the string on the correct heap
  5. } cef_string_utf16_t;

The selected string type is then typedef’d to the generic type:


  1. typedef char16 cef_char_t;
  2. typedef cef_string_utf16_t cef_string_t;

CEF provides a number of C API functions for operating on the CEF string types (mapped via #defines to the type-specific functions). For example:


  • cef_string_set will assign a string value to the structure with or without copying the value.
  • cef_string_clear will clear the string value.
  • cef_string_cmp will compare two string values.

  • cef_string_set 对制定的字符串变量赋值(支持深拷贝或浅拷贝)。

  • cef_string_clear 清空字符串。
  • cef_string_cmp 比较两个字符串.

CEF also provides functions for converting between all supported string types (ASCII, UTF8, UTF16 and wide). See the cef_string.h and cef_string_types.h headers for the complete list of functions.


Usage of CEF strings in C++ is simplified by the CefString class. CefString provides automatic conversion to and from std::string (UTF8) and std::wstring (wide) types. It can also be used to wrap an existing cef_string_t structure for assignment purposes.


Assignment to and from std::string:


  1. std::string str = Some UTF8 string;
  3. // Equivalent ways of assigning |str| to |cef_str|. Conversion from UTF8 will occur if necessary.
  4. CefString cef_str(str);
  5. cef_str = str;
  6. cef_str.FromString(str);
  8. // Equivalent ways of assigning |cef_str| to |str|. Conversion to UTF8 will occur if necessary.
  9. str = cef_str;
  10. str = cef_str.ToString();

Assignment to and from std::wstring:


  1. std::wstring str = Some wide string;
  3. // Equivalent ways of assigning |str| to |cef_str|. Conversion from wide will occur if necessary.
  4. CefString cef_str(str);
  5. cef_str = str;
  6. cef_str.FromWString(str);
  8. // Equivalent ways of assigning |cef_str| to |str|. Conversion to wide will occur if necessary.
  9. str = cef_str;
  10. str = cef_str.ToWString();

Use the FromASCII() method if you know that the format is ASCII:


  1. const char* cstr = Some ASCII string;
  2. CefString cef_str;
  3. cef_str.FromASCII(cstr);

Some structures like CefSettings have cef_string_t members. CefString can be used to simplify the assignment to those members:


  1. CefSettings settings;
  2. const char* path = /path/to/log.txt;
  4. // Equivalent assignments.
  5. CefString(&settings.log_file).FromASCII(path);
  6. cef_string_from_ascii(path, strlen(path), &settings.log_file);
Command Line Arguments

Many features in CEF3 and Chromium can be configured using command line arguments. These arguments take the form "--some-argument[=optional-param]" and are passed into CEF via CefExecuteProcess() and the CefMainArgs structure (see the “Application Structure” section below). To disable processing of arguments from the command line set CefSettings.command_line_args_disabled to true before passing the CefSettings structure into CefInitialize(). To specify command line arguments inside the host application implement the CefApp::OnBeforeCommandLineProcessing() method. See comments in client_switches.cpp for more information on how to discover supported command line switches.






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