Courage 勇气


There are many kinds of courage. 勇气有很多种

Awesome kinds 有的令人敬畏

And everyday kinds 有的平平常常

Still, courage is courage whatever kind 总之,不管是哪一种——勇气就是勇气

Courage is riding your bicycle for the first time without training wheels 勇气, 是你第一次骑车不用安全轮

Courage is a spelling bee and your word is superciliousness 勇气, 是去参加拼单词比赛,而你要拼的单词是superciliousness(这个很长很难哦)

Courage is two candy bar and saving one for tomorrow 勇气, 是你有两块糖,却能留下一块到第二天

Courage is mealtime and desperately hoping it’s not Chunky chunks in “real” gravy again 勇气, 是到了开饭时间还拼命巴望着在”真”肉汤里还能有”真”肉块(不理解哎)

Courage is nobody better pick on your little brother 勇气, 是你让别人离你弟弟远一点(可能自己的弟弟被欺负了)

Courage is it’s your job to check out the night noises in the house 勇气, 是晚上由你负责查看房间里的动静(勇敢一点)

Courage is being the new kid on the block and saying, flat out, “Hi, my name is Wayne, what’s yours?” 勇气, 是刚搬到新的地方, 你大方地说:”嗨, 我的名字叫伟利, 你们呢?“

Courage is tasting the vegetable before making a face 勇气, 是吃蔬菜时不做鬼脸, 先尝尝再说(你是咋做的?)

Courage is not peeking at the last pages of your whodunit book to find out who did it 勇气, 是读侦探小说时不先翻倒最后几页, 偷看”到底是谁干的“(真的有过这种冲动)

Courage is being the first to make up after an argument 勇气, 是和别人吵架后你先去讲和(真的很重要哎)

Courage is deliberately stepping on sidewalk cracks 勇气, 是故意踩人行道的缝隙(按西方传统的迷信说法,”踩在缝隙上“会带来厄运)

Courage is the bottom of the ninth, tie score, two outs, bases loaded, and your turn to bat 勇气, 是棒球比赛进入最后关头, 平分, 二出局, 满垒, 轮到你最后一击(在棒球比赛中, 这种情况下的击球将决定胜负, 完全不懂棒球。。。)

Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell 勇气, 是你知道一个大秘密, 却答应对谁也不说

Courage is being sudsed and scrubbed by strangers 勇气, 是让陌生人给你洗洗刷刷(这里是对小狗噢)

Courage is breaking bad habits 勇气, 是改掉坏习惯

Courage is suddenly remembering a silly joke and trying not to giggle when everyone else is being especially serious 勇气, 是别人都特别严肃的时候, 你突然想起一个好傻的笑话, 却能忍住不傻笑(你忍住了吗?)

Courage is arriving much too early for a birthday party 勇气, 是去参加一个生日晚会, 你到得实在太早了(在西方, 参加聚会到得太早,会显得有些唐突。不过,总得做点不一样的事嘞)

Courage is sending a valentine to someone you secretly admire and signing you real name 勇气, 是寄情人卡给你暗恋的她, 还签上你自己的真名(这个是要的啦)

Courage is admiring, but not plucking 勇气, 是爱它, 却不摘它(对花儿了)

Courage is going to bed without a nightlight 勇气,是不开灯就上床睡觉(大约两个月前的一个晚上,整晚没关灯睡得觉,囧。。。)

Courage is deciding to have your hair cut 勇气, 是你决定去理个发(这个吗?)

Courage is trying to cover up your mean, jealous side 勇气, 是努力藏起你小气, 嫉妒的一面

Courage is a scenic car trip and being stuck in the middle during the best part 勇气, 是坐车游览到风景最好的地方时, 你被挤在中间(哼, 没关系)

Courage is explaining the rip in your brand-new pants 勇气, 是解释你的新裤子怎么弄破的

Courage is going on it again 勇气, 是再来一次

Courage is if you knew where there were some mountains, you would definitely climb them 勇气, 是知道还有高山, 就一定要去征服

Courage is exploring heights and depths 勇气, 是上探太空, 下探深海

Courage is a blade of grass breaking through the icy snow 勇气, 是小草从冰雪下破土而出

Courage is starting over 勇气,是从头开始

Courage is holding on to your dream 勇气,是坚持自己的梦想

Courage is being a firefighter or a police officer 勇气, 是立志做一名消防员, 或是一名警察

Courage is sometimes having to say goodbye 勇气, 是必要时说声再见(天下无不散之筵席)

Courage is what we give to each other 勇气是我们相互给予的东西

括号里的有些内容是我加上去的, 真的很调皮呀





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