unity5 关于反向查找物体被引用的方法


引用 by https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityAssetUsageDetector/
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEditor.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;

namespace AssetUsageDetectorNamespace
	public enum Phase { Setup, Processing, Complete };

	// Delegate to get the value of a variable (either field or property)
	public delegate object VariableGetVal( object obj );

	#region Helper Classes
	// Custom class to hold the results for a single scene or Assets folder
	public class ReferenceHolder
		// Custom struct to hold a single path to a reference
		public struct ReferencePath
			public readonly ReferenceNode startNode;
			public readonly int[] pathLinksToFollow;

			public ReferencePath( ReferenceNode startNode, int[] pathIndices )
				this.startNode = startNode;
				pathLinksToFollow = pathIndices;

		private string title;
		private bool clickable;
		private List
		private List

		public int NumberOfReferences { get { return references.Count; } }

		public ReferenceHolder( string title, bool clickable )
			this.title = title;
			this.clickable = clickable;
			references = new List
			shortestPathsToReferences = null;

		// Add a reference to the list
		public void AddReference( ReferenceNode node )
			references.Add( node );

		// Add all the Object's in this container to the set
		public void AddObjectsTo( HashSet
        objectsSet )

			for( int i = 0; i < shortestPathsToReferences.Count; i++ )
				Object obj = shortestPathsToReferences[i].startNode.nodeObject as Object;
				if( obj != null )
					objectsSet.Add( obj );

		// Add all the GameObject's in this container to the set
		public void AddGameObjectsTo( HashSet
          gameObjectsSet )

			for( int i = 0; i < shortestPathsToReferences.Count; i++ )
				Object obj = shortestPathsToReferences[i].startNode.nodeObject as Object;
				if( obj != null )
					if( obj is GameObject )
						gameObjectsSet.Add( (GameObject) obj );
					else if( obj is Component )
						gameObjectsSet.Add( ( (Component) obj ).gameObject );

		// Calculate shortest unique paths to the references
		public void CalculateShortestPathsToReferences()
			if( shortestPathsToReferences != null )

			shortestPathsToReferences = new List
           ( 32 ); for( int i = 0; i < references.Count; i++ ) references[i].CalculateShortestPaths( shortestPathsToReferences ); } // Draw the results found for this container public void DrawOnGUI( bool drawFullPaths ) { Color c = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.cyan; if( GUILayout.Button( title, AssetUsageDetector.BoxGUIStyle, AssetUsageDetector.GL_EXPAND_WIDTH, AssetUsageDetector.GL_HEIGHT_40 ) && clickable ) { // If the container (scene, usually) is clicked, highlight it on Project view EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
            ( title ) ); Selection.activeObject = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
             ( title ); } GUI.color = Color.yellow; if( drawFullPaths ) { for( int i = 0; i < references.Count; i++ ) { if( references[i].nodeObject == null ) continue; GUILayout.Space( 5 ); references[i].DrawOnGUIRecursively(); } } else { if( shortestPathsToReferences == null ) CalculateShortestPathsToReferences(); for( int i = 0; i < shortestPathsToReferences.Count; i++ ) { ReferencePath path = shortestPathsToReferences[i]; if( path.startNode.nodeObject == null ) continue; GUILayout.Space( 5 ); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); path.startNode.DrawOnGUI( null ); ReferenceNode currentNode = path.startNode; for( int j = 0; j < path.pathLinksToFollow.Length; j++ ) { ReferenceNode.Link link = currentNode[path.pathLinksToFollow[j]]; link.targetNode.DrawOnGUI( link.description ); currentNode = link.targetNode; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUI.color = c; GUILayout.Space( 10 ); } } // Custom class to hold an object in the path to a reference as a node public class ReferenceNode { public struct Link { public readonly ReferenceNode targetNode; public readonly string description; public Link( ReferenceNode targetNode, string description ) { this.targetNode = targetNode; this.description = description; } } public object nodeObject; private readonly List 
             links; public int NumberOfOutgoingLinks { get { return links.Count; } } public Link this[int index] { get { return links[index]; } } public ReferenceNode() { links = new List 
            ( 2 ); } public ReferenceNode( object obj ) : this() { nodeObject = obj; } // Add a one-way connection to another node public void AddLinkTo( ReferenceNode nextNode, string description = null ) { if( nextNode != null ) { if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( description ) ) description = "[" + description + "]"; links.Add( new Link( nextNode, description ) ); } } // Clear this node so that it can be reused later public void Clear() { nodeObject = null; links.Clear(); } // Calculate shortest unique paths that start with this node public void CalculateShortestPaths( List 
              currentPaths ) { CalculateShortestPaths( currentPaths, new List 
               ( 8 ), new List 
                ( 8 ) { -1 }, 0 ); } // Just some boring calculations to find the shortest unique paths recursively private void CalculateShortestPaths( List 
                 shortestPaths, List 
                  currentPath, List 
                   currentPathIndices, int latestObjectIndexInPath ) { if( nodeObject == null ) return; int currentIndex = currentPath.Count; currentPath.Add( this ); if( links.Count == 0 ) { // Check if the path to the reference is unique (not discovered so far) bool isUnique = true; for( int i = 0; i < shortestPaths.Count; i++ ) { if( shortestPaths[i].startNode == currentPath[latestObjectIndexInPath] && shortestPaths[i].pathLinksToFollow.Length == currentPathIndices.Count - latestObjectIndexInPath - 1 ) { int j = latestObjectIndexInPath + 1; for( int k = 0; j < currentPathIndices.Count; j++, k++ ) { if( shortestPaths[i].pathLinksToFollow[k] != currentPathIndices[j] ) break; } if( j == currentPathIndices.Count ) { isUnique = false; break; } } } // Don't allow duplicate shortest paths if( isUnique ) { int[] pathIndices = new int[currentPathIndices.Count - latestObjectIndexInPath - 1]; for( int i = latestObjectIndexInPath + 1, j = 0; i < currentPathIndices.Count; i++, j++ ) pathIndices[j] = currentPathIndices[i]; shortestPaths.Add( new ReferenceHolder.ReferencePath( currentPath[latestObjectIndexInPath], pathIndices ) ); } } else { if( nodeObject is Object ) latestObjectIndexInPath = currentIndex; for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ ) { currentPathIndices.Add( i ); links[i].targetNode.CalculateShortestPaths( shortestPaths, currentPath, currentPathIndices, latestObjectIndexInPath ); currentPathIndices.RemoveAt( currentIndex + 1 ); } } currentPath.RemoveAt( currentIndex ); } // Draw all the paths that start with this node on GUI recursively public void DrawOnGUIRecursively( string linkToPrevNodeDescription = null ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); DrawOnGUI( linkToPrevNodeDescription ); if( links.Count > 0 ) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); for( int i = 0; i < links.Count; i++ ) { ReferenceNode next = links[i].targetNode; if( next.nodeObject != null ) next.DrawOnGUIRecursively( links[i].description ); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } // Draw only this node on GUI public void DrawOnGUI( string linkToPrevNodeDescription ) { string label = GetNodeContent( linkToPrevNodeDescription ); if( GUILayout.Button( label, AssetUsageDetector.BoxGUIStyle, AssetUsageDetector.GL_EXPAND_HEIGHT ) ) { // If a reference is clicked, highlight it (either on Hierarchy view or Project view) Object unityObject = nodeObject as Object; if( unityObject != null ) { EditorGUIUtility.PingObject( unityObject ); Selection.activeObject = unityObject; } } if( AssetUsageDetector.showTooltips && Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint && GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect().Contains( Event.current.mousePosition ) ) AssetUsageDetector.tooltip = label; } // Get the string representation of this node private string GetNodeContent( string linkToPrevNodeDescription = null ) { string result = string.Empty; if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( linkToPrevNodeDescription ) ) result = linkToPrevNodeDescription + "\n"; Object unityObject = nodeObject as Object; if( unityObject != null ) result += unityObject.name + " (" + unityObject.GetType() + ")"; else result += nodeObject.GetType() + " object"; return result; } } // Custom struct to hold a variable, its important properties and its getter function public struct VariableGetterHolder { public readonly string name; public readonly bool isProperty; public readonly bool isSerializable; private readonly VariableGetVal getter; public VariableGetterHolder( FieldInfo fieldInfo, VariableGetVal getter, bool isSerializable ) { name = fieldInfo.Name; isProperty = false; this.isSerializable = isSerializable; this.getter = getter; } public VariableGetterHolder( PropertyInfo propertyInfo, VariableGetVal getter, bool isSerializable ) { name = propertyInfo.Name; isProperty = true; this.isSerializable = isSerializable; this.getter = getter; } public object Get( object obj ) { return getter( obj ); } } // Credit: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/724143/how-do-i-create-a-delegate-for-a-net-property public interface IPropertyAccessor { object GetValue( object source ); } // A wrapper class for properties to get their values more efficiently public class PropertyWrapper 
                    : IPropertyAccessor where TObject : class { private readonly Func 
                     getter; public PropertyWrapper( MethodInfo getterMethod ) { getter = (Func 
                      ) Delegate.CreateDelegate( typeof( Func 
                       ), getterMethod ); } public object GetValue( object obj ) { try { return getter( (TObject) obj ); } catch { // Property getters may return various kinds of exceptions // if their backing fields are not initialized (yet) return null; } } } #endregion #region Extension Functions public static class AssetUsageDetectorExtensions { // Get a unique-ish string hash code for an object public static string Hash( this object obj ) { if( obj is Object ) return obj.GetHashCode() + obj.GetType().Name + ( (Object) obj ).name; return obj.GetHashCode() + obj.GetType().Name; } // Check if object depends on any of the references public static bool HasAnyReferenceTo( this Object obj, HashSet 
                       references ) { Object[] dependencies = EditorUtility.CollectDependencies( new Object[] { obj } ); for( int i = 0; i < dependencies.Length; i++ ) { if( references.Contains( dependencies[i] ) ) return true; } return false; } // Check if the field is serializable public static bool IsSerializable( this FieldInfo fieldInfo ) { // see Serialization Rules: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/script-Serialization.html Type fieldType = fieldInfo.FieldType; if( fieldType.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Object ) ) ) return true; if( fieldType.IsArray ) { if( fieldType.GetArrayRank() != 1 ) return false; fieldType = fieldType.GetElementType(); } else if( fieldType.IsGenericType ) { if( fieldType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof( List<> ) ) return false; fieldType = fieldType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } if( fieldType.IsGenericType || fieldInfo.IsInitOnly || ( ( !fieldInfo.IsPublic || fieldInfo.IsNotSerialized ) && !Attribute.IsDefined( fieldInfo, typeof( SerializeField ) ) ) ) return false; if( Attribute.IsDefined( fieldType, typeof( SerializableAttribute ), false ) ) return true; return false; } // Check if the type is a common Unity type (let's call them primitives) public static bool IsPrimitiveUnityType( this Type type ) { return type.IsPrimitive || type == typeof( string ) || type == typeof( Vector3 ) || type == typeof( Vector2 ) || type == typeof( Rect ) || type == typeof( Quaternion ) || type == typeof( Color ) || type == typeof( Color32 ) || type == typeof( LayerMask ) || type == typeof( GUIStyle ) || type == typeof( Vector4 ) || type == typeof( Matrix4x4 ) || type == typeof( AnimationCurve ) || type == typeof( Gradient ) || type == typeof( RectOffset ); } // Check if the property is serializable public static bool IsSerializable( this PropertyInfo propertyInfo ) { // see Serialization Rules: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/script-Serialization.html Type propertyType = propertyInfo.PropertyType; if( propertyType.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Object ) ) ) return true; if( propertyType.IsArray ) { if( propertyType.GetArrayRank() != 1 ) return false; propertyType = propertyType.GetElementType(); } else if( propertyType.IsGenericType ) { if( propertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof( List<> ) ) return false; propertyType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; } if( propertyType.IsGenericType ) return false; return true; } // Credit: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/14560/Fast-Dynamic-Property-Field-Accessors // Get 
                         function for a field public static VariableGetVal CreateGetter( this FieldInfo fieldInfo, Type type ) { // Commented the IL generator code below because it might actually be slower than simply using reflection //DynamicMethod dm = new DynamicMethod( "Get" + fieldInfo.Name, fieldInfo.FieldType, new Type[] { typeof( object ) }, type ); //ILGenerator il = dm.GetILGenerator(); Load the instance of the object (argument 0) onto the stack //il.Emit( OpCodes.Ldarg_0 ); Load the value of the object's field (fi) onto the stack //il.Emit( OpCodes.Ldfld, fieldInfo ); return the value on the top of the stack //il.Emit( OpCodes.Ret ); //return (VariableGetVal) dm.CreateDelegate( typeof( VariableGetVal ) ); return fieldInfo.GetValue; } // Get 
                          function for a property public static VariableGetVal CreateGetter( this PropertyInfo propertyInfo ) { // Ignore indexer properties if( propertyInfo.GetIndexParameters().Length > 0 ) return null; MethodInfo mi = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod( true ); if( mi != null ) { Type GenType = typeof( PropertyWrapper<,> ).MakeGenericType( propertyInfo.DeclaringType, propertyInfo.PropertyType ); return ( (IPropertyAccessor) Activator.CreateInstance( GenType, mi ) ).GetValue; } return null; } // Check if "child" is a subclass of "parent" (or if their types match) public static bool IsDerivedFrom( this Type child, Type parent ) { if( child == parent || child.IsSubclassOf( parent ) ) return true; return false; } } #endregion // Here we go..! public class AssetUsageDetector : EditorWindow { private Object assetToSearch; private HashSet 
                          assetsSet; // A set that contains the searched asset and its sub-assets (if any) private Type[] assetClasses; // Type's of the searched objects (like GameObject, Material, a custom MonoBehaviour etc.) private Phase currentPhase = Phase.Setup; private List 
                            searchResult = new List 
                             (); // Overall search results private ReferenceHolder currentReferenceHolder; // Results for the currently searched scene private Dictionary 
                              typeToVariables; // An optimization to fetch & filter fields and properties of a class only once private Dictionary 
                               searchableTypes; // An optimization to search only certain types for references that can store the searched object(s) in their variables private Dictionary 
                                searchedObjects; // An optimization to search an object only once (key is a hash of the searched object) private Stack 
                                callStack; // Stack of SearchObject function parameters to avoid infinite loops (which happens when same object is passed as parameter to function) private Stack 
                                  searchedTypesStack; // Stack of TypeCanContainReferences function parameters to avoid infinite loops private bool searchMaterialAssets; private bool searchGameObjectReferences; private bool searchMonoBehavioursForScript; private bool searchRenderers; private bool searchMaterialsForShader; private bool searchMaterialsForTexture; private bool searchSerializableVariablesOnly; private bool searchInOpenScenes = true; // Scenes currently open in Hierarchy view private bool searchInScenesInBuild = false; // Scenes in build private bool searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = true; // Scenes in build (ticked only or not) private bool searchInAllScenes = false; // All scenes (including scenes that are not in build) private bool searchInAssetsFolder = false; // Assets in Project view private bool includeSubAssetsInSearch = false; // Search sub-assets of a main asset as well private bool isSearchingAsset; // Whether we are searching for an asset's references or a scene object's references private int searchDepthLimit = 1; // Depth limit for recursively searching variables of objects private int currentDepth = 0; private bool showFullPathsToReferences = false; // Draw either the complete paths to the references or only the most relevant parts of the paths private bool restoreInitialSceneSetup = true; // Close the additively loaded scenes that were not part of the initial scene setup private SceneSetup[] initialSceneSetup; // Initial scene setup (which scenes were open and/or loaded) private string errorMessage = string.Empty; // Fetch public, protected and private non-static fields from objects by default // Don't fetch properties from objects by default private BindingFlags fieldModifiers = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic; private BindingFlags propertyModifiers = BindingFlags.Instance; private int prevSearchDepthLimit; private BindingFlags prevFieldModifiers; private BindingFlags prevPropertyModifiers; private static bool assembliesReloaded = true; // An optimization to reinitialize some cached variables only if assemblies are reloaded public static string tooltip = null; public static bool showTooltips = true; private const float PLAY_MODE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 1f; // Interval to refresh the editor window in play mode private double nextPlayModeRefreshTime = 0f; public static GUILayoutOption GL_EXPAND_WIDTH = GUILayout.ExpandWidth( true ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_EXPAND_HEIGHT = GUILayout.ExpandHeight( true ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_WIDTH_100 = GUILayout.Width( 100 ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_WIDTH_250 = GUILayout.Width( 250 ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_HEIGHT_30 = GUILayout.Height( 30 ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_HEIGHT_35 = GUILayout.Height( 35 ); public static GUILayoutOption GL_HEIGHT_40 = GUILayout.Height( 40 ); private static GUIStyle m_boxGUIStyle; // GUIStyle used to draw the results of the search public static GUIStyle BoxGUIStyle { get { if( m_boxGUIStyle == null ) { m_boxGUIStyle = new GUIStyle( EditorStyles.helpBox ) { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, font = EditorStyles.label.font }; } return m_boxGUIStyle; } } private GUIStyle m_tooltipGUIStyle; // GUIStyle used to draw the tooltip private GUIStyle TooltipGUIStyle { get { if( m_tooltipGUIStyle == null ) { m_tooltipGUIStyle = new GUIStyle( EditorStyles.helpBox ) { alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, font = EditorStyles.label.font }; Texture2D backgroundTexture = new Texture2D( 1, 1 ); backgroundTexture.SetPixel( 0, 0, new Color( 0.88f, 0.88f, 0.88f, 0.85f ) ); backgroundTexture.Apply(); backgroundTexture.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave; m_tooltipGUIStyle.normal.background = backgroundTexture; m_tooltipGUIStyle.normal.textColor = Color.black; } return m_tooltipGUIStyle; } } private Vector2 scrollPosition = Vector2.zero; private int searchCount; // Number of searched objects private double searchStartTime; private List 
                                   nodesPool = new List 
                                    ( 32 ); private List 
                                     validVariables = new List 
                                      ( 32 ); // This method is now disabled by default private bool experimentalMethod = false; // Add "Asset Usage Detector" menu item to the Window menu [MenuItem( "Window/Asset Usage Detector" )] static void Init() { // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one AssetUsageDetector window = GetWindow 
                                       (); window.titleContent = new GUIContent( "Asset Usage Detector" ); window.Show(); } void Update() { // Refresh the window at a regular interval in play mode to update the tooltip if( EditorApplication.isPlaying && currentPhase == Phase.Complete && showTooltips && EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup >= nextPlayModeRefreshTime ) { nextPlayModeRefreshTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup + PLAY_MODE_REFRESH_INTERVAL; ; Repaint(); } } void OnGUI() { // Make the window scrollable scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView( scrollPosition, GL_EXPAND_WIDTH, GL_EXPAND_HEIGHT ); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); // Show the error message, if it is not empty if( errorMessage.Length > 0 ) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( errorMessage, MessageType.Error ); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); if( currentPhase == Phase.Processing ) { // If we are stuck at this phase, then we have encountered an exception GUILayout.Label( ". . . something went wrong, check console . . ." ); restoreInitialSceneSetup = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Restore initial scene setup (Recommended)", restoreInitialSceneSetup ); if( GUILayout.Button( "RETURN", GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { if( !restoreInitialSceneSetup || RestoreInitialSceneSetup() ) { errorMessage = string.Empty; currentPhase = Phase.Setup; } } } else if( currentPhase == Phase.Setup ) { assetToSearch = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "Asset: ", assetToSearch, typeof( Object ), true ); if( assetToSearch != null && AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( assetToSearch ) ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); includeSubAssetsInSearch = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Include sub-assets in search (if any)", includeSubAssetsInSearch, GL_WIDTH_250 ); if( !includeSubAssetsInSearch && assetToSearch is Texture && AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                        ( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( assetToSearch ) ) != null ) GUILayout.Label( " <-- Recommended for sprites!", EditorStyles.boldLabel ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.Space( 10 ); GUILayout.Box( "SEARCH IN", GL_EXPAND_WIDTH ); searchInAssetsFolder = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Project view (Assets folder)", searchInAssetsFolder ); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); if( EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { searchInAllScenes = false; searchInScenesInBuild = false; } else if( searchInAllScenes ) GUI.enabled = false; searchInOpenScenes = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Currently open (loaded) scene(s)", searchInOpenScenes ); if( EditorApplication.isPlaying ) GUI.enabled = false; searchInScenesInBuild = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Scenes in Build Settings", searchInScenesInBuild ); if( searchInScenesInBuild ) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 35 ); searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Ticked only", searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly, GL_WIDTH_100 ); searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly = !EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "All", !searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly, GL_WIDTH_100 ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) GUI.enabled = true; searchInAllScenes = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "All scenes in the project", searchInAllScenes ); GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.Space( 10 ); GUILayout.Box( "SEARCH SETTINGS", GL_EXPAND_WIDTH ); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label( new GUIContent( "> Search depth: " + searchDepthLimit, "Depth limit for recursively searching variables of objects" ), GL_WIDTH_250 ); searchDepthLimit = (int) GUILayout.HorizontalSlider( searchDepthLimit, 0, 4 ); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label( "> Search variables:" ); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 35 ); if( EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Public", ( fieldModifiers & BindingFlags.Public ) == BindingFlags.Public, GL_WIDTH_100 ) ) fieldModifiers |= BindingFlags.Public; else fieldModifiers &= ~BindingFlags.Public; if( EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Non-public", ( fieldModifiers & BindingFlags.NonPublic ) == BindingFlags.NonPublic, GL_WIDTH_100 ) ) fieldModifiers |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; else fieldModifiers &= ~BindingFlags.NonPublic; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label( "> Search properties (can be slow):" ); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 35 ); if( EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Public", ( propertyModifiers & BindingFlags.Public ) == BindingFlags.Public, GL_WIDTH_100 ) ) propertyModifiers |= BindingFlags.Public; else propertyModifiers &= ~BindingFlags.Public; if( EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Non-public", ( propertyModifiers & BindingFlags.NonPublic ) == BindingFlags.NonPublic, GL_WIDTH_100 ) ) propertyModifiers |= BindingFlags.NonPublic; else propertyModifiers &= ~BindingFlags.NonPublic; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); // Disabled by default as it seems slower than the normal method //experimentalMethod = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Experimental method (is it faster?)", experimentalMethod ); // Don't let the user press the GO button without any valid search location if( !searchInAllScenes && !searchInOpenScenes && !searchInScenesInBuild && !searchInAssetsFolder ) GUI.enabled = false; if( GUILayout.Button( "GO!", GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { if( assetToSearch == null ) { errorMessage = "SELECT AN ASSET FIRST!"; } else if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying && !AreScenesSaved() ) { // Don't start the search if at least one scene is currently dirty (not saved) errorMessage = "SAVE OPEN SCENES FIRST!"; } else { errorMessage = string.Empty; currentPhase = Phase.Processing; if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) initialSceneSetup = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup(); // Get the scenes that are open right now else initialSceneSetup = null; // Start searching ExecuteQuery(); } } } else if( currentPhase == Phase.Complete ) { // Draw the results of the search GUI.enabled = false; assetToSearch = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField( "Asset(s): ", assetToSearch, typeof( Object ), true ); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); GUI.enabled = true; restoreInitialSceneSetup = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Restore initial scene setup after search is reset (Recommended)", restoreInitialSceneSetup ); if( GUILayout.Button( "Reset Search", GL_HEIGHT_30 ) ) { if( !restoreInitialSceneSetup || RestoreInitialSceneSetup() ) { errorMessage = string.Empty; currentPhase = Phase.Setup; } } Color c = GUI.color; GUI.color = Color.green; GUILayout.Box( "Don't forget to save scene(s) if you made any changes!", GL_EXPAND_WIDTH ); GUI.color = c; GUILayout.Space( 10 ); if( searchResult.Count == 0 ) { GUILayout.Box( "No results found...", GL_EXPAND_WIDTH ); } else { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); // Select all the references after filtering them (select only the GameObject's) if( GUILayout.Button( "Select All\n(GameObject-wise)", GL_HEIGHT_35 ) ) { HashSet 
                                         uniqueGameObjects = new HashSet 
                                          (); for( int i = 0; i < searchResult.Count; i++ ) searchResult[i].AddGameObjectsTo( uniqueGameObjects ); if( uniqueGameObjects.Count > 0 ) { GameObject[] objects = new GameObject[uniqueGameObjects.Count]; uniqueGameObjects.CopyTo( objects ); Selection.objects = objects; } } // Select all the references without filtering them if( GUILayout.Button( "Select All\n(Object-wise)", GL_HEIGHT_35 ) ) { HashSet 
                                          uniqueObjects = new HashSet(); for( int i = 0; i < searchResult.Count; i++ ) searchResult[i].AddObjectsTo( uniqueObjects ); if( uniqueObjects.Count > 0 ) { Object[] objects = new Object[uniqueObjects.Count]; uniqueObjects.CopyTo( objects ); Selection.objects = objects; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); showFullPathsToReferences = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( new GUIContent( "Show full paths to references (can be slow with too many references)", "If deselected, only the most relevant parts of the paths are drawn" ), showFullPathsToReferences ); showTooltips = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft( "Show tooltips", showTooltips ); GUILayout.Space( 10 ); // Tooltip gets its value in ReferenceHolder.DrawOnGUI function tooltip = null; for( int i = 0; i < searchResult.Count; i++ ) searchResult[i].DrawOnGUI( showFullPathsToReferences ); Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition; if( tooltip != null ) { // Show tooltip at mouse position float width = tooltip.Length * 8; GUI.Box( new Rect( mousePos.x - width * 0.5f, mousePos.y - 40f, width, 40f ), tooltip, TooltipGUIStyle ); } } } GUILayout.Space( 10 ); GUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); } // Search for references! private void ExecuteQuery() { searchCount = 0; searchStartTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; // Initialize commonly used variables if( searchResult == null ) searchResult = new List 
                                             ( 16 ); else searchResult.Clear(); if( typeToVariables == null ) typeToVariables = new Dictionary 
                                              ( 4096 ); else if( assembliesReloaded || searchDepthLimit != prevSearchDepthLimit || prevFieldModifiers != fieldModifiers || prevPropertyModifiers != propertyModifiers ) typeToVariables.Clear(); if( searchableTypes == null ) searchableTypes = new Dictionary 
                                               ( 4096 ); else searchableTypes.Clear(); if( searchedObjects == null ) searchedObjects = new Dictionary 
                                                ( 32768 ); else searchedObjects.Clear(); if( callStack == null ) callStack = new Stack 
                                               ( 64 ); else callStack.Clear(); if( searchedTypesStack == null ) searchedTypesStack = new Stack 
                                                  ( 8 ); if( assetsSet == null ) assetsSet = new HashSet 
                                                 (); else assetsSet.Clear(); assembliesReloaded = false; prevSearchDepthLimit = searchDepthLimit; prevFieldModifiers = fieldModifiers; prevPropertyModifiers = propertyModifiers; HashSet 
                                                    allAssetClasses = new HashSet 
                                                     (); searchMaterialAssets = false; searchGameObjectReferences = false; searchMonoBehavioursForScript = false; searchRenderers = false; searchMaterialsForShader = false; searchMaterialsForTexture = false; // Store the searched asset and its sub-assets (if any) in a set isSearchingAsset = !string.IsNullOrEmpty( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( assetToSearch ) ); bool isMainAssetSearched = AssetDatabase.IsMainAsset( assetToSearch ); if( isMainAssetSearched && includeSubAssetsInSearch && !( assetToSearch is SceneAsset ) ) { Object[] assets = AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath( AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath( assetToSearch ) ); for( int i = 0; i < assets.Length; i++ ) { if( assets[i] != null ) { assetsSet.Add( assets[i] ); allAssetClasses.Add( assets[i].GetType() ); if( assets[i] is MonoScript ) allAssetClasses.Add( ( (MonoScript) assets[i] ).GetClass() ); } } } else { assetsSet.Add( assetToSearch ); allAssetClasses.Add( assetToSearch.GetType() ); if( assetToSearch is MonoScript ) allAssetClasses.Add( ( (MonoScript) assetToSearch ).GetClass() ); } if( assetToSearch is GameObject ) { // If searched asset is a GameObject, include its components in the search Component[] components; if( isMainAssetSearched && includeSubAssetsInSearch ) components = ( (GameObject) assetToSearch ).GetComponentsInChildren 
                                                      (); else components = ( (GameObject) assetToSearch ).GetComponents 
                                                       (); for( int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++ ) { assetsSet.Add( components[i] ); allAssetClasses.Add( components[i].GetType() ); } } assetClasses = new Type[allAssetClasses.Count]; allAssetClasses.CopyTo( assetClasses ); foreach( Object asset in assetsSet ) { // Initialize the nodes of searched asset(s) searchedObjects.Add( asset.Hash(), new ReferenceNode( asset ) ); if( asset is Texture ) { searchMaterialAssets = true; searchRenderers = true; searchMaterialsForTexture = true; } else if( asset is Material ) { searchRenderers = true; } else if( asset is MonoScript ) { searchMonoBehavioursForScript = true; } else if( asset is Shader ) { searchMaterialAssets = true; searchRenderers = true; searchMaterialsForShader = true; } else if( asset is GameObject ) { searchGameObjectReferences = true; } } // Find the scenes to search for references HashSet 
                                                        scenesToSearch = new HashSet 
                                                         (); if( searchInAllScenes ) { // Get all scenes from the Assets folder string[] scenesTemp = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:SceneAsset" ); for( int i = 0; i < scenesTemp.Length; i++ ) scenesToSearch.Add( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( scenesTemp[i] ) ); } else { if( searchInOpenScenes ) { // Get all open (and loaded) scenes for( int i = 0; i < EditorSceneManager.loadedSceneCount; i++ ) { Scene scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneAt( i ); if( scene.IsValid() ) scenesToSearch.Add( scene.path ); } } if( searchInScenesInBuild ) { // Get all scenes in build settings EditorBuildSettingsScene[] scenesTemp = EditorBuildSettings.scenes; for( int i = 0; i < scenesTemp.Length; i++ ) { if( !searchInScenesInBuildTickedOnly || scenesTemp[i].enabled ) scenesToSearch.Add( scenesTemp[i].path ); } } } // By default, search only serializable variables for references searchSerializableVariablesOnly = true; // Don't search assets if searched object is a scene object as assets can't hold references to scene objects if( searchInAssetsFolder && isSearchingAsset ) { currentReferenceHolder = new ReferenceHolder( "Project View (Assets)", false ); // Search through all the prefabs and imported models in the project string[] pathsToAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:GameObject" ); for( int i = 0; i < pathsToAssets.Length; i++ ) SearchGameObjectRecursively( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                          ( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( pathsToAssets[i] ) ) ); // Search through all the scriptable objects in the project pathsToAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:ScriptableObject" ); for( int i = 0; i < pathsToAssets.Length; i++ ) BeginSearchObject( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                           ( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( pathsToAssets[i] ) ) ); // If a searched asset is shader or texture, search through all the materials in the project if( searchMaterialAssets ) { pathsToAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:Material" ); for( int i = 0; i < pathsToAssets.Length; i++ ) BeginSearchObject( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                            ( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( pathsToAssets[i] ) ) ); } // Search through all the animation clips in the project pathsToAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:AnimationClip" ); for( int i = 0; i < pathsToAssets.Length; i++ ) BeginSearchObject( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                             ( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( pathsToAssets[i] ) ) ); // Search through all the animator controllers in the project pathsToAssets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets( "t:RuntimeAnimatorController" ); for( int i = 0; i < pathsToAssets.Length; i++ ) BeginSearchObject( AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                              ( AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath( pathsToAssets[i] ) ) ); // If a reference is found in the Project view, save the results if( currentReferenceHolder.NumberOfReferences > 0 ) searchResult.Add( currentReferenceHolder ); } // Search non-serializable variables for references only if we are currently searching a scene and the editor is in play mode if( EditorApplication.isPlaying ) searchSerializableVariablesOnly = false; foreach( string scenePath in scenesToSearch ) { // Search scene for references if( scenePath != null ) SearchScene( scenePath ); } // Search through all the GameObjects under the DontDestroyOnLoad scene (if exists) if( EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { currentReferenceHolder = new ReferenceHolder( "DontDestroyOnLoad", false ); GameObject[] rootGameObjects = GetDontDestroyOnLoadObjects().ToArray(); for( int i = 0; i < rootGameObjects.Length; i++ ) SearchGameObjectRecursively( rootGameObjects[i] ); if( currentReferenceHolder.NumberOfReferences > 0 ) searchResult.Add( currentReferenceHolder ); } // Log some c00l stuff to console Debug.Log( "Searched " + searchCount + " objects in " + ( EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - searchStartTime ).ToString( "F2" ) + " seconds" ); // Search is complete! currentPhase = Phase.Complete; } // Search a scene for references private void SearchScene( string scenePath ) { Scene scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( scenePath ); if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { // Open the scene additively (to access its objects) only if it seems to contain some references to searched object(s) if( isSearchingAsset && !AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath 
                                                               ( scenePath ).HasAnyReferenceTo( assetsSet ) ) return; scene = EditorSceneManager.OpenScene( scenePath, OpenSceneMode.Additive ); } currentReferenceHolder = new ReferenceHolder( scenePath, true ); // Search through all the GameObjects in the scene GameObject[] rootGameObjects = scene.GetRootGameObjects(); for( int i = 0; i < rootGameObjects.Length; i++ ) SearchGameObjectRecursively( rootGameObjects[i] ); // If no references are found in the scene and if the scene is not part of the initial scene setup, close it if( currentReferenceHolder.NumberOfReferences == 0 ) { if( !EditorApplication.isPlaying ) { bool sceneIsOneOfInitials = false; for( int i = 0; i < initialSceneSetup.Length; i++ ) { if( initialSceneSetup[i].path == scenePath ) { if( !initialSceneSetup[i].isLoaded ) EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( scene, false ); sceneIsOneOfInitials = true; break; } } if( !sceneIsOneOfInitials ) EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( scene, true ); } } else { // Some references are found in this scene, save the results searchResult.Add( currentReferenceHolder ); } } // Search a GameObject and its children for references recursively private void SearchGameObjectRecursively( GameObject go ) { BeginSearchObject( go ); Transform tr = go.transform; for( int i = 0; i < tr.childCount; i++ ) SearchGameObjectRecursively( tr.GetChild( i ).gameObject ); } // Begin searching a root object (like a GameObject or an asset) private void BeginSearchObject( Object obj ) { if( assetsSet.Contains( obj ) ) { // Rare case: if searched object is a scene GameObject, search its components for references // instead of completely ignoring the GameObject if( obj is GameObject ) { ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( obj ); Component[] components = ( (GameObject) obj ).GetComponents 
                                                                (); for( int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++ ) { ReferenceNode componentNode = SearchComponent( components[i] ); if( componentNode == null ) continue; if( componentNode.NumberOfOutgoingLinks > 0 ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( componentNode ); else PoolReferenceNode( componentNode ); } if( referenceNode.NumberOfOutgoingLinks > 0 ) currentReferenceHolder.AddReference( referenceNode ); else PoolReferenceNode( referenceNode ); } return; } ReferenceNode searchResult = SearchObject( obj ); if( searchResult != null ) currentReferenceHolder.AddReference( searchResult ); } // Search an object for references private ReferenceNode SearchObject( object obj ) { if( obj == null || obj.Equals( null ) ) return null; // Avoid recursion (which leads to stackoverflow exception) using a stack if( callStack.Contains( obj ) ) return null; // Hashing does not work well with structs all the time, don't cache search results for structs string objHash = null; if( !( obj is ValueType ) ) { objHash = obj.Hash(); // If object was searched before, return the cached result ReferenceNode cachedResult; if( searchedObjects.TryGetValue( objHash, out cachedResult ) ) { if( cachedResult != null ) return cachedResult; return null; } } searchCount++; ReferenceNode result; Object unityObject = obj as Object; if( unityObject != null ) { // If we hit a searched asset if( assetsSet.Contains( unityObject ) ) { result = new ReferenceNode( unityObject ); searchedObjects.Add( objHash, result ); return result; } // Search the Object in detail only if EditorUtility.CollectDependencies returns a reference if( isSearchingAsset && !unityObject.HasAnyReferenceTo( assetsSet ) ) { searchedObjects.Add( objHash, null ); return null; } callStack.Push( unityObject ); // Search the Object in detail if( unityObject is GameObject ) result = SearchGameObject( (GameObject) unityObject ); else if( unityObject is Component ) result = SearchComponent( (Component) unityObject ); else if( unityObject is Material ) result = SearchMaterial( (Material) unityObject ); else if( unityObject is RuntimeAnimatorController ) result = SearchAnimatorController( (RuntimeAnimatorController) unityObject ); else if( unityObject is AnimationClip ) result = SearchAnimationClip( (AnimationClip) unityObject ); else { result = PopReferenceNode( unityObject ); SearchFieldsAndPropertiesOf( result ); } callStack.Pop(); } else { // Comply with the recursive search limit if( currentDepth >= searchDepthLimit ) return null; callStack.Push( obj ); currentDepth++; result = PopReferenceNode( obj ); SearchFieldsAndPropertiesOf( result ); currentDepth--; callStack.Pop(); } if( result != null && result.NumberOfOutgoingLinks == 0 ) { PoolReferenceNode( result ); result = null; } // Cache the search result if we are skimming through a class (not a struct; i.e. objHash != null) // and if the object is a UnityEngine.Object (if not cache the result only if we have actually found something // or we are at the root of the search; i.e. currentDepth == 0) if( ( result != null || unityObject != null || currentDepth == 0 ) && objHash != null ) searchedObjects.Add( objHash, result ); return result; } // Search through components of this GameObject in detail private ReferenceNode SearchGameObject( GameObject go ) { ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( go ); // Check if this GameObject's prefab is one of the selected assets if( searchGameObjectReferences ) { Object prefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent( go ); if( assetsSet.Contains( prefab ) && go == PrefabUtility.FindRootGameObjectWithSameParentPrefab( go ) ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( GetReferenceNode( prefab ), "Prefab object" ); } // Search through all the components of the object Component[] components = go.GetComponents 
                                                                 (); for( int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++ ) { ReferenceNode result = SearchObject( components[i] ); if( result != null ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( result ); } return referenceNode; } // Check if the asset is used in this component private ReferenceNode SearchComponent( Component component ) { // Ignore Transform component (no object field to search for) if( component is Transform ) return null; ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( component ); if( searchMonoBehavioursForScript && component is MonoBehaviour ) { // If a searched asset is script, check if this component is an instance of it MonoScript script = MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour( (MonoBehaviour) component ); if( assetsSet.Contains( script ) ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( GetReferenceNode( script ) ); } if( searchRenderers && component is Renderer ) { // If an asset is a shader, texture or material, and this component is a Renderer, // search it for references Material[] materials = ( (Renderer) component ).sharedMaterials; for( int j = 0; j < materials.Length; j++ ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( materials[j] ) ); } if( component is Animation ) { // If this component is an Animation, search its animation clips for references foreach( AnimationState anim in (Animation) component ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( anim.clip ) ); } if( component is Animator ) { // If this component is an Animator, search its animation clips for references referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( ( (Animator) component ).runtimeAnimatorController ) ); } SearchFieldsAndPropertiesOf( referenceNode ); return referenceNode; } // Check if the asset is used in this material private ReferenceNode SearchMaterial( Material material ) { ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( material ); if( searchMaterialsForShader && assetsSet.Contains( material.shader ) ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( GetReferenceNode( material.shader ), "Shader" ); if( searchMaterialsForTexture ) { // Search through all the textures attached to this material // Credit: http://answers.unity3d.com/answers/1116025/view.html Shader shader = material.shader; int shaderPropertyCount = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyCount( shader ); for( int k = 0; k < shaderPropertyCount; k++ ) { if( ShaderUtil.GetPropertyType( shader, k ) == ShaderUtil.ShaderPropertyType.TexEnv ) { string propertyName = ShaderUtil.GetPropertyName( shader, k ); Texture assignedTexture = material.GetTexture( propertyName ); if( assetsSet.Contains( assignedTexture ) ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( GetReferenceNode( assignedTexture ), "Shader property: " + propertyName ); } } } return referenceNode; } // Check if the asset is used in this animator controller private ReferenceNode SearchAnimatorController( RuntimeAnimatorController controller ) { ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( controller ); AnimationClip[] animClips = controller.animationClips; for( int j = 0; j < animClips.Length; j++ ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( animClips[j] ) ); return referenceNode; } // Check if the asset is used in this animation clip (and its keyframes) private ReferenceNode SearchAnimationClip( AnimationClip clip ) { ReferenceNode referenceNode = PopReferenceNode( clip ); // Get all curves from animation clip EditorCurveBinding[] objectCurves = AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurveBindings( clip ); for( int i = 0; i < objectCurves.Length; i++ ) { // Search through all the keyframes in this curve ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyframes = AnimationUtility.GetObjectReferenceCurve( clip, objectCurves[i] ); for( int j = 0; j < keyframes.Length; j++ ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( keyframes[j].value ), "Keyframe: " + keyframes[j].time ); } return referenceNode; } // Search through field and properties of an object for references private void SearchFieldsAndPropertiesOf( ReferenceNode referenceNode ) { // Get filtered variables for this object VariableGetterHolder[] variables = GetFilteredVariablesForType( referenceNode.nodeObject.GetType() ); for( int i = 0; i < variables.Length; i++ ) { // When possible, don't search non-serializable variables if( searchSerializableVariablesOnly && !variables[i].isSerializable ) continue; try { object variableValue = variables[i].Get( referenceNode.nodeObject ); if( variableValue == null ) continue; if( !( variableValue is IEnumerable ) || variableValue is Transform ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( variableValue ), ( variables[i].isProperty ? "Property: " : "Variable: " ) + variables[i].name ); else { // If the field is IEnumerable (possibly an array or collection), search through members of it // Note that Transform IEnumerable (children of the transform) is not iterated foreach( object arrayItem in (IEnumerable) variableValue ) referenceNode.AddLinkTo( SearchObject( arrayItem ), ( variables[i].isProperty ? "Property (IEnumerable): " : "Variable (IEnumerable): " ) + variables[i].name ); } } catch( UnassignedReferenceException ) { } catch( MissingReferenceException ) { } } } // Get filtered variables for a type private VariableGetterHolder[] GetFilteredVariablesForType( Type type ) { VariableGetterHolder[] result; if( typeToVariables.TryGetValue( type, out result ) ) return result; // This is the first time this type of object is seen, filter and cache its variables // Variable filtering process: // 1- skip Obsolete variables // 2- skip primitive types, enums and strings // 3- skip common Unity types that can't hold any references (e.g. Vector3, Rect, Color, Quaternion) validVariables.Clear(); // Filter the fields if( fieldModifiers != BindingFlags.Instance ) { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields( fieldModifiers ); for( int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++ ) { // Skip obsolete fields if( Attribute.IsDefined( fields[i], typeof( ObsoleteAttribute ) ) ) continue; // Skip primitive types Type fieldType = fields[i].FieldType; if( fieldType.IsPrimitive || fieldType == typeof( string ) || fieldType.IsEnum ) continue; if( experimentalMethod ) { if( !IsTypeSearchable( fieldType ) ) continue; } else if( fieldType.IsPrimitiveUnityType() ) continue; VariableGetVal getter = fields[i].CreateGetter( type ); if( getter != null ) validVariables.Add( new VariableGetterHolder( fields[i], getter, fields[i].IsSerializable() ) ); } } if( propertyModifiers != BindingFlags.Instance ) { PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties( propertyModifiers ); for( int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++ ) { // Skip obsolete properties if( Attribute.IsDefined( properties[i], typeof( ObsoleteAttribute ) ) ) continue; // Skip primitive types Type propertyType = properties[i].PropertyType; if( propertyType.IsPrimitive || propertyType == typeof( string ) || propertyType.IsEnum ) continue; if( experimentalMethod ) { if( !IsTypeSearchable( propertyType ) ) continue; } else if( propertyType.IsPrimitiveUnityType() ) continue; // Additional filtering for properties: // 1- Ignore "gameObject", "transform", "rectTransform" and "attachedRigidbody" properties of Component's to get more useful results // 2- Ignore "canvasRenderer" and "canvas" properties of Graphic components // 3 & 4- Prevent accessing properties of Unity that instantiate an existing resource (causing leak) string propertyName = properties[i].Name; if( type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Component ) ) && ( propertyName.Equals( "gameObject" ) || propertyName.Equals( "transform" ) || propertyName.Equals( "attachedRigidbody" ) || propertyName.Equals( "rectTransform" ) ) ) continue; else if( type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( UnityEngine.UI.Graphic ) ) && ( propertyName.Equals( "canvasRenderer" ) || propertyName.Equals( "canvas" ) ) ) continue; else if( propertyName.Equals( "mesh" ) && type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( MeshFilter ) ) ) continue; else if( ( propertyName.Equals( "material" ) || propertyName.Equals( "materials" ) ) && ( type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Renderer ) ) || type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Collider ) ) || type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Collider2D ) ) || type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( GUIText ) ) ) ) continue; else { VariableGetVal getter = properties[i].CreateGetter(); if( getter != null ) validVariables.Add( new VariableGetterHolder( properties[i], getter, properties[i].IsSerializable() ) ); } } } result = validVariables.ToArray(); // Cache the filtered fields typeToVariables.Add( type, result ); return result; } // Check if this type can possibly contain references to the searched asset(s) private bool IsTypeSearchable( Type type, int depth = 0 ) { if( type.IsPrimitive || type == typeof( string ) ) return false; if( searchedTypesStack.Contains( type ) ) return false; bool result; if( searchableTypes.TryGetValue( type, out result ) ) return result; if( type == typeof( GameObject ) || type == typeof( AnimationClip ) || type == typeof( Animation ) || type == typeof( Animator ) || type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( RuntimeAnimatorController ) ) || ( ( searchMaterialsForShader || searchMaterialsForTexture ) && type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Material ) ) ) || ( searchRenderers && type.IsDerivedFrom( typeof( Renderer ) ) ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } for( int i = 0; i < assetClasses.Length; i++ ) { if( assetClasses[i].IsDerivedFrom( type ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } } if( type.IsArray ) { if( IsTypeSearchable( type.GetElementType(), depth ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } } if( type.IsGenericType ) { Type[] generics = type.GetGenericArguments(); for( int i = 0; i < generics.Length; i++ ) { if( IsTypeSearchable( generics[i], depth ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } } } if( depth < searchDepthLimit ) { try { searchedTypesStack.Push( type ); HashSet 
                                                                  searchedVariableTypes = new HashSet 
                                                                   (); FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields( fieldModifiers ); for( int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++ ) { Type fieldType = fields[i].FieldType; if( searchedVariableTypes.Contains( fieldType ) ) continue; searchedVariableTypes.Add( fieldType ); if( IsTypeSearchable( fieldType, depth + 1 ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } } PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties( propertyModifiers ); for( int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++ ) { Type propertyType = properties[i].PropertyType; if( searchedVariableTypes.Contains( propertyType ) ) continue; if( properties[i].GetIndexParameters().Length == 0 && properties[i].GetGetMethod( ( propertyModifiers & BindingFlags.NonPublic ) == BindingFlags.NonPublic ) != null ) { searchedVariableTypes.Add( propertyType ); if( IsTypeSearchable( properties[i].PropertyType, depth + 1 ) ) { searchableTypes.Add( type, true ); return true; } } } } finally { searchedTypesStack.Pop(); } } if( depth == 0 ) searchableTypes.Add( type, false ); return false; } // Get reference node for object private ReferenceNode GetReferenceNode( object nodeObject, string hash = null ) { if( hash == null ) hash = nodeObject.Hash(); ReferenceNode result; if( !searchedObjects.TryGetValue( hash, out result ) || result == null ) { result = PopReferenceNode( nodeObject ); searchedObjects[hash] = result; } return result; } // Fetch a reference node from pool private ReferenceNode PopReferenceNode( object nodeObject ) { if( nodesPool.Count == 0 ) { for( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) nodesPool.Add( new ReferenceNode() ); } int index = nodesPool.Count - 1; ReferenceNode node = nodesPool[index]; node.nodeObject = nodeObject; nodesPool.RemoveAt( index ); return node; } // Pool a reference node private void PoolReferenceNode( ReferenceNode node ) { node.Clear(); nodesPool.Add( node ); } // Retrieve the game objects listed under the DontDestroyOnLoad scene private List 
                                                                    GetDontDestroyOnLoadObjects() { List 
                                                                     result = new List 
                                                                      (); List 
                                                                       rootGameObjectsExceptDontDestroyOnLoad = new List 
                                                                        (); for( int i = 0; i < SceneManager.sceneCount; i++ ) { rootGameObjectsExceptDontDestroyOnLoad.AddRange( SceneManager.GetSceneAt( i ).GetRootGameObjects() ); } List 
                                                                         rootGameObjects = new List 
                                                                          (); Transform[] allTransforms = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll 
                                                                           (); for( int i = 0; i < allTransforms.Length; i++ ) { Transform root = allTransforms[i].root; if( root.hideFlags == HideFlags.None && !rootGameObjects.Contains( root.gameObject ) ) { rootGameObjects.Add( root.gameObject ); } } for( int i = 0; i < rootGameObjects.Count; i++ ) { if( !rootGameObjectsExceptDontDestroyOnLoad.Contains( rootGameObjects[i] ) ) result.Add( rootGameObjects[i] ); } return result; } // Check if all open scenes are saved (not dirty) private bool AreScenesSaved() { for( int i = 0; i < EditorSceneManager.loadedSceneCount; i++ ) { Scene scene = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneAt( i ); if( scene.isDirty || scene.path == null || scene.path.Length == 0 ) return false; } return true; } // Close the scenes that were not part of the initial scene setup private bool RestoreInitialSceneSetup() { if( EditorApplication.isPlaying || initialSceneSetup == null ) return true; if( !EditorSceneManager.SaveCurrentModifiedScenesIfUserWantsTo() ) return false; SceneSetup[] sceneFinalSetup = EditorSceneManager.GetSceneManagerSetup(); for( int i = 0; i < sceneFinalSetup.Length; i++ ) { bool sceneIsOneOfInitials = false; for( int j = 0; j < initialSceneSetup.Length; j++ ) { if( sceneFinalSetup[i].path == initialSceneSetup[j].path ) { sceneIsOneOfInitials = true; break; } } if( !sceneIsOneOfInitials ) EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( sceneFinalSetup[i].path ), true ); } for( int i = 0; i < initialSceneSetup.Length; i++ ) { if( !initialSceneSetup[i].isLoaded ) EditorSceneManager.CloseScene( EditorSceneManager.GetSceneByPath( initialSceneSetup[i].path ), false ); } return true; } } } 




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


