The Alpha Dash of Team Witness Paradox form 11.30-12.01

Which course does this assignment belong toEE308
Where are the requirements for this assignment?Requirement of this project
Team NameWitness Paradox
Reference documentsCSDN, 《构建之法》

This is a blog about the day5 of Alpha Dash of Team witness Paradox.

①.Teamwork description

Team leader:Teng Junyi(832101329)

1.The progress from yesterday to now:After the last confirmation of each member’s task, the project officially enters the testing phase, participates in testing and reports bugs

2.Existing problems/difficulties encountered: Whether testing bugs and problems encountered can be successfully resolved

3.Arrangement from now to tomorrow:Ready to proceed to the final testing and feedback phase

4.Experience:T hanks for everyone’s hard work, we will succeed!

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Wei Mingjiang(832101330)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Improving the total scene

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: it is complex to do something with uv and make some textures.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: render the scene

4.Experience and feelings: it is fun to making the scene.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Yao Shutong(832101322)

1.Progress: Polished UI, implemented scoring and level progression, conducted final testing and bug fixing.

2.Problems: Transition between levels, optimizing for different platforms.

3.Schedule: Finalize documentation, prepare for release, create promotional materials, gather feedback.

4.Feelings: Satisfying finalization, excited for release and future improvements.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member Deng Hongyu (832101302)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Applied the learned advanced PowerPoint techniques in a real project, especially in animations and data presentation.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Encountered challenges in integrating multiple advanced features into a complete PowerPoint, particularly with layout and design.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Plan to review and improve the completed PowerPoint, especially from a design and user experience perspective.

4.Experience and feelings: Felt significant progress in PowerPoint creation, feeling confident about future projects.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Zhu Rundong(832101304)

1.Progress from yesterday to now:
Yesterday, I started learning Unity and focused on basic scripting. Today, I continued my learning journey by exploring more advanced scripting concepts, such as object-oriented programming and using scripts to control game logic. I have completed 85% of the assigned tasks.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered:
I encountered some difficulties understanding object-oriented programming concepts and how to properly structure my scripts. However, with additional practice and studying examples, I was able to overcome these challenges.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow:
For the rest of today, I plan to practice writing scripts in Unity and work on a small game project that involves player movement and interaction. Tomorrow, I will finalize the game project and add additional features if time permits.

4.Experience and feelings:
Learning Unity’s scripting capabilities has been both challenging and rewarding. I have gained a deeper understanding of how to control game behavior through code. Although I faced some difficulties, the sense of accomplishment when my scripts started working correctly was incredible.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member: Lei Wutong(832101327)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Finish the blog of Alpha Dash of Day4 and Day5

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Not yet,everything is under control

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Wait more information to finish other blogs, and participate in the discussion of software.

4.Experience and feelings: Our teamwork is excellent

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Yang Xiao(832101309)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: improve the tutorial screen production of the opening page, 2.and optimize the interface page

3.Problems/difficulties encountered: Puzzle design could be more innovative

4.Experience: To make a perfect game needs precise planning, hard work results are not necessarily good

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Wang Xuebin(832101301)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: I have completed this part of work and learned related knowledge of the project through active communication with my teammates.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: The content is relatively complex, there are many kinds of information to identify and select, and time is limited.

3.Plan from now until tomorrow: Replacements, root teams are needed to fill staff gaps

4.Lesson: Teammates are still working really hard and great, they really worth their strives.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Lai Binyu(832101326)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Finish the final game level design.

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: Work hard with teammates to complete the game level design, but it needs to be combined with the realization ability to complete, not only consider the fun of the game, but also consider many comprehensive factors.

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Later, the content of the level will be changed according to the process implemented by other teammates.

4.Experience and feelings: In teamwork, efficiency will be improved. Everyone has their own advantages, which also play a great advantage in the team cooperation, so that I can have more directions to choose before I have no clue. The final work is not good as expected, but the result of our joint efforts.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Lu Weitao(832101303)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: designed and completed the tutorial interface, the Start interface and the end interface

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: The interface design is complicated and the workload is large

3.Experience: Very energy consuming

Team Member: Sun Jiahong(832101306)

1.Progress from yesterday to now:Summarize and improve game projects, assist in the completion of ppt, and prepare speeches

2.Existing problems: no problem

3.Arrangements from now to tomorrow: Continue to summarize and understand the progress of each member’s tasks.

4.Experience: In order to report the results, I need to do a lot of preparation, which is what I should do.

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team member Chen Xuqi(832101314)

1.Process from yesterday to now: Completed the gameExisting

2.problems/difficulties encountered: Bugs encountered during game operation

3.Schedule from now to tomorrow: Improve game details

4.Experience: Playing games still requires a lot of time and energy investment

5.Screenshot of completed results:

Team Member: Li Xingda(832101308)

1.Progress from yesterday to now: Continue to improve the content of the game

2.Problems/difficulties encountered: The story of the game has not yet been written

3.Schedule from now until tomorrow: Learn the basic writing methods and requirements of game stories, and learn other people’s game stories

4.Experience and feelings: The story of the game can give the player a better sense of immersion

5.Screenshot of completed results:

②.Current project progress

  1. Test coverage:
    This test, from the perspective of both users and developers, tested the entire process of playing the game, covering the scope and depth of all key features and scenarios.

  2. Defect discovery and resolution: Some problems and defects were found during the test, such as camera Angle penetration, bugs in the game process, character touch logic problems, and so on. This shows the importance of testing, and we have communicated to the developers that code changes need to be redone.

  3. Effect of automated testing: The effect and benefits of automated testing are not high, because we are not familiar with the script writing of unityframwork, including the improvement of test efficiency and accuracy.

  4. User experience and quality: The user’s experience needs to be strengthened, the interactivity and playability are high, the decryption difficulty is reasonable, but the game process is too short.

  5. Test work improvement: test work can try more manual testing, automated testing is not conducive to the testing of this type of game. Timely recording and feedback: During testing, if problems or anomalies are found, they should be recorded and reported to the development team. Detailed descriptions of problem symptoms, recurrence steps, and environmental information help developers quickly locate and fix problems.

Through the arrangement and execution of the above test plan, we have comprehensively tested our puzzle game and improved the quality of the game and the user experience.

③.Project burn out diagram


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