Pole location vs. Tran behavior


The location of the poles in the s-plane therefore define the n components in the homogeneous response as described below:

1. A real pole pi = −σ in the left-half of the s-plane defines an exponentially decaying component , Ce−σt, in the homogeneous response. The rate of the decay is determined by the pole location; poles far from the origin in the left-half plane correspond to components that decay rapidly, while poles near the origin correspond to slowly decaying components.

2. A pole at the origin pi = 0 defines a component that is constant in amplitude and defined by the initial conditions.

3. A real pole in the right-half plane corresponds to an exponentially increasing component Ceσt in the homogeneous response; thus defining the system to be unstable.

4. A complex conjugate pole pair σ ± jω in the left-half of the s-plane combine to generate a response component that is a decaying sinusoid of the form Ae−σt sin (ωt + φ) where A and φ are determined by the initial conditions. The rate of decay is specified by σ; the frequency of oscillation is determined by ω.

5. An imaginary pole pair, that is a pole pair lying on the imaginary axis, ±jω generates an oscillatory component with a constant amplitude determined by the initial conditions.

6. A complex pole pair in the right half plane generates an exponentially increasing component. These results are summarized in Fig. 2.


If the open loop T(s) contains no RHP poles, the close loop 1/(1+T) and T/(1+T) contain no RHP poles when PM >0.

If T contains RH poles, the PM test cannot be used. (the original OL system is unstable)

请优化下面的代码:import turtle # 控制台显示部分 print("Hanoi Tower Game") # 获取用户输入 n = int(input("请输入盘子的个数:")) # 初始化三个柱子 a = list(range(n, 0, -1)) b, c = [], [] # 定义移动函数 def move(n, source, target, auxiliary): if n > 0: # 移动 n-1 个盘子到辅助柱子 move(n-1, source, auxiliary, target) # 将最大的盘子移动到目标柱子 target.append(source.pop()) # 显示移动过程 print("Move disk", n, "from", source, "to", target) # 移动 n-1 个盘子从辅助柱子到目标柱子 move(n-1, auxiliary, target, source) # 开始移动 move(n, a, c, b) # turtle部分 screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(600, 600) screen.bgcolor("white") # 绘制柱子 pole1 = turtle.Turtle() pole1.hideturtle() pole1.speed(0) pole1.penup() pole1.goto(-150, -200) pole1.pendown() pole1.width(5) pole1.color("black") pole1.left(90) pole1.forward(400) pole2 = pole1.clone() pole2.penup() pole2.goto(0, -200) pole2.pendown() pole2.forward(400) pole3 = pole1.clone() pole3.penup() pole3.goto(150, -200) pole3.pendown() pole3.forward(400) # 绘制盘子 colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple", "orange"] turtles = [] for i in range(n): t = turtle.Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.shape("square") t.color(colors[i%6]) t.shapesize(1, (n-i)*2, 1) t.penup() t.goto(-150, -200+(i+1)*20) t.pendown() turtles.append(t) # 移动盘子 def move_turtle(disk, source, target): disk.penup() disk.goto(source, 200) disk.pendown() disk.goto(target, 200) disk.goto(target, -200+len(target)*20) # 开始移动 for i in range(2**n-1): disk = turtles[a.index(n-i)] move_turtle(disk, disk.xcor(), -150) a.remove(n-i) b.append(n-i) disk_index = a.index(n-i-1) if (n-i-1) in a else b.index(n-i-1) disk = turtles[disk_index] move_turtle(disk, disk.xcor(), pole_positions[disk_index]) if (n-i-1) in a: a.remove(n-i-1) else: b.remove(n-i-1) c.append(n-i-1) disk_index = a.index(n-i) if (n-i) in a else b.index(n-i) disk = turtles[disk_index] move_turtle(disk, disk.xcor(), pole_positions[disk_index]) if (n-i) in a: a.remove(n-i) else: b.remove(n-i) c.append(n-i) # 等待用户关闭窗口 screen.mainloop()
优化建议如下: 1. 可以将代码封装成函数,从而提高代码的可重用性和可读性。 2. 可以使用字典来存储柱子的位置,从而避免重复代码。 3. 可以使用 turtle.tracer() 函数来关闭动画效果,从而提高绘制速度。 4. 可以使用 turtle.clear() 函数来清除绘制的盘子,从而避免重复绘制。 重构后的代码如下: ```python import turtle def draw_pole(x, y): pole = turtle.Turtle() pole.hideturtle() pole.speed(0) pole.penup() pole.goto(x, y) pole.pendown() pole.width(5) pole.color("black") pole.left(90) pole.forward(400) return pole def draw_disk(x, y, size, color): disk = turtle.Turtle() disk.hideturtle() disk.shape("square") disk.color(color) disk.shapesize(1, size*2, 1) disk.penup() disk.goto(x, y) disk.pendown() return disk def move_turtle(disk, source, target): disk.penup() disk.goto(source, 200) disk.pendown() disk.goto(target, 200) disk.goto(target, -200+len(target)*20) def move(n, source, target, auxiliary, poles): if n > 0: move(n-1, source, auxiliary, target, poles) target.append(source.pop()) disk_index = poles[source][-1] move_turtle(disk_index, disk_index.xcor(), poles[target][0]) poles[target].insert(0, poles[source].pop()) move(n-1, auxiliary, target, source, poles) def hanoi(n): a = list(range(n, 0, -1)) b, c = [], [] poles = {'a': [], 'b': [], 'c': []} poles['a'] = [draw_disk(-150, -200+(i+1)*20, n-i, colors[i%6]) for i in range(n)] pole1 = draw_pole(-150, -200) pole2 = draw_pole(0, -200) pole3 = draw_pole(150, -200) turtle.tracer(False) move(n, a, c, b, poles) turtle.clear() if __name__ == "__main__": print("Hanoi Tower Game") n = int(input("请输入盘子的个数:")) colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple", "orange"] hanoi(n) turtle.mainloop() ```




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