HM-3400: Create Connectors(HM-3400:创建连接器)

HM-3400: Create Connectors(HM-3400:创建连接器)

In this tutorial you will learn how to weld two front trusses by creating connectorsbetween geometry surfaces at pre-defined weld points.(在本教程中,您将学习如何通过在预定义的焊接点创建几何表面之间的连接器来焊接两个前桁架)

You will learn how to:?Weld the two front trusses to each other by creating connectors at pre-definedweld points
?Weld the two front trusses to the reinforcement plate by creating connectorsbetween shell elements
?Weld the right rails to each other and to the front trusses by creatingconnectors from a master connectors file
?Update weld type of Nastran/OptiStruct ACM (area contact method) welds, which alreadyconnect the rear trusses to each other, by first creating connectors from thesewelds and then realizing the connectors into two-noded weld elements

This exercise uses the file, which can be found inthe file. Copy the file from this directory to your workingdirectory.



更新Nastran/OptiStruct ACM(区域接触法)焊缝的焊接类型,这些焊缝已经连接了后面的桁架,首先从这些焊缝中创建连接器,然后将连接器实现为两个节点的焊接元素

本练习使用frame_assembly。可以在Hm .zip文件中找到。将该文件从此目录复制到您的工作目录。)

Step 1. Open the Model File

In this step you will open and view the model file.

  1. Start HyperMesh Desktop.

  2. In the User Profile dialog, select OptiStruct.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Open a model file by clicking File > Open > Model from the menu bar, or click on the Standard toolbar.

  5. In the Open Model dialog, open the file.
    A model appears in the graphics area.

  6. On the Visualization toolbar, click toshade your model’s geometry and surface edges.

  7. Observe the model using various visualization options available, such asrotation and zooming.

step 2. Display Only the Assembly

In this step you will display only the assembly assem_1 forelements and geometry.

  1. In the Model Browser, click (Model View).
  2. Expand the Assembly Hierarchy folder andsub-folders.
  3. Set the entity selection to (Elements and Geometry).

Note: This options turns on/off both elements and geometry when you performright-click operations in the Model Browser.(注意:当您在Model Browser中执行右键操作时,此选项将打开/关闭元素和几何图形)

  1. Right-click on assem_1 and select Isolate from the context menu.
    The components that are in the assem_1 assemblyare displayed.

Step 3. Load the Connector Browser(步骤3。加载连接器浏览器)

In this step you will load the Connector Browser.

  1. Open the Connector Browser by clicking View > Browsers > HyperMesh > Connector from the menu bar.
  2. Review the layout of the Connector Browser. Currently,there are no components or connectors listed because there are no connectors inthe model.

Note: Use the Connector Browser to view and manageconnectors. The top portion of the browser is referred to as the Link EntityBrowser, and it displays information about linked entities. The middleportion is referred to as the Connector Entity Browser, and it contains alist of the connectors in your model. The bottom portion of the browser isreferred to as the Connector Entity Editor, and it displays attributesassigned to the connector(s) selected in the Connector Entity Browser. Theconnectors are grouped based on their connection type.(注意:使用连接器浏览器来查看和管理连接器。浏览器的顶部被称为Link EntityBrowser,它显示有关链接实体的信息。中间部分称为连接器实体浏览器,它包含模型中的连接器列表。浏览器的底部被称为连接器实体编辑器,它显示分配给在连接器实体浏览器中选择的连接器的属性。连接器根据其连接类型进行分组。)

Step 4. Create Welds between Geometry(创建几何之间的焊接)

In this step you will create welds between geometry for the two front trusses at thepre-defined weld points.(在这一步中,您将在预定义的焊接点为两个前桁架几何之间创建焊接。)

Connectors can be created automatically or manually. The automatic approach createsand realizes connectors automatically. The manual approach allows you to create andrealize connectors manually. Realization is the process in which the connectorcreates the weld entity.

Use the Spot, Bolt, Seam, and Area panels to create connectors automatically withinthe Connector Browser, and use the create and realize subpanelsto create connectors manually.


  1. Verify that the current component is Con_Frt_Truss.

Note: The current component is always boldfaced in the Model Browser, Component folder.(注意:在“模型浏览器组件”文件夹中,当前组件总是加粗。)

Figure 3.
2. Open the Spot panel by right-clicking in the Connector Entity Browser andselecting Create > Spot from the context menu.
3. Go to the spot subpanel.
4. Set the location selector to points.
5. Select the six pre-defined weld points by clicking points >> bycollector.
6. Select the component Con_Frt_Truss.

  1. Click select.
  2. Set the connect what selector to comps.
  3. Click comps.
  4. Select the component Front_Truss_1 and Front_Truss_2.
  5. Click select.
  6. In the tolerance= field, type 5.

Note: The connector will connect any selected entities within thisdistance.

  1. Click type= and select weld.

  2. Under connect what, switch the toggle from elems to geom.

  3. Click create.
    HyperMesh automatically creates and realizessix connectors (Status bar reads, “6 spot connectors created, 6 realized.”), andorganizes them as geometry (not elements) in the current component collector,Con_Frt_Truss.
    Note: Green connectors indicate that the creation of the weldentity was successful.
    There are four states of connectors: realized(green ), unrealized (yellow ), failed (red ), and modified (blue ).If connectors were created manually, the color of the connectors changesfrom yellow to green, which indicates that they are realized into weldelements. As mentioned above, if you create connectors automaticallythey will be green immediately as there is no interim unrealized(yellow) state.

HyperMesh also adds fixedpoints to the surfaces at the ends of the weld elements to guaranteeconnectivity between the weld elements and the shell mesh that will becreated on the surfaces.



16. Click return.

Step 5. Review the Connector Browser(第5步。检查连接器浏览器)

In this step you will review the Connector Browser.(在这一步中,您将检查连接器浏览器)

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, expand the RBARfolder.

Note: The RBAR folder contains the six connectors that you just created. HyperMesh grouped all of them under RBARbecause that is the type of connector created. Notice the IDs of theconnectors in the Entities column, the Links of the connectors, and the State of the connectors. You may need to increasethe size of the tab area to see the State column.(注意:RBAR文件夹包含您刚刚创建的6个连接器。HyperMesh将它们都分组在rbar下,因为这是创建的连接器类型。注意实体列中的连接器id、连接器的链接和连接器的状态。您可能需要增大选项卡区域的大小以查看State列。)

  1. In the Link Entity Browser, right-click on Front_Truss_1and select Find from the context menu.
    The component is isolated in the graphics area and highlights the sixconnectors in the Connector Entity Browser to indicate that these connectorshave Front_Truss_1 as a link.

  2. Right-click on Front_Truss_1 and select FindAttached from the context menu.
    HyperMesh finds the components that areattached to Front_Truss_1 through the connectors.
    Note: Front_Truss_1 andFront_Truss_2 are now both highlighted in the Link Entity Browser, whichindicates that they are displayed in the graphics area.

Step 6. Create a Shell Mesh(建立一个面网格)

In this step you will create a shell mesh on the two front truss components.

  1. Open the AutoMesh panel by pressing F12.

  2. Go to the size and bias subpanel.

  3. Set the mesh mode to automatic. It may currently be set to interactive.

  4. Set the entity selector to surfs.

  5. Click surfs >> displayed.

  6. In the elem size= field type 10.

  7. Set the mesh type to mixed.

  8. Set the elems to surf comp/elems to current comp toggle to elems to surf comp.

  9. Click mesh.
    The surface is meshed.

  10. Zoom into the area with a connector and note how the fixed point created fromthe weld has ensured that the mesh seeding passes through the weld.

  11. Click return.

Step 7. Display Only the Assembly

In this step you will display only the assembly assem_2 for elements andgeometry.

  1. In the Model Browser, set the entity selection to (Elements and Geometry).
  2. Right-click on assem_2 and select Isolate from the context menu.

Step 8. Create Connectors(步骤8。创建连接器)

In this step you will create connectors between the shell mesh of the front trussesand the reinforcement plate at pre-defined points.(在这一步中,您将在前面桁架的外壳网格和钢筋板之间的预定义点创建连接器。)

  1. In the Model Browser, Componentfolder, right-click on Con_Truss_Plate and select Make Current from the context menu.

  2. Open the Spot panel.

  3. Go to the create subpanel.

  4. Set the location selector to points.

  5. Click points >> by collector.

  6. Select the component ==Con_Truss_Plate. ==

  7. Click select.

  8. Set the connect what selector to comps.

  9. Click comps.

  10. Select the components: Front_Truss_1, Front_Truss_2, and Reinf_Plate.

  11. Click select.

  12. Under connect what, switch the toggle from geom to elems.

  13. Set the num layers to total2.

  14. Set connect when to now. (14. 设置连接时间为现在。)

  15. Click create.
    HyperMesh creates eight spot connectors withcomp links (Status bar reads “8 spot connectors created with comps links.”) atthe selected weld points, and organizes them into the current componentcollector, Con_Truss_Plate.(HyperMesh在选定的焊接点上创建了8个带有compp链接的点连接器(状态栏显示为“8个带有comps链接的点连接器”),并将它们组织到当前组件收集器Con_Truss_Plate中。)

  16. In the Connector Entity Browser, expand the undefined folder.

Note: The connectors in this folder are colored yellow, which indicates thatthey are unrealized.(注意:此文件夹中的连接器是黄色的,这表示它们未实现。)

Step 9. Realize the Connectors(第9步。实现连接器)

In this step you will realize the undefined, unrealized connectors and assign them a connector type.(在这一步中,您将实现未定义的、未实现的连接器,并为它们分配连接器类型。)

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, select the following unrealized connectors: 7,8, 11 and 12. These connectors are displayed along the top of the Reinf_Platecomponent.

  2. In the Entity Editor: a. Set Config Name to weld.
    b. For Tolerance, type 7.
    c. Set Connectivity to mesh dependent.
    d. Set Adjust Option to adjust realization.
    e. Set Adjust Realization to project and findnodes.

Note: When this option is active, the nodes will be equivalenced if therealized finite element of the connector is coincident to a node ofthe shell mesh it is being connected to. If there are no suitablenodes present, the closest node of the element the projection islanding is connected.

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the selected connectors andselect Rerealize from the context menu. The selectedconnectors realize into the weld elements.

Note: The mesh has not been remeshed to connect the two components.

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, select the four remaining unrealizedconnectors (9, 10, 13 and 14). These connectors are displayed along the bottomof the Reinf_Plate component.

  2. In the Entity Editor: a. Set Config Name to weld.
    b. For Tolerance, type 7.
    c. Set Connectivity to mesh dependant.
    d. Set Adjust Option to adjust mesh.
    e. Set Adjust mesh to remesh.

  3. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the unrealized connectors andselect Rerealize from the context menu.
    HyperMesh realizes the selected connectorsand remeshes the mesh to connect the two components

Step 10. Display Only the Assembly(第10步。只显示装配)

In this step you will display only the assembly assem_3 for elements andgeometry.(在此步骤中,您将只显示元素和几何图形的程序集assem_3。)

  1. In the Model Browser, set the entity selection to (Elements and Geometry).
  2. On the Visualization toolbar, click to shade your model’s elements and meshlines.
  3. Right-click on assem_3 and select Isolate from the context menu.

Step 11. Create Connectors by Importing Master Connectors File(在这一步中,您将创建连接器,通过导入主连接器文件来连接正确的轨道彼此和前面的桁架)

In this step you will create connectors to connect the right rails to each other andto the front trusses by importing a master connectors file.

  1. From the menu bar, click File > Import > Connectors.
  2. In the Import tab, click in the File field.
  3. In the Select connector file dialog, open the rails_frt_truss.mwf file.
  4. Click Import.
    HyperMesh imports connectors and organizesthem into a new component, CE_Locations.
    Note: It will take a few seconds toimport the connectors(HyperMesh导入连接器并将它们组织到一个新的组件CE_Locations中。注意:导入连接器需要几秒钟的时间)

step 12. Realize the Connectors into Weld Elements(在这一步中,您将把组件CE_Locations中的连接器实现到焊接元素中。)

In this step you will realize the connectors in the component CE_Locations into weldelements.

  1. In the Model Browser, Component folder, right-click on CE_Locations and select MakeCurrent from the context menu.

  2. In the Connector Entity Browser, click the undefinedfolder.
    The Entity Editor opens and displays theundefined connector’s corresponding data.(2. 在连接器实体浏览器中,单击未定义文件夹。实体编辑器打开并显示未定义连接器的相应数据。)

  3. In the Entity Editor: a. Set Config Name to Weld.
    b. For Tolerance, type 7.
    c. Set Connectivity to mesh dependent.
    d. Set Adjust Option to adjust realization.
    e. Set Adjust Realization to project and find nodes.

  4. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the selected connectors andselect Rerealize from the context menu. (4. 在连接器实体浏览器中,右键单击所选连接器,并从上下文菜单中选择重新实现。)

Step 13. Display Only the Assembly

In this step you will display only the assembly assem_4 for elements andgeometry.

  1. In the Model Browser, set the entity selection to (Elements and Geometry).
  2. Right-click on assem_4 and select Isolate from the context menu.

Step 14. Create a New Component Collector(步骤14。创建一个新的组件收集器)

In this step you will create a new component collector to hold newconnectors.(在这一步中,您将创建一个新的组件收集器来保存新的连接器。)

  1. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Create Component from the context menu.
    A component is created and opened in the Entity Editor.
    Note: HyperMeshmakes this new component the current component.(注意:hypermesh使这个新组件成为当前组件。)
  2. For Name, type CE_Locations_Dup.
  3. Click the Color icon and select a color.

Step 15. Duplicate Connectors(15.复制连接器)

In this step you will duplicate the connectors created from the master connectorsfile and reflect them.(在此步骤中,您将复制从主连接器文件创建的连接器并反映它们)

  1. In the Model Browser, Componentfolder, right-click on CE_Locations and select Show from the context menu.

  2. Open the Reflect panel by clicking Connectors > Reflect > Connectors from the menu bar.

  3. Set the entity selector to connectors.

  4. Click connectors >> by collector.

  5. Select CE_Locations.

  6. Click select.

  7. Click connectors >> duplicate >> current comp.
    HyperMesh duplicates the displays of theconnectors and organizes them into the current component, CE_Locations_Dup.

  8. Set the orientation selector to x-axis. This is the axisnormal to the plane of interest.

  9. Specify a base node to reflect about by double-clicking B.

  10. Click x=.
    HyperMesh activates the x=, y=, and z= fields.
    Note: Their values are all 0.000 bydefault, which is the base point you want to reflectabout.

  11. Return to the reflect panel by clicking return.

  12. Click reflect.
    The connectors are reflected.

  13. Click return.
    The connectors are yellow, which indicates that they areunrealized.

Step 16. Update the Connectors(步骤16。更新连接器)

In this step you will update the connectors for the left rails and link them to theleft rail components(在这个步骤中,您将更新左轨道的连接器,并将它们链接到左轨道组件。).

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, expand the RBAR folder.

  2. Sort the connectors by their state by clicking State.
    HyperMesh organizes the realized connectorsat the top of the list.
    Note: You may need to increase the size of the tab areato see the State column.

  3. Click State again.
    HyperMesh organizes the unrealizedconnectors at the top of the list.

  4. In the Link1 and Link2 columns, review the unrealized connectors.

Note: Some of the connectors are linked to the components, Right_Rail_1 andRight_Rail_2. This data is from the rails_frt_truss.mwffile that you imported. These links need to be updated to reflect thecomponents, Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2.

  1. Select the unrealized connectors in the list.

  2. In the Entities column, right-click on the selected connectors and select Update Link from the context menu.

  3. In the Update window, Search column, set the Link Type to comps.

  4. In the Search column, click the Link Select field.

  5. In the panel area, click component.

  6. Select the component, Right_Rail_1.

  7. Click proceed. Right_Rail_1 is inserted into the LinkSelect field.

  8. In the Replace column, set the Link Type to comps.

  9. In the Replace column, click the Link Selectfield.

  10. In the panel area, click component.

  11. Select the component, Left_Rail_1.

  12. Click proceed. Left_Rail_1 is inserted into the LinkSelect field.

  13. Click Update. The connector’s links are updated.

  14. Repeat Steps 16.7 through 16.17, but search for the Right_Rail_2 component andreplace it with the Left_Rail_2 component.

  15. Scroll through the list of unrealized connectors to make sure that none of theconnectors are linked to the right rail components.

  16. Close the Update window by clicking X next toUpdate.



  1. 在连接器实体浏览器中,展开RBAR文件夹。
  2. 通过单击state对连接器的状态进行排序。


  1. 在Link1和Link2列中,回顾未实现的连接器。


  1. 在列表中选择未实现的连接器。

  2. 在Entities列中,右键单击所选连接器,并从上下文菜单中选择Update Link。

  3. 在“更新”窗口的“搜索”列中,将“链接类型”设置为“comps”。

  4. 在搜索列中,单击链接选择字段。

  5. 在面板区域,单击组件。

  6. 选择组件Right_Rail_1。

  7. 点击继续。LinkSelect字段中插入Right_Rail_1。

  8. 在“替换”列中,设置“链路类型”为“comps”。

  9. 在“替换”列中,单击“链接选择”字段。

  10. 在面板区域,单击组件。

  11. 选择组件Left_Rail_1。

  12. 点击继续。LinkSelect字段中插入Left_Rail_1。

  13. 单击更新。连接器的链接被更新。

  14. 重复步骤16.7到16.17,搜索Right_Rail_2组件并将其替换为Left_Rail_2组件。

  15. 滚动未实现的连接器列表,以确保没有一个连接器链接到正确的轨道组件。
    20.单击next toUpdate的X关闭更新窗口。





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