HM-3410: Create Area Connectors(创建区域连接器)

HM-3410: Create Area Connectors(创建区域连接器)

Area connectors must be meshed in order to work properly. When the connector’slocation is existing FE mesh elems, the connector automatically gets meshed to match theelements chosen. However, after creating an area connector on surfs, lines, or along nodes,you must use the automesh options (which display when you select one of these locationstypes) to create a mesh on the connector area.

In this tutorial you will learn how to apply an adhesive connection to the left rails.You will:
。Create and realize area connectors in a single process
。Create, but not realize, area connectors
。Create FE representations of previously-created area connectors



This exercise uses the file, which can be foundin the file. Copy the file from this directory to yourworking directory.
(本练习使用frame_assembly_1。Hm文件,可以在Hm .zip文件中找到。将该文件从此目录复制到您的工作目录。)

Step 1. Open the Model File

In this step you will open and view the model file.

  1. Start HyperMesh Desktop.

  2. In the User Profile dialog, select OptiStruct.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Open a model file by clicking File > Open > Model from the menu bar, or clicking onthe Standard toolbar.

  5. In the Open Model dialog, open the file.
    The model appears in the graphics area.

  6. Observe the model using various visualization options available, such asrotation and zooming.

Step 2. Load the Connector Browser(步骤2。加载连接器浏览器)

In this step you will load the Connector Browser.

  1. Open the Connector Browser by clicking View > Browsers > HyperMesh > Connector from the menu bar.
  2. Review the layout of the Connector Browser. Currently thereare no components or connectors listed because there are no connectors in themodel.

Note: You can use the Connector Browser to view and managethe connectors in your model. The top portion of the browser is referred toas the Link Entity Browser, and it displays information about the linkedentities in your model. The middle portion is referred to as the ConnectorEntity Browser, and it contains a list of the connectors in your model. Thebottom portion of the browser is referred to as the Connector Entity Editor,and it displays attributes assigned to the connector(s) selected in theConnector Entity Browser. HyperMesh groups theconnectors based on their connection type.
(在此步骤中,您将加载Connector Browser。

  1. 通过单击菜单栏中的View >浏览器> HyperMesh >连接器打开连接器浏览器。

  2. 检查连接器浏览器的布局。目前没有列出组件或连接器,因为模型中没有连接器。

注意:您可以使用连接器浏览器来查看和管理模型中的连接器。浏览器的顶部被称为链接实体浏览器(Link Entity browser),它显示关于模型中链接实体的信息。中间部分称为ConnectorEntity Browser,它包含模型中连接器的列表。浏览器的底部部分被称为连接器实体编辑器,它显示分配给在连接器实体浏览器中选择的连接器的属性。HyperMesh根据连接器的连接类型对它们进行分组。)

Step 3. Create an Adhesive Connection on the Top Flange (步骤3。在上法兰上建立胶粘连接)

In this step you will create an adhesive connection between component Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2 on the topflange.(在这一步中,您将在上法兰上的Left_Rail_1和Left_Rail_2组件之间创建一个粘接连接。

  1. 在“模型浏览器”的“组件”文件夹中,分离Left_Rail_1和Left_Rail_2。)

  2. In the Model Browser, Components folder, isolate Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2.

  3. Zoom into an area displaying the two flanges and inspect the elements to bejoined.

  4. In the Model Browser, right-click and select Create > Component from the context menu.
    HyperMesh creates and opens a component inthe Entity Editor.
    Note: HyperMesh makes this new component the currentcomponent.

  5. For Name, type area_edit_panel.

  6. Open the Area panel by right-clicking in the ConnectorEntity Browser and selecting Create > Area from the context menu.

  7. Set the location selector to elems.

  8. Select one element on the top flange of the Left_Rail_1 component as indicatedin the following image.

  9. Click elems >> by face.
    The entire flange is selected.

  10. Set the connect what selector to comps.

  11. Click comps.

  12. Select the components, Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2.

  13. Click select.

  14. In the tolerance= field, type 10. The connector willconnect any selected entities within this distance.

  15. Click type= and select adhesives.

  16. Set the hexa thickness to shell gap.

Note: This option projects directly to the shell component and takes no accountof the thickness of the shell components.

  1. Click create.
    A new adhesive area connector is created.

  2. Click return.

  3. Inspect the new adhesive. (检查新粘合剂。)

  4. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the adhesive connector andselect Unrealize from the context menu.
    The connector becomes unrealized, and the Entity Editor opens and displays the selected connectorscorresponding attributes.(在连接器实体浏览器中,右键单击连接连接器并从上下文菜单中选择Unrealize。


  1. In the Entity Editor: a. Set Hexa Thickness Option to (T1+T2)/2. Thistakes into account the thickness of each shell part. (.设置“六边形厚度选项”为(T1+T2)/2。这考虑到了每个外壳部分的厚度。


b. For Coats, type 3.
This option increases the number of hexas through thickness from1 to 3.

  1. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the unrealized adhesiveconnector and select Rerealize from the context menu.

Step 4. Create an Adhesive Connection on the Bottom Flange(步骤4。在底部法兰上建立胶粘连接)

In this step you will create an adhesive connection between component Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2 on the bottomflange.(在这一步中,您将在底部法兰上的Left_Rail_1和Left_Rail_2组件之间创建一个粘接连接。)

  1. Go to the area panel.

  2. Set the location selector to nodes.

  3. Click node list >> by path.

  4. Select the row of nodes on the outer flange of the Left_Rail_1 component byfirst selecting the left most node on the bottom flange of Left_Rail_1 and thenselecting the right-most node on the bottom flange as indicated in the followingimage. (4. 选择Left_Rail_1组件外法兰上的节点行,首先选择Left_Rail_1底部法兰上最左边的节点,然后选择底部法兰上最右边的节点,如下图所示。)

  5. In the width= field, type 10.

  6. In the offset= field, type 3.

  7. Next to connect what, click comps.

  8. Select Left_Rail_1 and Left_Rail_2.

  9. Click select.

  10. Click create.

Note: The default mesh size for these mesh independent area connectors (whenchoosing by nodes/lines/surfs) is 10. However, you can specify a different elem size if needed.(注意:默认网格大小的这些网格独立区域连接器(当选择节点/线/冲浪)是10。但是,如果需要,可以指定不同的elem大小。)

  1. Go to the edit subpanel.

  2. Select remesh.

  3. Use the location: connectors selector to select the area connector you justcreated in Step 4.10. (13.使用location: connectors选择器选择您刚刚在步骤4.10中创建的区域连接器。)

  4. In the element size= field, type 3.

  5. Click mesh. The connector unrealizes if there is apre-existing mesh.

  6. In the Connector Entity Browser, select the unrealized connector.

  7. In the Entity Editor: a. Set Hexa Thickness Option to const_thickness.
    b. For Const Thickness, type 0.3.

  8. In the Connector Entity Browser, right-click on the unrealized connector andselect Rerealize from the context menu.

  9. Inspect the new adhesive created.

Note: When creating area connectors from elements, HyperMesh automatically meshes the area connectorusing the current mesh. If the area connector is created from nodes, lines,or surfaces and the default mesh is unsuitable from the area subpanel, thenyou can apply a manual mesh.(注意:当从元素中创建区域连接器时,HyperMesh会自动使用当前网格对区域连接器进行网格划分。如果区域连接器是从节点、线或表面创建的,并且默认网格不适合区域子面板,那么您可以应用手动网格。)





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