Methods of Matrix decomposition

Five methods of Matrix decomposition

1. LU decomposition

[ a 11 a 12 a 13 a 21 a 22 a 23 a 31 a 32 a 33 ] = [ l 11 0 0 l 21 l 22 0 l 31 l 32 l 33 ] [ u 11 u 12 u 13 0 u 22 u 23 0 0 u 33 ] \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13}\\ a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23}\\ a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33}\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} l_{11} & 0 & 0\\ l_{21} & l_{22} & 0\\ l_{31} & l_{32} & l_{33}\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} u_{11} & u_{12} & u_{13}\\ 0 & u_{22} & u_{23}\\ 0 & 0 & u_{33}\\ \end{bmatrix} a11a21a31a12a22a32a13a23a33=l11l21l310l22l3200l33u1100u12u220u13u23u33
A really good explanation the mechanism on LU decomposition:
L U = l 1 ∗ u 1 T + ( l 2 ∗ u 2 T + . . . + l n ∗ u n T ) L U = l_1 * u_1^T+ (l_2 * u_2^T+ ...+l_n * u_n^T) LU=l1u1T+(l2u2T+...+lnunT)
l 2 ∗ u 2 T + . . . + l n ∗ u n T = l 2 ∗ u 2 T + ( l 3 ∗ u 3 T + . . . + l n ∗ u n T ) = [ 0 0 0 0 A 2 0 ] l_2 * u_2^T+ ...+l_n * u_n^T =l_2 * u_2^T+(l_3 * u_3^T+ ...+l_n * u_n^T) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 &0\\ 0 & A_2 & \\ 0 & & \\ \end{bmatrix} l2u2T+...+lnunT=l2u2T+(l3u3T+...+lnunT)=0000A20
l 3 ∗ u 3 T + ( l 4 ∗ u 4 T . . . + l n ∗ u n T ) = [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 3 ] l_3 * u_3^T+ (l_4 * u_4^T...+l_n * u_n^T) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 &0\\ 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & A_3 \\ \end{bmatrix} l3u3T+(l4u4T...+lnunT)=00000000A3

2. QR decomposition

A = Q R A= Q R A=QR
where Q is an orthogonal matrix and R is upper triangular matrix
If A is nonsingular, then this factorization is unique.
Gram-Schmidt process: (
Using G-S process to orthogonalize matrix A:
[ a 1 ∣ a 2 ∣ a 3 ∣ ] = [ q 1 ∣ q 2 ∣ q 3 ∣ ] [ a 1 ∗ q 1 a 2 ∗ q 1 a 3 ∗ q 1 0 a 2 ∗ q 2 a 3 ∗ q 2 0 0 a 3 ∗ q 3 ] \begin{bmatrix} a1 |& a2 |&a3|\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} q1| & q2| &q3|\\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} a1*q1 & a2*q1 &a3*q1\\ 0 & a2*q2 &a3*q2\\ 0 & 0 &a3*q3\\ \end{bmatrix} [a1a2a3]=[q1q2q3]a1q100a2q1a2q20a3q1a3q2a3q3

3. Diagonalization

  1. Square matrix
  2. All eigenvalues are not the same
  3. Have same eigenvalues but the same eigenvalue has different eigenvectors.

A is an nn matrix and v1,v2…vn is the eigenvectors which found a basis in R n R_n Rn. Eigenvalues are λ 1 , λ 2 . . . . . λ n \lambda_1,\lambda_2.....\lambda_n λ1,λ2.....λn
B = [ v 1 , v 2 , . . . , v n ] B = [v_1,v_2,...,v_n] B=[v1,v2,...,vn] is a n
n non-singular matrix
A B = [ λ 1 v 1 , λ 2 v 2 . . . . . λ n v n ] = [ v 1.... v n ] ∗ d i a g [ λ 1 , λ 2 . . . . . λ n ] AB = [\lambda_1 v_1,\lambda_2 v_2.....\lambda_n v_n] = [v1]*diag[\lambda_1,\lambda_2.....\lambda_n] AB=[λ1v1,λ2v2.....λnvn]=[]diag[λ1,λ2.....λn]
A B = B Λ AB = B\Lambda AB=BΛ , A = B Λ B − 1 A = B\Lambda B^{-1} A=BΛB1

4. Singular value decomposition(SVD)

A is a m*n matrix (m>n), A can be written as A = U Σ V T A = U \Sigma V^T A=UΣVT, where U is m * m , Σ \Sigma Σ is m * n , V is n * n. U and V is orthonormal matrix ( U ∗ U T = I U*U^T = I UUT=I) Σ \Sigma Σ only has entries on its diagonal.

  1. Find the eigenvalues of A T ∗ A A^T *A ATA
  2. Find orthonormal eigenvectors of A T A A^T A ATA use them as the columns of matrix V.
  3. Find the orthonormal eigenvectors of A A T A A^T AAT, use them as columns of U. If the vectors are not enough, use G-S orthogonalization.




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