



getIndicePairs(torch::Tensor indices, int64_t batchSize,
               std::vector<int64_t> outSpatialShape,
               std::vector<int64_t> spatialShape,
               std::vector<int64_t> kernelSize, std::vector<int64_t> stride,
               std::vector<int64_t> padding, std::vector<int64_t> dilation,
               std::vector<int64_t> outPadding, int64_t _subM,
               int64_t _transpose, int64_t _useHash) {

    auto indicePairUnique = torch::full(
        {indicePairs.numel() / 2 + 1}, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
    torch::Tensor outInds =
        //e.g. torch.Size([N*27,3+1])
        torch::zeros({numAct * kernelVolume, coorDim + 1},
    if (indices.device().type() == torch::kCPU) {
      numActOut = create_conv_indice_pair_cpu(
          indices, outInds, gridOut, indicePairs, indiceNum, kernelSize, stride,
          padding, dilation, outSpatialShape, transpose, false, useHash);
    #ifdef TV_CUDA
    else if (indices.device().type() == torch::kCUDA) {
        numActOut = create_conv_indice_pair_p1_cuda(
            indices, indicePairs, indiceNum, indicePairUnique, kernelSize, stride,
            padding, dilation, outSpatialShape, transpose);
        if (numActOut > 0) {
          auto res = torch::_unique(indicePairUnique);
          indicePairUnique = std::get<0>(res);
          numActOut = create_conv_indice_pair_p2_cuda(
              indices, outInds, gridOut, indicePairs, indiceNum, indicePairUnique,
              outSpatialShape, transpose, false, useHash);
          if (numActOut == -1) {
            auto device = indices.device();
            outInds = outInds.to({torch::kCPU});
            indicePairs = indicePairs.to({torch::kCPU});
            indiceNum = indiceNum.to({torch::kCPU});
            indices = indices.to({torch::kCPU});
            numActOut = create_conv_indice_pair_cpu(
                indices, outInds, gridOut, indicePairs, indiceNum, kernelSize,
                stride, padding, dilation, outSpatialShape, transpose, false,
            return {outInds.to(device).slice(0, 0, numActOut),
                    indicePairs.to(device), indiceNum.to(device)};



  1 template <typename Index, unsigned NDim, int KernelMaxVolume = 256,                                                                                                                                            
  2           typename Index1D = int>
  3 __global__ void prepareIndicePairsKernel(
  4     tv::TensorView<const Index> indicesIn, tv::TensorView<Index> indicePairs,
  5     tv::TensorView<Index> indiceNum, tv::TensorView<Index1D> indicePairUnique,
  6     const tv::SimpleVector<Index, NDim> kernelSize,
  7     const tv::SimpleVector<Index, NDim> stride,
  8     const tv::SimpleVector<Index, NDim> padding,
  9     const tv::SimpleVector<Index, NDim> dilation,
 10     const tv::SimpleVector<Index, NDim> outSpatialShape) {
 11   auto numActIn = indicesIn.dim(0);
 12   Index spatialVolume = 1;
 13 #pragma unroll
 14   for (int i = 0; i < NDim; ++i) {
 15     spatialVolume *= outSpatialShape[i];
 16   }
 17   Index kernelVolume = 1;
 18 #pragma unroll
 19   for (int i = 0; i < NDim; ++i) {
 20     kernelVolume *= kernelSize[i];
 21   }
 22   Index numValidPoints = 0;
 23   Index validPoints[KernelMaxVolume * (NDim + 1)]; //kernelMaxVolume??
 24   Index *pointPtr = nullptr;
 25   auto indicePairsDim2 = indicePairs.dim(2);
 26   Index index;
 27   for (int ix : tv::KernelLoopX<int>(numActIn)) {
 28     numValidPoints = getValidOutPos<Index, NDim>(
 29         indicesIn.data() + ix * (NDim + 1) + 1, kernelSize.data(),
 30         stride.data(), padding.data(), dilation.data(), outSpatialShape.data(),
 31         validPoints);
 32     for (Index i = 0; i < numValidPoints; ++i) {
 33       pointPtr = validPoints + i * (NDim + 1);
 34       auto offset = pointPtr[NDim];
 35       Index oldNum = atomicAdd(indiceNum.data() + offset, Index(1));
 36       indicePairs(0, offset, oldNum) = ix;
 37       index = tv::ArrayIndexRowMajor<NDim, NDim>::runPtrs(
 38                   pointPtr, outSpatialShape.data(), 0) +
 39               spatialVolume * indicesIn(ix, 0);
 40       indicePairs(1, offset, oldNum) = index;
 41       indicePairUnique[offset * indicePairsDim2 + oldNum] = index;
 42     }
 43   }
 44 }


 1 template <typename Index, unsigned NDim>                                                                                                                                                                
  2 TV_HOST_DEVICE Index getValidOutPos(const Index *input_pos,
  3                                     const Index *kernelSize,
  4                                     const Index *stride, 
  5                                     const Index *padding,
  6                                     const Index *dilation,
  7                                     const Index *outSpatialShape, 
  8                                     Index *out) {
  9   Index lowers[NDim];
 10   Index uppers[NDim];
 11   Index counter[NDim];
 12   Index counterSize[NDim];
 13   Index pointCounter = 0;
 14   Index val,m,offset;
 15   Index numPoints = 1;
 16   bool valid = false;
 17 #pragma unroll
 18   for (int i = 0; i < NDim; ++i) {
 19     lowers[i] = (input_pos[i] - (kernelSize[i] - 1) * dilation[i] - 1 +
 20                  stride[i] + padding[i]) / stride[i];
 21     uppers[i] = (input_pos[i] + padding[i]) / stride[i];
 22   }  
 23 #pragma unroll
 24   for (unsigned i = 0; i < NDim; ++i) {
 25     counterSize[i] = ((uppers[i] - lowers[i]) / dilation[i] + 1);
 26     numPoints *= counterSize[i];
 27   }  
 28 #pragma unroll
 29   for (int i = 0; i < NDim; ++i) {
 30     counter[i] = 0;
 31   }  
 32   for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i) {
 33     valid = true;
 34     m = 1;
 35     offset = 0;
 36 #pragma unroll
 37     for (int j = NDim - 1; j >= 0; --j) { 
 38       val = uppers[j] - counter[j] * dilation[j]; 
 39       out[pointCounter * (NDim + 1) + j] = val;
 40       if (val < 0 || (val > outSpatialShape[j] - 1)) {
 41         valid = false; 
 42         // break;
 43       }
 44       offset += m * (input_pos[j] - val * stride[j] + padding[j]) / dilation[j];
 45       m *= kernelSize[j];
 46     }
 47     out[pointCounter * (NDim + 1) + NDim] = offset;
 48     if (valid) ++pointCounter;
 49     counter[NDim - 1] += 1;
 50 #pragma unroll
 51     for (int c = NDim - 1; c >= 0; --c) {
 52       if (counter[c] == counterSize[c] && c > 0) {
 53         counter[c - 1] += 1;
 54         counter[c] = 0;
 55       }
 56     }
 57   }  
 58   return pointCounter;
 59 }    

        第18~22行对于一个特定的输入,求其在各个维度上的输出边界[lower,upper]。在spconv github项目上我看了网友对它的一番解释,特地将其粘贴至此。




for (Index i = 0; i < numValidPoints; ++i) {
      pointPtr = validPoints + i * (NDim + 1);
      auto offset = pointPtr[NDim];
      Index oldNum = atomicAdd(indiceNum.data() + offset, Index(1));
      indicePairs(0, offset, oldNum) = ix;
      index = tv::ArrayIndexRowMajor<NDim, NDim>::runPtrs(
                  pointPtr, outSpatialShape.data(), 0) + spatialVolume * indicesIn(ix, 0);
      indicePairs(1, offset, oldNum) = index;
      indicePairUnique[offset * indicePairsDim2 + oldNum] = index;


What's the meaning of function "getValidOutPos"? · Issue #224 · traveller59/spconv · GitHub

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