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原创 NLP资料整理

BooksSpeech and Language Processing,Dan Jurafsky.视频课程CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning (2019): website, videoCMU11-747 Neural Networks for NLP (2020): website, video...

2020-04-19 21:29:44 197

原创 2020重新启航

精读Paper&Book201712 - Transformer - Attention Is All You Need201810 - BERT - Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding201907 - RoBERTa - A Robustly Optimized BE...

2020-01-27 16:44:45 315

原创 Tensorflow 2.0 学习资料

A machine learning platform from the future.A core principle of Keras is “progressive disclosure of complexity”: it’s easy to get started, and you can gradually dive into workflows where you write mo...

2019-10-07 16:44:45 441

原创 Top 2 Language Models

ULMFiT/AWD-LSTM2018年语言模型预训练特定任务迁移学习的nlp新范式开始成为主流,ULMFiT(Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification)是开山鼻祖之一。模型流程如下,包括基础语言模型训练,目标语言模型迁移,分类器微调,语言模型是基于AWD-LSTM(Regularizing and Optimizi...

2019-06-25 16:45:39 512

原创 NLP Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings

Topic 1 Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddingscs224n-2019lecture 1: Introduction and Word Vectors lecture 2: Word Vectors 2 and Word Sensesslpchapter 6: Vector Semanticsruder.io/word-embedding...

2019-04-15 16:37:07 334

原创 个人技术栈构建

这里写自定义目录标题Reinforcement LearningUCL RL学完要画一张nlp脑图进度Topiccs224nslp3others0414nlp basics: math and optimizerslecture 00414Word Vectorslecture 1: Introduction and Word Vectors ...

2019-04-14 11:43:48 663

原创 数学基础 Probability Theory

基础知识概率的定义 Axioms of Probability:Sample space ΩΩ\Omega: The set of all the outcomes of a random experiment.Set of events(or event space) F\mathcal{F}: where each event A∈A∈FA \in \mathcal{F} ...

2018-07-15 22:15:54 964 1

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 10: The four fundamental subspaces

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 3.2-3.3课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 2. The laws for Matri...

2018-07-14 15:34:54 679

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 9: Independence, basis and dimension

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 3.2-3.3课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 2. The laws for Matri...

2018-07-14 15:33:38 461

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 8: Solving Ax=b

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 3.4课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 2. The laws for Matrix Op...

2018-07-14 15:32:06 332

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 7: Solving Ax=0: pivot variables and special solutions

Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 2.4-2.5课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 2. The laws for Matrix Operations 3. Inverse Matrices 4. ...

2018-07-14 15:20:00 326

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 6: Vector spaces and subspaces

Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 3.1课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 课程重点 Matrix Multiplication (5 ways)1. Entry view, the entr...

2018-07-08 20:54:35 602

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 5: Transposes and Permutations

MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 3: Multiplication and Inverse MatricesCourse Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 2.7课程提纲 1. Transpose and Symmetric matrices ...

2018-07-08 16:16:36 350

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 4: Factorization into A = LU

Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 2.6课程提纲 1. Matrix Multiplication (5 ways) 2. The laws for Matrix Operations 3. Inverse Matrices 4. Gaus...

2018-07-08 15:12:46 1194

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 3: Multiplication and Inverse Matrices

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 2.4-2.5课程提纲课程重点Elimination and Back-SubstitutionThe systematic ...

2018-07-05 23:21:12 472 1

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 2: Elimination with Matrices

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 1.1-1.3课程提纲 1. Two vector operations and linear combination 2. dot ...

2018-07-03 22:07:12 823

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 0: Introduction to Vectors

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra 章节内容: 1.1-1.3课程提纲 1. Two vector operations and linear combination 2. dot pr...

2018-06-24 21:03:57 539

原创 MIT18.06学习笔记 - Lecture 1: The geometry of linear equations

这个系列文章是我重温Gilbert老爷子的线性代数在线课程的学习笔记。 Course Name:MIT 18.06 Linear Algebra Text Book: Introduction to Linear Algebra课程提纲 [TOC]Two Linear Equations with Two UnknownsThe central problem of l...

2018-06-11 23:04:05 534

原创 机器学习笔记一:概述

机器学习的公认定义[Mitchell, 1997]: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P,...

2018-05-06 21:14:11 354

原创 会说话的机器狗博客2年规划

20180506 - 20200506 大纲《机器学习》周志华和《统计学习方法》李航读书笔记《机器学习实战in python》学习笔记《Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning》Bishop读书笔记《Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing》读书笔记《Deep Learning...

2018-05-06 17:22:15 284

原创 开篇之作-机器学习技能图谱

潜心修炼机器学习大法,记录成长点滴。一万小时定理,我会不断完善以下技能图谱,确保每一个知识点都是自己掌握的,而不是简单复制,每月更新。Updates 2018.05.05 第一版基础算法...

2018-05-05 12:52:55 572



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