Testing Essay by FZU Flying Club

This assignment belongs to which courseEE308FZ Software Engineering https://bbs.csdn.net/forums/ssynkqtd-04
Where this assignment is requiredhttps://bbs.csdn.net/topics/617606376
Team nameFZU Flying Club
The goal of this assignmentHelp students understand Alpha Sprint and promote course project progress
Other referencesNone

1 Describe how testing is organised

The developers first carry out daily project development and do simple repetitive manual testing, and then submit to the testers for in-depth automation testing or open to the public functional testing to get feedback and timely modification and enhancement.

1.1 Specific testing arrangements

Day1-2: Plan1 website building

Zhang Jiayang
Chen Jinghua

Day3-4: Plan2 page theme construction

Zhang Qin
Zhang Jiayang
Chen Jinghua

Day5-6: Plan3 content column division

Yin Xiangbin
Liu Yiqi

Day7-8: Plan4 to build comment section and online chat function

Yin Xiangbin
Liu Yiqi
Zhang Qin
Peng Houming

Day9-10: Plan5 markdown online editor

Zhang Qin
Liu Yiqi
Yin Xiangbin

Final Website Automation Testing

Yin Xiangbin
Zhang Qin

2 For the choice of testing tools

Since this project is to develop a web page for information exchange and sharing, the developers chose WebPageTest and Google PageSpeed Insights as the two online tools for testing the web page.

2.1 About “WebPageTest”

WebPageTest is an open source project that provides an online platform that can also be deployed locally. It can simulate different geographic locations, browsers and network conditions of web page loading, and provide detailed performance reports, including loading time, resource loading order and so on.

Test Tool Link and Test results:


*Need VPN

Parts of Report Screenshot:






2.2 About “Google PageSpeed Insights”

Google PageSpeed Insights analyses the performance of web pages and provides suggestions for improvement. It evaluates the loading time of web pages based on actual user data and gives optimisation recommendations, including reducing the size of resources, delaying loading and so on.

Test Tool Link and Test results:


*Need VPN

Parts of Report Screenshot:







2.3 Demo video of automated test report

Demo video of automated test report

2.4 Conclusion

Therefore, we have implemented parallel automated testing of HTTPS, API, JS version specification and other parts of the web page performance testing.

As for the functionality of the website, such as comment exchange, we will open the test site to the public to understand the user experience and get feedback for improvement.

3 FZU Flying Book Website Test Case Report

1. User Interaction with the Website

1.1 New User

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-22
  • Remarks: The website functions correctly, and new users can successfully access it.

1.2 Existing User

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-22
  • Remarks: The website functions correctly, and existing users can successfully access it.

2. Theme Switching

2.1 Day Mode

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-24
  • Remarks: Users can quickly switch from night mode to day mode by clicking the button, and the website operates normally in day mode.

2.2 Night Mode

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-24
  • Remarks: Users can quickly switch from day mode to night mode by clicking the button, and the website operates normally in night mode.

3. Resource Section Selection, Browsing, and Searching

3.1 Resource Section Selection

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-26
  • Remarks: The resource list page displays correctly, and users can select various levels of titles and open the content under each title.

3.2 Resource Browsing

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-26
  • Remarks: The resource list page displays correctly, and users can browse all resource content.

3.3 Keyword Search for Resources

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-26
  • Remarks: The keyword search function works correctly, and users can find relevant resources using keywords.

4. Comment Section Functionality and Online Chat Functionality

4.1 Comment Section Functionality

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-28
  • Remarks: The comment section page displays correctly, and comments are visible to all users. It supports sending various emoji and includes features such as liking other comments.

4.2 Online Chat Functionality

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-28
  • Remarks: The chat page displays correctly, can add multiple recipients, and received messages are accurate and fast. It operates normally without displaying garbled characters and supports the transmission of some multimedia information. Recipient users can promptly receive messages.

5. Markdown Online Editor Functionality

5.1 Frontend Content Writing and Preview Functionality

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-30
  • Remarks: The Markdown editor interface displays correctly and is usable for users. Clicking relevant buttons allows users to preview temporarily entered Markdown file content, and the previewed text format is accurate without issues.

5.2 Backend Receipt of MD File

  • Execution Result: Passed
  • Issue Description: None
  • Test Date: 2023-11-30
  • Remarks: After frontend users click upload and select the appropriate region, backend users (engineers) receive the exported MD file. Upon opening the file, there is no missing content, no garbled characters, and it accurately recognizes special characters.

6. Summary

In this testing round, most functions performed well, and no major issues were discovered. It is recommended to continue monitoring and improving performance in future iterations to ensure system reliability and user experience. Any new issues or feedback should be promptly tracked and resolved.

4 Testing experience and testing summary or comment

4.1 Experience

Testers must have a good handover and communication with developers, only in this way can ensure that the emergence of vulnerabilities, requirements, etc. to make timely response. To choose the right testing tools to ensure that the project continues to run efficiently.

4.2 Summary or comment

In order to avoid long running main thread tasks, resulting in input delays. So we have taken a series of measures, firstly, using efficient caching strategy to provide static resources, and secondly, extending the caching period can speed up the revisiting of web pages.

By default, references to external CSS files prevent the page from rendering when fetching and executing them.

Sometimes these files should prevent rendering, but can be inlined to avoid additional round trips while the page waits to render.

Sometimes, such as for style sheets that are only used to load custom fonts, inlining or asynchronous CSS can greatly improve perceived performance.

By default, references to external JavaScript files prevent the page from rendering during fetch and execution.

Often, these files can be loaded differently, allowing the page to render visually faster.





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