
The   #pragma   pack(n).directive   is   the   same   as   using   the   #pragma   option   specifically   with   the   -a   compiler   option.   n   is   the   byte   alignment   that   determines   how   the   compiler   aligns   data   in   stored   memory.   For   more   information   see   the   -a   compiler   option.   #pragma   pack   can   also   be   used   with   push   and   pop   arguments,   which   provide   the   same   functionality   as   the   #pragma   option   directive   using   push   and   pop.   The   following   table   compares   the   use   of     #pragma   pack   with   #pragma   option.  
  #pragma   pack #pragma   option  
  #pragma   pack(n) #pragma   option   -an  
  #pragma   pack(push,   n) #pragma   option   push   -an  
  #pragma   pack(pop) #pragma   option   pop  
  The   #pragma   pack   directive   also   supports   an   identifier   argument   which   must   be   used   in   combination   with   either   push   or   pop.  
  #pragma   pack   with   no   arguments  
  #pragma   pack()  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   no   arguments   will   set   the   packing   size   to   the   starting   朼X   alignment   (which   defaults   to   8).   The   starting   -aX   alignment   is   considered   the   alignment   at   the   start   of   the   compile   AFTER   all   command-line   options   have   been   processed.  
  #pragma   pack   using   a   value   for   n  
  #pragma   pack(8)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   a   value   for   'n'   will   set   the   current   alignment   to   'n'.   Valid   alignments   for   憂?are:   1,2,4,8,   and   16.  
  #pragma   pack   using   push  
  #pragma   pack(push)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   push   will   push   the   current   alignment   on   an   internal   stack   of   alignments.  
  #pragma   pack   using   push,   identifier  
  #pragma   pack(push,   ident)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   push   and   an   identifier   will   associate   the   pushed   alignment   with   'identifier'.  
  #pragma   pack   using   push   and   n  
  #pragma   pack(push,   8)  
  #pragma   pack(push,   ident,   8)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   push   with   a   value   for   'n',   will   execute   pragma   pack   push   or   pragma   pack   push   identifier,   and   afterwards   set   the   current   alignment   to   'n'.  
  #pragma   pack   using   pop  
  #pragma   pack(pop)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   pop   will   pop   the   alignment   stack   and   set   the   alignment   to   the   last   alignment   pushed.   If   the   pop   does   not   find   a   corresponding   push,   the   entire   stack   of   alignments   is   popped,   and   a   warning   is   issued,   and   the   alignment   reverts   to   the   starting   -aX   alignment..  
  #pragma   pack   using   pop,   identifier  
  #pragma   pop(pop,   ident)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   pop   and   an   identifier   will   pop   the   stack   until   the   identifier   is   found   and   set   the   alignment   to   the   alignment   pushed   by   the   previous   corresponding   #pragma   pack(push,   identifier).   If   the   pop   with   identifier   does   not   find   the   corresponding   push   with   an   identifier,   the   entire   stack   of   alignments   is   popped,   and   a   warning   is   issued   to   the   user:  
  W8083:   Pragma   pack   pop   with   no   matching   pack   push  
  The   alignment   will   then   be   reset   to   the   starting   -aX   alignment.  
  #pragma   pack   using   pop   and   n  
  #pragma   pack(pop,   8)  
  #pragma   pack(pop,   ident,   8)  
  Using   #pragma   pack   with   pop   and   a   value   for   'n',   will   execute   pragma   pack   pop   or   pragma   pack   pop   identifier.   Afterwards   the   current   alignment   is   set   to   'n',   unless   pop   fails   to   find   a   corresponding   push,   in   which   case   'n'   is   ignored,   a   warning   is   issued,   and   the   alignment   reverts   to   the   starting   -aX   alignment.  
  Error   conditions  
  Specifying   an   'identifier'   without   push   or   pop   is   an   error.  
  Specifying   an   alignment   different   from   1,2,4,8,16   is   an   error.  
  Warning   conditions  
  Using   #pragma   pop   without   a   corresponding   push   issues   a   warning.

 在所有的预处理指令中,#Pragma   指令可能是最复杂的了,它的作用是设定编译器的状态或者是指示编译器完成一些特定的动作。#pragma指令对每个编译器给出了一个方法,在保持与C和C++语言完全兼容的情况下,给出主机或操作系统专有的特征。依据定义,编译指示是机器或操作系统专有的,且对于每个编译器都是不同的。  
  其格式一般为:   #Pragma   Para  
  其中Para   为参数,下面来看一些常用的参数。  
  ★(1)message   参数。   Message   参数是我最喜欢的一个参数,它能够在编译信息输出窗口中输出相应的信息,这对于源代码信息的控制是非常重要的。其使用方法为:  
  #Pragma   message(“消息文本”)  
  #ifdef   _X86  
  #Pragma   message(“_X86   macro   activated!”)  
  当我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示“_X86   macro   activated!”。我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳挠腮了。  
  #pragma   code_seg(   ["section-name"[,"section-class"]   ]   )  
  ★(3)#pragma   once   (比较常用)  
  ★(4)#pragma   hdrstop表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。BCB可以预编译头文件以加快链接的速度,但如果所有头文件都进行预编译又可能占太多磁盘空间,所以使用这个选项排除一些头文件。    
  有时单元之间有依赖关系,比如单元A依赖单元B,所以单元B要先于单元A编译。你可以用#pragma   startup指定编译优先级,如果使用了#pragma   package(smart_init)   ,BCB就会根据优先级的大小先后编译。    
  ★(5)#pragma   resource   "*.dfm"表示把*.dfm文件中的资源加入工程。*.dfm中包括窗体外观的定义。    
  ★(6)#pragma   warning(   disable   :   4507   34;   once   :   4385;   error   :   164   )  
  #pragma   warning(disable:4507   34)   //   不显示4507和34号警告信息  
  #pragma   warning(once:4385)   //   4385号警告信息仅报告一次  
  #pragma   warning(error:164)   //   把164号警告信息作为一个错误。  
  同时这个pragma   warning   也支持如下格式:  
  #pragma   warning(   push   [   ,n   ]   )  
  #pragma   warning(   pop   )  
  #pragma   warning(   push   )保存所有警告信息的现有的警告状态。  
  #pragma   warning(   push,   n)保存所有警告信息的现有的警告状态,并且把全局警告  
  #pragma   warning(   pop   )向栈中弹出最后一个警告信息,在入栈和出栈之间所作的  
  #pragma   warning(   push   )  
  #pragma   warning(   disable   :   4705   )  
  #pragma   warning(   disable   :   4706   )  
  #pragma   warning(   disable   :   4707   )  
  #pragma   warning(   pop   )    
  ★(7)pragma   comment(...)  





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