[paper] ICNet

ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.08545
Code: https://github.com/hszhao/ICNet

基于PSPNet提出Image Cascade Network (ICNet),进行较高准确率的实时图片语义分割。


输入低中高三种分辨率的图片,并提出Casecade Feature Fusion来融合三种feature map。训练时采用级联标签监督策略(缩小ground-truth来算loss并线性组合不同尺寸的loss)。


We propose an compressed-PSPNet-based image cascade network (ICNet) that incorporates multi-resolution branches.


Figure 1

Figure 1. Inference speed and mIoU performance on Cityscapes [5] test set. Methods involved are ResNet38 [30], PSPNet [33], DUC [29], RefineNet [14], LRR [6], FRRN [22], DeepLabv2 [3], Dilation10 [32], DPN [18], FCN-8s [19], DeepLab [2], CRF-RNN [34], SQ [28], ENet [21], SegNet [1], and our ICNet.

Our experiments show that high-accuracy methods of PSPNet [33] and ResNet38 [30] take more than 1 second to predict a 1024 × 2048 high-resolution image on one Nvidia TitanX GPU card during testing. These methods fall into the area illustrated in Figure 1 with high accuracy and low speed.

Recent fast semantic segmentation methods of SegNet [1], ENet [21], and SQ [28], contrarily, take quite different positions in the plot of Figure 1. The speed is much accelerated; but accuracy notably drops, where the final mIoUs are lower than 60%. These methods locate near the right bottom corner in Figure 1.

The idea is to let low-resolution image go through the full semantic perception network first for a coarse prediction map. Then the proposed cascade fusion unit introduces middle- and high-resolution image feature and improves the coarse semantic map gradually.


  • We develop an image cascade network (ICNet), which utilizes semantic information in low resolution along
    with details from high-resolution images efficiently.

  • The proposed ICNet achieves 5x+ speedup of inference, and reduces memory consumption by 5+ times.

  • Our proposed fast semantic segmentation system can run at resolution 1024×2048 in speed of 30.3 fps while accomplishing high-quality results.

High Quality Semantic Segmentation

Fast Semantic Segmentation

SegNet [1] abandons layers to reduce layer parameters and ENet [21] is a lightweight network.

Video Segmentation Architectures

Clockwork [27] reused feature maps given stable video input. Deep feature flow [35] was based on a small-scale optical flow network to propagate features from key frames to others.

Speed Analysis

Time Budget

We first study influence of image resolution in semantic segmentation using PSPNet.

In additional to image resolution, width of a network or the number of kernels also effect the inference time.

Intuitive Speedup

Downsampling Input

A simple approach is to use the small-resolution image as input.

although the inference time is reduced by a large margin, the prediction map is very coarse, missing many small but important details compared to the higher resolution prediction.

Downsampling Feature

scale down the feature map by a large ratio in the inference process.

Downsample Size81632
mIoU (%)71.770.267.1
Time (ms)446177131

Table 1. Total time spent on PSPNet50 when choosing downsampling factors 8, 16 and 32.

A smaller feature map can yield faster inference at the cost of sacrificing prediction accuracy. The lost information is similarly details contained in low-level layers.

Model Compression

trim kernels in each layer

For each filter, we first calculate the L1 sum of its kernel weights. Then we sort these L1 sums in a descending order for keeping only the most significant ones.

Kernel Keeping Rates10.50.25
mIoU (%)71.767.959.4
Time (ms)44617072

Table 2. Kernel keeping rates in model compression along with related mIoUs and inference time.

the inference time is still too long. Meanwhile the corresponding mIoU is intolerably low

Our Image Cascade Network

Main structures and Branches

Low Resolution

For the lowest resolution input, it goes through the top branch, which is an FCN-based PSPNet architecture. Since the input size is only 1/4 of the original one, convolution layers correspondingly downsize the feature maps by a ratio of 1/8 and yield 1/32 of the original spatial size.

Median Resolution

For the 1/2 size middle-resolution image, the output feature maps are of size 1/16 of the original ones.

To fusion the 1/16 size feature map with the 1/32 size feature map in the top branch, we propose a cascade feature fusion (CFF) unit that will be discussed later in this paper.

the convolutional parameters can be shared between the 1/4 and 1/2 resolution inputs, thus saving computational and reducing parameter number.

High Resolution

A 1/8 size feature map is resulted.

we use the CFF unit to incorporate the output of previous CFF unit and current feature map in full resolution in branch three.

Cascade Label Guidance

It uses 1/16, 1/8, and 1/4 of ground truth labels to guide the learning stage of low, median and high resolution input.

Branch Analysis

branch one: even with more than 50 layers, the inference operation and memory consumption are not large as 18ms and 0.6GB.

There are 17 convolutional layers in branch two and only 3 in branch three.

only 6ms more is spent to construct the fusion feature map using two branches.

the inference time in branch three is just 9ms.

Difference from Other Cascade Structures

these methods focus on fusing features from different layers from a single-scale input or multi-scale ones.

They all face the same problem of expensive computation given high-resolution input.

our ICNet uses the low-resolution input to go through the main semantic segmentation branch and adopts the high-resolution information to help refinement.

Cascade Feature Fusion and Final Model

Figure 6

Figure 6. Cascade feature fusion unit. Given input two feature maps F1 and F2 where the spatial resolution of the latter is twice of the former one, the fused feature map F2 is of the same spatial size as F2 .

The input to this unit contains three components: the two feature maps F1 and F2 of resolution H1×W1×C1 and H2×W2×C2 and a ground truth label in resolution H2×W2×1 .

Upsampling is applied to make F1 the same size as F2. Then a dilated convolution layer with kernel size 3×3 and dilation 1 is applied to refine upsampled features.

for feature F2, a projection convolutional layer with kernel size 1×1 is utilized to project it with the same size as the output of feature F1.

Then two batch normalization layers are used to normalize these two features.

To enhance learning of F1, we use an auxiliary label guidance to the upsampled F1. The auxiliary loss weight is set to 0.4 as in [33].

The Loss Function

To train ICNet, we append softmax cross entropy loss in each branch denoted as L1 , L2 and L3 with corresponding weights λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 .


All the losses we adopted are the cross-entropy loss on the corresponding downsampled score maps.

Final Model Compression

We compress our model in a progressive way. Taking compression rate 1/2 as an example, instead of removing a half of kernels directly, we first choose to keep 3/4 of the kernels and initialize this compressed model for following fine tuning. After it is done, we remove more kernels and repeat this process until the goal of compression is achieved.

For each filter, we calculate the L1 sum of its kernel weights.

Then we sort these sums in a descending order for ranking.

Finally, we remove those least important kernels which have smaller weights.

Experimental Evaluation

We conduct experiments based on learning platform Caffe [12].

Our testing uses only one card.

Our network structure is modified from PSPNet.

We changed the concatenation operations in the pyramid pooling module to summation, thus reducing feature length from 4096 to 2048.

We changed the kernel size in the convolution layer after pyramid pooling from original 3×3 to 1×1 . It does not much affect final accuracy but saves computation a lot.

To train the hyper-parameters, the mini-batch size is set to 16.

Dataset and Evaluation Metrics


high-resolution images up to 1024×2048

training/validation/testing: 2975/500/1525

contains 30 common class labels, 19 of them are used in training and testing

For evaluation, both mean of class-wise intersection over union (mIoU) and network forward time are used.

Model Compression

mIoU (%)67.967.7
Time (ms)17033
Frame (fps)5.930.3
Memory (G)9.21.6
Memory Save1x5.8x

Table 3. Performance of baseline and ICNet on validation set of Citysapes. The baseline method is the structure-optimized PSPNet50 with compress operation by half.

They indicate that only model compression has almost no chance to achieve realtime
performance under the condition of keeping decent segmentation quality.

In what follows, we take the model-compressed PSPNet50, which is reasonably accelerated, as our baseline system for comparison.

Ablation Study for Image Cascade Framework

mIoU (%)67.959.666.567.7
Time (ms)170182533
Frame (fps)5.955.64030.3
Memory (GB)
Memory Save1x15.3x8.4x5.8x

Table 4. Our ICNet performance on the validation set of Cityscapes with different settings.

The setting ‘sub4’ only uses the top branch with the low-resolution input. ‘sub24’ and ‘sub124’ respectively contain top two and all three branches.

Visual Comparison

Quantitative Analysis

Final Results and Comparison


We have proposed a realtime semantic segmentation system ICNet. It incorporates effective strategies to simplify network structures without significantly reducing performance.

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