dagger_training 运行记录

dagger_training 部分数据


[ INFO] [1675673333.786939836, 60.335000000]: Received off command, stopping maneuver execution!
[ INFO] [1675673333.786989321, 60.335000000]: Switching to kOff
[ INFO] [1675673335.889877489, 61.384000000]: Received off command, stopping maneuver execution!
[ INFO] [1675673335.889940988, 61.384000000]: Switching to kOff
[ INFO] [1675673336.891693164, 61.590000000]: [/hummingbird/rpg_rotors_interface] Interface armed
[ INFO] [1675673336.892380181, 61.590000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] START command received
[ INFO] [1675673336.892443479, 61.590000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Absolute state estimate available, taking off based on it
[ INFO] [1675673336.892464313, 61.590000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to START state
[ INFO] [1675673341.337904267, 63.598000000]: Solving MPC with hover as initial guess.
[ INFO] [1675673349.138182123, 67.490000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to BREAKING state
[ INFO] [1675673349.298037991, 67.570000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to HOVER state
[ INFO] [1675673361.922643973, 73.870000000]: Initiated Logging, computing reference trajectory and generating point cloud!
[ INFO] [1675673361.922817111, 73.870000000]: Starting maneuver computation
Initiated acrobatic sequence
Creating directories in [/home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data]
[ INFO] [1675673363.977031447, 74.896000000]: Find elevation
[ INFO] [1675673363.977130857, 74.896000000]: Place trees
[ INFO] [1675918620.196025666, 75.636000000]: Spawning [3489] trees, poisson mode is [3451].
[ INFO] [1675673365.986204806, 75.898000000]: Incrementing seed to 69.
[ INFO] [1675673367.268387758, 76.539000000]: Start creating pointcloud
[ INFO] [1675673367.268444987, 76.539000000]: Scale pointcloud: [60.00, 20.00, 10.00]
[ INFO] [1675673367.268467704, 76.539000000]: Origin pointcloud: [0.00, 20.00, 1.89]
[ INFO] [1675673390.278492741, 88.025000000]: Pointcloud saved
Opened new odometry file: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/odometry.csv
Saving trajectory to CSV. 
Trajectory filename: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/reference_trajectory.csv
Saved trajectory to file.
[ INFO] [1675673390.285346309, 88.028000000]: Not yet switching state machine, waiting for global reference to arrive...
[ INFO] [1675673390.285407157, 88.028000000]: Maneuver computation successful!
[ INFO] [1675673390.285444075, 88.028000000]: Maneuver computation took 14.1580 seconds.
Performing planning for directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
[ INFO] [1675673394.301749519, 90.033000000]: Added Folder: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21
Loading reference trajectory from /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/reference_trajectory.csv
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0384653 seconds [89.9658 MBps]
Completed pointcloud parsing!
[ INFO] [1675673394.373033108, 90.069000000]: Loaded pointcloud contains 288370 points.

[ INFO] [1675673394.385338521, 90.075000000]: Pointcloud2 contains 288370 points.
[ INFO] [1675673394.385385525, 90.075000000]: Pointcloud contains 288370 points.
[ INFO] [1675673394.385413659, 90.075000000]: Takes 0.039000 sec to set up map!
[ INFO] [1675673394.385435287, 90.075000000]: Initiating planner...
[EllipsoidPlanner] PLANNER VERBOSE ON
[ INFO] [1675673394.385473751, 90.075000000]: robot_radius: 0.30
Origin:      -25       15 -3.11056
Dimension: 50 10 10
obs.size() : 436710
Done setObstacles
Done setBoundingBox
Done env_cloud
Done setMap
[ INFO] [1675673394.510613506, 90.137000000]: epsilon: 2.00
[PlannerBase] set epsilon: 2.000000
[PlannerBase] set v_max: 7.000000
[PlannerBase] set a_max: 10.000000
[PlannerBase] set dt: 0.200000
[PlannerBase] set w: 10000.000000
[PlannerBase] set max num: 500000
[PlannerBase] set tol_pos: 7.000000
[PlannerBase] set tol_vel: 100.000000
[PlannerBase] set tol_acc: 100.000000
[ INFO] [1675673394.510704056, 90.137000000]: Setting start and goal...
[ INFO] [1675673394.510767155, 90.137000000]: Reading prior trajectory...
[ INFO] [1675673394.510795450, 90.137000000]: Initiate planning...
pos:     -20      20 1.88944
vel:    0.2 -1e-08 -5e-08
acc: 0 0 0
use jrk!
pos:      20      20 1.88944
vel: 10  0  0
acc: 0 0 0
use jrk!

++++++++++++++++++++ env_base ++++++++++++++++++
+                  w: 10000.00               +
+               wyaw: 1.00               +
+                 dt: 0.20               +
+              t_max: inf               +
+              v_max: 7.00               +
+              a_max: 10.00               +
+              j_max: -1.00               +
+            yaw_max: -1.00               +
+              U num: 25                +
+            tol_pos: 7.00               +
+            tol_vel: 100.00               +
+            tol_acc: 100.00               +
+            tol_yaw: -1.00               +
+heur_ignore_dynamics: 1                 +
++++++++++++++++++++ env_base ++++++++++++++++++

Start from new node!
goalNode fval: 80985.714286, g: 62700.000000!
Expand [124] nodes!
Reached Goal !!!!!!

t: 6 pos:    13.6   22.12 1.88944 vel:    6.2    5.4 -5e-08
g: 62700.000000, rhs: inf, h: 9142.857143
t: 5.8 pos:   12.36   20.92 1.88944 vel:    6.2    6.6 -5e-08
g: 60700.000000, rhs: inf, h: 10914.285714
t: 5.6 pos:   11.12   19.56 1.88944 vel:    6.2    6.6 -5e-08
g: 57980.000000, rhs: inf, h: 12685.714286
t: 5.4 pos:    9.88   18.36 1.88944 vel:    6.2    5.4 -5e-08
g: 55980.000000, rhs: inf, h: 14457.142857
t: 5.2 pos:    8.64    17.4 1.88944 vel:    6.2    4.2 -5e-08
g: 53980.000000, rhs: inf, h: 16228.571429
t: 5 pos:     7.4   16.68 1.88944 vel:    6.2      3 -5e-08

t: 0.2 pos:  -19.92   20.04 1.88944 vel:    0.8    0.6 -5e-08
g: 2360.000000, rhs: inf, h: 57028.571429
t: 0 pos:     -20      20 1.88944
g: 0.000000, rhs: inf, h: 57142.857143
[ INFO] [1675673394.521237323, 90.143000000]: Succeed! Takes 0.006000 sec for planning, expand [124] nodes
Saving trajectory to CSV. 
Trajectory filename: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/ellipsoid_trajectory.csv
Saved trajectory to file.
================== Traj -- total J(VEL): 292.128000, J(ACC): 216.000000, J(JRK): 0.000000, total time: 6.000000
max roll: 31.450823 at [0.204000]
max pitch: 31.450823 at [0.912000]
[ INFO] [1675673394.528071079, 90.146000000]: Global Planner completed! Loading adapted reference trajectory now!
Loading reference trajectory from /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/ellipsoid_trajectory.csv
Smoothing trajectory of length [302]

Smoothed trajectory has [27775] points.
resampled_trajectory has [634] points.
Saving trajectory to CSV. 
Trajectory filename: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/ellipsoid_trajectory.csv
Saved trajectory to file.
t: 0.00 | Position: -20.00, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
t: 0.01 | Position: -20.00, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.05, 0.00, 0.00
t: 0.02 | Position: -20.00, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.10, 0.00, 0.00
t: 0.03 | Position: -20.00, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.15, 0.01, 0.00
t: 0.04 | Position: -19.99, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.20, 0.01, 0.00
t: 0.05 | Position: -19.99, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.25, 0.04, 0.00
t: 0.06 | Position: -19.99, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.30, 0.05, 0.00
t: 0.07 | Position: -19.98, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.34, 0.09, 0.00
t: 0.08 | Position: -19.98, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.37, 0.14, 0.00
t: 0.09 | Position: -19.98, 20.00, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.41, 0.19, -0.00
t: 0.10 | Position: -19.97, 20.01, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.45, 0.21, -0.00
t: 0.11 | Position: -19.97, 20.01, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.48, 0.27, 0.00
t: 0.12 | Position: -19.96, 20.01, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.52, 0.29, 0.00
t: 0.13 | Position: -19.95, 20.02, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.55, 0.35, 0.00
t: 0.14 | Position: -19.95, 20.02, 1.89 | Velocity: 0.58, 0.39, 0.00
t: 6.28 | Position: 13.07, 21.64, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.06, 4.84, 0.00
t: 6.29 | Position: 13.12, 21.69, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.10, 4.79, 0.00
t: 6.30 | Position: 13.18, 21.74, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.10, 4.79, 0.00
t: 6.31 | Position: 13.23, 21.78, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.10, 4.79, 0.00
t: 6.32 | Position: 13.28, 21.83, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.15, 4.74, 0.00
t: 6.33 | Position: 13.33, 21.88, 1.89 | Velocity: 5.15, 4.74, 0.00
[ INFO] [1675673394.701040782, 90.232000000]: Gogogo!

[ INFO] [1675673394.701117384, 90.232000000]: Switching to kAutopilot
[ INFO] [1675673394.705499547, 90.235000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [nominal_reference].

[ INFO] [1675673395.850423881, 90.806000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [raw_nw_prediction].
[ INFO] [1675673395.852121707, 90.807000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673395.852213703, 90.807000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [selected_nw_prediction].
[ INFO] [1675673395.853673462, 90.808000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [fitted_nw_prediction].
[ INFO] [1675673395.857564819, 90.809000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [arclen_nw_prediction].
[ INFO] [1675673395.868028468, 90.815000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673395.875854610, 90.819000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [fitted_reference].
[ INFO] [1675673395.877175363, 90.819000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [control_ref].
[ INFO] [1675673395.878703248, 90.820000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [executed_reference].
[ INFO] [1675673395.880290129, 90.821000000]: Creating a new publisher for topic [executed_trajectory].
[ INFO] [1675673395.881745828, 90.822000000]: Solving MPC with hover as initial guess.
[ INFO] [1675673395.883474510, 90.823000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to COMMAND_FEEDTHROUGH state
[ INFO] [1675673396.011115782, 90.886000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673396.143592310, 90.952000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673407.376564600, 96.546000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673407.525990691, 96.619000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673407.647490141, 96.680000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675673407.771084746, 96.742000000]: Reached end of trajectory.
[ INFO] [1675673407.771169017, 96.742000000]: Switching to kOff
Close Odometry File.

[ INFO] [1675918647.792180136, 735.418000000]: Switching to kExecuteExpert
[ INFO] [1675918647.820894933, 735.432000000]: Solving MPC with hover as initial guess.
[ INFO] [1675918647.821609738, 735.432000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to COMMAND_FEEDTHROUGH state
[ INFO] [1675918648.001285003, 735.522000000]: Selected trajectory #1
[ INFO] [1675918648.136013631, 735.589000000]: Selected trajectory #1
[ INFO] [1675918648.268511429, 735.655000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675918648.402925222, 735.722000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675918659.480036044, 741.253000000]: Selected trajectory #0
[ INFO] [1675918659.615989604, 741.321000000]: Selected trajectory #1
[ INFO] [1675918659.631845555, 741.329000000]: Reached end of trajectory.
[ INFO] [1675918659.631872561, 741.329000000]: Switching to kOff
Close Odometry File.

[ INFO] [1675673407.771385289, 96.742000000]: Switching to kComputeLabels
[ WARN] [1675673407.954354503, 96.833000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Did not receive control command inputs anymore but last thrust command was high, will switch to hover
[ INFO] [1675673407.954469850, 96.833000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to BREAKING state
Generating initial guesses for sampling...
[ INFO] [1675673409.120136588, 97.093000000]: Solving MPC with hover as initial guess.
[ WARN] [1675673409.245951882, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.03128)
[ WARN] [1675673409.245987565, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.08647)
[ WARN] [1675673409.245998519, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.03247)
[ WARN] [1675673409.246008433, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.07903)
[ WARN] [1675673409.246017715, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.06882)
[ WARN] [1675673409.246027515, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.05546)
[ WARN] [1675673409.509882733, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.34220)
[ WARN] [1675673409.509894188, 97.093000000]: Fixing reference, seems MPC did not fully converge! (norm attitude: 1.32052)
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Labelling data in directory /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
Now Reading: /home/freq/agile_autonomy_ws/catkin_aa/src/agile_autonomy/data_generation/agile_autonomy/../data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0494479 seconds [69.9839 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0495718 seconds [69.809 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0499718 seconds [69.2503 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0502824 seconds [68.8225 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0504624 seconds [68.577 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0529259 seconds [65.385 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0649879 seconds [53.2493 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
	parsing 3.46056mb in 0.0653294 seconds [52.9709 MBps]
	Read 288370 total vertices 
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Completed pointcloud parsing!
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 0, computing label for t =  2.17 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 8, computing label for t =  2.95 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 16, computing label for t =  3.73 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 24, computing label for t =  4.65 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 32, computing label for t =  5.66 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 40, computing label for t =  6.52 /  6.36.
Directory [0/1] -- Idx: 48, computing label for t =  7.38 /  6.36.
[ INFO] [1675918676.774608956, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #7!
[ INFO] [1675918676.898359723, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918677.898569805, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918678.299410961, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #2!
[ INFO] [1675918678.898797686, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918679.140945668, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #6!
[ INFO] [1675918679.898960142, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918680.899117788, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918681.495093116, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #1!
[ INFO] [1675918681.899235317, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918681.917422019, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #3!
[ INFO] [1675918682.868094707, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #5!
[ INFO] [1675918682.899393776, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918683.899530819, 741.494000000]: Waiting for other nodes to finish labelling...
[ INFO] [1675918684.119485202, 741.494000000]: Received completion of thread #4!
Completed label generation in 0.00s (0.000s per label).

[ INFO] [1675673434.488730806, 97.093000000]: Sending labelling completed message!
[ INFO] [1675673435.994687014, 97.338000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to HOVER state
[ INFO] [1675673438.095827880, 97.964000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] OFF command received
[ INFO] [1675673438.095906442, 97.964000000]: [/hummingbird/autopilot] Switched to OFF state
[ INFO] [1675673438.095921236, 97.964000000]: Received off command, stopping maneuver execution!
[ INFO] [1675673438.095977196, 97.964000000]: Switching to kOff
[ INFO] [1675673440.301391761, 99.058000000]: Received off command, stopping maneuver execution!
[ INFO] [1675673440.301439078, 99.058000000]: Switching to kOff


Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.convolutional.Conv2D object at 0x7f762c09e640> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c0aad60>).
WARNING:tensorflow:Inconsistent references when loading the checkpoint into this object graph. Either the Trackable object references in the Python program have changed in an incompatible way, or the checkpoint was generated in an incompatible program.

Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c0aad60> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.advanced_activations.ReLU object at 0x7f762c037070>).
WARNING:tensorflow:Inconsistent references when loading the checkpoint into this object graph. Either the Trackable object references in the Python program have changed in an incompatible way, or the checkpoint was generated in an incompatible program.

Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.convolutional.DepthwiseConv2D object at 0x7f762c037f70> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c032fa0>).
WARNING:tensorflow:Inconsistent references when loading the checkpoint into this object graph. Either the Trackable object references in the Python program have changed in an incompatible way, or the checkpoint was generated in an incompatible program.

Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c032fa0> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.advanced_activations.ReLU object at 0x7f762c0419a0>).
WARNING:tensorflow:Inconsistent references when loading the checkpoint into this object graph. Either the Trackable object references in the Python program have changed in an incompatible way, or the checkpoint was generated in an incompatible program.

Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.convolutional.Conv2D object at 0x7f762c041970> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c0322e0>).
WARNING:tensorflow:Inconsistent references when loading the checkpoint into this object graph. Either the Trackable object references in the Python program have changed in an incompatible way, or the checkpoint was generated in an incompatible program.

Two checkpoint references resolved to different objects (<tensorflow.python.keras.layers.normalization_v2.BatchNormalization object at 0x7f762c0322e0> and <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.advanced_activations.ReLU object at 0x7f762c091dc0>).
Restored from models/ckpt-50
2023-02-06 16:48:44.061195: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/mlir_graph_optimization_pass.cc:116] None of the MLIR optimization passes are enabled (registered 2)
2023-02-06 16:48:44.110462: I tensorflow/core/platform/profile_utils/cpu_utils.cc:112] CPU Frequency: 2688000000 Hz
2023-02-06 16:48:44.473821: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:49] Successfully opened dynamic library libcudnn.so.8
2023-02-06 16:48:49.447479: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/dso_loader.cc:49] Successfully opened dynamic library libcublas.so.11
2023-02-06 16:48:50.964495: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:226] failed to create cublas handle: CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED
2023-02-06 16:48:50.980846: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/cuda_blas.cc:226] failed to create cublas handle: CUBLAS_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED
Net initialized
Setting Tree Spacing to 6
Setting Object Spacing to 6

Unpausing Physics...

Placing quadrotor...
success: True
status_message: "SetModelState: set model state done"
Received call to Clear Buffer and Restart Experiment

/home/freq/anaconda3/envs/tf_24/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/backend.py:434: UserWarning: `tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase` is deprecated and will be removed after 2020-10-11. To update it, simply pass a True/False value to the `training` argument of the `__call__` method of your layer or model.
  warnings.warn('`tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase` is deprecated and '
Resetting experiment

Done Reset########################################################
Doing experiment 0
Reading pointcloud from ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/pointcloud-unity.ply
min max pointcloud
[29.90007973 29.90004349  6.71443701]
[-29.90000534  10.09999561  -1.48556113]
Reading Trajectory from ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/reference_trajectory.csv
Loaded traj ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-49-21/reference_trajectory.csv with 324 elems
/home/freq/anaconda3/envs/tf_24/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/_asarray.py:171: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-o########################################################r-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Crashing into something!
Crashing into something!
experiment done
expert_usage is 26.373
number_crashes is 2.000
travelled_dist is 8.892
closest_distance is 0.085

Expert done with data labelling

Setting Tree Spacing to 5
Setting Object Spacing to 5
It worked well. (Arrived at 263 / 324)
Giving a stop from python
Crashing into something!

Unpausing Physics...

Placing quadrotor...
success: True
status_message: "SetModelState: set model state done"
Received call to Clear Buffer and Restart Experiment

/home/freq/anaconda3/envs/tf_24/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tensorflow/python/keras/backend.py:434: UserWarning: `tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase` is deprecated and will be removed after 2020-10-11. To update it, simply pass a True/False value to the `training` argument of the `__call__` method of your layer or model.
  warnings.warn('`tf.keras.backend.set_learning_phase` is deprecated and '
Resetting experiment

Done Reset
Doing experiment 1
Reading pointcloud from ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-51-06/pointcloud-unity.ply
min max pointcloud
[29.90008163 29.9000473   6.71261311]
[-29.90000343  10.09999943  -1.4873848 ]
Reading Trajectory from ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-51-06/reference_trajectory.csv
Loaded traj ../data_generation/data/rollout_23-02-06_16-51-06/reference_trajectory.csv with 324 elems
/home/freq/anaconda3/envs/tf_24/lib/python3.8/site-packages/numpy/core/_asarray.py:171: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
  return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order, subok=True)
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Starting up!
Crashing into something!
Crashing into something!
experiment done
expert_usage is 27.160
number_crashes is 2.000
travelled_dist is 12.335
closest_distance is 0.170

Expert done with data labelling

Setting Tree Spacing to 6
Setting Object Spacing to 6




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则




¥1 ¥2 ¥4 ¥6 ¥10 ¥20



钱包余额 0


