学习笔记_SDTM(1). Fundamentals of The SDTM

1. Observations and Variables

The SDTM is built around the concept of observations collected about subjects who participated in a clinical study. Each observation can be described by a series of variables, corresponding to a row in a dataset.
Variables can be classified into 5 major roles:

Identifieridentify the study, subject, domain, and sequence number of the record
Topicspecify the focus of the observation (e.g., the name of a lab test)
Timingdescribe the timing of the observation (e.g., start date and end date)
Qualifierinclude additional illustrative text or numeric values that describe the results or additional traits of the observation (e.g., units, descriptive adjectives)
Ruledescribe the condition to start, end, branch, or loop in the Trial Design Model

Qualifier variables can be further categorized into 5 subclasses:

Grouping Qualifiersgroup together a collection of observations within the same domain–CAT --SCAT
Result Qualifiersdescribe the specific results associated with the topic variable in a Findings dataset. They answer the question raised by the topic variable–ORRES --STRESC --STRESN
Synonym Qualifiersspecify an alternative name for a particular variable in an observation.‑‑MODIFY --DECOD
Record Qualifiersdefine additional attributes of the observation record as a whole (rather than describing a particular variable within a record)–REASND, AESLIFE in AE;AGE, SEX, and RACE in DM
Variable Qualifiersfurther modify or describe a specific variable within an observation and are only meaningful in the context of the variable they qualify–ORRESU, --ORNRHI, ‑‑ORNRLO are Variable Qualifiers of --ORRES

E.g.: Subject 101 had mild nausea starting on study day 6.

  • Identifier: 101
  • Topic: “Nausea”
  • Timing: study day 6
  • Record Qualifier: mild

2. Datasets and Domains

Observations about study subjects are normally collected for all subjects in a series of domains. A domain is defined as a collection of logically related observations with a common topic. Each domain is represented by a single dataset.
All datasets are structured as flat files with rows representing observations and columns representing variables. Each dataset is described by metadata definitions that provide information about the variables used in the dataset. The metadata are described in a data definition document (i.e., a Define-XML document) that is submitted with the data to regulatory authorities.

Define-XML specifies seven distinct metadata attributes to describe SDTM data:

  • The Variable Name (limited to 8 characters for compatibility with the SAS Transport format)

  • A descriptive Variable Label, using up to 40 characters, which should be unique for each variable in the dataset

  • The data Type (e.g., whether the variable value is a character or numeric)

  • The set of controlled terminology for the value or the presentation format of the variable (Controlled Terms, Codelist, or Format)

  • Controlled terminology (CT) is now represented one of four ways:
    • A single asterisk when there is no specific CT available at the current time, but the SDS Team expects that sponsors may have their own CT and/or the CDISC Controlled Terminology Team may be developing CT.
    • A list of controlled terms for the variable when values are not yet maintained externally
    • The name of an external codelist whose values can be found via the hyperlinks in either the domain or by accessing the CDISC Controlled Terminology as outlined in Appendix C – Controlled Terminology.
    • A common format such as ISO 8601

  • The Origin of each variable

  • The Role of the variable, which determines how the variable is used in the dataset. e.g., Identifier, Topic, Timing, or the five types of Qualifiers.

  • Comments or other relevant information about the variable or its data included by the sponsor as necessary to communicate information about the variable or its contents to a regulatory agency.

Each domain dataset is distinguished by a unique, 2-character code that should be used consistently throughout the submission. This code is used in 4 ways:

  • as the dataset name
  • as the value of the DOMAIN variable in that dataset
  • as a prefix for most variable names in that dataset
  • as a value in the RDOMAIN variable in relationship tables.
    Relationships Between Domains

2.1 The General Observation Classes

Most subject-level observations collected during the study should be represented according to 1 of the 3 SDTM general observation classes:

Interventionsinvestigational, therapeutic, and other treatments that are administered to the subjectexposure to study drug; concomitant medications; use of alcohol, tobacco, or caffeine
Eventsplanned protocol milestones; occurrences, conditions, or incidents independent of planned study evaluationsrandomization, study completion, adverse events, medical history
Findingsthe observations resulting from planned evaluations to address specific tests or questionslaboratory tests, ECG testing, questions listed on questionnaires

2.1.1 Interventions

Procedure Agents (AG)
Concomitant/Prior Medications (CM)
Exposure (EX)
Exposure as Collected (EC)
Meal Data (ML)
Procedures (PR)
Substance Use (SU)

2.1.2 Events

Adverse Events (AE)
Biospecimen Events (BE)
Clinical Events (CE)
Disposition (DS)
Healthcare Encounters (HO)
Medical History (MH)
Protocol Deviations (DV)

2.1.3 Findings

Product Accountability (DA)
Death Details (DD)
ECG Test Results (EG)
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Not Met (IE)

Specimen-based Findings Domain
Biospecimen Findings (BS)
Cell Phenotype Findings (CP)
Genomics Findings (GF)
Immunogenicity Specimen Assessments (IS)
Laboratory Test Results (LB)
Microbiology Domains
Microscopic Findings (MI)
Pharmacokinetics Domains

Morphology (MO)

Morphology/Physiology Domains
Generic Morphology/Physiology Specification Cardiovascular System Findings (CV)
Musculoskeletal System Findings (MK)
Nervous System Findings (NV)
Ophthalmic Examinations (OE)
Reproductive System Findings (RP)
Respiratory System Findings (RE)
Urinary System Findings (UR)
Physical Examination (PE)

Questionnaires, Ratings, and Scales (QRS) Domains (FT, QS, RS)
Functional Tests (FT)
Questionnaires (QS)
Disease Response and Clin Classification (RS)
Subject Characteristics (SC)
Subject Status (SS)

Tumor/Lesion Domains
Tumor/Lesion Identification (TU)
Tumor/Lesion Results (TR)

Vital Signs (VS)

Findings About Events or Interventions (FA)
Skin Response (SR)

2.2 Datasets Other than General Observation Class Domains

The SDTM includes 4 types of datasets other than those based on the general observation classes:

Special purpose domainssubject-level data that do not conform to 1 of the 3 general observation classesDemographics (DM), Comments (CO), Subject Elements (SE), Subject Visits (SV)
Trial Design Model (TDM) datasetsrepresent information about the study design but do not contain subject dataTrial Arms (TA), Trial Elements (TE)
Relationship datasetsrepresent relationships among datasets or recordsthe RELREC and SUPP-- datasets
Study Reference datasetsprovide structures for representing study-specific terminology used in subject dataDevice Identifiers (DI), Non-host Organism Identifiers (OI)

2.2.1 Special Purpose

2.2.2 Trial Design Model(TDM)

2.2.3 Study Reference

2.2.4 Relationships

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SDTM全称为Study Data Tabulation Model,翻译为研究数据制表模型。它是CDISC(Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium)组织制定的一种标准数据模型,用于规范临床试验数据的收集、转换、存储和共享。SDTM模型包含了研究数据的元数据、数据结构、变量名称、变量定义、变量值域等信息,是临床试验数据管理和分析的基础。 要完成SDTM的制作,需要按照以下步骤进行: 1.收集和整理研究数据:收集和整理研究数据,包括病人信息、治疗方案、检测结果等。 2.根据SDTM标准进行变量映射:根据SDTM的数据结构和变量定义,将研究数据进行映射,将原始数据转换为SDTM格式。 3.进行SDTM数据验证:对转换后的SDTM数据进行验证,确保数据的准确性和完整性。 4.进行SDTM数据清理:对SDTM数据进行清理,包括数据的缺失值、异常值、逻辑错误等。 5.生成SDTM数据集:根据SDTM标准定义,生成SDTM数据集,包括DM、AE、LB、VS等数据集。 6.进行SDTM数据质量控制:对生成的SDTM数据集进行质量控制,确保数据的准确性和一致性。 7.提交SDTM数据:将生成的SDTM数据集提交给药品监管机构或合作伙伴,以便进行审查和分析。 需要注意的是,SDTM的制作需要严格遵守CDISC组织制定的标准,确保数据的一致性和可比性。同时,SDTM的制作需要专业的数据管理和分析能力,需要有相关的技术和经验支持。


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