Demographics (DM)
- 包含受试者基本信息的数据集,每个受试者一条记录。
- 是所有其他临床试验domain的父集,应最先生成,供其他domain调用。
Varibable Name | Variable Label | Origin | Notes | Core |
STUDYID | Study Identifier | Protocol | Unique identifier for a study | Req |
DOMAIN | Domain Abbreviation | Assigned | Two-character abbreviation | Req |
USUBJID | Unique Subject Identifier | Dirived | STUDYID-SITEID-SUBJID | Req |
SUBJID | Subject Identifier for the Study | CRF[Subject Identification] | ID of the subject | Req |
RFSTDTC | Subject Reference Start Date/Time | Derived[Drug Administration] | Usually = date of first exposure to trt | Exp |
RFENDTC | Subject Reference End Date/Time | Derived[Date of visit] | Usually = date of last exposure to trt | Exp |
RFXSTDTC | Date/Time of First Study Treatment | Dericed | First date/time of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, = first EXSTDTC | Exp |
RFXENDTC | Date/Time of Last Study Treatment | Derived | Last date/time of exposure to any protocol-specified treatment or therapy, = latest EXENDTC (or EXSTDTC) | Exp |
RFCSTDTC | Date/Time of First Challenge Agent Admin | Derived | = earliest value of AGSTDTC for the challenge agent | Perm |
RFCENDTC | Date/Time of Last Challenge Agent Admin | Derived | = latest value of AGENDTC (or AGSTDTC) for the challenge agent | Perm |
RFICDTC | Date/Time of Informed Consent | CRF[Informed Consent] | Informed Consent Date | Exp |
RFPENDTC | Date/Time of End of Participation | Derived[Study Treatment Discontinuation] | = last known date of contact (completion date, withdrawal date, last follow-up, date recorded for lost to follow up, and death date…) | Exp |
DTHDTC | Date/Time of Death | CRF[Death] | Date of Death | Exp |
DTHFL | Subject Death Flag | Derived | = “Y” or null | Exp |
SITEID | Study Site Identifier | CRF[Subject Identification] | Unique identifier for a site within a study | Req |
INVID | Investigator Identifier | Derived | An identifier to describe the Investigator for the study (Not needed if SITEID is equivalent to INVID) | Perm |
INVNAM | Investigator Name | CRF | Name of the investigator for a site. | Perm |
BRTHDTC | Date/Time of Birth | CRF[Demographics] | Perm | |
AGE | Age | CRF[Demographics] | Exp | |
AGEU | Age Units | CRF/Assigned[Demographics] | Units associated with AGE | Exp |
SEX | Sex | CRF[Demographics] | Req | |
RACE | RACE | CRF[Demographics] | Exp | |
ETHNIC | Ethnicity | CRF[Demographics] | Perm | |
ARMCD | Planned Arm Code | Derived | limited to 20 characters | Exp |
ARM | Description of Planned Arm | CRF(IRT) | Name of the arm to which the subject was assigned | Exp |
ACTARMCD | Actual Arm Code | Derived | Exp | |
ACTARM | Description of Actual Arm[Randomization] | Derived | Exp | |
ARMNRS | Reason Arm and/or Actual Arm is Null | Derived | coded reason(“SCREEN FAILURE”, “NOT ASSIGNED”, “ASSIGNED, NOT TREATED”, “UNPLANNED TREATMENT”) | Exp |
ACTARMUD | Description of Unplanned Actual Arm | ? | Exp | |
COUNTRY | Country | Derived | Req | |
DMDTC | Date/Time of Collection | ? | Date/time of demographic data collection | Perm |
DMDY | Study Day of Collection | ? | Study day of collection measured as integer days | Perm |
- Every subject in a study must have a subject identifier (SUBJID). In some cases a subject may participate in more than 1 study. To identify a subject uniquely across all studies for all applications or submissions involving the product, a unique identifier (USUBJID) must be included in all datasets. The Supplemental Qualifiers dataset may be used if appropriate to provide additional information.
- With the exception of trials that use multistage processes to assign subjects to arms described below, ARM and ACTARM must be populated with ARM values from the Trial Arms (TA) dataset and ARMCD and ACTARMCD must be populated with ARMCD values from the TA dataset or be null. The ARM and ARMCD values in the TA dataset have a one-to-one relationship, and that one-to-one relationship must be preserved in the values used to populate ARM and ARMCD in DM, and to populate the values of ACTARM and ACTARMCD in DM.
a. Rules for the arm-related variables:
i. If ARMCD is null, then ARM must be null and ARMNRS must be populated with the reason ARMCD is null.
ii. If ACTARMCD is null, then ACTARM must be null and ARMNRS must be populated with the reason ACTARMCD is null. Both ARMCD and ACTARMCD will be null for subjects who were not assigned to treatment.
iii. ARMNRS may not be populated if both ARMCD and ACTARMCD are populated.
iv. If ARMNRS is populated with “UNPLANNED TREATMENT”, ACTARMUD should be populated with a description of the unplanned treatment received.
b. Multistage assignment to treatment: Some trials use a multistage process for assigning a subject to an arm. In such a case, best practice is to create ARMCD values composed of codes representing the results of the multiple stages of the treatment assignment process. If a subject is partially assigned, then truncated codes representing the stages completed can be used in ARMCD, and similar truncated codes can be used in ACTARMCD. The descriptions used to populate ARM and ACTARM should be similarly truncated, and the one-to-one relationship between these truncated codes should be maintained for all affected subjects in the trial. - Submission of multiple race responses should be represented in the Demographics (DM) domain and Supplemental Qualifiers (SUPPDM) dataset as described in Section, Multiple Values for a Nonresult Qualifier Variable. If multiple races are collected, then the value of RACE should be “MULTIPLE” and the additional information will be included in the Supplemental Qualifiers dataset.
SAS Coding
Struture: Oner record per subject
- Assigned:DOMAIN = DM