Lie Group For Beginners


This tutorial is to help those who have never used Lie Groups but want to use this useful tool. As the manifold topic is too large to cover in this single tutorial, we will concentrate those facts that are necessary for computing Jacobian matrix which will be used in future optimization. Some example codes will be given for each part of the tutorial. If you have any questions about this tutorial, please email to me.

Lie Group: SO(3) and SE(3)

  1. SO(3): special orthogonal group.
  2. SE(3): special euclidean group.

A group is associated with some space and the operations that can applied on the elements in this space. We are familiar with 3D Euclidean space (vector space). For example, a=(1,2,3),b=(3,4,5) are elements of the vector space, the plus operator can be applied by c=a+b , which is also an element of the vector space. Obviously SO(3) is not in the vector space, as we cannot simply plus two rotation matrix. However, SO(3) and SE(3) belongs to the Lie Group, which has five properties. We use C for SO(3) and T for SE(3). Suppose C1,C2,C3SO(3) and T1,T2,T3SE(3) :

  1. C,T are also a differential manifold.
  2. C1C2SO(3) and T1T2SE(3) .
  3. Associativity: (C1C2)C3 = C1(C2C3) . (T1T2)T3=T1(T2T3)
  4. Identity: C1I=IC1=C1 , T1I=IT1=T1
  5. Invertibility: C11SO(3) , T11SE(3)

Necessary and sufficient conditions fro SO(3): CTC=I,det(C)=1 , and for SE(3): T=[C,t0,1],where,CSO(3),tR3

Lie Algebras

Every Lie group associates with a Lie Algebras, which is in vector space V . More specifically, the Lie Algebras is skew matrix (a square real matrix (subspace) of vector space.), and with some operators Lie brackets.

  1. Closure: [X,Y]V
  2. Bilinearity: [aX+bY,Z] = a[X,Z] +b[Y,Z]
  3. Alternating: [X,X] = 0
  4. Jacobi identity: [X,[Y,Z]]=[Z,[Y,X]]=[Y,[Z,X]]
    Above is the general form of Lie brackets for Lie Algebras. Next we will see two special Lie Algebras, so(3),se(3) .

Rotation RO(3)

The Lie algebra associated with SO(3) is given by
1. Vector space: so(3)={Φ=ϕR3×3|ϕR3}
2. Field: R
3. Lie bracket: [Φ1,Φ2]=Φ1Φ2Φ2Φ1
Based on Lie bracket defined above, we can easily tested that, the four properties (general Lie Algebras) holds.

Pose SE(3)

The Lie algebra associated with SE(3) is given by
1. Vector space, se(3)={Ξ=ξR4×4|ξR6}
2. Field: R
3. Lie bracket: [Ξ1,Ξ2]=Ξ1Ξ2Ξ1Ξ2


Exponential Map

We have defined Lie Group and Lie Algebras above, here we will study Exponential Map, that will connect those two concepts. \
The matrix exponential map and matrix logarithms are defined:

exp(A) &= 1 + A + \frac{1}{2!}A^2 +\frac{1}{3!}A^3+... \\
ln(A) &= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n-1}}{n}(A-1)^n

Rotation SO(3)

Let CSO(3),ϕso(3) , according to Eq. ???

C &= exp(\phi^\wedge) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n!}(\phi^\wedge)^n\\
\phi &= ln(C)^\vee\\

We provide a deeper perspective on the not unique ϕ problem in Section ??? appendix.\
A closed form solution for both cases are given by

where ϕ=ϕa . while the unit vector a is the eigen vector, whose eigen value is 1.

Pose SE(3)

Similarly we define the following TSE(3),ξse(3), according to Eq. ???


We also give a closed form solution for the above equations.

where J is the left Jacobian matrix.
J &= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(n+1)!}(\phi^\wedge)^n\\
r &= J\rho\\


The concept of “Jacobian” here is different from the one used in optimization.This Jacobian matrix is defined in Eq. ??? and can be used in two sceneries: transforming ξ to r in SE(3), and also this J can be used in derivatives.\
As we defined Jacobian matrix, we can give the closed form solution to it in the same way with SO(3).


In the same way, we can also give the expression of J1,JTJ .


This section can be covered later.

Baker Campbell Hausdorff

For scalar values, we have


BCH can be used to do this job (of course the format is different for Lie groups). After some derivation we have

Rotation SO(3)

For the special case of SO(3), we have


Pose SE(3)

Similarly we can get


Distance, volume, Integration

Rotation SO(3)

We define the distance between two SO(3)


Perturbing ϕ by a little results in a new Rotation matrix C

Pose SE(3)

The distance


The perturbing

Calculus and Optimization

Rotation matrix

We can derive that


If we have complex function u(x),withx=Cv , we have

After some substuting, we have simpler case:

which has no J.


Let TSE(3) , pHC , we can find that:


So we can get the derivatives easily:


why ϕ is not unique

Some background knowledge. The first equation is about the properties of skew synmetric matrix. Using this properties, we can simplify the high order on skew matrix to scalar numbers.

w \in \mathbb{R}^3, (w^{\wedge})^3 &= - (w^Tw)w^{\wedge} \\
sin(\theta) &= \frac{1}{1!}\theta + \frac{-1}{3!}\theta^3+...\\
cos(\theta) & = 1+\frac{-1}{2!}\theta^2 + \frac{1}{4!}\theta^4+...

Let ϕ=ϕa,ϕR,aR3,|a|=1 , refer to Eq. ??? and Eq. ??? we can expand the exponential map as

As ϕ is all inside the cos and sin functions, so the exp value will be satified with infinite number of ϕ+2πm,muint . Note that rotation matrix is unique, but the 3-parameter values can not be unique, so there is a singularity problem in 3-parameter rotation matrix.

Determinant of Rotation matrix

Exponential map provide another way to see the determinant of rotation matrix. Here we introduce a theory in general matrix. For any square matrix A with complex elements, we have


In our case


Example BA

Using 3D points

We give a simplified BA example here, where the 3D points are known as ground truth, and the pose is to be estimated. let K be the intrinsic matrix, PG,PL be the 3D points in global and local frame, u,v be the measured pixel points.


Jacobian matrix. Derive on R and t of the objective functions. Let v=(PGT) , δ is perturb value on R. We can define the derivative of PL on variables.

We then define the derivative of objective function f on variables.

Please refer to the code "run_so3_spBA.m" .

Using homogeneous coordinates

In the above code, we use 3D points to do the BA, which is not convenient. In this part, we will give you a homogeneous coordinates (HC) example. You can refer to the lecture given by Prof. Cyrill Stachniss. The HC can be regarded as another cooridinates with axis and origin.
So we can use SE(3) to represent the transformations


Jacobian matrix: we can use perturbation to derive derivatives on T, which is very straightforward.

Comparison: run : run_so3_spBA , it takes 20 iterations to converge to the optimal values. If we run run_se3_hc , it takes just 5 iterations to converge. So we can draw a conclusion that, it’s more efficient using Lie Group SE(3) to converge.

李群的一本书,是扫描版,书的质量不错。 This book is intended for a one year graduate course on Lie groups and Lie algebras. The author proceeds beyond the representation theory of compact Lie groups (which is the basis of many texts)and provides a carefully chosen range of material to give the student the bigger picture. For compact Lie groups, the Peter-Weyl theorem, conjugacy of maximal tori (two proofs), Weyl character formula and more are covered. The book continues with the study of complex analytic groups, then general noncompact Lie groups, including the Coxeter presentation of the Weyl group, the Iwasawa and Bruhat decompositions, Cartan decomposition, symmetric spaces, Cayley transforms, relative root systems, Satake diagrams, extended Dynkin diagrams and a survey of the ways Lie groups may be embedded in one another. The book culminates in a "topics" section giving depth to the student's understanding of representation theory, taking the Frobenius-Schur duality between the representation theory of the symmetric group and the unitary groups as a unifying theme, with many applications in diverse areas such as random matrix theory, minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric algebra decompositions, Gelfand pairs, Hecke algebras, representations of finite general linear groups and the cohomology of Grassmannians and flag varieties.   Daniel Bump is Professor of Mathematics at Stanford University. His research is in automorphic forms, representation theory and number theory. He is a co-author of GNU Go, a computer program that plays the game of Go. His previous books include Automorphic Forms and Representations (Cambridge University Press 1997)and Algebraic Geometry (World Scientific 1998).
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