import numpy as np
from matplotlib import axes, patches

class Gene(object):
    Gene class for haplot

    def __init__(self, name: str, chrom: str, start: float, end: float, strand: str,
                 exons_data: str | list = None, exons_color: str | list = 'C5', exons_shape: str | list = 'rect'):
        Init a gene object

        :param name: gene name
        :param chrom: the chromosome that gene located
        :param start: gene start position with bp unit
        :param end: gene end position with bp unit
        :param strand: gene strand, + or -
        :param exons_data: exons list of gene, format: [[start1, end1], [start2, end2], ...] or
        exons string of gene, format: "start1-end1,start2-end2,..."
        :param exons_color: exons color, default is 'C5'
        :param exons_shape: exons shape, default is 'rect', can be 'rect', 'circle', 'ellipse', 'polygon', etc.
        if isinstance(exons_data, str):
            exons_list = [list(map(float, exon.split('-')))
                          for exon in exons_data.replace(' ', '').split(',')]
        elif isinstance(exons_data, list):
            exons_list = exons_data
            raise ValueError("exons_data of gene ({}) is none or not supported".format(name)) = name
        self.chrom = chrom
        self.start = start
        self.end = end
        self.strand = strand
        self.exons = np.asarray(exons_list)
        self.exons = self.exons.astype(np.float64)

        # set default options
        self.options = {
            'center': 0.5,
            'gene': {
                'color': 'red',
                'height': 0.10,
                'zorder': 4,
                'alpha': 1
            'exons': {
                'color': [],
                'shape': [],
                'height': 0.10,
                'zorder': 3,
                'alpha': 1
            'introns': {
                'color': 'teal',
                'height': 0.01,
                'zorder': 2,
                'alpha': 1
            'strand': {
                'color': 'teal',
                'zorder': 2,
                'alpha': 1

    def __str__(self):
        return "Gene({})".format(

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Gene({})".format(

    def __len__(self):
        return self.end - self.start + 1

    def get_length(self):
        Get gene length

        :return: gene length
        return self.end - self.start + 1

    def get_introns(self):
        Get introns location of gene

        :return: intron array
        intron_list = []
        for i in range(len(self.exons) - 1):
            intron_list.append([self.exons[i][1], self.exons[i + 1][0]])
        return np.asarray(intron_list)

    def get_exons(self):
        Get exons location of gene

        :return: exon array
        return self.exons

    def reverse_strand(self):
        Reverse the direction of strand (from 3'->5' to 5'->3') to get new position

        :return: None
        if self.strand == '-':
            self.strand = '+'
            self.exons = self.end - self.exons[::-1][:, ::-1]
            self.exons += self.start
            self.options['exons']['color'] = self.options['exons']['color'][::-1]

    def set_offset(self, offset):
        Set offset of gene

        :param offset: offset value in x axis
        :return: None
        self.start += offset
        self.end += offset
        for i in range(len(self.exons)):
            self.exons[i][0] += offset
            self.exons[i][1] += offset

    def set_zero_start(self):
        Set start position to zero

        :return: None

    def scale(self, min_value=0, max_value=1):
        Scale gene to a new range

        :param min_value: min value of new range
        :param max_value: max value of new range
        :return: None
        old_range = self.end - self.start
        new_range = max_value - min_value
        new_array = np.zeros_like(self.exons, dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(len(self.exons)):
            new_array[i][0] = (self.exons[i][0] - self.start) / old_range * new_range + min_value
            new_array[i][1] = (self.exons[i][1] - self.start) / old_range * new_range + min_value
        self.exons = new_array
        self.start = min_value
        self.end = max_value

    def set_exons_shape(self, shape):
        Set exons shape

        :param shape: shape value, can be 'rect', 'ellipse', 'polygon', etc.
        :return: None
        if isinstance(shape, str):
            self.options['exons']['shape'] = [shape] * len(self.exons)
        elif isinstance(shape, list) and len(shape) == len(self.exons):
            self.options['exons']['shape'] = shape
            raise ValueError("the length of shape is not equal to exons")

    def set_exons_color(self, color):
        Set exons color

        :param color: color value
        :return: None
        if isinstance(color, str):
            self.options['exons']['color'] = [color] * len(self.exons)
        elif isinstance(color, list) and len(color) == len(self.exons):
            self.options['exons']['color'] = color
            raise ValueError("the length of color is not equal to exons")

    def set_exons_height(self, height):
        Set exons height

        :param height: exon height within 0-1
        :return: None
        self.options['exons']['height'] = height

    def set_introns_color(self, color):
        Set introns color

        :param color: color value
        :return: None
        self.options['introns']['color'] = color

    def set_introns_height(self, height):
        Set introns height

        :param height: intron height within 0-1
        :return: None
        self.options['introns']['height'] = height

    def set_center(self, center: float):
        Set center of gene

        :param center: center value in y-axis
        :return: None
        self.options['center'] = center

    def set_options(self, options: dict):
        Set options of gene

        :param options: options dict
        :return: None
        self.options = options

    def get_options(self):
        Get options of gene

        :return: options dict
        return self.options

    def draw_gene(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None):
        Draw gene on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :return: None
        xy = (self.start, options['center'] - options['gene']['height'] / 2)
        width = self.end - self.start
        height = options['gene']['height']
        color = options['gene']['color']
        zorder = options['gene']['zorder']
        alpha = options['gene']['alpha']
        ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, color=color, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha))

    def draw_gene_label(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None):
        Draw gene label on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :return: None
        ax.annotate(, xy=(self.start, options['center']), xycoords='data',
                    xytext=(-10, 0), textcoords="offset points",
                    color='black', fontsize=10, ha='right', va='center')

    def draw_exons(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None):
        Draw exons on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :return: None
        for i, exon in enumerate(self.exons):
            xy = (exon[0], options['center'] - options['exons']['height'] / 2)
            width = exon[1] - exon[0]
            height = options['exons']['height']
            color = options['exons']['color'][i]
            zorder = options['exons']['zorder']
            alpha = options['exons']['alpha']
            if options['exons']['shape'][i] == 'rect':
                ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, color=color, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha))
            elif options['exons']['shape'][i] == 'ellipse':
                # center of ellipse
                xy_c = (exon[0] + width / 2, options['center'])
                ax.add_patch(patches.Ellipse(xy_c, width, height, color=color, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha))
            elif options['exons']['shape'][i] == 'fancy_box':
                ax.add_patch(patches.FancyBboxPatch(xy, width, height, color=color, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha,
                                                    boxstyle=patches.BoxStyle("Round", pad=10),
                                                    mutation_scale=1, mutation_aspect=height / width))
                raise ValueError("shape {} is not supported".format(options['exons']['shape'][i]))

    def draw_introns(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None):
        Draw introns on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :return: None
        for intron in self.get_introns():
            xy = (intron[0], options['center'] - options['introns']['height'] / 2)
            width = intron[1] - intron[0]
            height = options['introns']['height']
            color = options['introns']['color']
            zorder = options['introns']['zorder']
            alpha = options['introns']['alpha']
            ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy, width, height, color=color, zorder=zorder, alpha=alpha))

    def draw_strand(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None):
        Draw strand on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :return: None
        if self.strand == '+':
            arrow_style = '->'
            posA = (self.start, options['center'])
            posB = (self.end, options['center'])
            arrow_style = '<-'
            posA = (self.start, options['center'])
            posB = (self.end, options['center'])
        ax.add_patch(patches.FancyArrowPatch(posA, posB, arrowstyle=arrow_style,
                                             shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0))

    def draw_bezier_links(self, ax: axes.Axes, gene: 'Gene', link_options: dict = None):
        Draw links between two genes

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param gene: another gene object
        :param link_options: options dict for link
        :return: None
        _options = {
            'color': 'grey',
            'fc': 'lightgray',
            'ec': 'grey',
            'lw': 1,
            'zorder': 1,
            'feature': 'exon'

        if link_options is not None:

        if _options['feature'] == 'exon':
            xyA_from = (np.min(self.exons), self.options['center'])
            xyA_to = (np.max(self.exons), self.options['center'])
            xyB_from = (np.min(gene.exons), gene.options['center'])
            xyB_to = (np.max(gene.exons), gene.options['center'])
        elif _options['feature'] == 'gene':
            xyA_from = (self.start, self.options['center'])
            xyA_to = (self.end, self.options['center'])
            xyB_from = (gene.start, gene.options['center'])
            xyB_to = (gene.end, gene.options['center'])
            raise ValueError("feature {} is not supported".format(_options['feature']))

        # calculate the angle (in radians) of two genes
        angleA = np.arctan2(xyA_to[1] - xyA_from[1], xyA_to[0] - xyA_from[0])
        angleB = np.arctan2(xyB_to[1] - xyB_from[1], xyB_to[0] - xyB_from[0])

        # calculate the center point of two genes
        cenAB_from = [(xyA_from[0] + xyB_from[0]) / 2, (xyA_from[1] + xyB_from[1]) / 2]
        cenAB_to = [(xyA_to[0] + xyB_to[0]) / 2, (xyA_to[1] + xyB_to[1]) / 2]

        # calculate the control point of two genes
        conA_from = [xyA_from[0] + np.tan(angleA) * (cenAB_from[1] - xyA_from[1]), cenAB_from[1]]
        conB_from = [xyB_from[0] + np.tan(angleB) * (cenAB_from[1] - xyB_from[1]), cenAB_from[1]]

        conA_to = [xyA_to[0] + np.tan(angleA) * (cenAB_to[1] - xyA_to[1]), cenAB_to[1]]
        conB_to = [xyB_to[0] + np.tan(angleB) * (cenAB_to[1] - xyB_to[1]), cenAB_to[1]]

        # draw B茅zier curve
        path_data = [
            (patches.Path.MOVETO, xyA_from),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, conA_from),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, conB_from),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, xyB_from),
            (patches.Path.LINETO, xyB_to),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, conB_to),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, conA_to),
            (patches.Path.CURVE4, xyA_to),
            (patches.Path.CLOSEPOLY, xyA_from)
        codes, vertices = zip(*path_data)
        path = patches.Path(vertices, codes)
        patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor=_options['fc'], edgecolor=_options['ec'],
                                  lw=_options['lw'], zorder=_options['zorder'])

    def plot(self, ax: axes.Axes, options: dict = None, draw_gene=False, draw_exons=True, draw_introns=True,
             draw_strand=True, draw_label=True, link_gene=None, link_options=None):
        Plot gene on ax

        :param ax: matplotlib ax object
        :param options: options dict for plot
        :param draw_gene: whether plot gene
        :param draw_exons: whether plot exons
        :param draw_introns: whether plot introns
        :param draw_strand: whether plot strand
        :param draw_label: whether plot label
        :param link_gene: link gene with B茅zier curve, should be a Gene object
        :param link_options: options dict for link
        :return: None
        if ax is None:
            raise ValueError("ax is None")

        if options is None:
            options = self.options

        ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both')
        if draw_gene:
            self.draw_gene(ax, options)
        if draw_exons:
            self.draw_exons(ax, options)
        if draw_introns:
            self.draw_introns(ax, options)
        if draw_strand:
            self.draw_strand(ax, options)
        if draw_label:
            self.draw_gene_label(ax, options)
        if link_gene is not None:
            self.draw_bezier_links(ax, link_gene, link_options)

        # only keep bottom spine
        ax.spines[['left', 'top', 'right']].set_visible(False)

        # hide ticks
        ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', left=False, right=False, labelleft=False)
        ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', width=2, labelsize='large')

        # add grid lines in x-axis
        ax.grid(axis='x', which='major', color='gray', alpha=0.2, linewidth=1, linestyle='--')

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