【Android Camera2】源码分析 —— Camera2Basic官方源码分析




  1. Android Camera系列文章目录索引汇总
  2. Android Camera2 综述
  3. Camera2开源项目源码分析汇总




  1. CameraView UI相关
  2. 初始化和参数设置
  3. 拍照

2.1 CameraView相关源码


fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.addCallback(object : SurfaceHolder.Callback {
    override fun surfaceDestroyed(holder: SurfaceHolder) = Unit

    override fun surfaceChanged(
            holder: SurfaceHolder,
            format: Int,
            width: Int,
            height: Int) = Unit

    override fun surfaceCreated(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
        // Selects appropriate preview size and configures view finder
        val previewSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
        Log.d(TAG, "View finder size: ${fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.width} x ${fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.height}")
        Log.d(TAG, "Selected preview size: $previewSize")

        // To ensure that size is set, initialize camera in the view's thread
        view.post { initializeCamera() }

 * Returns the largest available PREVIEW size. For more information, see:
 * https://d.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/CameraDevice and
 * https://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/camera2/params/StreamConfigurationMap
fun <T>getPreviewOutputSize(
        display: Display,
        characteristics: CameraCharacteristics,
        targetClass: Class<T>,
        format: Int? = null
): Size {

    // Find which is smaller: screen or 1080p
    val screenSize = getDisplaySmartSize(display)
    val hdScreen = screenSize.long >= SIZE_1080P.long || screenSize.short >= SIZE_1080P.short
    val maxSize = if (hdScreen) SIZE_1080P else screenSize

    // If image format is provided, use it to determine supported sizes; else use target class
    val config = characteristics.get(
    if (format == null)
    val allSizes = if (format == null)
        config.getOutputSizes(targetClass) else config.getOutputSizes(format)

    // Get available sizes and sort them by area from largest to smallest
    val validSizes = allSizes
            .sortedWith(compareBy { it.height * it.width })
            .map { SmartSize(it.width, it.height) }.reversed()

    // Then, get the largest output size that is smaller or equal than our max size
    return validSizes.first { it.long <= maxSize.long && it.short <= maxSize.short }.size


  1. fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder为SurfaceView,这里添加了SurfaceHolder的回调
  2. fun surfaceCreated(holder: SurfaceHolder)函数回调里获取CameraView UI的宽和高。通过getPreviewOutputSize()方法函数匹配相机返回的previewSize。
  3. 调用initializeCamera()初始化打开相机代码逻辑

2.2 初始化

 * Begin all camera operations in a coroutine in the main thread. This function:
 * - Opens the camera
 * - Configures the camera session
 * - Starts the preview by dispatching a repeating capture request
private fun initializeCamera() = lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
    // Open the selected camera
    camera = openCamera(cameraManager, args.cameraId, cameraHandler)

    // Initialize an image reader which will be used to capture still photos
    val size = characteristics.get(
            .getOutputSizes(args.pixelFormat).maxByOrNull { it.height * it.width }!!
    imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(
            size.width, size.height, args.pixelFormat, IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE)

    // Creates list of Surfaces where the camera will output frames
    val targets = listOf(fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.surface, imageReader.surface)

    // Start a capture session using our open camera and list of Surfaces where frames will go
    session = createCaptureSession(camera, targets, cameraHandler)

    val captureRequest = camera.createCaptureRequest(
            CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW).apply { addTarget(fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.surface) }

    // This will keep sending the capture request as frequently as possible until the
    // session is torn down or session.stopRepeating() is called
    session.setRepeatingRequest(captureRequest.build(), null, cameraHandler)


/** Opens the camera and returns the opened device (as the result of the suspend coroutine) */
private suspend fun openCamera(
       manager: CameraManager,
       cameraId: String,
       handler: Handler? = null
): CameraDevice = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
   manager.openCamera(cameraId, object : CameraDevice.StateCallback() {
       override fun onOpened(device: CameraDevice) = cont.resume(device)

       override fun onDisconnected(device: CameraDevice) {
           Log.w(TAG, "Camera $cameraId has been disconnected")

       override fun onError(device: CameraDevice, error: Int) {
           val msg = when (error) {
               ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE -> "Fatal (device)"
               ERROR_CAMERA_DISABLED -> "Device policy"
               ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE -> "Camera in use"
               ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE -> "Fatal (service)"
               ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE -> "Maximum cameras in use"
               else -> "Unknown"
           val exc = RuntimeException("Camera $cameraId error: ($error) $msg")
           Log.e(TAG, exc.message, exc)
           if (cont.isActive) cont.resumeWithException(exc)
   }, handler)


  1. Opens the camera 保存CameraDevice变量
  2. Configures the camera session,设置frame stream流目标1. ImageReader用于捕获拍照帧;2. surfaceHolder用于预览
  3. createSession,createRequest,sendRequest
session = createCaptureSession(camera, targets, cameraHandler)
val captureRequest = camera.createCaptureRequest(
        CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW).apply { addTarget(fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.surface) }
// This will keep sending the capture request as frequently as possible until the
// session is torn down or session.stopRepeating() is called
session.setRepeatingRequest(captureRequest.build(), null, cameraHandler)

2.3 拍照

 * Helper function used to capture a still image using the [CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE]
 * template. It performs synchronization between the [CaptureResult] and the [Image] resulting
 * from the single capture, and outputs a [CombinedCaptureResult] object.
private suspend fun takePhoto():
        CombinedCaptureResult = suspendCoroutine { cont ->

    // Flush any images left in the image reader
    while (imageReader.acquireNextImage() != null) {

    // Start a new image queue
    val imageQueue = ArrayBlockingQueue<Image>(IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE)
    imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener({ reader ->
        val image = reader.acquireNextImage()
        Log.d(TAG, "Image available in queue: ${image.timestamp}")
    }, imageReaderHandler)

    val captureRequest = session.device.createCaptureRequest(
            CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE).apply { addTarget(imageReader.surface) }
    session.capture(captureRequest.build(), object : CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback() {

        override fun onCaptureStarted(
                session: CameraCaptureSession,
                request: CaptureRequest,
                timestamp: Long,
                frameNumber: Long) {
            super.onCaptureStarted(session, request, timestamp, frameNumber)

        override fun onCaptureCompleted(
                session: CameraCaptureSession,
                request: CaptureRequest,
                result: TotalCaptureResult) {
            super.onCaptureCompleted(session, request, result)
            val resultTimestamp = result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)
            Log.d(TAG, "Capture result received: $resultTimestamp")

            // Set a timeout in case image captured is dropped from the pipeline
            val exc = TimeoutException("Image dequeuing took too long")
            val timeoutRunnable = Runnable { cont.resumeWithException(exc) }
            imageReaderHandler.postDelayed(timeoutRunnable, IMAGE_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS)

            // Loop in the coroutine's context until an image with matching timestamp comes
            // We need to launch the coroutine context again because the callback is done in
            //  the handler provided to the `capture` method, not in our coroutine context
            lifecycleScope.launch(cont.context) {
                while (true) {

                    // Dequeue images while timestamps don't match
                    val image = imageQueue.take()
                    // TODO(owahltinez): b/142011420
                    // if (image.timestamp != resultTimestamp) continue
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q &&
                            image.format != ImageFormat.DEPTH_JPEG &&
                            image.timestamp != resultTimestamp) continue
                    Log.d(TAG, "Matching image dequeued: ${image.timestamp}")

                    // Unset the image reader listener
                    imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(null, null)

                    // Clear the queue of images, if there are left
                    while (imageQueue.size > 0) {

                    // Compute EXIF orientation metadata
                    val rotation = relativeOrientation.value ?: 0
                    val mirrored = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING) ==
                    val exifOrientation = computeExifOrientation(rotation, mirrored)

                    // Build the result and resume progress
                            image, result, exifOrientation, imageReader.imageFormat))

                    // There is no need to break out of the loop, this coroutine will suspend
    }, cameraHandler)


  1. 触发拍照:


  1. 监听结果回调:imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener




class CameraFragment : Fragment() {

/** Android ViewBinding */
private var _fragmentCameraBinding: FragmentCameraBinding? = null

private val fragmentCameraBinding get() = _fragmentCameraBinding!!

/** AndroidX navigation arguments */
private val args: CameraFragmentArgs by navArgs()

/** Host's navigation controller */
private val navController: NavController by lazy {
    Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(), R.id.fragment_container)

/** Detects, characterizes, and connects to a CameraDevice (used for all camera operations) */
private val cameraManager: CameraManager by lazy {
    val context = requireContext().applicationContext
    context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE) as CameraManager

/** [CameraCharacteristics] corresponding to the provided Camera ID */
private val characteristics: CameraCharacteristics by lazy {

/** Readers used as buffers for camera still shots */
private lateinit var imageReader: ImageReader

/** [HandlerThread] where all camera operations run */
private val cameraThread = HandlerThread("CameraThread").apply { start() }

/** [Handler] corresponding to [cameraThread] */
private val cameraHandler = Handler(cameraThread.looper)

/** Performs recording animation of flashing screen */
private val animationTask: Runnable by lazy {
    Runnable {
        // Flash white animation
        fragmentCameraBinding.overlay.background = Color.argb(150, 255, 255, 255).toDrawable()
        // Wait for ANIMATION_FAST_MILLIS
            // Remove white flash animation
            fragmentCameraBinding.overlay.background = null
        }, CameraActivity.ANIMATION_FAST_MILLIS)

/** [HandlerThread] where all buffer reading operations run */
private val imageReaderThread = HandlerThread("imageReaderThread").apply { start() }

/** [Handler] corresponding to [imageReaderThread] */
private val imageReaderHandler = Handler(imageReaderThread.looper)

/** The [CameraDevice] that will be opened in this fragment */
private lateinit var camera: CameraDevice

/** Internal reference to the ongoing [CameraCaptureSession] configured with our parameters */
private lateinit var session: CameraCaptureSession

/** Live data listener for changes in the device orientation relative to the camera */
private lateinit var relativeOrientation: OrientationLiveData

override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater,
        container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View {
    _fragmentCameraBinding = FragmentCameraBinding.inflate(inflater, container, false)
    return fragmentCameraBinding.root

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
    fragmentCameraBinding.captureButton.setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener { v, insets ->
        v.translationX = (-insets.systemWindowInsetRight).toFloat()
        v.translationY = (-insets.systemWindowInsetBottom).toFloat()

    fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.addCallback(object : SurfaceHolder.Callback {
        override fun surfaceDestroyed(holder: SurfaceHolder) = Unit

        override fun surfaceChanged(
                holder: SurfaceHolder,
                format: Int,
                width: Int,
                height: Int) = Unit

        override fun surfaceCreated(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
            // Selects appropriate preview size and configures view finder
            val previewSize = getPreviewOutputSize(
            Log.d(TAG, "View finder size: ${fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.width} x ${fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.height}")
            Log.d(TAG, "Selected preview size: $previewSize")

            // To ensure that size is set, initialize camera in the view's thread
            view.post { initializeCamera() }

    // Used to rotate the output media to match device orientation
    relativeOrientation = OrientationLiveData(requireContext(), characteristics).apply {
        observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer { orientation ->
            Log.d(TAG, "Orientation changed: $orientation")

 * Begin all camera operations in a coroutine in the main thread. This function:
 * - Opens the camera
 * - Configures the camera session
 * - Starts the preview by dispatching a repeating capture request
 * - Sets up the still image capture listeners
private fun initializeCamera() = lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
    // Open the selected camera
    camera = openCamera(cameraManager, args.cameraId, cameraHandler)

    // Initialize an image reader which will be used to capture still photos
    val size = characteristics.get(
            .getOutputSizes(args.pixelFormat).maxByOrNull { it.height * it.width }!!
    imageReader = ImageReader.newInstance(
            size.width, size.height, args.pixelFormat, IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE)

    // Creates list of Surfaces where the camera will output frames
    val targets = listOf(fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.surface, imageReader.surface)

    // Start a capture session using our open camera and list of Surfaces where frames will go
    session = createCaptureSession(camera, targets, cameraHandler)

    val captureRequest = camera.createCaptureRequest(
            CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW).apply { addTarget(fragmentCameraBinding.viewFinder.holder.surface) }

    // This will keep sending the capture request as frequently as possible until the
    // session is torn down or session.stopRepeating() is called
    session.setRepeatingRequest(captureRequest.build(), null, cameraHandler)

    // Listen to the capture button
    fragmentCameraBinding.captureButton.setOnClickListener {

        // Disable click listener to prevent multiple requests simultaneously in flight
        it.isEnabled = false

        // Perform I/O heavy operations in a different scope
        lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
            takePhoto().use { result ->
                Log.d(TAG, "Result received: $result")

                // Save the result to disk
                val output = saveResult(result)
                Log.d(TAG, "Image saved: ${output.absolutePath}")

                // If the result is a JPEG file, update EXIF metadata with orientation info
                if (output.extension == "jpg") {
                    val exif = ExifInterface(output.absolutePath)
                            ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, result.orientation.toString())
                    Log.d(TAG, "EXIF metadata saved: ${output.absolutePath}")

                // Display the photo taken to user
                lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
                            .setDepth(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q &&
                                    result.format == ImageFormat.DEPTH_JPEG))

            // Re-enable click listener after photo is taken
            it.post { it.isEnabled = true }

/** Opens the camera and returns the opened device (as the result of the suspend coroutine) */
private suspend fun openCamera(
        manager: CameraManager,
        cameraId: String,
        handler: Handler? = null
): CameraDevice = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
    manager.openCamera(cameraId, object : CameraDevice.StateCallback() {
        override fun onOpened(device: CameraDevice) = cont.resume(device)

        override fun onDisconnected(device: CameraDevice) {
            Log.w(TAG, "Camera $cameraId has been disconnected")

        override fun onError(device: CameraDevice, error: Int) {
            val msg = when (error) {
                ERROR_CAMERA_DEVICE -> "Fatal (device)"
                ERROR_CAMERA_DISABLED -> "Device policy"
                ERROR_CAMERA_IN_USE -> "Camera in use"
                ERROR_CAMERA_SERVICE -> "Fatal (service)"
                ERROR_MAX_CAMERAS_IN_USE -> "Maximum cameras in use"
                else -> "Unknown"
            val exc = RuntimeException("Camera $cameraId error: ($error) $msg")
            Log.e(TAG, exc.message, exc)
            if (cont.isActive) cont.resumeWithException(exc)
    }, handler)

 * Starts a [CameraCaptureSession] and returns the configured session (as the result of the
 * suspend coroutine
private suspend fun createCaptureSession(
        device: CameraDevice,
        targets: List<Surface>,
        handler: Handler? = null
): CameraCaptureSession = suspendCoroutine { cont ->

    // Create a capture session using the predefined targets; this also involves defining the
    // session state callback to be notified of when the session is ready
    device.createCaptureSession(targets, object : CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback() {

        override fun onConfigured(session: CameraCaptureSession) = cont.resume(session)

        override fun onConfigureFailed(session: CameraCaptureSession) {
            val exc = RuntimeException("Camera ${device.id} session configuration failed")
            Log.e(TAG, exc.message, exc)
    }, handler)

 * Helper function used to capture a still image using the [CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE]
 * template. It performs synchronization between the [CaptureResult] and the [Image] resulting
 * from the single capture, and outputs a [CombinedCaptureResult] object.
private suspend fun takePhoto():
        CombinedCaptureResult = suspendCoroutine { cont ->

    // Flush any images left in the image reader
    while (imageReader.acquireNextImage() != null) {

    // Start a new image queue
    val imageQueue = ArrayBlockingQueue<Image>(IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE)
    imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener({ reader ->
        val image = reader.acquireNextImage()
        Log.d(TAG, "Image available in queue: ${image.timestamp}")
    }, imageReaderHandler)

    val captureRequest = session.device.createCaptureRequest(
            CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE).apply { addTarget(imageReader.surface) }
    session.capture(captureRequest.build(), object : CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback() {

        override fun onCaptureStarted(
                session: CameraCaptureSession,
                request: CaptureRequest,
                timestamp: Long,
                frameNumber: Long) {
            super.onCaptureStarted(session, request, timestamp, frameNumber)

        override fun onCaptureCompleted(
                session: CameraCaptureSession,
                request: CaptureRequest,
                result: TotalCaptureResult) {
            super.onCaptureCompleted(session, request, result)
            val resultTimestamp = result.get(CaptureResult.SENSOR_TIMESTAMP)
            Log.d(TAG, "Capture result received: $resultTimestamp")

            // Set a timeout in case image captured is dropped from the pipeline
            val exc = TimeoutException("Image dequeuing took too long")
            val timeoutRunnable = Runnable { cont.resumeWithException(exc) }
            imageReaderHandler.postDelayed(timeoutRunnable, IMAGE_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS)

            // Loop in the coroutine's context until an image with matching timestamp comes
            // We need to launch the coroutine context again because the callback is done in
            //  the handler provided to the `capture` method, not in our coroutine context
            lifecycleScope.launch(cont.context) {
                while (true) {

                    // Dequeue images while timestamps don't match
                    val image = imageQueue.take()
                    // TODO(owahltinez): b/142011420
                    // if (image.timestamp != resultTimestamp) continue
                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q &&
                            image.format != ImageFormat.DEPTH_JPEG &&
                            image.timestamp != resultTimestamp) continue
                    Log.d(TAG, "Matching image dequeued: ${image.timestamp}")

                    // Unset the image reader listener
                    imageReader.setOnImageAvailableListener(null, null)

                    // Clear the queue of images, if there are left
                    while (imageQueue.size > 0) {

                    // Compute EXIF orientation metadata
                    val rotation = relativeOrientation.value ?: 0
                    val mirrored = characteristics.get(CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING) ==
                    val exifOrientation = computeExifOrientation(rotation, mirrored)

                    // Build the result and resume progress
                            image, result, exifOrientation, imageReader.imageFormat))

                    // There is no need to break out of the loop, this coroutine will suspend
    }, cameraHandler)

/** Helper function used to save a [CombinedCaptureResult] into a [File] */
private suspend fun saveResult(result: CombinedCaptureResult): File = suspendCoroutine { cont ->
    when (result.format) {

        // When the format is JPEG or DEPTH JPEG we can simply save the bytes as-is
        ImageFormat.JPEG, ImageFormat.DEPTH_JPEG -> {
            val buffer = result.image.planes[0].buffer
            val bytes = ByteArray(buffer.remaining()).apply { buffer.get(this) }
            try {
                val output = createFile(requireContext(), "jpg")
                FileOutputStream(output).use { it.write(bytes) }
            } catch (exc: IOException) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Unable to write JPEG image to file", exc)

        // When the format is RAW we use the DngCreator utility library
        ImageFormat.RAW_SENSOR -> {
            val dngCreator = DngCreator(characteristics, result.metadata)
            try {
                val output = createFile(requireContext(), "dng")
                FileOutputStream(output).use { dngCreator.writeImage(it, result.image) }
            } catch (exc: IOException) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Unable to write DNG image to file", exc)

        // No other formats are supported by this sample
        else -> {
            val exc = RuntimeException("Unknown image format: ${result.image.format}")
            Log.e(TAG, exc.message, exc)

override fun onStop() {
    try {
    } catch (exc: Throwable) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Error closing camera", exc)

override fun onDestroy() {

override fun onDestroyView() {
    _fragmentCameraBinding = null

companion object {
    private val TAG = CameraFragment::class.java.simpleName

    /** Maximum number of images that will be held in the reader's buffer */
    private const val IMAGE_BUFFER_SIZE: Int = 3

    /** Maximum time allowed to wait for the result of an image capture */
    private const val IMAGE_CAPTURE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS: Long = 5000

    /** Helper data class used to hold capture metadata with their associated image */
    data class CombinedCaptureResult(
            val image: Image,
            val metadata: CaptureResult,
            val orientation: Int,
            val format: Int
    ) : Closeable {
        override fun close() = image.close()

     * Create a [File] named a using formatted timestamp with the current date and time.
     * @return [File] created.
    private fun createFile(context: Context, extension: String): File {
        val sdf = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_SSS", Locale.US)
        return File(context.filesDir, "IMG_${sdf.format(Date())}.$extension")
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