[论文精读]Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer‘s

论文全名:Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection

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1. 省流版

1.1. 心得

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Related work

2.3.1. Attention network for dementia

2.3.2. Self-supervised semi-supervised learning

2.3.3. Semi-supervised federated learning

2.4. Method

2.4.1. Data preprocessing

2.4.2. Brain-region attention network

2.4.3. Basic framework of HFL

2.4.4. Loss and algorithm

2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. Data

2.5.2. Experiment setting

2.5.3. Implementation detail

2.5.4. Compared methods

2.5.5. Result

2.6. Discussions

2.6.1. Influence of the self-supervised learning loss

2.6.2. Studies of training and aggregation

2.6.3. Visualization of the attention map

2.6.4. The important brain regions

2.6.5. Limitations and future work

2.7. Conclusion

3. 知识补充

3.1. Epoch in federated learning

3.2. Total federated round

3.3. Time-intensive

4. Reference

1. 省流版

1.1. 心得





2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①They proposed a hybrid FL (HFL) framework to train unlabeled data and ensure the privacy

        ②They got 85.69 %, 63.34 %, and 69.89 % accuracy on AD vs. NC, MCI vs. NC, and AD vs. MCI

2.2. Introduction

        ①They apply sMRI to detect the structural change of brain

        ②4 types of multi-center research:

2.3. Related work

2.3.1. Attention network for dementia

        ①Introducing attention methods (deep learning) for AD diagnosis

2.3.2. Self-supervised semi-supervised learning

(1)Self-supervised Learning

(2)Self-supervised Semi-supervised Learning

2.3.3. Semi-supervised federated learning

        ①Listing some semi-supervised methods

2.4. Method

2.4.1. Data preprocessing

        ①Modality of data: sMRI

        ②Preprocessing steps: anterior commissure (AC)–posterior commissure (PC) correction, extracting the gray matter (GM) images, bias-corrected and segmented, alignment, and modulation

        ③Brain atlas: AAL 90

        ④Crop: from 121*145*121 to 100*120*100

2.4.2. Brain-region attention network

        ①Workflow of BANet:

where retain the first 3 steps of ResNet (crop the 4th) with stride is 2

2.4.3. Basic framework of HFL

        ①Difference between traditional FL and HFL:

where the global model \theta is aggregated by supervised local model \theta_s and unsupervised local model \theta_u with respective weight \widehat{w}_{s} and \widehat{w}_{u}:


but they rewrite the model from FedAvg to:


2.4.4. Loss and algorithm

        ①Each center solely employ their own local loss function

        ②The unsupervised loss:

L_u= CW\cdot\left(L^{con}+\beta\cdot L_u^{self}\right)

where it consisted by consistency loss:

L^{con}=\frac{1}{N_{u}}\sum_{i=0}^{N_{u}}\| F\left(x_{i}\right), F\left(H(x_{i})\right)||_{2}^{2}

and self-supervised loss:

L_u^{self}=\frac{1}{N_u}\sum_{i=0}^{N_u}\left\| F^{\prime}\left(\boldsymbol{x}_i\right), \boldsymbol{v}_i\right\|_2^2

with confidence weight CW = cons \cdot sigm oid \_ramp up (\cdot) and \beta is the factor of L_u^{self} (这个factor会不会有点模糊?什么factor(后面实验中给了数值))

        ③Loss for suervised center:

{\mathcal{L}}_{s}= {\mathcal{L}}^{CE}+\alpha\cdot{\mathcal{L}}_{s}^{self}


atrophy  n.萎缩  vi.萎缩;衰退

        ④Pseudo code of HFL:

2.5. Experiments

2.5.1. Data

        ①Demographic information of 5 datasets:

2.5.2. Experiment setting

        ①Training set: 80% in ADNI-1, ADNI-2, ADNI-3, AIBL

        ②Testing set: 20% in ADNI-1, ADNI-2, ADNI-3, AIBL

        ③Another testing dataset: MCAD (only for test and evaluate the generalization of the model)


2.5.3. Implementation detail

        ①Total federated round: 50

        ②Local training epoch: 1(?????

        ③Beginning training round of supervised/unsupervised center: 1/10

        ④Perturbation: Gaussian noise H\left ( \cdot \right )

        ⑤Supervised factor \alpha=0.1,\beta=0.1

        ⑥Confidence threshold: \tau=0.7

        ⑦Optimizer: Adam

        ⑧Momentum: 0.9 and 0.99

        ⑨Batch size: 10

        ⑩Learning rate: \eta_{s}=10^{-4} and \eta_{u}=10^{-5}

        ⑪Aggregation factor: \lambda=0.5

2.5.4. Compared methods

        ①List compared models and introduce them

2.5.5. Result

(1)Effectiveness of the backbone BANet

        ①Comparison table:

        ②ROC curves:

        ③Precision-Recall curves:

        ④DET curves:

(2)Comparison with state-of-the-art S2FL methods

        ①Comparison table with different tasks on AD VS. NC:

        ②Comparison table with different tasks on MCI VS. NC:

        ③Comparison table with different tasks on AD VS. MCI:

2.6. Discussions

2.6.1. Influence of the self-supervised learning loss

        ①Ablation test of parameters \alpha and \beta(不过这里作者还是解释了一下\alpha表示受监督的作用,\beta表示无监督中心的作用):

2.6.2. Studies of training and aggregation

        ①Ablation study of \eta_{u} and \lambda on different datasets:

2.6.3. Visualization of the attention map

        ①Heatmap obtained by attention mechanism:

2.6.4. The important brain regions

        ①Visualized brain ROI graph:

        ②Strong 5 connections in the top 10 regions:

2.6.5. Limitations and future work

        ①Limited modality: sMRI only

        ②Time intensive and information loss of preprocessing

impute  v.归咎(于);归因(于);归罪(于)

pertinent  adj.直接相关的,有关的;恰当的;相宜的

2.7. Conclusion

        Their novel model bring hopeful result

3. 知识补充

3.1. Epoch in federated learning


3.2. Total federated round


Total federated round(总联邦轮次)指的是在整个联邦学习过程中,所有客户端参与训练的总轮次数。这个参数与单个客户端的epoch数不同,它衡量的是整个联邦学习系统在不同客户端之间迭代训练的次数。通过设置适当的总联邦轮次数,可以确保模型在多个客户端的数据上得到充分训练,同时平衡隐私保护、计算资源和通信成本等因素。

综上所述,在联邦学习中,epoch数和total federated round的设置需要根据具体的应用场景和需求进行调整。选择较小的epoch数(如1)和适当的总联邦轮次数(如50)可以在保护隐私的同时,实现有效的模型训练。当然,这并不意味着在所有情况下都应该采用这样的设置,而是需要根据实际情况进行灵活调整。

3.3. Time-intensive

Time-intensive 这个术语用于描述那些需要较长时间来完成的任务或过程。在数据处理、计算科学、软件开发、工程设计、科学研究等多个领域,都存在时间密集型的任务。这些任务通常因为以下原因而耗时较长:











4. Reference

Lei, B. et al. (2024) 'Hybrid federated learning with brain-region attention network for multi-center Alzheimer's disease detection', Pattern Recognition, 153. doi: Redirecting





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