哈佛大学公开课《Positive Psychology 1504》学习笔记 - Health

哈佛公开课《Positive Psychology》强调了锻炼、正念和睡眠对身心健康的重要性。适量的运动可以增强自尊、降低焦虑,提高思考能力;正念冥想有助于减少焦虑,提升幸福感;充足睡眠能增强免疫系统,提高创造力和记忆力。每天拥抱也能带来积极影响。通过分阶段建立运动习惯、使用冥想辅助和确保合理作息,我们可以改善生活质量并增进幸福感。
1    Wonder Drug
1.    The wonder drug:
?     30 minutes of physical exercise, 4 times a week.
?    At least 15 minutes of mindful exercise 6 or 7 times a week.  
?    8 hours of sleep more or less per 24 hours.
?    A least 12 hugs a day.
2.    If you take this drug, this cocktail, I guarantee many of the benefits.
2    Exercise
2.1    Exercise is a need
3.    Exercise is not a luxury, it’s a need. And it’s a need just like oxygen, just like certain vitamins, just like protein and carbohydrates – our needs.
4.    We weren’t made or born to sit in front of a computer all day long, all just talk all day long.
5.    When we frustrate a need, we pay a price, both physical price as well as psychological price.
6.    When we don’t exercise, what we’re doing is that we are lowering our gene given level of happiness.  
2.2    Benefits of Exercise
7.    First psychological benefit: enhance self-esteem. We fell better about ourselves. We feel good right after we exercise, but also we feel good in the long term if we have a regular exercise regime.
8.    Psychological
?    Feel good
?    Enhances self-esteem
?    Induces calm
?    Improves thinking
?    Makes you more attractive
?    Lower anxiety and stress
?    Adjunctive treatment for clinical disorder
?    Improved cognitive functioning
9.    Physical
?    Weight loss/control
?    Reducing chronic diseases
?    Stronger immune system
10.    Better Sex
Both men and women strengthen libido – their sexual desire, enhances the likelihood of orgasms. People who exercise regularly have more and better sex.
Nature to be commanded must be obeyed.
2.3    Recovery
11.    There can not be too much of a good thing. Quantity affects quality
12.    It dose not mean that more is always better when it comes to exercise. Over training is similar to under training.
13.    Ideally you want to exercise 5 or 6 times a week, at least every other day.  Each time about 30 minutes, could go all the way up to one hour. Identify what’s good enough for you.
14.    The key here is to listen to your body. If your body is hurting, or beyond the slight discomfort, just stop it.
2.4    Overcoming barriers
15.    The first thing that we can do is divide and conquer. Start with




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