
Refining activation downsampling with SoftPool-论文链接-代码链接




e p i ∑ i = 1 4 e p i \frac{e^{pi}}{\sum_{i=1}^{4}e^{pi}} i=14epiepi


3.1 池化算法变种

  上图展示了多个变种的池化层,具体包括Average Pooling、Max Pooling、Power Average Pooling、Stochastic Pooling、S3 Pooling、Local Importance Pooling与SoftPool。通过观察我们可以发现:(1)其它的池化操作基本都是在最大池化或者平均池化的变种;(2)S3池化操作的思路与最大池化类似;(3)其它的池化操作基本都是平均池化的变种;(4)Local Importance Pooling与SoftPool池化操作的思路类似,都给原图的区域计算了对应的区域,并进行了累计操作。

3.2 SoftPool计算

  前向计算的步骤包括:(1)计算候选的3*3区域的权重w;(2)将权重w与激活映射a相乘相加获得 a ~ \tilde{a} a~
  反向计算的步骤包括:(1)计算 a ~ \tilde{a} a~的梯度值 ▽ a ~ \bigtriangledown \tilde{a} a~;(2)将 ▽ a ~ \bigtriangledown \tilde{a} a~与权重w相乘获得 ▽ a \bigtriangledown {a} a



---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 1 D  ---
        Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).
        If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function uses
        standard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.
        It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.
        - x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.
        - kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`
                       is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.
        - stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` the
                  strides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.
        - force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDA
                         custom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.
        - PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool1d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):
    if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:
        x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL1d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)
        # Replace `NaN's if found
        if torch.isnan(x).any():
            return torch.nan_to_num(x)
        return x
    kernel_size = _single(kernel_size)
    if stride is None:
        stride = kernel_size
        stride = _single(stride)
    # Get input sizes
    _, c, d = x.size()
    # Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x d]
    e_x = torch.exp(x)
    # Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum
    # Tensor: [b x c x d] -> [b x c x d']
    return F.avg_pool1d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool1d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))


---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 2 D  ---
        Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).
        If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function uses
        standard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.
        It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.
        - x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.
        - kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`
                       is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.
        - stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` the
                  strides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.
        - force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDA
                         custom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.
        - PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool2d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):
    if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:
        x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL2d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)
        # Replace `NaN's if found
        if torch.isnan(x).any():
            return torch.nan_to_num(x)
        return x
    kernel_size = _pair(kernel_size)
    if stride is None:
        stride = kernel_size
        stride = _pair(stride)
    # Get input sizes
    _, c, h, w = x.size()
    # Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x h x w]
    e_x = torch.exp(x)
    # Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum
    # Tensor: [b x c x h x w] -> [b x c x h' x w']
    return F.avg_pool2d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool2d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))


---  S T A R T  O F  F U N C T I O N  S O F T _ P O O L 3 D  ---
        Function for dowsampling based on the exponenial proportion rate of pixels (soft pooling).
        If the tensor is in CUDA the custom operation is used. Alternatively, the function uses
        standard (mostly) in-place PyTorch operations for speed and reduced memory consumption.
        It is also possible to use non-inplace operations in order to improve stability.
        - x: PyTorch Tensor, could be in either cpu of CUDA. If in CUDA the homonym extension is used.
        - kernel_size: Integer or Tuple, for the kernel size to be used for downsampling. If an `Integer`
                       is used, a `Tuple` is created for the rest of the dimensions. Defaults to 2.
        - stride: Integer or Tuple, for the steps taken between kernels (i.e. strides). If `None` the
                  strides become equal to the `kernel_size` tuple. Defaults to `None`.
        - force_inplace: Bool, determines if in-place operations are to be used regardless of the CUDA
                         custom op. Mostly useful for time monitoring. Defaults to `False`.
        - PyTorch Tensor, subsampled based on the specified `kernel_size` and `stride`
def soft_pool3d(x, kernel_size=2, stride=None, force_inplace=False):
    if x.is_cuda and not force_inplace:
        x = CUDA_SOFTPOOL3d.apply(x, kernel_size, stride)
        # Replace `NaN's if found
        if torch.isnan(x).any():
            return torch.nan_to_num(x)
        return x
    kernel_size = _triple(kernel_size)
    if stride is None:
        stride = kernel_size
        stride = _triple(stride)
    # Get input sizes
    _, c, d, h, w = x.size()
    # Create per-element exponential value sum : Tensor [b x c x d x h x w]
    e_x = torch.exp(x)
    # Apply mask to input and pool and calculate the exponential sum
    # Tensor: [b x c x d x h x w] -> [b x c x d' x h' x w']
    return F.avg_pool3d(x.mul(e_x), kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)).div_(F.avg_pool3d(e_x, kernel_size, stride=stride).mul_(sum(kernel_size)))









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SoftPool是一种可微分的池化函数,它可以用于替代传统的max-pooling和average-pooling等操作。在PyTorch中,我们可以通过重载torch.autograd.Function类的forward和backward方法来实现SoftPool操作。 以下是一个使用PyTorch实现SoftPool的示例代码: ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn class SoftPoolFunction(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, alpha=1.0): # 计算SoftPool函数 exp_input = torch.exp(alpha * input) output = 1.0 / torch.sum(exp_input, dim=-1, keepdim=True) * exp_input # 缓存反向传播所需的变量 ctx.save_for_backward(output, alpha) return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # 获取前向传播所需的变量 output, alpha = ctx.saved_tensors # 计算SoftPool函数的导数 weighted_output = output * grad_output sum_weighted_output = torch.sum(weighted_output, dim=-1, keepdim=True) grad_input = alpha * output * (grad_output - sum_weighted_output) return grad_input, None class SoftPool(nn.Module): def __init__(self, alpha=1.0): super(SoftPool, self).__init__() self.alpha = alpha def forward(self, input): return SoftPoolFunction.apply(input, self.alpha) ``` 在这个示例代码中,我们定义了一个SoftPoolFunction类,它继承自torch.autograd.Function类,并重载了forward和backward方法。在forward方法中,我们计算了SoftPool函数,并将结果保存在ctx中以供反向传播使用。在backward方法中,我们根据SoftPool函数的导数计算输入的梯度。 我们还定义了一个SoftPool类,它继承自nn.Module类,并在其中调用SoftPoolFunction。这样,我们就可以像其他PyTorch模型一样将SoftPool层加入到网络中。 使用SoftPool层的示例代码如下: ```python import torch import torch.nn as nn from softpool import SoftPool class Net(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super(Net, self).__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.softpool1 = SoftPool(alpha=1.0) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) self.softpool2 = SoftPool(alpha=1.0) self.fc = nn.Linear(64 * 8 * 8, 10) def forward(self, x): x = self.conv1(x) x = self.softpool1(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.softpool2(x) x = x.view(-1, 64 * 8 * 8) x = self.fc(x) return x ``` 在这个示例代码中,我们定义了一个包含两个SoftPool层的卷积神经网络。可以看到,我们可以像使用其他PyTorch层一样使用SoftPool层。
评论 27




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