【深度学习笔记】2 PyTorch基础



2.1 构造函数

torch.tensor(data, dtype=None, device=None, requires_grad=False, pin_memory=False) → Tensor


  • data (array_like) – list, tuple, NumPy ndarray, scalar, and other types.
  • dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – 默认从data中推断.
  • device (torch.device, optional) – CPU 或 GPU
  • requires_grad (bool, optional) –记录 autograd
  • pin_memory (bool, optional) – If set, returned tensor would be allocated in the pinned memory. Works only for CPU tensors. Default: False.


  • torch.Tensor是torch.empty和torch.tensor之间的一种混合,但是,当传入数据时,torch.Tensor使用全局默认dtype(FloatTensor),而torch.tensor是从数据中推断数据类型。
  • torch.tensor(1)返回一个固定值1,而torch.Tensor(1)返回一个大小为1的张量,它是随机初始化的值。
import torch



2.2 依据数值创建

torch.zeros(*size) → Tensor返回指定size的张量,元素初始值为 0
torch.zeros_like(input) → Tensor返回与input 的size相同的张量,元素初始值化0
torch.ones(*size) → Tensor返回指定size的张量,元素初始化为 1
torch.ones_like(input) → Tensor返回与input 的size相同的张量,元素初始值化1
torch.eye(n, m=None) → Tensorn阶单位阵
torch.empty(*size) → Tensor固定大小 但是 uninitialized data
torch.empty_like(input) → Tensor
torch.full(size, fill_value) → Tensor元素全是fill_value,大小有size指定
torch.full_like(input, fill_value) -> Tensor
torch.diag(input, diagonal=0, out=None) → Tensor将input作为对角线元素生成矩阵,diagonal>0,往右上移,<0左下移

上面的函数参数都有 out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False, memory_format=torch.preserve_format。like类的没有out这个参数

2.3 依据序列创建

torch.arange(start=0, end, step=1) → Tensor在区间 [start,end) 以 step 为间隔生成一个序列张量,一共有(end-start)/step 向上取整,个数字
torch.linspace(start, end, steps=100) → Tensor从 start 到 end(包括) 均匀分成 steps个数,步长 = e n d − s t a r t s t e p s − 1 =\dfrac{end-start}{steps-1} =steps1endstart
torch.logspace(start, end, steps=100, base=10.0) → Tensor b a s e s t a r t base^{start} basestart b a s e e n d base^{end} baseend

:上面函数可以带 out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False 这些参数

2.4 依据概率分布创建

torch.rand(*size) → Tensor满足 [0,1) 上均匀分布 的随机数
torch.rand_like(input) → Tensor
torch.randint(low=0, high, size, *) -> Tensor[low,high) 上满足 均匀分布 的随机整数
torch.randint_like(input, low=0, high) -> Tensor
torch.randn(*size) → Tensor满足标准正态分布,也就是 mean =0 std=1的随机数
torch.randn_like(input) → Tensor
torch.normal(mean, std, size) → Tensor满足参数为 (mean,std) ,大小由 size 指定的 正态分布的随机数
torch.poisson(input *) → Tensor满足泊松分布的随机数
torch.randperm(n) → LongTensor由 0到 n-1 (包括) 这 n个 整数构成的 的一个随机排列
torch.bernoulli(input) → Tensor满足伯努利分布的随机数,input 概率值

  • 和一般的创建tensor的函数一样,上面的函数可以带( out=None, dtype=torch.int64, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False)这些参数,其中带有like类的函数没有out这个参数
  • 随机生成的函数多一个参数:generator=None 这个参数指定伪随机生成器

三:Tensor 数据操作

3.1 索引与选择 Index and Seclect

[] 索引出来的结果与原数据共享内存,也即修改一个,另一个会跟着修改。

index_select(input, dim, index)在指定维度dim上选取,比如选取某些行、某些列
masked_select(input, mask)按照 mask 中的 True 进行索引,mask 为与input同形状的布尔型张量,返回值为一维张量
gather(input, dim, index)根据 index,在 dim 维度上选取数据,输出的 size与 index 一样
torch.take(input, index) → Tensor将 input 拉成1 D,根据 index 选取元素
torch.where(condition, x, y) → Tensor o u t i = { x i  if condition  y i  otherwise  \mathrm{out}_{i}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\mathrm{x}_{i} & \text { if condition } \\ \mathrm{y}_{i} & \text { otherwise }\end{array}\right. outi={xiyi if condition  otherwise 

Examples 1

>>> x = torch.randn(3, 4)
>>> x
tensor([[ 0.1427,  0.0231, -0.5414, -1.0009],
        [-0.4664,  0.2647, -0.1228, -1.1068],
        [-1.1734, -0.6571,  0.7230, -0.6004]])
>>> indices = torch.tensor([0, 2])
>>> torch.index_select(x, 0, indices)     # 第 0 维的索引维 indices  ,也就是 indices(0,2) 行
tensor([[ 0.1427,  0.0231, -0.5414, -1.0009],
        [-1.1734, -0.6571,  0.7230, -0.6004]])
>>> torch.index_select(x, 1, indices)  # 第一维的索引维indices ,也就是 indices(0,2) 列
tensor([[ 0.1427, -0.5414],
        [-0.4664, -0.1228],
        [-1.1734,  0.7230]])

Examples 2

>>> x = torch.randn(3, 4)
>>> x
tensor([[ 0.3552, -2.3825, -0.8297,  0.3477],
        [-1.2035,  1.2252,  0.5002,  0.6248],
        [ 0.1307, -2.0608,  0.1244,  2.0139]])
>>> mask = x.ge(0.5)   # 不小于0.5
>>> mask
tensor([[False, False, False, False],
        [False, True, True, True],
        [False, False, False, True]])
>>> torch.masked_select(x, mask)
tensor([ 1.2252,  0.5002,  0.6248,  2.0139])  #返回一维

Examples 3

>>> x = torch.randn(3, 4)
>>> x
tensor([[-0.6096,  0.1961,  1.0903, -0.1686],
        [-0.8089,  0.3873,  0.1475, -1.1008],
        [ 1.0032, -0.1281,  0.0260,  0.9894]])
>>> x[x>0]
tensor([0.1961, 1.0903, 0.3873, 0.1475, 1.0032, 0.0260, 0.9894])    # 一维的
# Examples 3 中的 x
>>> x.nonzero()
tensor([[0, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [0, 2],
        [0, 3],
        [1, 0],
        [1, 1],
        [1, 2],
        [1, 3],
        [2, 0],
        [2, 1],
        [2, 2],
        [2, 3]])

Examples 5
For a 3-D tensor the output is specified by:

out[i][j][k] = input[index[i][j][k]][j][k]  # if dim == 0
out[i][j][k] = input[i][index[i][j][k]][k]  # if dim == 1
out[i][j][k] = input[i][j][index[i][j][k]]  # if dim == 2
>>> t = torch.tensor([[1,2],[3,4]])
>>> torch.gather(t, 1, torch.tensor([[0,0],[1,0]])) #index 为 [[(0,0),(0,0)],[(1,1),(1,0)]]
 tensor([[ 1,  1],
         [ 4,  3]])

3.2 拼接与切分

torch.cat( tensors, dim=0, out=None ) → TensorConcatenates 级联
torch.chunk(input, chunks, dim=0) → List of Tensors将 input 按照 dim 平均切分成 chunks 块,如果不能整除,最后一份张量小于其他张量
torch.split(tensor, split_size_or_sections, dim=0)按照 split_size_or_sections 分成块
torch.stack(tensors, dim=0, out=None) → Tensor产生一个新的维度 dim 为插入的维度
torch.unbind(input, dim=0) → seq沿着dim 将 input 拆成一个tensor 序列
torch.unsqueeze(input, dim) → Tensor升维, 原来input shape 为 (3,4),dim=1,返回一个(3,1,4)的tensor


Examples 1

>>> x = torch.randn(2, 3)
>>> x
tensor([[ 0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614],
        [-0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497]])
>>> torch.cat((x, x, x), 0) #在 dim=0 上级联,shape[dim] 会发生改变 ,其他维度需相同 ,(2+2+2,3)
tensor([[ 0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614],   
        [-0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497],
        [ 0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614],
        [-0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497],
        [ 0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614],
        [-0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497]])
>>> torch.cat((x, x, x), 1)  #(2,3+3+3)
tensor([[ 0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614,  0.6580, -1.0969, -0.4614,  0.6580,
         -1.0969, -0.4614],
        [-0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497, -0.1034, -0.5790,  0.1497, -0.1034,
         -0.5790,  0.1497]])

Examples 3

>>> a = torch.randn(7,8)
>>> a
tensor([[-0.6586, -0.1249,  2.5296, -0.2587, -0.2179,  0.0734, -1.5676, -0.8640],
        [ 0.0432,  2.2907, -0.8363,  0.6039, -0.3681,  2.5227, -1.7094,  0.4246],
        [ 1.6146, -0.2714,  0.3340, -0.6700, -0.5026,  0.9048, -0.6028, -2.3012],
        [-0.6840,  0.4188, -0.6200,  1.0690, -0.3554,  1.4191, -0.0220, -0.7918],
        [-0.0436,  0.5721,  1.3277, -1.6127,  0.4684, -1.2540,  1.2461,  0.8962],
        [ 0.6750,  0.1900,  0.3397, -0.7727,  0.1751,  1.4288,  0.8574,  1.2476],
        [-0.0482, -0.8391, -0.3110,  0.1880,  1.2450,  1.2107,  0.0068, -0.9960]])
>>> b = torch.split(a,2,dim=1)  # 2列一组,一共 8/2 shape[dim]/split_size_or_sections = 4组
>>> b
(tensor([[-0.6586, -0.1249],
        [ 0.0432,  2.2907],
        [ 1.6146, -0.2714],
        [-0.6840,  0.4188],
        [-0.0436,  0.5721],
        [ 0.6750,  0.1900],
        [-0.0482, -0.8391]]), tensor([[ 2.5296, -0.2587],
        [-0.8363,  0.6039],
        [ 0.3340, -0.6700],
        [-0.6200,  1.0690],
        [ 1.3277, -1.6127],
        [ 0.3397, -0.7727],
        [-0.3110,  0.1880]]), tensor([[-0.2179,  0.0734],
        [-0.3681,  2.5227],
        [-0.5026,  0.9048],
        [-0.3554,  1.4191],
        [ 0.4684, -1.2540],
        [ 0.1751,  1.4288],
        [ 1.2450,  1.2107]]), tensor([[-1.5676, -0.8640],
        [-1.7094,  0.4246],
        [-0.6028, -2.3012],
        [-0.0220, -0.7918],
        [ 1.2461,  0.8962],
        [ 0.8574,  1.2476],
        [ 0.0068, -0.9960]]))
>>> c = torch.split(a,[1,2,3,2],dim=1) # 按照 [1,2,3,2]分组
>>> c
        [ 0.0432],
        [ 1.6146],
        [ 0.6750],
        [-0.0482]]), tensor([[-0.1249,  2.5296],
        [ 2.2907, -0.8363],
        [-0.2714,  0.3340],
        [ 0.4188, -0.6200],
        [ 0.5721,  1.3277],
        [ 0.1900,  0.3397],
        [-0.8391, -0.3110]]), tensor([[-0.2587, -0.2179,  0.0734],
        [ 0.6039, -0.3681,  2.5227],
        [-0.6700, -0.5026,  0.9048],
        [ 1.0690, -0.3554,  1.4191],
        [-1.6127,  0.4684, -1.2540],
        [-0.7727,  0.1751,  1.4288],
        [ 0.1880,  1.2450,  1.2107]]), tensor([[-1.5676, -0.8640],
        [-1.7094,  0.4246],
        [-0.6028, -2.3012],
        [-0.0220, -0.7918],
        [ 1.2461,  0.8962],
        [ 0.8574,  1.2476],
        [ 0.0068, -0.9960]]))

Examples 4

a = torch.randn(2,3)
b = torch.stack([a,a,a,a],dim=1)
c = torch.stack([a,a,a,a],dim=0)


torch.Size([2, 3])
torch.Size([2, 4, 3])
torch.Size([4, 2, 3])

3.3 改变形状


x = torch.rand(5,3)
y = x.view(15)
z = x.view(-1,5)
print("x = {}\ny = {}\nz = {}".format(x,y,z))


torch.Size([5, 3]) torch.Size([15]) torch.Size([3, 5])
x = tensor([[0.4824, 0.5660, 0.5901],
        [0.1146, 0.9807, 0.2759],
        [0.0948, 0.6217, 0.6715],
        [0.3495, 0.1522, 0.0315],
        [0.5226, 0.7303, 0.3773]])
y = tensor([0.4824, 0.5660, 0.5901, 0.1146, 0.9807, 0.2759, 0.0948, 0.6217, 0.6715,
        0.3495, 0.1522, 0.0315, 0.5226, 0.7303, 0.3773])
z = tensor([[0.4824, 0.5660, 0.5901, 0.1146, 0.9807],
        [0.2759, 0.0948, 0.6217, 0.6715, 0.3495],
        [0.1522, 0.0315, 0.5226, 0.7303, 0.3773]])
x += 1
print(y) # 也加了1


tensor([[1.8382, 1.7962, 1.2575],
        [1.9119, 1.1908, 1.0544],
        [1.5590, 1.5573, 1.9642],
        [1.5535, 1.2833, 1.1861],
        [1.5805, 1.8435, 1.5936]])
tensor([1.8382, 1.7962, 1.2575, 1.9119, 1.1908, 1.0544, 1.5590, 1.5573, 1.9642,
        1.5535, 1.2833, 1.1861, 1.5805, 1.8435, 1.5936])

view() 返回的新Tensor与源Tensor虽然可能有不同的 size ,但是是共享 data 的,也即更改其中的一个,另外一个也会跟着改变。(顾名思义,view仅仅是改变了对这个张量的观察角度,内部数据并未改变)


x_cp = x.clone().view(15)
x -= 1


tensor([[0.8382, 0.7962, 0.2575],
        [0.9119, 0.1908, 0.0544],
        [0.5590, 0.5573, 0.9642],
        [0.5535, 0.2833, 0.1861],
        [0.5805, 0.8435, 0.5936]])
tensor([1.8382, 1.7962, 1.2575, 1.9119, 1.1908, 1.0544, 1.5590, 1.5573, 1.9642,
        1.5535, 1.2833, 1.1861, 1.5805, 1.8435, 1.5936])

3.4 逐元素操作 Pointwise Ops

torch.add(input, other, out=None) o u t = i n p u t i + o t h e r i out = input_i + other_i out=inputi+otheri
torch.add(input, other, *, alpha=1, out=None) o u t i = i n p u t i + o t h e r i × a l p h a out_i = input_i +other_i × alpha outi=inputi+otheri×alpha
torch.addcdiv(input, tensor1, tensor2, *, value=1, out=None) → Tensor o u t i = i n p u t i + v a l u e × t e n s o r 1 i t e n s o r 2 i out_i = input_i + value × \frac{tensor1_i}{tensor2_i} outi=inputi+value×tensor2itensor1i
torch.addcmul(input, tensor1, tensor2, *, value=1, out=None) → Tensor o u t i = i n p u t i + v a l u e × t e n s o r 1 i × t e n s o r 2 i out_i = input_i + value × tensor1_i × tensor2_i outi=inputi+value×tensor1i×tensor2i
torch.mul(input, other, out=None)out i = _{i}= i= other × \times × input i _{i} i
torch.div(input, other, out=None) → Tensor o u t i =  input  i  other  out_{i}=\frac{\text { input }_{i}}{\text { other }} outi= other  input i
torch.true_divide(dividend, divisor) → Tensor在运算之前先转换成浮点数
torch.remainder(input, other, out=None) → Tensor余数若除数input 为浮点数(整数),out 也为浮点数(整数)
torch.fmod(input, other, out=None) → Tensor余数,与被除数一致
torch.neg(input, out=None) → Tensorout = − 1 × =-1 \times =1× input
torch.pow(input, exponent, out=None) → Tensor out ⁡ i = x i exponent  i \operatorname{out}_{i}=x_{i}^{\text {exponent }_{i}} outi=xiexponent i
torch.reciprocal(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = 1  input  i _{i}=\frac{1}{\text { input }_{i}} i= input i1
torch.square(input, out=None) → Tensor平方
torchsqrt(input, out=None) → Tensorout i =  input  i _{i}=\sqrt{\text { input }_{i}} i= input i
torch.rsqrt(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = 1  input  i _{i}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\text { input }_{i}}} i= input i 1
torch.sininput,out=None) → Tensorout i = sin ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\sin \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=sin( input i)
torch.sinhinput,out=None) → Tensorout i = sinh ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\sinh \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=sinh( input i)
torch.asin(input, out=None) → Tensor out ⁡ i = sin ⁡ − 1 ( input ⁡ i ) \operatorname{out}_{i}=\sin ^{-1}\left(\operatorname{input}_{i}\right) outi=sin1(inputi)
torch.cosinput,out=None) → Tensorout i = cos ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\cos \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=cos( input i)
torch.coshinput,out=None) → Tensorout i = cosh ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\cosh \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=cosh( input i)
torch.tan(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = tan ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\tan \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=tan( input i)
torch.tanh(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = tanh ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\tanh \left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=tanh( input i)
torch.atan(input, out=None) → Tensor out ⁡ i = tan ⁡ − 1 ( input  i ) \operatorname{out}_{i}=\tan ^{-1}\left(\text {input }_{i}\right) outi=tan1(input i)
绝对值 取整
torch.abs(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = ∣ _{i}=\vert i= input i ∣ _{i} \vert i
torch.ceil(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = ⌈  input  i ⌉ = ⌊  input  i ⌋ + 1 _{i}=\left\lceil\text { input }_{i}\right\rceil=\left\lfloor\text { input }_{i}\right\rfloor+1 i= input i= input i+1
torch.floor(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = ⌊  input  i ⌋ _{i}=\left\lfloor\text { input }_{i}\right\rfloor i= input i
torch.round(input, out=None) → Tensor就近取整
​torch.clamp(input, min, max, out=None) → Tensor y i = { min ⁡  if  x i < min ⁡ x i  if  min ⁡ ≤ x i ≤ max ⁡ max ⁡  if  x i > max ⁡ y_{i}=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}\min & \text { if } x_{i}<\min \\x_{i} & \text { if } \min \leq x_{i} \leq \max \\\max & \text { if } x_{i}>\max\end{array}\right. yi=minximax if xi<min if minximax if xi>max
torch.trunc(input, out=None) → Tensor截取整数部分
torch.frac(input, out=None) → Tensor小数部分
torch.sign(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = sgn ⁡ (  input  i ) _{i}=\operatorname{sgn}\left(\text { input }_{i}\right) i=sgn( input i)
对数 指数 exp 激活函数
torch.exp(input, out=None) → Tensor y i = e x i y_{i}=e^{x_{i}} yi=exi
torch.erf(input, out=None) → Tensor erf ⁡ ( x ) = 2 π ∫ 0 x e − t 2 d t \operatorname{erf}(x)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t^{2}} d t erf(x)=π 20xet2dt
torch.erfc(input, out=None) → Tensor erfc ⁡ ( x ) = 1 − 2 π ∫ 0 x e − t 2 d t \operatorname{erfc}(x)=1-\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t^{2}} d t erfc(x)=1π 20xet2dt
torch.sigmoid(input, out=None) → Tensorout i = 1 1 + e − input  i _{i}=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\text {input }_{i}}} i=1+einput i1
torch.log(input, out=None) → Tensor y i = log ⁡ e ( x i ) y_{i}=\log _{e}\left(x_{i}\right) yi=loge(xi)
torch.log10(input, out=None) → Tensor y i = log ⁡ 10 ( x i ) y_{i}=\log _{10}\left(x_{i}\right) yi=log10(xi)
torch.bitwise_not(input, out=None) → TensorNOT
torch.logical_not(input, out=None) → Tensor
torch.bitwise_and(input, other, out=None) → TensorAND
torch.logical_and(input, other, out=None) → Tensor
torch.bitwise_or(input, other, out=None) → TensorOR
torch.logical_or(input, other, out=None) → Tensor
torch.bitwise_xor(input, other, out=None) → TensorXOR 当两两数值相同为否,而数值不同时为真
torch.logical_xor(input, other, out=None) → Tensor

3.5 归并操作 Reduction Ops

torch.argmax(input) → LongTensor所有元素中最大值的indices
torch.argmax(input, dim, keepdim=False) → LongTensor
torch.argmin(input) → LongTensor所有元素的最小值的 indices
torch.argmin(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) → LongTensor

  • 在 4.4 中大部分函数都有两个常用方法,第一个是对所有元素进行操作,另外一个是沿着 dim 维度进行操作,如果 dim= i ,那么结果的 shape 为 ( a 1 , a 2 , . . . a i − 1 , 1 , a i + 1 , . . . a n ) (a_1,a_2,...a_{i-1},1,a_{i+1},...a_n) (a1,a2,...ai1,1,ai+1,...an)
>>> a = torch.randn(4, 4)
>>> a
tensor([[ 1.3398,  0.2663, -0.2686,  0.2450],      
        [-0.7401, -0.8805, -0.3402, -1.1936],
        [ 0.4907, -1.3948, -1.0691, -0.3132],
        [-1.6092,  0.5419, -0.2993,  0.3195]])
>>> torch.argmax(a, dim=1)  # dim=1, (4,4)->(4,1) 所以每行元素比较
-》tensor([ 0,  2,  0,  1])

第二个参数 keepdim 默认False 结果会少一维

a = torch.randn(4, 4)
b = a.argmax(dim=1,keepdim=False) #类似与 torch.squeeze()
c = a.argmax(dim = 1,keepdim = True)


torch.Size([4, 1])
中位数 众数
torch.median(input) → Tensormedian value 中位数
torch.median(input, dim=-1, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)中位数 across a dimension
torch.mode(input, dim=-1, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)众数
torch.prod(input, dtype=None) → Tensor所有元素乘积
torch.prod(input, dim, keepdim=False, dtype=None) → Tensor
torch.cumprod(input, dim, out=None, dtype=None) → Tensor y i = x 1 ∗ x 2 ∗ . . . ∗ x i y_i = x_1 *x_2*...*x_i yi=x1x2...xi
torch.sum(input, dtype=None) → Tensor求和
torch.sum(input, dim, keepdim=False, dtype=None) → Tensor
torch.cumsum(input, dim, out=None, dtype=None) → Tensor y i = x 1 + x 2 + . . . + x i y_i=x_1+x_2+...+x_i yi=x1+x2+...+xi
torch.dist(input, other, p=2) → Tensorthe p-norm of (input - other)
torch.norm(input, p=‘fro’, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None, dtype=None)范数
均值 方差 标准差
torch.mean(input) → Tensormean value 平均值
torch.mean(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) → Tensor
torch.var(input, unbiased=True) → Tensorvariance 方差
torch.var(input, dim, keepdim=False, unbiased=True, out=None) → Tensor
torch.std(input, unbiased=True) → Tensorstandard-deviation 标准差
torch.std(input, dim, unbiased=True, keepdim=False, out=None) → Tensor
torch.var_mean(input, unbiased=True) -> (Tensor, Tensor)(var,mean)
torch.var_mean(input, dim, keepdim=False, unbiased=True) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
torch.std_mean(input, unbiased=True) -> (Tensor, Tensor)(std,mean)
torch.std_mean(input, dim, unbiased=True, keepdim=False) -> (Tensor, Tensor)
  • unbiased=False 采用的是有偏估计:

    s n 2 = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − x ˉ ) 2 = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i 2 ) n − ( ∑ i = 1 n x i ) 2 n 2 s_{n}^{2}=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}^{2}\right)}{n}-\frac{\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}\right)^{2}}{n^{2}} sn2=n1i=1n(xixˉ)2=ni=1n(xi2)n2(i=1nxi)2

    unbiased=True 采用 Bessel’s correction,在前面有偏估计上乘以 n/(n-1) 结果为

s 2 = 1 n − 1 ∑ i = 1 n ( x i − x ˉ ) 2 = ∑ i = 1 n ( x i 2 ) n − 1 − ( ∑ i = 1 n x i ) 2 ( n − 1 ) n = ( n n − 1 ) s n 2 s^{2}=\frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}-\bar{x}\right)^{2}=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(x_{i}^{2}\right)}{n-1}-\frac{\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_{i}\right)^{2}}{(n-1) n}=\left(\frac{n}{n-1}\right) s_{n}^{2} s2=n11i=1n(xixˉ)2=n1i=1n(xi2)(n1)n(i=1nxi)2=(n1n)sn2

torch.unique(input, sorted=True, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, dim=None)剩下的元素是唯一的,比如[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2],结果 [1,2,3]
torch.unique_consecutive(input, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False, dim=None)只是去除连续重复值比如[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2],结果[1,2, 3, 1, 2]
x = torch.tensor([3,3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2])
print(torch.unique(x,sorted=False, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True))


tensor([1, 2, 3])
(tensor([3, 1, 2]), tensor([0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2]), tensor([3, 3, 3]))
tensor([3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2])

|torch.flatten(input, start_dim=0, end_dim=-1) → Tensor| 沿着维度dim展平|

3.6 比较操作 Comparison Ops

torch.argsort(input, dim=-1, descending=False) → LongTensor排序返回的是indices
torch.max(input) → Tensor所有元素最大 value
torch.max(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)(values, indices)
torch.min(input) → Tensor所有元素最小值
torch.min(input, dim, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)
torch.sort(input, dim=-1, descending=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)排序 (values, indices) descending=False 升序
torch.topk(input, k, dim=None, largest=True, sorted=True, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)前K最大(values, indices) largest=True 最大值,若为False 为最小值
torch.kthvalue(input, k, dim=None, keepdim=False, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)第k小(values, indices)
torch.cummax(input, dim, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)返回一个(values, indices), y i = m a x ( x 1 , . . . . x i ) y_i = max(x_1,....x_i) yi=max(x1,....xi)
torch.cummin(input, dim, out=None) -> (Tensor, LongTensor)和上面类似变成min
x = torch.randn(3, 4)
sorted, indices = torch.sort(x, 0)


tensor([[-1.1400,  1.3991, -1.9378,  0.7082],
        [-0.8467,  0.6668,  0.7851, -1.0828],
        [-0.8349,  0.7770,  0.1208, -1.6714]])
tensor([[-1.1400,  0.6668, -1.9378, -1.6714],  # 竖着排
        [-0.8467,  0.7770,  0.1208, -1.0828],
        [-0.8349,  1.3991,  0.7851,  0.7082]])
tensor([[0, 1, 0, 2],
        [1, 2, 2, 1],
        [2, 0, 1, 0]])
torch.eq(input, other, out=None) → Tensor每个位置元素是否相等
torch.equal(input, other) → bool相同大小和元素
torch.ge(input, other, out=None) → Tensor i n p u t i ≥ o t h e r i input_i\geq other_i inputiotheri
torch.gt(input, other, out=None) → Tensor i n p u t i > o t h e r i input_i > other_i inputi>otheri
torch.le(input, other, out=None) → Tensor i n p u t i ≤ o t h e r i input_i\leq other_i inputiotheri
torch.lt(input, other, out=None) → Tensor i n p u t i < o t h e r i input_i < other_i inputi<otheri
torch.ne(input, other, out=None) → Tensor i n p u t i ≠ o t h e r i input_i\neq other_i inputi=otheri
torch.max(input, other, out=None) → Tensorout i = max ⁡ (  tensor  i ,  other  i ) _{i}=\max \left(\text { tensor }_{i}, \text { other }_{i}\right) i=max( tensor i, other i)
torch.min(input, other, out=None) → Tensorout i = min ⁡ (  tensor  i ,  other  i ) _{i}=\min \left(\text { tensor }_{i}, \text { other }_{i}\right) i=min( tensor i, other i)

3.7 线性代数

torch.trace(input) → Tensor迹(对角线之和)
torch.t(input) → Tensor二维矩阵转置
torch.transpose(input, dim0, dim1) → Tensor交换两个维度
torch.det(input) → Tensor行列式
内积 外积 矩阵乘法
torch.dot(input, tensor) → Tensor内积不支持广播
torch.cross(input, other, dim=-1, out=None) → Tensor外积
torch.cartesian_prod(*tensors)cartesian product 笛卡尔积
torch.mv(input, vec, out=None) → Tensor矩阵和向量乘积
torch.mm(input, mat2, out=None) → Tensor矩阵乘法,不支持广播
torch.bmm(input, mat2, out=None) → Tensorbatch 矩阵乘法 (b,n,m) (b,m,p) → \rightarrow (b,n,p)
torch.matmul(input, other, out=None) → Tensorbatch 矩阵乘法,支持广播
torch.addr(input, vec1, vec2, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensorout = β =\beta =β input + α ( vec ⁡ 1 ⊗ vec ⁡ 2 ) +\alpha(\operatorname{vec} 1 \otimes \operatorname{vec} 2) +α(vec1vec2) 外积
torch.addmv(input, mat, vec, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensor矩阵向量乘法:out = β =\beta =β input + α (  mat  @  vec  ) +\alpha(\text { mat } @ \text { vec }) +α( mat @ vec )
torch.addmm(input, mat1, mat2, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensor矩阵乘法:out = β =\beta =β input + α ( mat ⁡ 1 i @ mat ⁡ 2 i ) +\alpha\left(\operatorname{mat} 1_{i} @ \operatorname{mat} 2_{i}\right) +α(mat1i@mat2i)
torch.addbmm(input, batch1, batch2, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensorout = β =\beta =β input + α ( ∑ i = 0 b − 1 batch ⁡ 1 i @ batch ⁡ 2 i ) +\alpha\left(\sum_{i=0}^{b-1} \operatorname{batch} 1_{i} @ \operatorname{batch} 2_{i}\right) +α(i=0b1batch1i@batch2i)
torch.baddbmm(input, batch1, batch2, *, beta=1, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensorout i = β _{i}=\beta i=β input i + α (  batch  1 i @  batch  2 i ) _{i}+\alpha\left(\text { batch } 1_{i} @ \text { batch } 2_{i}\right) i+α( batch 1i@ batch 2i)
>>> # vector x vector  
>>> tensor1 = torch.randn(3)
>>> tensor2 = torch.randn(3)
>>> torch.matmul(tensor1, tensor2).size()
>>> # matrix x vector  (3,4)×(4)->(3,1)->(3)
>>> tensor1 = torch.randn(3, 4)
>>> tensor2 = torch.randn(4)
>>> torch.matmul(tensor1, tensor2).size()
>>> # batched matrix x broadcasted vector (3,4)×(4,1)->(3,1)->(3)
>>> tensor1 = torch.randn(10, 3, 4)
>>> tensor2 = torch.randn(4)
>>> torch.matmul(tensor1, tensor2).size()
torch.Size([10, 3])
>>> # batched matrix x batched matrix (3,4)×(4,5)->(3,5)
>>> tensor1 = torch.randn(10, 3, 4)
>>> tensor2 = torch.randn(10, 4, 5)
>>> torch.matmul(tensor1, tensor2).size()
torch.Size([10, 3, 5])
>>> # batched matrix x broadcasted matrix  
>>> tensor1 = torch.randn(10, 3, 4)
>>> tensor2 = torch.randn(4, 5)
>>> torch.matmul(tensor1, tensor2).size()
torch.Size([10, 3, 5])




共享内存:索引操作,y[:] = y + x,torch.add(x, y, out=y),y += x, y.add_(x)
不共享内存:y = x + y



  • 方法一:直接用torch.tensor(),将Numpy 转换成 Tensor,此方法总是会进行数据拷贝(就会消耗更多的时间和空间),返回的Tensor和原来的数据不再共享内存
  • 方法二:使用 from_numpy()numpy()进行 Numpy 和 Tensor 之间相互转换,返回的Tensor和原来的数据共享内存

item(), 一个标量Tensor转换成一个Python number

>>> x = torch.randn(1)
>>> print(x)
>>> print(x.item())

七:Tensor on GPU

用方法 to() 可以将Tensor在CPU和GPU(需要硬件支持)之间相互移动。

# 以下代码只有在PyTorch GPU版本上才会执行
if torch.cuda.is_available():
    device = torch.device("cuda")          # GPU   torch.device("cuda:X") 
    y = torch.ones_like(x, device=device)  # 直接创建一个在GPU上的Tensor
    x = x.to(device)                       # 等价于 .to("cuda")
    z = x + y
    print(z.to("cpu", torch.double))       # to()还可以同时更改数据类型

八:Pytorch 与 Numpy 比较


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