【Python】数据分析 Section 1.2: Numpy | from Coursera “Applied Data Science with Python“

Numpy is the fundamental package for numeric computing with Python. It provides powerful ways to create, store, and/or manipulate data, which makes it able to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases. This is also the foundation that Pandas is built on, which is a high-performance data-centric package that we will learn later in the course.

In this lecture, we will talk about creating array with certain data types, manipulating array, selecting elements from arrays, and loading dataset into array. Such functions are useful for manipulating data and understanding the functionalities of other common Python data packages.

import numpy as np
import math

1. Array Creation

Arrays are displayed as a list or list of lists and can be created through list as well. When creating an array, we pass in a list as an argument in numpy array.

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
# We can print the number of dimensions of a list using the ndim attribute

>>> [1,2,3]
>>> 1

# If we pass in a list of lists in numpy array, we create a multi-dimensional array, for instance, a matrix
b = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])

>>> array([[1, 2, 3],
       [4, 5, 6]])

# We can print out the length of each dimension by calling the shape attribute, which returns a tuple

>>> (2,3)

# We can also check the type of items in the array

>>> dtype('int64')

# Besides integers, floats are also accepted in numpy arrays
c = np.array([2.2, 5, 1.1])

>>> 'float64'

# Let's look at the data in our array

>>> array([2.2,5.,1.1])

Note that numpy automatically converts integers, like 5, up to floats, since there is no loss of prescision. Numpy will try and give you the best data type format possible to keep your data types homogeneous, which means all the same, in the array.

# Sometimes we know the shape of an array that we want to create, but not what we want to be in it. numpy offers several functions to create arrays with initial placeholders, such as zero's or one's.
# Lets create two arrays, both the same shape but with different filler values
d = np.zeros((2,3))

e = np.ones((2,3))

[[0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0.]]
[[1. 1. 1.]
 [1. 1. 1.]]

# We can also generate an array with random numbers

array([[0.3396937 , 0.40624869, 0.45445312],
       [0.26928654, 0.76930628, 0.96799877]])

# You'll see zeros, ones, and rand used quite often to create example arrays, especially in stack overflow posts and other forums.
# We can also create a sequence of numbers in an array with the arrange() function. The fist argument is the starting bound and the second argument is the ending bound, and the third argument is the difference between each consecutive numbers
# Let's create an array of every even number from ten (inclusive) to fifty (exclusive)
f = np.arange(10, 50, 2)

>>> array([10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42,
       44, 46, 48])

# if we want to generate a sequence of floats, we can use the linspace() function. In this function the third argument isn't the difference between two numbers, but the total number of items you want to generate
np.linspace( 0, 2, 15 ) # 15 numbers from 0 (inclusive) to 2 (inclusive)

array([0.        , 0.14285714, 0.28571429, 0.42857143, 0.57142857,
       0.71428571, 0.85714286, 1.        , 1.14285714, 1.28571429,
       1.42857143, 1.57142857, 1.71428571, 1.85714286, 2.        ])

2. Array Operations

We can do many things on arrays, such as mathematical manipulation (addition, subtraction, square, exponents) as well as use boolean arrays, which are binary values. We can also do matrix manipulation such as product, transpose, inverse, and so forth.

# Arithmetic operators on array apply elementwise.

# Let's create a couple of arrays
a = np.array([10,20,30,40])
b = np.array([1, 2, 3,4])

# Now let's look at a minus b
c = a-b

# And let's look at a times b
d = a*b

>>> [ 9 18 27 36]
[ 10  40  90 160]

# With arithmetic manipulation, we can convert current data to the way we want it to be. Here's a real-world problem I face - I moved down to the United States about 6 years ago from Canada. In Canada we use celcius for temperatures, and my wife still hasn't converted to the US system which uses farenheit. With numpy I could easily convert a number of farenheit values, say the weather forecase, to ceclius

# Let's create an array of typical Ann Arbor winter farenheit values
farenheit = np.array([0,-10,-5,-15,0])

# And the formula for conversion is ((°F − 32) × 5/9 = °C)
celcius = (farenheit - 31) * (5/9)

>>> array([-17.22222222, -22.77777778, -20.        , -25.55555556,

# Another useful and important manipulation is the boolean array. We can apply an operator on an array, and a boolean array will be returned for any element in the original, with True being emitted if it meets the condition and False oetherwise.
# For instance, if we want to get a boolean array to check celcius degrees that are greater than -20 degrees
celcius > -20

>>> array([ True, False, False, False,  True])

# Here's another example, we could use the modulus operator to check numbers in an array to see if they are even. Recall that modulus does division but throws away everything but the remainder (decimal) portion)
celcius%2 == 0

>>> array([False, False,  True, False, False])

# Besides elementwise manipulation, it is important to know that numpy supports matrix manipulation. Let's
# look at matrix product. if we want to do elementwise product, we use the "*" sign
A = np.array([[1,1],[0,1]])
B = np.array([[2,0],[3,4]])

# if we want to do matrix product, we use the "@" sign or use the dot function

[[2 0]
 [0 4]]
[[5 4]
 [3 4]]

You don't have to worry about complex matrix operations for this course, but it's important to know that numpy is the underpinning of scientific computing libraries in python, and that it is capable of doing both element-wise operations (the asterix) as well as matrix-level operations (the @ sign). There's more on this in a subsequent course.

# A few more linear algebra concepts are worth layering in here. You might recall that the product of two
# matrices is only plausible when the inner dimensions of the two matrices are the same. The dimensions refer
# to the number of elements both horizontally and vertically in the rendered matricies you've seen here. We
# can use numpy to quickly see the shape of a matrix:

>>> (2,2)

# When manipulating arrays of different types, the type of the resulting array will correspond to 
# the more general of the two types. This is called upcasting.

# Let's create an array of integers
array1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])

# Now let's create an array of floats
array2 = np.array([[7.1, 8.2, 9.1], [10.4, 11.2, 12.3]])

>>> int64
>>> float 64

# Integers (int) are whole numbers only, and Floating point numbers (float) can have a whole number portion and a decimal portion. The 64 in this example refers to the number of bits that the operating system is reserving to represent the number, which determines the size (or precision) of the numbers that can be represented.
# Let's do an addition for the two arrays

[[ 8.1 10.2 12.1]
 [14.4 16.2 18.3]]

# Numpy arrays have many interesting aggregation functions on them, such as  sum(), max(), min(), and mean()

>>> 79.3
>>> 18.3
>>> 8.1
>>> 13.216666666666667

# For two dimensional arrays, we can do the same thing for each row or column
# let's create an array with 15 elements, ranging from 1 to 15, with a dimension of 3X5
b = np.arange(1,16,1).reshape(3,5)

[[ 1  2  3  4  5]
 [ 6  7  8  9 10]
 [11 12 13 14 15]]

Now, we often think about two dimensional arrays being made up of rows and columns, but you can also think of these arrays as just a giant ordered list of numbers, and the *shape* of the array, the number of rows and columns, is just an abstraction that we have for a particular purpose. Actually, this is exactly how basic images are stored in computer environments.

# Let's take a look at an example and see how numpy comes into play.

# For this demonstration I'll use the python imaging library (PIL) and a function to display images in the
# Jupyter notebook
from PIL import Image
from IPython.display import display

# And let's just look at the image I'm talking about
im = Image.open('../chris.tiff')

# Now, we can conver this PIL image to a numpy array

>>> (200,200)
array([[118, 117, 118, ..., 103, 107, 110],
       [113, 113, 113, ..., 100, 103, 106],
       [108, 108, 107, ...,  95,  98, 102],
       [177, 181, 182, ..., 193, 198, 192],
       [178, 182, 183, ..., 193, 201, 189],
       [178, 182, 184, ..., 193, 201, 187]], dtype=uint8)

# Here we see that we have a 200x200 array and that the values are all uint8. The uint means that they are unsigned integers (so no negative numbers) and the 8 means 8 bits per byte. This means that each value can be up to 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2=256 in size (well, actually 255, because we start at zero). For black and white images black is stored as 0 and white is stored as 255. So if we just wanted to invert this image we could use the numpy array to do so

# Let's create an array the same shape

array([[255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255],
       [255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255],
       [255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255],
       [255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255],
       [255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255],
       [255, 255, 255, ..., 255, 255, 255]])

# Now let's subtract that from the modified array

# And lets convert all of the negative values to positive values

# And as a last step, let's tell numpy to set the value of the datatype correctly

array([[137, 138, 137, ..., 152, 148, 145],
       [142, 142, 142, ..., 155, 152, 149],
       [147, 147, 148, ..., 160, 157, 153],
       [ 78,  74,  73, ...,  62,  57,  63],
       [ 77,  73,  72, ...,  62,  54,  66],
       [ 77,  73,  71, ...,  62,  54,  68]], dtype=uint8)

# And lastly, lets display this new array. We do this by using the fromarray() function in the python imaging library to convert the numpy array into an object jupyter can render

# Cool. Ok, remember how I started this by talking about how we could just think of this as a giant array of bytes, and that the shape was an abstraction? Well, we could just decide to reshape the array and still try and render it. PIL is interpreting the individual rows as lines, so we can change the number of lines and columns if we want to. What do you think that would look like?

>>> (100,400)

3. Indexing, Slicing and Iterating

Here we have a very popular dataset on wine quality, and we are going to only look at red wines. The data fields include: fixed acidity, volatile aciditycitric acid, residual sugar, chlorides, free sulfur dioxide, total sulfur dioxidedensity, pH, sulphates, alcohol, quality.

# To load a dataset in Numpy, we can use the genfromtxt() function. We can specify data file name, delimiter (which is optional but often used), and number of rows to skip if we have a header row, hence it is 1 here

# The genfromtxt() function has a parameter called dtype for specifying data types of each column this parameter is optional. Without specifying the types, all types will be casted the same to the more general/precise type

wines = np.genfromtxt("datasets/winequality-red.csv", delimiter=";", skip_header=1)

array([[ 7.4  ,  0.7  ,  0.   , ...,  0.56 ,  9.4  ,  5.   ],
       [ 7.8  ,  0.88 ,  0.   , ...,  0.68 ,  9.8  ,  5.   ],
       [ 7.8  ,  0.76 ,  0.04 , ...,  0.65 ,  9.8  ,  5.   ],
       [ 6.3  ,  0.51 ,  0.13 , ...,  0.75 , 11.   ,  6.   ],
       [ 5.9  ,  0.645,  0.12 , ...,  0.71 , 10.2  ,  5.   ],
       [ 6.   ,  0.31 ,  0.47 , ...,  0.66 , 11.   ,  6.   ]])

# Recall that we can use integer indexing to get a certain column or a row. For example, if we want to select the fixed acidity column, which is the first coluumn, we can do so by entering the index into the array.
# Also remember that for multidimensional arrays, the first argument refers to the row, and the second argument refers to the column, and if we just give one argument then we'll get a single dimensional list back.

# So all rows combined but only the first column from them would be
print("one integer 0 for slicing: ", wines[:, 0])
# But if we wanted the same values but wanted to preserve that they sit in their own rows we would write
print("0 to 1 for slicing: \n", wines[:, 0:1])

>>> one integer 0 for slicing:  [7.4 7.8 7.8 ... 6.3 5.9 6. ]
0 to 1 for slicing: 
 [6. ]]

# If we want a range of columns in order, say columns 0 through 3 (recall, this means first, second, and third, since we start at zero and don't include the training index value), we can do that too
wines[:, 0:3]

array([[7.4  , 0.7  , 0.   ],
       [7.8  , 0.88 , 0.   ],
       [7.8  , 0.76 , 0.04 ],
       [6.3  , 0.51 , 0.13 ],
       [5.9  , 0.645, 0.12 ],
       [6.   , 0.31 , 0.47 ]])

# What if we want several non-consecutive columns? We can place the indices of the columns that we want into an array and pass the array as the second argument. Here's an example
wines[:, [0,2,4]]

array([[7.4  , 0.   , 0.076],
       [7.8  , 0.   , 0.098],
       [7.8  , 0.04 , 0.092],
       [6.3  , 0.13 , 0.076],
       [5.9  , 0.12 , 0.075],
       [6.   , 0.47 , 0.067]])

# We can also do some basic summarization of this dataset. For example, if we want to find out the average quality of red wine, we can select the quality column. We could do this in a couple of ways, but the most appropriate is to use the -1 value for the index, as negative numbers mean slicing from the back of the list. We can then call the aggregation functions on this data.

>>> 5.6360225140712945
# We can specify data field names when using genfromtxt() to loads CSV data. Also, we can have numpy try and infer the type of a column by setting the dtype parameter to None
graduate_admission = np.genfromtxt('datasets/Admission_Predict.csv', dtype=None, delimiter=',', skip_header=1,names=('Serial No','GRE Score', 'TOEFL Score', 'University Rating', 'SOP','LOR','CGPA','Research', 'Chance of Admit'))

array([(  1, 337, 118, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 9.65, 1, 0.92),
       (  2, 324, 107, 4, 4. , 4.5, 8.87, 1, 0.76),
       (  3, 316, 104, 3, 3. , 3.5, 8.  , 1, 0.72),
       (  4, 322, 110, 3, 3.5, 2.5, 8.67, 1, 0.8 ),
       (  5, 314, 103, 2, 2. , 3. , 8.21, 0, 0.65),
       (  6, 330, 115, 5, 4.5, 3. , 9.34, 1, 0.9 ),
       (  7, 321, 109, 3, 3. , 4. , 8.2 , 1, 0.75),
       (  8, 308, 101, 2, 3. , 4. , 7.9 , 0, 0.68),
       (  9, 302, 102, 1, 2. , 1.5, 8.  , 0, 0.5 ),
       ( 10, 323, 108, 3, 3.5, 3. , 8.6 , 0, 0.45),...

# Notice that the resulting array is actually a one-dimensional array with 400 tuples

>>> (400,)

# We can retrieve a column from the array using the column's name for example, let's get the CGPA column and
# only the first five values.

>>> array([9.65, 8.87, 8.  , 8.67, 8.21])

# Since the GPA in the dataset range from 1 to 10, and in the US it's more common to use a scale of up to 4, a common task might be to convert the GPA by dividing by 10 and then multiplying by 4
graduate_admission['CGPA'] = graduate_admission['CGPA'] /10 *4
graduate_admission['CGPA'][0:20] #let's get 20 values

>>> array([3.86 , 3.548, 3.2  , 3.468, 3.284, 3.736, 3.28 , 3.16 , 3.2  ,
       3.44 , 3.36 , 3.6  , 3.64 , 3.2  , 3.28 , 3.32 , 3.48 , 3.2  ,
       3.52 , 3.4  ])

# Recall boolean masking. We can use this to find out how many students have had research experience by creating a boolean mask and passing it to the array indexing operator
len(graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Research'] == 1])

>>> 219

# Since we have the data field chance of admission, which ranges from 0 to 1, we can try to see if students
# with high chance of admission (>0.8) on average have higher GRE score than those with lower chance of
# admission (<0.4)

# So first we use boolean masking to pull out only those students we are interested in based on their chance of admission, then we pull out only their GPA scores, then we print the mean values.
print(graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Chance_of_Admit'] > 0.8]['GRE_Score'].mean())
print(graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Chance_of_Admit'] < 0.4]['GRE_Score'].mean())

>>> 328.7350427350427
>>> 302.2857142857143

# Take a moment to reflect here, do you understand what is happening in these calls?
# When we do the boolean masking we are left with an array with tuples in it still, and numpy holds underneath this a list of the columns we specified and their name and indexes
graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Chance_of_Admit'] > 0.8]

array([(  1, 337, 118, 4, 4.5, 4.5, 3.86 , 1, 0.92),
       (  6, 330, 115, 5, 4.5, 3. , 3.736, 1, 0.9 ),
       ( 12, 327, 111, 4, 4. , 4.5, 3.6  , 1, 0.84),
       ( 23, 328, 116, 5, 5. , 5. , 3.8  , 1, 0.94),
       ( 24, 334, 119, 5, 5. , 4.5, 3.88 , 1, 0.95),
       ( 25, 336, 119, 5, 4. , 3.5, 3.92 , 1, 0.97),
       ( 26, 340, 120, 5, 4.5, 4.5, 3.84 , 1, 0.94),
       ( 33, 338, 118, 4, 3. , 4.5, 3.76 , 1, 0.91),
       ( 34, 340, 114, 5, 4. , 4. , 3.84 , 1, 0.9 ),...

# Let's also do this with GPA
print(graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Chance_of_Admit'] > 0.8]['CGPA'].mean())
print(graduate_admission[graduate_admission['Chance_of_Admit'] < 0.4]['CGPA'].mean())

>>> 3.7106666666666666
>>> 3.0222857142857142

So that's a bit of a whirlwing tour of numpy, the core scientific computing library in python. Now, you're going to see a lot more of this kind of discussion, as the library we'll be focusing on in this course is pandas, which is built on top of numpy. Don't worry if it didn't all sink in the first time, we're going to dig in to most of these topics again with pandas. However, it's useful to know that many of the functions and capabilities of numpy are available to you within pandas.

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