package day11;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class BinaryCharTree {
* The value in char.
char value;
* The left child.
BinaryCharTree leftChild;
* The right child.
BinaryCharTree rightChild;
* The first constructor.
* @param paraName The value.
public BinaryCharTree(char paraName) {
value = paraName;
leftChild = null;
rightChild = null;
}// Of the constructor
* @Title: manualConstructTree
* @Description: TODO(Manually construct a tree. Only for testing.)
* @return A binary tree.
public static BinaryCharTree manualConstructTree() {
// Step 1. Construct a tree with only one node.
BinaryCharTree resultTree = new BinaryCharTree('a');
// Step 2. Construct all nodes. The first node is the root.
BinaryCharTree tempTreeB = new BinaryCharTree('b');
BinaryCharTree tempTreeC = new BinaryCharTree('c');
BinaryCharTree tempTreeD = new BinaryCharTree('d');
BinaryCharTree tempTreeE = new BinaryCharTree('e');
BinaryCharTree tempTreeF = new BinaryCharTree('f');
BinaryCharTree tempTreeG = new BinaryCharTree('g');
// Step 3. Link all nodes.
resultTree.leftChild = tempTreeB;
resultTree.rightChild = tempTreeC;
tempTreeB.rightChild = tempTreeD;
tempTreeC.leftChild = tempTreeE;
tempTreeD.leftChild = tempTreeF;
tempTreeD.rightChild = tempTreeG;
return resultTree;
}// Of manualConstructTree
* @Title: getNumNodes
* @Description: TODO(Get the number of nodes)
* @return The number of nodes.
public int getNumNodes() {
// It is a leaf.
if (leftChild == null && rightChild == null) {
return 1;
} // Of if
int leftChildNodes = 0, rightChildNodes = 0;
// Get the number of nodes of the left child.
if (leftChild != null) {
leftChildNodes = leftChild.getNumNodes();
} // Of if
// Get the number of nodes of the right child.
if (rightChild != null) {
rightChildNodes = rightChild.getNumNodes();
} // Of if
// The total number of nodes.
return leftChildNodes + rightChildNodes + 1;
}// Of getNumNodes
* The values of nodes according to breadth first traversal.
char[] valuesArray;
* The indices in the complete binary tree.
int[] indicesArray;
* @Title: toDataArrays
* @Description: TODO(Convert the tree to data arrays, including a char array
* and an int array. The results are stored in two member
* variables)
* @see #valuesArray
* @see #indicesArray
public void toDataArrays() {
// Initialize arrays.
int tempLength = getNumNodes();
valuesArray = new char[tempLength];
indicesArray = new int[tempLength];
int i = 0;
// Traverse and convert at the same time.
CircleObjectQueue tempQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();
CircleObjectQueue tempIntQueue = new CircleObjectQueue();
Integer tempIndexInteger = Integer.valueOf(0);
BinaryCharTree tempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();
int tempIndex = ((Integer) tempIntQueue.dequeue()).intValue();
while (tempTree != null) {
valuesArray[i] = tempTree.value;
indicesArray[i] = tempIndex;
if (tempTree.leftChild != null) {
tempIndexInteger = Integer.valueOf(tempIndex * 2 + 1);
} // Of if
if (tempTree.rightChild != null) {
tempIndexInteger = Integer.valueOf(tempIndex * 2 + 2);
} // Of if
tempTree = (BinaryCharTree) tempQueue.dequeue();
if (tempTree == null) {
} // Of if
tempIndex = ((Integer) tempIntQueue.dequeue()).intValue();
} // Of while
}// Of toDataArrays
* @Title: main
* @Description: TODO(The entrance of the program.)
* @param args Not used now.
public static void main(String args[]) {
BinaryCharTree tempTree = manualConstructTree();
System.out.println("The values are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.valuesArray));
System.out.println("The indices are: " + Arrays.toString(tempTree.indicesArray));
}// Of main
}// Of class BinaryCharTree